Eh.. nothing really happened, i was pretty disappointed. Learned a few things that they coulda put forth into like 5 minutes but oh well. Can't wait to see kakashi and Gai in the next episode.
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Eh.. nothing really happened, i was pretty disappointed. Learned a few things that they coulda put forth into like 5 minutes but oh well. Can't wait to see kakashi and Gai in the next episode.
atleast next episode will be something from the manga again, this was just crap konohamaru should just shut ap and die
don't say the word manga here.
Looks like episode 100 will be part filler as well. *sigh* Can't they just get on with the storyline =\
Why can we say the "M" word???? Not to piss you off but I just want to know.
because this forum is for people that dont read the manga
It wernt too bad found it amusing when Tusnade went through the barricade with ease just to get a book
heh didnt even know 99 was out =/
One more filler is Naruto's world....Quote:
Originally posted by: Lenas
*sigh* Can't they just get on with the storyline =\
Next Ep : Naruto will eat ramen ..... and Lee wonder if he must say thank to Sakura for the flowers ...
The question is: would you rather have filler eps, or have the anime catch up to the manga and have NO episodes at all while they wait for the manga to get ahead?
next ep isn't gonna be filler though, having fillers is definately better i don't want them to catch up with the manga and do a rorouni kenshin on us
Hello i'm first time poster long time reader. I understand everyone's frustration concerning the filler content. Hate to say it but the filler content is a necessary evil. We either get this or no naruto, take your pick?
i'm definitely not complaining about fillers if my choices r fillers or no episodes. i kinda enjoyed this one. just the part w/ tsuande in it. i like tsunade more and more and more. i liked how she stepped on the seal and broke it. i kinda feel sorry for konohamaru. he has so much love for his touching ::tears:: i hate to say...::biting is uh uh uh uh uh nice. i only say that for the sake of lee. she's encouraging him to do it!!!
welcome LobsterMagnet!!! u'll enjoy it here. everyone is very nice :: Pause::
The ep was pretty boring, but it wasn't too bad. It feels like the anime is slowing down alittle bit.
I loved the look on konohamaru's face when tsunade just blasted her way through the locked doors and barging in
Guys you suck. This episode ruled. I love this kind of episodes, you get to see more of all the characters, give them some screentime which you won't see in the manga. More Lee. More Shizune! Hilarity too. Hilarious moments like when Tsunade entered the room. And Sakura actually did something good!!
Yes Konohamaru is annoying, but I love original stuff like this. Just everyday life in Konoha village. Makes the anime so much deeper.
Next week will be very nice [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
It was fine.
It was a cool ep, Tsunade finally did something to make me like her. The flashback with 3rd in his armor was cool. It looked like the time when he had to go after Oro for doing experiments.
No offense but it doesn't look like it at all. He looks much older than that time, and if it was the time where the hokage was after oro for doing experiments, konohamaru wouldn't be even born.Quote:
Originally posted by: Aeon
It looked like the time when he had to go after Oro for doing experiments.
Meh, I remember him being old in the flashback, and since Konohamaru had his old head gear on I figured it was before he put the armor on during the Chuunin exam.
my thoughts: Damn Shizune is just Tsunades bitch, i mean come on i half expect her to start walking around holding the cuff of tsunades jacket as a sign of complete sumbission, that and she just needs to chill for once! u know, smoke a joint and watch a shitty movie w/ a pint of ice cream. Sakura grows more pathetic by the week, can't hold anything against Konohamaru cuz hes just a little kid and is entitled to be upset about his grandfathers death.
As a kid he can be upset... as a character in Naruto he should juse be removed.
Sakura can never be forgiven for showing the cold shoulder to Naruto... she should die.
Lee should get the op, and be the same as before again.
Actually to be honest someone should have just blasted the door away from the start, saved the trouble.
If the animators want to do fillers then they should do good ones... I don't mean they should be fights, but you know, with interesting characters for a change.... like Kakashi, Sasuke, Manda, Gamabunta, Jiraiya and so on... and lets not forget Oro and Itachi....
I agree, this episode kinda sucked, is like there is no progress at all.
And the worst is that from now on we have to get used to see more and more fillers, most series get ruined when the animators start making up stuff, people just lose interest on them and I hope Naruto is the exception.
