it looks interesting want to know before i download
as episode 1+2 is out by DeathSquad
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it looks interesting want to know before i download
as episode 1+2 is out by DeathSquad
i watched first episode... nothing special... but good enough if you have 20 minutes to spend... but deathsquad sucks ass so im gonna wait for some decent subber to come up to watch episode 2+ if it does come up...
This is a typical series of a boy who wants to protect humanity and becomes part of a group that protects (but all he has at the moment is will. no skills) with the enemy being monsters... bloodless action
this is all from one episode... dont know if it gets better
yea i just watched it not very good the action seemed so scripted i mean the way he used the sword on the baddys
i watched about the first 5 min before deleteing this crap from my computer. it may be enjoyable if u like kid shows.
yeah it is.... it's a situation you have seen a million times...
i havent written-off the series yet because i have hopes of someone dying... making the plot somewhat interesting... like the badass guy... forgot his name... i bet he dies
Watched the first episode and thought it was ok. Nothing too special, but will watch more episodes to see if it progresses any/gets more interesting.
I watched the second episode... and it does get more interesting... i think i will keep watching it... but i still dont see this series as great... just enjoyable for now
That's good if it gets more interesting, guess I should go watch the 2nd episode. I don't really expect it to be a great series but at least something to watch.
edit: thought episode 2 was interesting enough so will continue watching
here's episode 3
Episode 3 A-Keep
wow, another kiddy anime for my small brother... it seems to be even more childish than Ragnarok!
the thing i really don't get is the level thing... even if you ignore the stupidity of people declearing thier levels and the entire idioticy of the level system, you still have the problem that two shitty mudman shapeshifters were enough for the girl to get into the 21th level, at which she couldn't beat a shitty knight monster, but the kid killed a couple of 'special' monsters (vendels) and is only at level 28? how the hell does it work? it's just shitty.
well, you can't expect much out of this one, but it's not as annoying as Ragnarok (brother complex anyone?) so i can live with watching it once a month (watch 4 eps, burn a cd and forget that the anime exists).
I like this show since its my first quest anime or rpg style anime so i havent seen 1000 times as you guys and i really like when they call out their saigas say their names and "come forth"
Can i ask which anime is best in this genre,so i can se what i have missed.
episodes 10 and 11 are out if anyone is interested.. they were pretty good episodes...
I have been waiting for this and was suprised that for once akeep realesed two eps.
i think it was ok my little but my little brother really liked it
I thinks its pretty good so far and the fight in ep 11 was awsome and the preview for ep 12 was intresting. I just hope akeep doesnt take months to realese the next chap.
I watched the first 5 eps or so. Didnt like it much.
Anyone still watching this?
I'm on episode 17 right now, Shinsen-subs released episode 21 today
I have to say, the story and action is getting better and better. I'm just hoping Sled comes back soon. He was pretty strong.
That's cool... keep just released 18... I guess i'll wait for that download to finish and then catch up to shinsen's releases..
BTW, Now that I think of it by hearing Grunide's laughter, I think he is the same VA as Crocodile from One Piece
22 is out by Shinsen...
This series has gotten pretty good lately i think...
Ya i think this series is getting better also
Spoilers on what I think will happen in upcomming episodes (Things I saw in the OP)
In episode 21 we learned that Grunide's Henchmen have some sort of Bracelet, and then I rewatched the OP and noticed that one of the Busters that is with the Beet Warriors had the same bracelet... So I think that one of the hooded henchmen (the one that murmured Beet's name when he saw his picture) is in fact a Buster and will join Beet later on...
I'm downloading episode 22 now, I hope it's good...
End Spoilers
Bud, I completly agree. I wonder how a Buster came to serve a Vandal though.
Just watched 22, pretty good episode...
It looks like we'll see a new Buster on episode 23, can't wait
Just watched episode 23....
I think it has been the best episode to date... It seems Kiss was at the verge of death, looks like Frausky saved him or something (remember he like cute kids)...
or Frausky sent him on the verge of death. Those looked like shot wounds to me.
That's true... maybe Frausky felt sorry for him after he shot him... though reflecting on it now I doubt it... It must have been Grunide who saved him because it seems like Frausky still hates Kiss... and the first impression we got when they were face to face was that Kiss was scared or hated him...
Keep has released more Beet!
Have fun [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Episodes 23,24, and 25 were released by Anime-Keep & AH!
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Judging from the preview, episode 26 should be pretty good. I'm glad Anime-Keep joined with Anime seems like they're subbing an episode a day [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img].
yep, just caught up...
Last couple of episodes have been pretty good, and that Kiss guy is a wimp, I hope he dies (probably wont)
Episode 26 is out.
