Anyway, discuss ep 2 here in between your victory roars.
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Anyway, discuss ep 2 here in between your victory roars.
Rey is a kickass kid... or seems like it. can't wait for next ep... alot of exciting things going already in just 2 episodes. this sure beats the first seed.
Yep, I can see him becoming one of my favorites.
Him and Neo (masked guy) has the same connection as Mwu & Rau... hmMMMmmmmm...
I'm so damn curious on what is gonna happen... and why is Stellar insane?
Well gotwooters 1-admin people-0
finally a GSD forum let THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH'S forum begin
What's that supposed to mean?Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
Well gotwooters 1-admin people-0
I don't know what the means either...
But im glad Terra finally decided to give Ciber a blow
He means that we got a forum, basically.
And yeah Bud that blow was worth every second!
I need more Seed Destiny, I wanna know whats the matter with Steller and I wanna see how Yzak and Deacca(sp) are gonna be reintroduced with they new suits.
Wow, the Minerva looks cool... but what's the point of the wings?
yay. Neos mobile armor is dam cool too
I was looking around the general anime sec., and thought "Wheres our GSD thread?" Go back to the main page, low and behold, a GSD Forum is up!
anyways, Ep.2 was some action-packed excitement. Watching this ep, I got a better appreciation for Auel and his Abyss Gundam.
woot!! new forum! ciber caved (sort of)
ep 2 was fucking awsome...everybit as much pwnage as terra said!
will post more later when im not sleepy and dont have a ton of hw to do
at the moment it fills like SEED with new gundams and new characters, hopefully they pull away from the omage and make it something new
And that's a bad thing?Quote:
Originally posted by: fremeer
at the moment it fills like SEED with new gundams and new characters
Well I think that Neo might be Mwu Laflaga?? his voice sounds similar.......and that Rey might be like the "son" of him, just like in SEED.......recurring theme???
Yah and his mobile armor kicks ass, its 4 pods now instead of the 2.
Force Shilloute > *
oh and I'm thinking Stellar prob has some crazy memory about death or something like that, or maybe shes just insane due to a sideeffect thingy thy did on her during her training?
Hey guys, I'm just wondering why AonE subbed Asuran's name into "Athrun"? I mean, Kira is subbed as Kira, Sting is subbed as Sting, but how on earth did "Asuran" became "Athrun"? I just find that very strange when the two names don't even pronounce remotely similar!
Probably because Athrun might be the official name...
Alsu "su" is used alot for the English "th" sound
Like Smith is said "Sumisu" in Jap
But it could go either way I guess
Yes, i have to agree the second episode kicked serious ass. Anyone know when Destiny airs so i can get an idea of when i should start expecting subbed episodes availible? I know that wensdays Naruto comes out and this is my second anime that i will be waiting for new episodes on. Normally i just wait till the series is done to get them. (like full metal alchemist...which i just watched for the first time)
It usually comes out on Sunday nights or Monday.Quote:
Originally posted by: karril
Yes, i have to agree the second episode kicked serious ass. Anyone know when Destiny airs so i can get an idea of when i should start expecting subbed episodes availible? I know that wensdays Naruto comes out and this is my second anime that i will be waiting for new episodes on. Normally i just wait till the series is done to get them. (like full metal alchemist...which i just watched for the first time)
By the way, ur signature is too big and animated avatars are not allowed in this forum.
Oh, thank God! A Seed forum!
Seed Airs in exactly the same time slot Full Metal Alchemist did for a time frame on releases.
Also I have to say overall that while I do like Destiny overall I have to 100% agree it seems currently like a rehash of seed. It should get better when they start to get into the new characters or atleast stop trying to make them remind you of old ones. I do really like the show don't get me wrong it just doesn't feel like a new series as much as a continuation of the old one. Which being a sequal it should be to a degree just not to the point where every new character resembles a old one.
Hmm, Shinn isn't as hot as Kira [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]. That's the only reason I don't like Gundam Seed: Destiny. To me GS isn't the same without Kira as the main character.
Actually there's another reason. I dont like how the new gundam looks like [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]. And how all those planes transform into one big robot. It's like those Power Ranger Megazords dammit >___<. Anyways there's my 2 cents.
Originally posted by: DDBen
Seed Airs in exactly the same time slot Full Metal Alchemist did for a time frame on releases.q]
Duh [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] everbody in Pervert-Sennin-Jiraiyas thread knew that [the gundam seed 2 thread].
