Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: uhicha neji
Originally posted by: Shinji Ikari
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
yeah, the part about naruto having more chakra than anyone else is the result of the merging, but i dont think his problem against kiba was how much chakra he had
No, not how much chakra, but the control of it must have had a large part of how he fought since it was awefull. What about him not being able to control the red chakra before meeting Jiraya? Everyone knows that, what's your point? What i said was that Naruto couldn't even control his own chakra after Orochimaru put the seal on him. This is confirmed by Jiraya after he takes away the seal.
Now, if Naruto's chakra would have been well balanced at that time, he would have kicked Kiba's as even more. He wouldn't have needed the Kyubi chakra at all in that fight because Kiba is just too weak.
Edit: Sure Kabuto did underestimate him the whole time, even Kiba did that (or rather he overestimated his own strenght), but Haku and Gaara, no way...
Sure Gaara did underestimate him at first, but right after than first hit, he was scarred like a little baby. Otherwise I don't see no meening in him saying all those things about him refusing to die or him saying with doubt that he has to be stronger than Naruto.
Haku did not underestimate Naruto because he never got the chance. He overestimated his own jutsu thus he thought that both Naruto and Sasuke were unable to beat him. But he never underestimated Naruto.
Check and mate.
if only you knew what you were talking about uchiha neji
werent you supposed to be watching the series over again? dont tell me you went through them all already.
ikari: no you're wrong, it wouldnt have made a difference.
while having chakra control is important for walking on water, tell me how it was important against kiba.
the entire idea behind that fight was that kiba was simply too fast for naruto to compete with. Would having control of his chakra make naruto faster? highly unlikely. Unless he started busting out the red chakra, which was the REASON for me bringing that up. Since he didnt know how to control that, then i cant see how the seal made a difference in that particular match.
and yes, haku underestimated naruto. why do i say that? because if he hadnt, then he wouldnt have taken his sweet time with his ice mirrors trick. He toyed with naruto...not because he was arrogant, but because he sorta pitied the guy, and didnt want to go all out.
and by the time gaara stopped underestimating naruto, naruto had already started going AWOL with chakra.....so it was too late
any other points i missed to counter? [img][/img]