Flausky vs. Beet. Who will win? (Of course Beet)
Yeah, and hopefully Kiss will die by a stray bulletQuote:
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
Flausky vs. Beet. Who will win? (Of course Beet)
Just finished the new episode. Man, that was a good fight. Every time Beet masters a saiga, the fight is fucking amazing. Anyone who hasnt seen 26 yet, watch it. Cyclone Gunner rocks!!!
Yeah this episode was great...
All the Frausky fights were awesome, great animation...
At first I thought cyclone gunner was a piece of shit, mostly because it looked like shit, but it turned out to be pretty cool once it started rapid firing... I hope all the fights after this have the same level of imagination, especially when they have Beet running around dodging bullets and shit
Yeah the fight scene was really well done. I'm waiting for Kiss to preform some crazy Tengeki next episode.
I just watched ep 20-25 and i have say that Frowski made this anime ten times better when he apperead!!
Ever since they came to Black Horizon this anime has become a lot better.
Beets fighta has become much better now that he is better with the saigas.
Even the music is better,the music that plays when Poala shot Frowski in the back the first time he and Beet fought is so good.
I liked Kiss story even if he is alittle wimpy.
The Vandal that spared his life wasnt Grunide as you saw,it was a blue vandal,who looked cool hope he appear in the anime again.
Im dl ep 26 now,hope its completed soon i can watch it before it gets to late.
Also is it just me or does Frowski look like and sound like Harima from Eyeshield21?
Episode 27 is out.
Anyone know what the new Beet anime is about? Is it sequel to this one or something else?
Its a sequel from what i've heard.
On another note Episode 28 is out.
This episode was very shitty... lots of shitty introspections and flashbacks that we've seen hundreds of times already...
Hopefully 29 would be better... It's sad this episode was so bad, the earlier episodes had been pretty good
Yeah ep 28 was a waste of time but atleast in ep 29 Kiss will stop crying and talking bs and fight.
W00T!!!! Not one, but TWO episodes have been released!! Go get them:
Episode 29
Episode 30
Yeah AK-AH shocked me too with two eps but its great. I dl them as fast as i can [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
not 2, but 3!!!
Three great eps!!!
Even though Kiss is a crybaby i like him when he fighted seriously. He is the first one that has shown great tenryko(sp?). Crazy how he shoots them with a kiss [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
These were awsome episodes. Kiss really is a genious. That was an insane way to use tengeki.
Episode 31 was pretty nice... Looking forward to 32, though I don't like the premise... They'll try to escape throughout the whole episode, instead of kicking this monster's ass like they should... That means we'll see more of this weakass monster in the future, which I'm not a fan of... They should go straight to Grunide and kill him off
I dont think this monster will be alive after ep 32.
Yeah, me too.Quote:
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
I dont think this monster will be alive after ep 32.
I mean Kiss outplayed his master,why would they be trouble by this monster?
Well, we'll find out now. Episode 32 is out!
This was a very stupid episode...
My theory would've hold up if the monster wasn't so stupid...
I mean, he already had Beet, he should've killed him.
Yeah the monster was pretty dumb. The next episode looks good.
These episodes were great. The end of 34 was priceless.
"What!?!?! He's wanted?!?!?!?"
Anyway, Episode 35 is out. Go get it.
33 and 34 were great....
Milfa is awesome, we should have more episodes with her... actually she should get her own series...
35 was boring though, I hope episode 36 will be the last episode with these suckers
35 was a little dull. That three star was wierd, but at least the Grunide fight is soon. Thats something to look
forward too.
Yeah 35 sucked but at least things are in motion now. I'm predicting the fight with Grunide will commence on episode 38.
This episode was atleast better than the last. I want to know WTF is up with Zenir. He's a 5-Star and he
works for an idiot like Ganeel.
You can see clearly that he has something on him cause he controls him like he was a monster.
Its wierd seeing Beat having problems with Zenir when he beat Rozegoat who was stronger.
Well, we'll find out the reason
Episode 37 is out
Another shitty episode in my opinion, I'm hating this Ganeel mini arc...
But it looks like next episode will have great action...
I have to agree. This episode was crap. The next one looks good, but I want to see the Grunide fight. That
one should be really good.
You would be wrong.Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaos
Yeah 35 sucked but at least things are in motion now. I'm predicting the fight with Grunide will commence on episode 38.
Yeah, I guess I was wrong [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. Episode 37 was pretty bad but 38 looks good.Quote:
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
You would be wrong.
I hope your right.....
Episode 38 is out. Go get it!
EDIT: Just watched the episode. Was kinda good, but I'm really looking forward to the next couple of
episodes. Finally, the Grunide fight is about to begin. That will defintly be a great fight.