Well. Phase two was really good, can't wait til' phase three ^_^
My favorite character is Auel, and his gundam, Abyss, have alot of weapons =^_^= ALOT
anywas. I'm working on a Gundam Seed Destiny AMV. And if you guys wanna see it when it's done, i can link it here or something. I'm also working with an own gundam model >,> P-S-J inspired me alot, but I have come up with a lots idé by my self two ^_^
Originally posted by: anime050
Actually there's another reason. I dont like how the new gundam looks like
Neither do I. The only smart thing with a "build yourself Gundam" is that it's easy to change parts on it when it get destroyed...
hahaha its nice that i finally have a follower. reita you like your new sig? im happy with they way that one turned out.
oh well back on topic. this ep was amazing just like the 1st one and all the coming ones.
this show will only get better with time. while i do agree that impulse looks wuite faggy and useless while it connects its awesome once its the force impulse you cant denie(sp?) that. well im looking forward to a new great ep this saturday and i hope all of you are to.
erhm thats all i had to say take care.
reita... next time edit you post instead of double posting...
And it does seem that the same plot lines in the early going (but didnt most Gundam series suffer the same problem) are being followed by Destiny... I really dont mind if they do so, but it would be better if the came up with some original situations
Budweineken, thanks for your advice ^_^
i agree bud it would be nice to have an original start once in a while but i dont really care all that much when the action is so freakin awesome!!
ok just watched the episode and it was good, seeing a gundam pilot actually afraid of dying is nice to see, I agree with the person that said it looked like Shinn was to powerful(doing a 360 spin after trying to hit another gundam while blocking a laser beam(with out even seeing it), and then throwing your sword at the gundam that tried shooting you is a little too good)(but it was still bad ass), if I guess this right then more or less Neo might end up getting a gundam just b/c past gundam series(some of them) had the guy with the mask getting a gundam.
Overall alot better then the first, especially the part in the begining when Impulse is charging toward Gaia [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
At the contrary... even if Shinn's Gundam is more powerful than the others... he is still having a tough time with them... even Athrun had to save his ass...
The most powerful Gundam in earlier series used to be godlike (especially in the early stages of a series) but here at least we see the Gundam struggling a bit which is good
Ahh...I see..."Asuran" does sounds better though doesn't it =]
yes it does. but somehow Athrun is the right spelling... i think its weird. but the reason for the spelling may be to get it look more english/american...
i would say shinn and impulse is near godlike. he fights 3 strong gundams with good pilots on his own for a while. he owned stellar in the begining like it was nothing.
You'll have to throw into the equation that Shinn is probably quite used to his gundam, while the other 3 ones were hijacked by people who never piloted them before.
hmm yea you're right about that it will probably be quite evened out in a few eps when they are used to their gundams. i want to see what tha girl lunamaria really can do and i want asuran to get his freakin gundam.
OMG yes!! There is a new reason to live.. And good work for putting up a forum!!
This is awsome.. I have to write later.. have to rewatch the episodes again ^^
eps kicked ass, alot of ass thats all i gosta to say
come on guys, stop saying Shin with two n;s it's wrong O.O
OOOOOMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGG!!! i have absolutely no idea why the characters are like that...sorta too much gundam seed at once. but it's awesome. yah can't wait to see what happens.
He will always be Asuran to me.. Thats how it sound.. If im going to write Athrun it feels like i have to pronounce it like that to.. And that just wrong..
Reita actually Shinn's name has two Ns. Its on the side of the Core Splendor if you want to verify. Watch Ep 1 again. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]. Anyways. After seeing all the fans of just Wing, SEED here I figured I'd visit and talk Gundam in general while visiting the topic of Destiny.
The VA of Neo is the exact same one from Mwu. The big debate thou is whether it is Mwu or not. Those that have seen all of SEED know what happens. Its funny as Rey looks like a younger Curuuze "sp". Which would explain the newtype reaction.
I was quite pleased with Episode 2. Already we have an episode with more action in it than prolly any single episode of SEED and its only episode 2. Shinn being assigned to the Impulse Gundam clearly shows his training has paid off. Why exactly the Impulse and Savior were kept classified more so than Abyss, Chaos, and Gaia aren't revealed yet. Did anyone get to see the first 11 mins of Episode 3? I'm curious how Shinn pilots in space.
Taking on 3 gundams is not an easy task. Not to mention the EA coordinators have had some form piloting training for the new models. Some leaked information. I'm just so psyched about this series. SEED is my favorite Gundam yet of all the series and movies and already I am expecting much more from Destiny.
