this might be better with a poll =P
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this might be better with a poll =P
its pretty obvious who the coolest in that poll is [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I'll let this go since it's a poll involved, other than that the other thread would have worked just as good.
well i know. but i thought a poll would be better. But also, i just wanted this topic to work as a poll. not for ppl to discuss about the charcters, because Jiraiya already made that one ^_^
Kira [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
then its better to lock mine. and use this. and you missed asuran and saviour. kira and freedom. diakka and his zaku unit. yzak and his zaku unit. you cant have a poll without the seed characters!!!
tho auel and abyss is the shit anyway.
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
then its better to lock mine. and use this. and you missed asuran and saviour. kira and freedom. diakka and his zaku unit. yzak and his zaku unit. you cant have a poll without the seed characters!!!
tho auel and abyss is the shit anyway.
sure, i'll change that =P
As said before, I like Asuran. Cant wait to see him pilot his Saviour in the series.
Oh, btw, thank you for using the original japanese names.
eh ? o.o whut do you mean?Quote:
Originally posted by: gaaralovessand
As said before, I like Asuran. Cant wait to see him pilot his Saviour in the series.
Oh, btw, thank you for using the original japanese names.
Of course Steller and Gaia.
another one you forgot is lunamaria and her red zaku
Like i said in the other thread Auel & Abyss..
Shinn and Impulse for me. I just love the return of the Strike concept.
I watched the original SEED from some cheap subbers, so the translation's really weird. If you mean Athrun's Savior as in the zaft suit he got in SEED, then I voted for that one. In the subs I watched that suit was called Justice.
You're right that the suit Athrun got in the end of SEED is called Justice. But then he will get a new suit in SEED Destiny called the ZGMF-X23S Saviour Gundam
For info on the rest Click Here
you can't spoil things for other ppl.. you shoudl edit that
i dont think its really a spoiler.. the people who made that site know as much as we do so far.. its not like they have seen eps that have not been aired yet.
no.... but they might know something that the common viewer has not... and providing info of things to happen that has not aired yet is by all means a spoiler
Weird how Freedom comes back but Justice doesn't.
so they know the name of the gundam that is shown in the intro.. that has not been mentioned in the anime yet.. thats not much of a spoiler
it is not much, but it is still a spoiler... and such should be avoided... sooner than later they start spoiling bigger things and then you'll regret it...
You see athrun in the intro with Savior. Me pointing out its name and what not isn't really a spoiler. Justice won't likely be coming back as it was probably totally destroyed. Freedom may be back its just shown in the intro but that doesn't mean it will be back. Although there are rumors that it was salvaged and repaired. Just its a suit that breaks the new treaty. Which would explain why Kira doesn't look like he is affiliated with any faction.
come on man you dont truely believe that freedom might not show up with kira. freedom battles impulse in the op with kira and shinns faces right under them in every intro i've seen where that has been shown that means those 2 will battle now i only refer to the original seed here but thats enough.
There have been other gundam series where they show characters that don't make appearances. Amuro and Char were shown in the intro of ZZ. Also if you watch the SEED intro's how many of those scenes actually occurred? We never did get to see Red Frame in SEED. I suspect that Kira will show up. Hes in the intro, ending and commercials. But whether he fights Shinn who knows.
we saw the fights. kira vs. asuran and mwu vs. rau. from the seed intro thats what i base my comment on. besides the suit shinn thought killed his family is freedom and if he dont got a grudge against freedom and its pilot then what is this show about?
But will he find out that Kira is its pilot? Will he fight freedom in Impulse? Mwu didn't fight Kuruuze's Cgue "sp" like in the intro. So its up in the air. I'm curious if it really was Freedom or if it was Calamity's'? They show the shots and we believe its Freedom but what if the shots collided and another shot form a mobile hit. I wonder if the scene exists in original seed with Freedom shooting wildly onto Calamity and there being an explosion.
from the promo it looks like some stray missiles did it but shin saw freedom shooting down at calamity who was standing on the ground next to where his family were so in his mind it was freedom that did it and you cant possibly think he cant find out from asuran or someone else that got the info who piloted freedom and kira cant possibly show proof that it wasnt he who killed them, btw how would he be able to remember a certain time when he shot at calamity he did that a number of times the first time they fought and they fought more than once. i know that mwu didnt fight rau's cgue but he fought him. and i expect kira to fight shin from what i can get it seems that shin wants revenge against the the pilot of freedom, i may be reading to much into it but he looked up ar freedom with some sort pf psycho angry look on his face.
The reason why Amuro and Char were shown in ZZ was to show the evolving which lead into Judau. Skeleton > Old type of human > new type of human > Amuro > Judau. Char was shown in a screaming pose quickly. Sure they weren't in ZZ, but in the show that just ended they were and there's just no way you could ever throw out a Gundam opening without having those two in it at that point in history. My point is that they appeared symbolically and very quickly because of that.Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
There have been other gundam series where they show characters that don't make appearances. Amuro and Char were shown in the intro of ZZ. Also if you watch the SEED intro's how many of those scenes actually occurred? We never did get to see Red Frame in SEED. I suspect that Kira will show up. Hes in the intro, ending and commercials. But whether he fights Shinn who knows.
When it comes to Seed the whole thing is quite evident. Sure if you break it down and say "not everything in openings happen in the show" then yeah why not, count it out. But what the hell, use your common sense for once. Anyone with half a mind should be able to realize that Shinn WILL meet Kira and probably fight him because the whole series is about Shinn (and to a certain extent his desire for revenge).
