Breast naruto theory ever
In naruto you can determine a female ninja's skill level by the size of their breasts. Think about. Tsunades is the greatest female ninja of all time and she has the biggest largest breasts of any character in the series. Anko and Kunuri are both high level jounin ninjas and they have large chests to match up.
Temari is the bustiest of all the female genins and she is also the most skilled. Tentens comes after her in bust size and skill. Sakura and ino both suck so they are both practically flatchested to show that they have no skills what so ever. Hinita is better then either of them so of course she has a larger chest. The only potential hole in my theory is Shizune. But then again Shizune sucks which goes along perfectly with her flat as a board chest her flat chest.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
As much as I hate Hinata, I'll have to admit she's better than Ino & Sakura. Which means that she should have larger breasts than them. But she doesn't. She's a fucking plank.
Breast naruto theory ever
I beg to differ if anything sakura is a plank. Hinita is a very shy and modest character which probably helps contribute to her sex appeal assuring her place to be a figure who will be interpreted in works of hentai for many generations to come.
She dosen't flaunt her assets because she's always wearing that damn coat which prevents any sort of curves or sign of bust from being revealed. Although in the episode where she gets her ass kicked by neji and hear coat is taken off you can clearly see that hinita has signifigantly larger breasts then either sakura or ino. She is also more skilled then either of them because of her blood line limit.
Ha i challenge anyone to try and prove my theory wrong.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
(Ok, being a girl I feel downright stupid discussing this, but what the hey.)
Hey, check out in the anime, when Kabuto is healing Hinata - you can see right there that she's not as plain as Sakura and Ino!!
Now, Tsunade is the absolute winner, but in between Anko and Kurenai, I wonder whose are bigg- I mean, I wonder who's stronger?
Or maybe they have different combat and skills forms?
And Shizune... well, she doesn't use such a great kimono as Tsunade, and she doesn't seem that plain either... she was on par with Kabuto, which makes this question appear,
If Kabuto was a girl, how big would his breasts be?
Besides that, remember always that the exception confirms the rule, so even if Shizune is plain and not that bad of a ninja, the theory still may apply to the rest of the girls.
(well, that was amusing.)
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Shizune got her ass owned by Kabuto repeatedly. She sucks and until it's actually shown that she can do something she is a horrible ninja IMO. No that stupid kage bushin chase does not count as a display of ninja skills.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Winged Dancer I feel pretty stupid discussing this too even if I'm not a girl. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Lobster, check those episodes when Hinata was at the arena as a watcher. She didn't wear her coat there. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
I think Shizune is alright, she's a versatile ninja who would make the cut for a chuunin hands down.
She's worthwhile at melee range, has needle spam for range, can do all the basic stuff like replications, and has several killer techs like poison mist breath. also apparently some healing (she offers to heal tsunade from quite a poor condition)
And her breast size is still sort of pending.
Kabuto's fighting is always flawless, except when he was needed for a display of Rasengan. and this is about female ninjas anyway, dont compare to him.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
ok this is open discussion so i can mention this, that shizune is most likely a jounin as she appears in jounin garb with a jounin party on a jounin level mission in the save sasuke arc
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
If Kabuto was a girl, how big would his breasts be?
(well, that was amusing.)
he would put hentai breast monsters to shame... have you seen the end of Berserk? when what's his name thinks his sees a giant boob?
imagine something twice as big as that and twice an bouncing...
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
We could say the same things about guys. The hornier they are, they better they are.
3rd hokage is pretty damn horny, always gets defeated by sexy no jutsu.
itachi is the horny himself.
jiraiya is pretty horny, inventor of the peeking no jutsu, and writer of icha icha paradise
orochimaru is in love with sasuke and kabuto.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Yeah Itachi is totally out of it, look at the glares he gives Kakashi & Kisame.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
I bet this is something Kishimoto is doing subconciously. He expressed the strength of the female characters by the size of their breasts. I'd love to see anyone come up with a piece of evident to disprove my breast/skill level theory. It works out perfectly for every female ninja. Only potential exception is Shizune.
If you could't tell already yes this is a dumb post/theory it's meant to get a good laugh but I mean think about it. It works out perfectly.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
everyone seems to forget the statement made during the prelims about how ino was ranked the highest among the females from her class
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
no, but it says she's better than hinata
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Well her basics are better such as using replications and throwing kunais but Hinata has the Byakugan. She's not the most talented ninja but she did learn enough to use it decently which gives her a huge advantage over ino or sakura. All ino has is that stupid mind switching technique and they've even mentioned how it's not supposed to be used as a combat maneuver.