What I did like tho, was the look on the pig (Ton-Ton) when he saw Tsunade studying, that was F***ing hilarius.
I also thought tsunade going through the barricade was funny...
But it kinda sucked overall. I know konohomarou was in the manga and all, but he should just die. He's about as annoying as Jar Jar binks.
Few anime get ruined due to fillers. Anime gets ruined when animators have no more manga to follow and go berserk with the made-up stuff, and that is why fillers exist today; to save those titles from that fate.
Udon is the annoying one -_-
blow your fucking nose..
Renbo said that you were hinting, so im editing. - KRB
I liked the ep, the whole relaxed 'no ongoing war/fight' 'no rush' feeling is back from the first episodes; and its nice to see character developement (other then Naruto...)
Oh and Lobster.. don't say the M word and especially dont hint things from it like you just did...
they should just STOP making naruto based eps for a while, and lets some some of the other gennins training, iam sure they could do like 5 eps each on a mission for each team and that would be enought top put the manga WELLLLL ahead again!
i woudln't mind seeing some flashbacks about lee's team and their missions. that would be kinda kool.
overall the ep wasn't bad.....a little slow and sentimental for my taste, but still not too bad. im surprised konohamaru was able to setup all those traps. pretty amazing for a kid his age.
heres a few thigns i noticed....1) shizune is now the new iruka 2) those 2 chuunins are teh official lackey's for everythign and anything that happens.....exams, clearing out junk, dealing with brats. they dont seem to have any otehr job at all.
the best part of the ep was when tsunade clears the room just to get a book.
can't wait for next week....wonder if the kakashi/gai scene is just a flash back, or if thier actually training/fighting.
I'm hoping that they are actually training.
I want something intresting to happen soon. After the Sannin special it's been pretty boring. Next epiosde looks promising with Kakashi and Gai.
I guess people can't relate to this sentimental stuff because they have nothing like that happening in their own lives. I like it because it's more real. How do u expect someone that young to act when someone close to them dies and they feel like the person is being forgotten
I wonder if Gai ever needed to open the gates to defeat Kakashi.
HELL NO!! Gai can take kakashi down w/ that first kick of his dynamic entry! (i really don't know, but i don't think he'll go that serious w/ kakashi)
yeha i like it a lot, showing there more personal sides, like i liked in DBZ when gohan started seeing videl, and i liked FMP FUMOFFU(sp!?).
we dont even know gai can open gates yet, it hasent been disclosed one way or the other has it? just because rock can do it i wouldnt assume gai can.
I would.
yeah judging from the way gai wanted lee to win in the exam i think he would go almost all out.
whine whine whine [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] the kids don't get enough action again >_>
Funny to see Naruto fell twice for the same trap @ the chamber Konohomaru was in [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] .. the so called great ninja.. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
hope the next episode shows some more action so we dont get another thread of kids whining about fillers ^_^
Wasn't Gai the one who taught him the gates thing? You can't teach someone something you don't know. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] I don't think the majickal jutsu faerie flew into Lee's window at night and made him learn it... XDQuote:
we dont even know gai can open gates yet, it hasent been disclosed one way or the other has it? just because rock can do it i wouldnt assume gai can.
It was a nice episode. I liked it. As for those who did not think it progressed the storylyine, well, I am an Anime only Naruto fan, and it definitely moved the story along. I felt progress was made by many of the characters in this episode.
For one, I hate to admit this, but Sakura actually cared for someone else besides Sasuke to actually bring him flowers. That's definitely an improvement. Tsunade is studying and actually trying to be a good Hokage (helping Lee). She is becoming more and more likeable everyday. Konohamaru (though he should be removed from the story) actually got over his sadness of losing his grandfather.
Those that are complaining about this being a dumb filler have probably read the "M" and expecting too much or probably just wanting action scenes. Naruto, in many respects, is built on storyline and character development, and I definitely saw some character development in this episode. I would not have known that this episode was a filler until everyone kept on reminding me.
Back to the episode, yeah, Tsunade was just awesome blasting through those doors to get a book. It just goes to show how powerful she is, and proved her point that Konohamaru is just a kid who she can easily deal with. Shizune is still so hilarious to watch, and so is Ton Ton.