Enough of this already. We KNOW that you are a big Gundam fan and it makes you proud and blah blah but please, just -shut up-. You have written this in all your posts so far. It's getting annoying, the way you are throwing "all the fans of just Wing, SEED" around. You're not the only one who watches many Gundam series here. The reason why we discuss mostly GSD is because this forum IS a GSD forum, not a General Gundam one.Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Anyways. After seeing all the fans of just Wing, SEED here I figured I'd visit and talk Gundam in general while visiting the topic of Destiny.
I mentioned it 3 of 5 posts I think. anyways what was the point of your post if I'm not adding anything yours certainly didn't add anything? And you're a mod. GSD is the topic not UC series or SEED or Wing I got it if you got it. Let not drag it out any further unless you want to. Episode 2 rocked as I said more action in than prolly any one episode of SEED.
Did people like the new EA mp designs? The GM Cannon type Daggers and those sweet black suits. I almost thought they were Quells lol. Then you have the return of the Zaku which is pretty awesome. Rey seems quite capable in piloting although at first I thought he was a girl then noticed the uniform.
3 of 5 posts = 60%. Quite a lot.Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
I mentioned it 3 of 5 posts I think. anyways what was the point of your post if I'm not adding anything yours certainly didn't add anything? And you're a mod.
And I'm saying this just because I -am- a mod, because your attitude is fucking annoying.
It's my job to point out annoying things when people are displeased with them.
Use your superior intellect and acknowledge that.
You aren't the first person who adds "You're a mod" to the end of his sentence in some kind of attempt to make your post better. And it's equally pathetic every time I see it. If there is a book on how all mods are supposed to act in different situations, then give it to me. Otherwise, just shut up and listen to what I say.
But what are you saying. I didn't catch a point in the last two posts of yours besides you telling me not to voice my opinion and add constructive posts which I've tried to do. This is going off topic now so this is the last one for me you can reply if you want. Are we supposed to hold you in a higher regard as one who supervises and is supposed to provide an example for normal posters. Or should we consider just like any other poster? I found the FAQ to be lacking in information.
No, I'm not forbidding anything. I'm telling you stop typing in every post that you are a Gundam expert who has seen lots of series, as people here find it irritating. That is all. And yes, you are supposed to hold me in "higher regard" if you want to put "follow what the mod says" that way. You don't have to worship me, but when I say something it's absolute. And that's what being a moderator is about.
I just started watching Destiny. It bothers me of how much Neo looks like Zechs from Gundam Wing. They gotta stop making villains with face masks, it's getting old. Kruz from Seed was just plain ugly.
And to think even Zechs stole the concept from Char in MSG. Its gotten to the point where I think masked villians is the part of the theme. You have gundams, masked villians, and kids piloting the gundams. Almost all gundam series have this in some form.
Well at least make different masks. Neo has the exact same mask as Zechs. At least Kurruze had different mask.
They are similiar sure but not the "exact" I can get images if we wanted to go over the details. But also if you consider their masks to be exact then you might want to look at how Kurruze's mask is so similiar to Chars.
Its gundam, its hard to be original and still have it be gundam. Destiny is suspected of being very similiar to Zeta. Time will only tell. Seed was similiar to MSG starting off but then broke away and turned out to be an awesome series. Hopefully Destiny finds originality later on as well.
neos mask doenst look that similar to zechs mask. do you even remember how zechs mask looked? the masked guy is a cool touch to it. i dont know about char but kruuze was fucked up he was i cool character tho zechs was a pussy....
awww damn i want ep 3 now!!! only 2 days left!!!
They're basically the same. Neo's is just a different color.
nah zechs mask got a more helmet shape to it its a plain round thing he puts on his head with round things over the ears then a kruuze kind of mask attached to it in front of his eyes and nose. neos helmet got red strokes all over it and looks quite diffrent its not completly round.
Pff too many little details.
looks like a nice kruuze/zechs combo, has elements from both
IMO Neo's is the best one. The Horns say it all. "I'm the villan! Fear me! ....possibly date me?"
btw, nice avatar NomoZ
actually those horns or ears makes him look stupid "look at me im some kind of gundam batman guy!!!"
Ok I forget which side is which now...
I take it this time the Earth Alliance stole the Gundams from PLANT (Space) instead of vice versa?
Damn what an ending to the first episode though, that was kick ass.
They dress in EA uniforms, but it could be either of the EA forces, or even Blue Cosmos which is what I'm at.
isnt EA more or less blue cosmos? they tok control over EA at the end of seed im guessing that the attack is their idea.
The EA actually is independant of the Blue Cosmos. If its the same as SEED there are however two sides of the EA. The Atlantic and Eurasia forces. However while independant they are still influenced. Blue Cosmos have influence throughout the federation it seems and from what I've read about Destiny the new leader has even more power than the last. So they could be working together throughout the series. Maybe not.