I am a ninja - kind of
Here is a still from the Naruto live action movie
not really, me and my friend were bored so we made a ninja movie. here is a still from it. let me know what you think.
if can ever be bothered ill put the whole thing on.
OK, last attemp. if this doesnt work im going to shoot myself in the face
Gay gya gayg ay
OK, second last try
try copying and pasting "http://earth.prohosting.com/hugo111/ninja2.jpg"
try that
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
lemme see, lemme see. my friends also made 2 ninja movies. they even asked me to participate. i was too shy.
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
my friend wanted to set up this scenario......
2 guys go to the ddr machine at the arcade place....
put their coins in, select tsuguru.....
and then when the music starts, have a dozen ninjas enter the place from all directions (the balcany above, the bathroom, behind the counter, etc) and all start dancing to the arrows
it wouldve been great
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
wow..... how incredibly pointless. you seem to have way to much time on your hands.
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
wow..... how incredibly pointless. you seem to have way to much time on your hands.
your sig is da bomb.
I am a ninja - kind of
To pervert sennin Jyraiya ...
well...it seems that you too have too much times on your hands...look at your numbers of posts...well its true that your post are almost always pointless(and always complimenting Mut@t@, having reason whit him even if its shit, i think your idoling some web thugs,well heres a spoiler for you..outside of your house..theres plenty other humans, and there maybe's some friends waiting for you..who knows [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]..you better watch yourself before writing..:S ...i dont give a fuck of what your going to reply..I'm tired of hearing some dumbass always bullshiting everyone like you do asshole ..
kenshiro, i cant see your video..do i have to sign up :S?? ...
I am a ninja - kind of
wow, go fucking take your midol.
terra, midol is the medicine women take to subdue their moodswings and bitchiness during their pms periods.
I am a ninja - kind of
He stole mine! I want my midol back!
What the fuck is midol?
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
whoa...calm down there buddy...its just a forum...
I am a ninja - kind of
i thought he just explained what midol was [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img] all it is is aspirin for women w/ their period.
i saw the picture. is that kagebunshin no jutsu??
my edit: oh ok. yah i saw the edit but i don't think it went through my head. hehe ok never mind then.
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
Originally posted by: Eurasian
i thought he just explained what midol was [img][/img] all it is is aspirin for women w/ their period.
i saw the picture. is that kagebunshin no jutsu??
No, its skinny bored loser no jutsu
@PSJ suck my dick
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
Originally posted by: Eurasian
i thought he just explained what midol was [img][/img] all it is is aspirin for women w/ their period.
i saw the picture. is that kagebunshin no jutsu??
He did an edit. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Thanks for the answer Muts.
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
kenshiro is the coolest person alive.
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
you must have a pretty shitty/boring life there. maybe if there were a couple of dogs doing it in the background or something, it would have been sweet....just a suggestion for next time.
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
Originally posted by: _naruto_X
you must have a pretty shitty/boring life there. maybe if there were a couple of dogs doing it in the background or something, it would have been sweet....just a suggestion for next time.
hey, keep your twisted interests to the discovery channel!
I am a ninja - kind of
Originally posted by: Saruto
To pervert sennin Jyraiya ...
well...it seems that you too have too much times on your hands...look at your numbers of posts...well its true that your post are almost always pointless(and always complimenting Mut@t@, having reason whit him even if its shit, i think your idoling some web thugs,well heres a spoiler for you..outside of your house..theres plenty other humans, and there maybe's some friends waiting for you..who knows [img][/img]..you better watch yourself before writing..:S ...i dont give a fuck of what your going to reply..I'm tired of hearing some dumbass always bullshiting everyone like you do asshole ..
kenshiro, i cant see your video..do i have to sign up :S?? ...
its okay to get angry. let it out here instead of bringing that shotgun to school. i understand you. its okay.