Plus her breasts are bigger.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
well thats fine, but intellect is another important factor. Ino definitely seems more clever than hinata is, and im sure she's alot more agile too. Everyone likes to think that people with bloodline limits are instantly superior [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
if kishimoto made it a fact that ino performed the best out of the females in her academy class, then i'd assume that she would win in a match against hinata. Especially since hinata probably improved the least since then.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
haha what a thread. i liked the name of the thread [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. it sounds just about right that the bigger chest a female got the stronger she is. i wonder why kishimoto made it like this, maybe its just a coincidence?
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Maybe Kishimoto likes boobies too? *hmmmmmm*
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Oh come on, why would he do that? Not like he's MALE...
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Actually, I think Hinata could win against Ino in a combat. Ino's attacks are just average - as can be seen when she fights Sakura, who basically sucks at combat, and yet they were both at it during quite a while...
Maybe Shizune's breasts can be seen better at the opening video of GO!, where they all appear with kimono...
Oh, and Death Boo Z - the only giant boob reference I can think of is Woody Allen's "10 things you want to know about sex", in which a giant boob terrorizes the country by spewing milk and cream at its enemies.
And maybe its not such a bad idea to measure the guy's strength by their pervertedness. As said, the 3rd was a pervert, Jiraiya is a self-declared pervert, Kakashi is too, Gai is most likely a closet pervert (I mean, lookathim!!!), and Itachi... well, why do you think he wears a coat?
Even more, think of it like this - Naruto vs. Sasuke.
Who has the most potential to grow without bucket-inducing pills?
The one who has the most potential as a future pervert!
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Gai is not a closet pervert. His pride is too big for him to that.
the bigger the boobs, the stronger the character...ppl's minds work in weird ways...
i doubt ino will be win against hinata. since ino's jutsu requires the person to stand still, it's not like hinata is just going to stand there and let her.
Breast naruto theory ever
Seriously think about it the system works out perfectly. Look at tsunade. She's a female hokage and the strongest female ninja and her breasts are the biggest in the series. This order works perfectly among the jounin and gennin female ninja to. When Temari made her big return with her two siblings she also had bigger breasts and more cleavage to show her increase in skill.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
ok, ino had no trouble tricking sakura into her jutsu, and sakura not only knows ino more than anyone else, but is also the smartest out of all the girls as well.
you guys are giving hinata way too much credit
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
sorry, Hinata wins this fight hands down,,,
let's say that Ino uses her mind switch jutsu, Hinata could see it coming with the byakougan (i think Asume said that the mind switch is sending of chackra into someone elses body) and avoid it, which means that it comes down to taijutsu match, and lets face it, even if hinata didn't have the gentle fist, Ino still drawed with Sakura, which means her Taijutsu is the lowest of all genins,,,
and yes, i'm aware of the fact ino has some few other jutsu (at least the hair thing), but i guess that Hinata has at least one of her own to counter ir...
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
I think the theory holds true. Tsunade has by far the biggest double E sized boobs in naruto and she's the current Hokage with extremely insane physical strength and skill. The other female jounins also hold their own in the boob area.
Who ever came up with this theory is a genius.
As for Ino vs Hinata, I think that Ino is the overall better ninja. She was said to be the best female genin in Konoha. In her fight with Sakura, she showed that she's a good strategist when she trapped Sakura in her mind transform technique even though Sakura is said to be the smartest and knows Ino's techniques very well. Even the jounins didn't see that coming when she did the hair cut act. Hinata might be superior to Ino in taijutsu and strength, but Ino is the smarter ninja and better strategist. I'd say Ino would win the fight.
Although it did not quite surve the right purpose, I think the reason Kishimoto made Sakura tie with Ino was not to show that Ino was weak, but rather to show that Sakura became stronger and could hang with the best female genin in Konoha(Ino).
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Hell yeah somone finally beleives my theory.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Originally posted by: Evil Eyes
I think the theory holds true. Tsunade has by far the biggest double E sized boobs in naruto and she's the current Hokage with extremely insane physical strength and skill. The other female jounins also hold their own in the boob area.
Who ever came up with this theory is a genius.