I don't need evidence. I just think it's really obvious that it's gonna happen.
It's the same thing as Neo = Mwu. I just know it isn't that way.
Myself I think this comes across as very clear.
Getting technical just fucks things up.
I find Stellar to be quite appealing personally. Guess it's because I've always been a fan of psychotic cute things.
ehmm okay so you pick up girls at the mental hospital or what?
finallyt someone agrees with me, terra knows. i alos think both those things are quite clear. i mean if mwu survived wouldnt he be with ramiasu? did he get a memory loss and changed sides? he's dead.
So kira is part of an unknown faction and will be fighting ZAFT. There are two Lacus. Stellar and Shinn hook up becoming an item. Neo and Rey are both clones of the previous newtypes. So something along those lines. Oh and Bush is winning the election. Evidence? You just have to believe me cause it looks that way. LOL. Its just hard to do that but for some taking in and believing is easy. Others question. My questioning and reasoning was drilled into my head for two years of highschool. I will always question every aspect until there is evidence to disprove it. If you cut yourself off to the possibilities its ignorance as they say. I also have never stated that they won't fight. I've just said its a possibilty. Shinn and Kira could have a fist fight only perhaps. Or they may have different suits when they do. Or they might forgive. Kira being a coordinator who's to know how superior his recollection of prior events is. I remember events of Kindegarten. and that was over 15 years ago. I can only wonder the life span of a person whos name could be Stellar Loser 'although not spelt that way'.
Well your initial comparison of the ZZ opening & the GSD one was horrid regardless. To be fair, Amuro & Char appeared in flashbacks throughout that show. If you saw Seed, and hell, the first Destiny episode you'd be able to use that thing we call brain to think out that Kira & Shinn will eventually clash. Oh and btw... Bush won ;D
Again, saying "there are two Lacus" comes across as nonsensical. Therefore I'll discard it.
Mwu being Neo comes across as equally nonsensical. Therefore I'll discard that too. You are just a moron if you want some super-evident proof thrown up in your face. Believe whatever you want to believe. I'll be the one laughing when you get proved wrong and for being too thick to realize the obvious path that lies before you; as cliche as that may sound.
Nonsensical. Watch the closing there are two Lacus.. How is that impossible just watch. However there is a catch as to why there are two. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] Well I should say there is a rumor. One is an imposter made to bring in the clyne support. She is a symbol/icon for Zaft. So with the real one somewhere else with Kira they got her. Not sure on the name yet. Another thing is the flashback to strike getting blown up and sorta hiding the remains of the suit in the clound. What actually remains isn't evident. Maybe just enough for a sample to clone.
kira,duh [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
this is just like when people thought itachi was innocent, when people said kakashi copied kage bunshin and opening gates from naruto and lee (respectively), *EDITED* that's just to name a few. i'm not saying you're wrong or right, but there are times when common sense should just overcome the most logical thinking and questioning to search for a different aspect, and you shouldn't think twice about it.Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Evidence? You just have to believe me cause it looks that way. LOL. Its just hard to do that but for some taking in and believing is easy. Others question. My questioning and reasoning was drilled into my head for two years of highschool. I will always question every aspect until there is evidence to disprove it. If you cut yourself off to the possibilities its ignorance as they say.
that is all.
what kind of clone grows up in less than a year? if he ages to 30 in less than a year he will be 50 at the end of destiny. it just doesnt make sense. his blood was one the helmet which floated around in space so of course there's enough to make a clone but it will take 30 years for it to be the same age mwu was when he died. other than that im with mutata.Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Nonsensical. Watch the closing there are two Lacus.. How is that impossible just watch. However there is a catch as to why there are two. [img][/img] Well I should say there is a rumor. One is an imposter made to bring in the clyne support. She is a symbol/icon for Zaft. So with the real one somewhere else with Kira they got her. Not sure on the name yet. Another thing is the flashback to strike getting blown up and sorta hiding the remains of the suit in the clound. What actually remains isn't evident. Maybe just enough for a sample to clone.
I'm sorry I didn't know that u've studied cloning and enhanced growth rate. After all that time that Kuruuze was created they probably didn't improve the clonin process. They aren't really that smart afterall. *end sarcasm*. I said there is prolly enough left to clone anyways. Not there was a clone made from the remains. Most likely if Neo is a clone hes from when Mwu was still a fetus. I mean mwu's father had himself cloned why wouldn't he clone his own child?
If you don't leave yourself open to possibilities it just makes you naive I've been told. Things are entirely possible as demonstrated countless times in SEED.
So far its looking like my theory was right with there being two Lacus. That shadowed figure really fits the bill.
To note unless there is proof positive that Mwu's dead its not fact. Only fact is that Strike got blown into some pieces. Even the helmet scene was editied out for the final cut.
justice self destructed at the end of seed to blow up genesis.
can someone answer this question for me?
In japanese, is Asuran's last name Zara or Zala?
It's not Seed.. but... best pilot + Gundam is.....
Almost correct.
DOMON + GOD GUNDAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This hand of mine is glowing red
It's loud scream is telling me to defeat you!
No way... I don't care what the stats say.. Shining > God. Shining was all bad-ass when it did that hyper-ultra-thingy.
One translation makes it Athrun. Two in japanese it wouldn't be either of those. Those are both translations. Thats me being a smart ass thou... Um not sure anyone can really answer that for you. But Zala is the preferred translations or most common.