Yeah, this episdoe was OK... nothing much to it...
I'm also looking forward to the next couple of episodes... I don't know if Grunide will fight on the next one, but he'll fight soon enough...
I'm feeling kinda bad for that worm monster of his, the one he take his anger on... Hopefully he won't die, maybe even join the Beet Warriors... He's kinda funny...
BTW, I watching this episode made me wonder, what was the reason that Belltoze was sick/injured and couldn't move from where he is? Did the anime ever mention the reason?
They never mentioned what happened to Belltoze. My guess is he got badly injured when he fought the Zenon warriors after they gave their saigas to Beet .Quote:
Originally posted by: Budweineken
BTW, I watching this episode made me wonder, what was the reason that Belltoze was sick/injured and couldn't move from where he is? Did the anime ever mention the reason?
Ep 38 was pretty good. I specially liked when he did the new move with Exellion Blade. The white light that surounded him just before he used is a part of his spirit power or a part of the blade?
Yeah Belltoze must have got hurt from the fight with Zenon warriors. Who else can hurt badly enough so he cant move.
Originally posted by: Chaos
They never mentioned what happened to Belltoze. My guess is he got badly injured when he fought the Zenon warriors after they gave their saigas to Beet .Quote:
Originally posted by: Budweineken
BTW, I watching this episode made me wonder, what was the reason that Belltoze was sick/injured and couldn't move from where he is? Did the anime ever mention the reason?
I actually don't think that the Zenon warriors are dead and the reason that Belltoze can't move is he's somehow containing them. Also the fact his star count increased so much has to be from defeating the Zenon warriors.
That was an ok episode. It really good for the storyline. The next episode looks great, the fight will finnaly
begin. The best part about this episode had to be Grunide going psyco saying that he's cool.
Yeah, that part was hilarious [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img].Quote:
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
The best part about this episode had to be Grunide going psyco saying that he's cool.
Grunide looked crazy in the preview cant wait for fight finaly.
Hope Beat uses the Zenon Winzard move he did in 38. It was awesome when he jumped and yelled Zenon Winzard!
Episode 40 and Episode 41 are out!!!
Just watched the last 3 episodes... Good Stuff...
Next episode Beet is using the axe, it should be great.
I've been waiting for Boltic guess is he won't be able to use it well at first like with the cyclone gun.
I think it will have a great impact at the beginning anyways, since it will be a brute strength type of thing...
But I guess he will learn how to mix it with lightning or something to make it stronger...
Man Grunide was much stronger than i tought i mean not even saigas can hurt him and he healed much faster than Beltoze.
I hope Beet shows so good move with the axe in the next ep. 40,41 were very good.
Episode 43 is out:
The axe is awesome, an ally killer...
Boltic Axe is cool. It probably wouldn't be an ally-killer if Beet could control it.
Wow, Keep is gong pretty fast with Beet. I wonder if they'll do the sequel also...
They must or otherwise they woulndt go this fast [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
This was a pretty good episode. All three of them pulled off something unbelievable. I'm still waiting for Poala
and Kiss to get a their Saigas after that display. As for Grunide: Haha, pwn'ed.
44 was awesome,the best so far in this anime.
I liked how they finished him teamwork and beat finaly doing tenkia(sp?).
I wonder if he imagined Zenon Warriors or if they are out there somwhere.
Dling 45 i want to see it now!!
44 was awsome, but I couldn't help thinking of Rasengan when Poala was attacking....
45 was pretty good storywise. I wonder whats gonna happen now that the Beet Warriors took out a 7-Star
I'm not worrying about the Zenon Warriors, but Beet did infact see someone whose voice he recognized... I wonder if he was speaking of Noah or someone else entirely...
Anyways, finally Milfa showed up... I was hoping she would show herself somewhere in the fight... A bit dissapointing to see the Beet Warriors not falling a sleep... I was hoping that Milfa would've have the chance to take Kiss away from Beet...
I wonder if they'll end up going to an elder...
I know for sure that the guy he saw was the one that used boltic axe,you could clearly see his body profile and i know its his voice.
Milfa is gonna try taking Kiss,you could see that on her face. She must have a plan cause she knows Beet wont let her.
Phoenix20578: Come on man stop,rasengan isnt a fireball.
46 is finally released:
and we have a release of episode 48
First filler ep was 48....
Otherwise i hope they finish this trial thingy fast and go back to thier qeust as soon as possible.
This series atleast ends at episode 50 as was stated near one of the torrents so I can't be positive that anything but filler is left unfortunatly. This episode was rather unneeded I can definatly see why part 2 was demanded.
There must be a second season the manga still going 50+ vols and nothing big has happened in the anime yet.