As for Ino vs Hinata, I think that Ino is the overall better ninja. She was said to be the best female genin in Konoha. In her fight with Sakura, she showed that she's a good strategist when she trapped Sakura in her mind transform technique even though Sakura is said to be the smartest and knows Ino's techniques very well. Even the jounins didn't see that coming when she did the hair cut act. Hinata might be superior to Ino in taijutsu and strength, but Ino is the smarter ninja and better strategist. I'd say Ino would win the fight.
Although it did not quite surve the right purpose, I think the reason Kishimoto made Sakura tie with Ino was not to show that Ino was weak, but rather to show that Sakura became stronger and could hang with the best female genin in Konoha(Ino).
I think Tenten is the best female genin in Konoha.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
I think he meant the best rookie genin,not the general best genin...
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
sorry, Hinata wins this fight hands down,,,
sorry, but while your theory is based on your opinions, mine is based on stuff that kishimoto presented to us directly in the storyline
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Hinata would definately win against Ino... and it kinda bugs me to be honest... With the gentle fist, if you're hit by it, you're pretty much fsck'd for the rest of the match unless you're really outstanding like Naruto or something.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
gai isnt a closet pervert its obvious that he's gay.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
sorry, Hinata wins this fight hands down,,,
sorry, but while your theory is based on your opinions, mine is based on stuff that kishimoto presented to us directly in the storyline
hinata > ino
Anyone that ties against sakura is.. undescribably weak.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
lol if you say so.......
hinata sux though.....and unless ino walks right up to her, and just stands there like a noob, then i dont care what fancy bloodline she has, hinata isnt gonna be able to do jack
and ohh yeah gentle fist, big deal.....a kunai to the chest will yield the same results.
this reminds me of that argument about how neji could kill jounins because he has gentle fist
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
lol if you say so.......
hinata sux though.....and unless ino walks right up to her, and just stands there like a noob, then i dont care what fancy bloodline she has, hinata isnt gonna be able to do jack
and ohh yeah gentle fist, big deal.....a kunai to the chest will yield the same results.
this reminds me of that argument about how neji could kill jounins because he has gentle fist
so tenten is better, due to elimination.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Hinita is better she has larger breasts. Do not defy the breast rule it is absolute. It even applies to the stupid movie and specials. The movie features a skilled pink haired large breasted cyber ninja women. The hidden falls village special also features a large breasted girl from the mist village. The breast rule reigns supreme over all.
Do not defy the breast rule for it is kishimoto's unspoken will. Do not defy the rule of the breast.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
sorry, Hinata wins this fight hands down,,,
sorry, but while your theory is based on your opinions, mine is based on stuff that kishimoto presented to us directly in the storyline
your theory is also based on theory. none of the genins graduate based on live combat, but rather, the ability to use theoretical tactics/abilties/etc. why else hasnt a rookie genin participated in the chuunin exam in the last 4 years?
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
well, based on the recent sasuke flashbacks in the manga, the academy grades on taijutsu, ninjutsu, individual, team, and strategy (prolly genjutsu as well, but i dont think kishimoto put too much effort on the report card details).......they also seem to know the ninjas well enough to establish individualized stats on every ninja in the village.
If judging whether a person is a good ninja or not is based on just theory, then wouldnt that make the academy tests pointless?
And as ive stated before, most of the genins prolly improved, but its been clearly stated by hinata's own sensei that she hasnt improved much, and that she even fails on C and D level missions.
why else hasnt a rookie genin participated in the chuunin exam in the last 4 years?
i dont get what point you're trying to prove from this. Because.....if all the rookie genins participate at the same time, then it doesnt really categorize any one of them to be better than the others
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Well if this thread's theory is correct, how come Tayuya didn't grow to gigantic proportions when she went level 2?
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
maybe it would be an ironing board w/o lvl 2.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
but i thought hinata's byakugan wasn't all that developed.. so just because she has it doesn't necessarily mean that she could win against ino.. i reckon they have equal chance of winning. but i must agree with the breast theory.. i mean.. when we were introduced to tsunade.. i was like.. far out! what is the dealio with those breasts? but with sakura and ino i was quite happy that they were drawn like 13-y/o (i.e. relatively flat-chested).