I am a ninja - kind of
since the edit function doesnt work ill just double post instead(wont do it again btw)
@Kenshiro: original comment but i dont swing that way. maybe you should ask your father im sure he would be happy to.
I am a ninja - kind of
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
since the edit function doesnt work ill just double post instead(wont do it again btw)
@Kenshiro: original comment but i dont swing that way. maybe you should ask your father im sure he would be happy to.
Shut up virgin boy.
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
havent heard that one before.... really original kenshiro.
I am a ninja - kind of
Why? does everyone call you "virgin boy" at school?
EDIT - This is my first ever flaming war thing. its quite fun
I am a ninja - kind of
err flaming war?
ur a bit new here arent u, if u want to see a real flaming war go to a topic created by or taken over by hotsuma, or if ur lucky mut will start one for ya, someone is always disagreeing with him
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
well kenshiro where i live its rather normal to still be a virgin when you're 15-16. i dont know what you think is normal, what did your father tell you after to took his up your ass?
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
well kenshiro where i live its rather normal to still be a virgin when you're 15-16. i dont know what you think is normal, what did your father tell you after to took his up your ass?
ha ha ha virgin at 16. normal. just keep on telling yourself that.
and yes, you are right. i do have sex with my dad
PS. the edit button works fine for me
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
this is starting to get really boring. and you arent even funny i have to carry the flame war by myself so ill just rest for a bit.
I am a ninja - kind of
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
i am 16. and btw you can be immature even tho you are 30. i know a 40+ guy that is more immature than i am. and no he doesn ot have brain damage. ..
sounds suspicious doesnt it? I hope you have fun with with your non brain damaged 40+ hot stud
EDIT to below
I am 24 but I am mentally retarded so I only started high school a year ago. My mommy said that if I was good she would give me a mars bar
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
kenshiro, how old are you?
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
Originally posted by: Kenshiro
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
i am 16. and btw you can be immature even tho you are 30. i know a 40+ guy that is more immature than i am. and no he doesn ot have brain damage. ..
sounds suspicious doesnt it? I hope you have fun with with your non brain damaged 40+ hot stud
wow did you really dig up that old post? you're just sad man.
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
PSJ, its actually because im secretly in love with you.
I keep all your posts on my computer and read them every night before i go to sleep. Sometimes I pretend that its you reading them to me.... and then I take your sweet sweet cherry.
maybe me, you and Mr 40+ should meet up.
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
dude ur seriously fucked up, even if u are being sarcastic its just wrong saying shit like that (sorry mods about swearing but this dude is just so very very gay)
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
that would be many posts for you to read kenshiro. i could maybe fix you up with Mr. 40+ but i wont come..
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
Im pretty sure i could make you come. i have a good technique
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
......ok...... then have fun.
I am a ninja - kind of
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
......ok...... then have fun.
dude, what kind of gayass lameass reply is that? come on, say something better. I love it when you talk dirty.
@basey who the fuck was talking to you anyway?
I am a ninja - kind of
Originally posted by: Kenshiro
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
......ok...... then have fun.
dude, what kind of gayass lameass reply is that? come on, say something better. I love it when you talk dirty.
@basey who the fuck was talking to you anyway?
the only one that sounds gay is you...
I am a ninja - kind of
dude, listen. Im not interested in you.
EDIT to below
What is a/s/l?
I am a ninja - kind of
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
haha, age/sex/location
quit being a noob.....people get banned for deliberitaly trying to carry on a flame war
however, PSJ, this might be a good opportunity to finally reach that 4000 mark, eh? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
Yes if you do your name (jounin) will be changed mostlikely to something cool [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
damn, I need to raise my post count. guess I could start posting in other non-Naruto forums.
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
You fucking spamwhores! It ain't post count that matters, it's what you say (Another post closer to jounin hehe.)