the theory for guys where the more perverted they are.. the stronger they are seems true... but then that makes me wonder how perverted the fourth was... i mean, he was trained by jiraiya as well... gosh! that's ruined my image of him.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
The reason why Tayuya's breasts didn't grow when she went into level 2 cursed seal is because she wasn't relying on her own inner stregth and was just using Orchimaru's crack like power ups. I bet before she met orchimaru she had nice size breasts but they probably became smaller as time passed and she became more and more bound to orchimaru.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
The reason why Tayuya's breasts didn't grow when she went into level 2 cursed seal is because she wasn't relying on her own inner stregth and was just using Orchimaru's crack like power ups. I bet before she met orchimaru she had nice size breasts but they probably became smaller as time passed and she became more and more bound to orchimaru.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
lol... will dere be a time where skills of guys guys get judged by thier t**t
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
I cant believe this thread is actually flourishing, and I guess the guy with the coolest hair style is the coolest right?(sort of stole that from shinichi *sorry*)(not really)
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Do not mock the divine truth of the breast theory. It is absolute.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
If it is about breast size shouldn't Choji be right up there?
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Originally posted by: G-Pong
If it is about breast size shouldn't Choji be right up there?
hahaz... thats a good one... and throw in chouji's dad as well...
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
I believe in this theory, there is one or two exceptions but works for all the other female nins.
I think that Hinata can beat ino anytime, naruto was the worst genin and u see now so what? Maybe hinata is bad with bunshin and that stuff but at hand to hand is far better than ino.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Originally posted by: Edort4
naruto was the worst genin and u see now so what?
i dont get the statement you're trying to make with that
i hope you arent implying, that like naruto, hinata has improved greatly since the time they graduated...because, its already been established that this isnt true
lemme throw a little logic that alot of you guys seem to be missing
hinata (past) < ino (past)
this is known because ino ranked the highest among the girls that graduated
hinata (now) = hinata (past)
this is known because hinata has failed in many of their C and D ranked missions. She simply lacks the self-esteem to do better
ino (now) >= ino (past)
its hard to say how much ino has improved, but its assumed that, like most of the genins, she got at least a little better since the academy...in any case, the next formula will still apply.
hinata (now) < ino (now)
any questions?
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
How can you possibly fail a C or D ranked mission ? She didn't cut that grass short enough ? That cat was just too hard to catch ? The person she had to escort tripped on a rock and died ?
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
you're forgetting that Hinata's weakness isn't in skill or body, her problem is her mindset, she can't bring herself to oppose others and stuff. however, when she did fight (against Neji) she showed that she can be badass....
and besides, she managed to answer some of the questions in the first exam, which means that either she's smarter than Sasuke (book smarts) or that she understood the true nature of the exam.
so anyway, if Hinata starts fighting for real (like against Neji), then she won't lose against Ino.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
yea... definitely... hinata has got a good heart and good skills!
Breast naruto theory ever
peh, she just didnt want to look bad in front of naruto. Even though she looked badass in the fight, she didnt lay a single blow on neji, so she didnt exactly DO anything badass.
And sakura's supposed to be one of the only people who couldve filled out that exam without cheating. While it may sound hard to believe hinata would do such a thing, I would be surprised if she answered those questions without using her byakugan
having a bloodline, she's SUPPOSED to be ranked near the top, but it just goes to show that just having the gift doesnt make you an instant ninja master
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
actually she did land a hit or too they were just to weak to do anything lol.... but ino wouldnt have nejis uber defense and chackra control so i think hinata would murder ino.... if she could get naruto to come watch.... lol her success relys on wether or not hes there because shes way to well.... submissive without him there
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Hinata might be better in hand to hand combat than Ino, but Ino is the superior stratigest and overall better ninja. Ino has a strong personality and is one tricky girl with lots of surprises.
She managed to trick Sakura, who's the smartest genin, into her technique. She also made her team avoid a down hill battle against Neji in the forest. I doubt that she'll go into a close combat battle with Hinata. She'll trick her somehow and come out victorious.
Concerning the breast theory, check the beach girls ending. Ino is quite gifted in the breast area, so the supreme theory still holds true.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Originally posted by: Evil Eyes
Concerning the breast theory, check the beach girls ending. Ino is quite gifted in the breast area, so the supreme theory still holds true.
nah hinata would pwn her. hell even hinata's little sister hanabi would beat ino and she's not at the age to even have breasts so the "supreme theory" is flawed.
Breast naruto theory ever
Originally posted by: Evil Eyes
Hinata might be better in hand to hand combat than Ino, but Ino is the superior stratigest and overall better ninja. Ino has a strong personality and is one tricky girl with lots of surprises.
She managed to trick Sakura, who's the smartest genin, into her technique. She also made her team avoid a down hill battle against Neji in the forest. I doubt that she'll go into a close combat battle with Hinata. She'll trick her somehow and come out victorious.
Concerning the breast theory, check the beach girls ending. Ino is quite gifted in the breast area, so the supreme theory still holds true.
finally someone who isnt too hinata-obsessed to see the truth!
actually animemaster, hanabi might be able to beat ino.....she IS better than hinata after all
Breast naruto theory ever
The biggest test for the breast theory is comming. If there are any female members of the atatsuki organization and if they have huge breasts then there will be no more contesting the breast theory.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
lol yeah hinabi would probably beat hinata how pathetic and im not hinata obsessed i just respect her hand to hand combat skills when shes motivated if she wasnt she would get beaten down by just about anyone but motivated hinata > motivated ino non motivated hinata < anyone
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
hmm... but i think that hinata will turn very strong later on... given her family background and the bloodline, there must be some other reason as to why her dad detest her... perhaps her dad thought she would be a potential itachi? who knows?
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
he detested her because she sucks, and he didnt want her to represent the future generations of the main family.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Originally posted by: shinichi69
hmm... but i think that hinata will turn very strong later on... given her family background and the bloodline, there must be some other reason as to why her dad detest her... perhaps her dad thought she would be a potential itachi? who knows?
i think her dad had a problem with her since she's supposed to be the heir to the hyuga family but lacks skill that even her younger sister has.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Also remember he had issues with his twin brother. He felt kind of guilty being the heir to the head family while his twin brother was sent off to the branch family. Plus his brother produced neji the great genius of the clan while the best he could do was Hinita. Thats why he's so bitter.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
he didnt look like he felt bad when he activated his brother's seal and told him to get out of his house
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
He also didn't look that happy when he heard the news that his brother was going to die in his place.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
i dont think feeling bad about knowing your brother is going to die would have anything to do about feeling guilty of being the heir
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
In a woman's body the chackra is stored inside the breasts. That's why big boobed women are stronger. Us men store it in our manhood. That's why it hurts so much when we are kicked in it or when they squeeze it; all the chakra leaks away and that causes chakra burns. Our manhood is smaller then mostboobies because we can compress the chakra.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Except of course, if you had lousy chakra control, your chakra would explode from being confined in such a small area. And people's crotches would glow blue. (Like when they do tree walking and concentrate their chakra in their feet, they glow blue)
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Yeah, but Itachi wears a dress, and I'm pretty sure he's flat too. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
but thats a huge winter coat hes got there. she could be hiding alot in there.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Exactly look at the episode where she gets her ass beaten by neji the coat is taken off and her bust is revealed. I also think it happened again when Kabuto stopped her heart attack.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Originally posted by: Mr.X
but thats a huge winter coat hes got there. she could be hiding alot in there.
i think your confusion with pronouns speaks for itself
she's a guy!
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
lol! my bad. damn, so careless.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
hahaha nice pick mutata not only is the board being there great but for some reason i find the expression on her face hilarious.... lol
Breast naruto theory ever
hahaz... her boobs are tangential to the board~ gradient infinity! perhaps with the help of some mathematics, it will make her boobs grow~ integrating twice will give her some nice curves~ =p
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
gl integrating a vertical line
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
ya good luck, how the fuck can u integrate a line of x=?, this i gotta see
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
it's a basic differential, you can integrate a constant, just assume the line x dx/dy = c therefore you multiply by dy and get x dx = c dy which you can integrate. Either way there are a lot of holes in this breast theory and it doesn't make any sense.
Breast naruto theory ever
Like what? I dare you to challenge the breast theory.
Breast naruto theory ever
i kinda get what ur saying but then theres no area under a graph of x=c so...
also there are no holes in the breast theory, the breasts never lie
Breast naruto theory ever
Breast naruto theory ever
Deblas, don't just post a worthless smiley and think you're not spamming.
if you're gonna post, post something worthwhile reading.
Breast naruto theory ever
It's so nice to see so many people who agree with my breast theory. To bad my other thread for the Save the Advanced Bloodline foundation got shot down by the gotwoot gestapo.
Breast naruto theory ever
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
It's so nice to see so many people who agree with my breast theory. To bad my other thread for the Save the Advanced Bloodline foundation got shot down by the gotwoot gestapo.