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
man as i read through this i completely forgot what the hell this thread was about... o.O
bout half way i reach this fight that i have no idea where it's heading.. and then i forgot what the 'fight' was all about to begin with..
eitherway, i couldn't see what the still was coz the link was just retarded.
btw, assertnfailure... as u can see i'm a newbie (noob as other people call it) but what is an ass pirate???
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
hmm.... i believe im going to agree with jimmy... you are obviously some sad ppl, and are in serious need of counceling (seriously!) well anyway, take this shit somewhere else, wasnt the original post about some kid and his movie, anyway... only 2 out of like the 40 (completely off-the-wall bullshit) posts were about the original subject of this thread..
*i dont care how you respond to this post, im just trying to say some words for the ppl that dont bother enough to say anything*
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
oh... it was kenshiro's movie (arent you 20-30 something?!) anyway... sorry for calling you kid, and some of you guys should really think of how you spend your time on this pathetic planet... well i will step out... im not saying anything else, have fun!
I am a ninja - kind of
OK. this is the last thing i am going to post in this stupid thread.
I am going to explain why I started to argue with PSJ.
I have only been a GW memeber for a few months. Well, anyhow, during that time i have seen many posts that go along the lines of some of the ones that have been posted above.
"you are really sad, get a life"
In particular, there ar eseveral people on this forum who get that alot, and they are generally all people with 3000+ posts (i.e mut, assertn, PSJ etc..)
Anway. Normally one of the first people to say something back to these posts is in fact PSJ. I have seen several of your posts where you defend yourself against the above comment. And quite right too. because
a) doing computer stuff is not completely incompatible with having a real life
b) the people who post the original "you are sad.." post are generally worse then the people who actually use the forum for fun.
So, anyway. lets consider something a little different. Lets look at people who spend a lot of time making new sigs and avatars/
Now, you will notice that I do not have a fancy sig. PSJ on the other hand changes them regularly, and thye are in fact all quite good. I am sure that making these is fairly time consuming.
Personally, I cant be bothered to make one, and in fact it sounds like quite a hassle and I would rather spend my time doing other stuff.
HOWEVER, I understand that certain people may, in fact, enjoy making them; and spend a lot of time doing so.
Look at Fan Art. Again, the last thing I would ever do is to draw a picture of my favourite Naruto character. But again, I understand that some people may want to.
The point is that I dont give a fuck how anyone else spends their time. I really dont care if someone is cooler or not as cool as me. More importantly. Anyone that posts on an internet forum is by defination totally uncool (sorry dudes, but its the truth).
So any conversation about how sad someone is on this forum is totally lame and pointless. The reason I like this forum is that the people on it, in general, can get over their fear of the inner geek and post about something they like and are interested in. Not, so that little cunts can try and put other people down so that they can feel better about themselves
Which means, PSJ, with your original post you were being as bad as those retards that show up and say "OMG, dood you need to get a life. look at many posts you have", and not only that, you were also saying "Doing something anime related in your spare time is lame" yet you yourself spend time on it.
That is why I got pissed off with you. And also, who the fuck cares anyway. I really dont give a shit whether you have a life or not. For all I know you could in fact be Mr 40+ yourself. and because of that I would certainly never say to you or to anyone else on this forum (even the fucking weirdos that do cosplay) to get a life, because I really dont give a rats ass.
So if I want to make a retarded naruto movie with a friend of mine. Who cares. I put the picture up because some people might have wanted to see it.
end of crazy rant
I am a ninja - kind of
RE: I am a ninja - kind of
I sincerily hope you are joking about the 16 year old being an unnatural age to still be a virgin... actually you are not even fucking supposed to begin sexual intercourse until you have fully matured at around 18-20 depending on the person. People like you, saying that, makes the world decay and makes 13 year old little sisters reproduce like rabbits. Of course this might be a bit ironic coming from a guy who wasn't that very late myself (I'm not even 18 and it's been a while [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]) but still... what the fuck. 16 is damn early.
BUT ANYWAY. This topic is total shit so it's getting closed. Bye.