Yeah that one wasn't as funny as this one, and it sucked. actually this one kinda sucked too, but i didn't wanna make you look stupid so i played along.
Breast naruto theory ever
The other one wasn't stupid. Maybe people would have liked if the gotwoot gestapo hadn't closed it before it had a chance to flourish. You may think that this one is stupid but I believe that everyone who has posted and kept this thread going may beg to differ. SUBMIT TO THE BREAST THEORY FOR IT IS KISHIMOTO's WILL.
Breast naruto theory ever
well if you don't want to get shot down post a topic thats interesting
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
I dunno. My cousins are all flat chested Japanese girls, and they can SO kick my ass (mainly cause I don't fight back). What about Kankuro? He's got moobs, but he's weak, relying on a puppet. ALSO, when Tsunade and Jiraiya were growing up, Tsunade was flat like Sakura. YET Jiraiya says that when they were young, Tsunade punched him and sent him flying. Boobs=/=Strong.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Well, now that Sakura studies under Tsunade we can very the theory. If she not only increses her strength but also her cup size, the theory is true.
Breast naruto theory ever
Well unlike the other this was actually funny.. For me this was more like a joke.. nothing i take seriuos.. But the other topic was just boring and i think to it was stupid..
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Reason for big breast, they train using free weights.
reason for free weights, they want strength
They have strength and big man chests cause they strong. ahahhaha
I was watching a sports competition 1 day... woman's muscle contest....
Them muscle breasts r dumb ugly. but they mad deizel.
can women lose their breast fat cells and convert it to muscle cells if they start pumping?
or will the breast fat continue to be there along with the muscle.(breast=mostly fat and water)
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Were not going to see if Sakura gets bigger breasts for quite some time. It will be long and hard training. If she has larger breasts after the eventual time jump then we will know once and for all that the theory is true.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
yeah everythings been discussed let it die it was funny while it lasted though.... unlike the bloodline thing
Since the most popular thread right now seems to be who's the hottest I though I'd bring back this old thread that I started a while ago. It's interesting to see if it still holds up post-time jump. Although If you look at the bust increases in all of the female chuunin you can see how each one of them has progressed in terms of strength (if the theory holds true).
Won't be proven until we get to see Ino, Hinita, and Tenten in action. For those of you who are too lazy to read the first post the breast naruto theory ever is essentially my theory that the skill of the various female ninja seen in naruto can be inversely determined by the size of their breasts. Sakura sucks so of course she's mostly flat chested. But the strongest female ninja , tsunande has the largest. Discuss anew!!!
Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet
Since the most popular thread right now seems to be who's the hottest I though I'd bring back this old thread that I started a while ago. It's interesting to see if it still holds up post-time jump. Although If you look at the bust increases in all of the female chuunin you can see how each one of them has progressed in terms of strength (if the theory holds true).
Won't be proven until we get to see Ino, Hinita, and Tenten in action. For those of you who are too lazy to read the first post the breast naruto theory ever is essentially my theory that the skill of the various female ninja seen in naruto can be inversely determined by the size of their breasts. Sakura sucks so of course she's mostly flat chested. But the strongest female ninja , tsunande has the largest. Discuss anew!!!
Although ur theory can be true to most female characters few exceptions can be found as others have said (ex. Tayuya). Also, it is not a surprise to predict that after the post time jump most female characters become stronger and have bigger breasts. But these two factors may not be related at all. It is neccessary to be stronger as a chuunin than a genin. Also, since they are all going through puberty, it is not surprising their boobs are getting bigger than when they were 12.
heero, dont crush his moment. No wonder i've never seen this thread, before lobster bumped it, the last post was in 2004. :p
lobstermagnet, its freaky but now that i think about it some more, your right.
Glad to hear that you guys appreciate the breast naruto theory ever. I think the best way to point out the validity of the theory is to just look at Ten Ten. Before the time-jump she got her ass beat by temari. After the time jump with her much larger bust she's able to go toe to toe with Kisame from the akatsuki.
We have yet to see Ino or Hinita in action but considering their new bustly busts I think that they'll be capable of quiet the ass whoopin. Sakura's chest hasn't increased that much although she has been gotten more curves. It makes sense that she's been decent but hasn't really been pulling her weight. Like how she stood around and did nothing during the oro vs. 4 tail naruto fight.
Gotwoot perverts come and discuss further the mystical power of the chest that rules the naruto world.