Tsunade said that she will do the surgery, so I am sure Lee will get better soon... maybe with some hiccups on the way, but he will back to being a ninja soon.
Is Sakura leering a bit? Cheating on Sasuke with her little rendezvous with Lee? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Oh yeah, I wonder what that records book that Tsunade was reading would have said about Naruto's team, since that was the only team she didn't look at.
Oh yeah, I wonder what that records book that Tsunade was reading would have said about Naruto's team, since that was the only team she didn't look at.
Yeah it should say A-rank missions completed-1 for naruto's team since they did one. I'm pretty sure I remember hearing Kakashi saying that the Zabuza mission was A-rank. Though Sakura doesnt deserve the mission to count for her, since she did absolutely nothing the ENTIRE mission.
You don't nessicarily need to fight in a mission to have gotten credit for it, she did exactly what she was told; she protected Tazuna on the bridge. Mission accomplished.Quote:
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Oh yeah, I wonder what that records book that Tsunade was reading would have said about Naruto's team, since that was the only team she didn't look at.
Yeah it should say A-rank missions completed-1 for naruto's team since they did one. I'm pretty sure I remember hearing Kakashi saying that the Zabuza mission was A-rank. Though Sakura doesnt deserve the mission to count for her, since she did absolutely nothing the ENTIRE mission.
Not only that but the mission wasnt registered as an A rank mission, remmber kakashi yelling at tazuna because he put them in danger.
aslso tazuna didnt have the money for a A rank mission.
r u sure sakura protected tazuna?!?!?!?! i think kakashi took all the injury and did all the freaking work. all she did was pose w/ that kunai.
and yah, it's still considered a c-rank mission.
i absolutely don't get it. would someone please explain that to me??
Yeah, pretty sure... It's not like Sakura ASKED Kakashi to come protect her, he just did it on his own will. Sakura didn't crawl into a fetal position, either... If Kakashi didn't come, she would have protected him (or at least have tried to).Quote:
Originally posted by: Eurasian
r u sure sakura protected tazuna?!?!?!?! i think kakashi took all the injury and did all the freaking work. all she did was pose w/ that kunai.
and yah, it's still considered a c-rank mission.
Okay, back on topic. I actually enjoyed this episode, it was a lot better than what I thought it'd be. I really enjoyed the Lee parts, too XD
G-pong where do you get those from anyway
You and me both.Quote:
Originally posted by: Eurasian
i absolutely don't get it. would someone please explain that to me??
THAT'S RIGHT! "at least have tried" and fail miserably in her attempt!! she really didn't have anyone to protect zabuza from. zabuza and kakashi. haku, sasuke, and naruto.Quote:
Originally posted by: ilabb
Yeah, pretty sure... It's not like Sakura ASKED Kakashi to come protect her, he just did it on his own will. Sakura didn't crawl into a fetal position, either... If Kakashi didn't come, she would have protected him (or at least have tried to).
this ep was alright.
I thought this was a pretty good episode...its great to see konooha some more after being on the road for so long...i Just wish they had shown more of the other Genin instead of focusing on Konohamaru so much. YOU CAN DO IT LEE. Hes comin back with a vengance baby
this was a boring ep, that is above decent
the content was ok
the rock lee parts were good
it was funny to see shizune's reaction to tsunade studying and concentrating
i knew naruto was gonna bust out rasengan to open the door, but it was unexpected that tsunade would barge in and do what she did
i guess konohamaru had to find some similarity between tsunade and sarutobi to finally accept her as the new hokage, btw did she know that naruto and konohamaru were standing there, she kinda gave a smirk when they left
The best part of the episode were the previews for the next one.
Yes fillers are annoying but oh well something we have to deal with. and the fact they are changeing sakura from everones Deseierd view of her. the Whiney Susaka loveing bitch to a More human like being is a good thing.
C'mon G-pong explain your retarted posts.
Explain Yours
Wow he used text this time!
I don't mean to insult you but why are you using pics that have nothing to do with Naruto, is that even allowed Mods?
Just a retarded pic with a caption that echos my response to the discussion. Nothing more, nothing less.
I liked it.
Besides I don't read the man*a (censored for krbadass [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] ).
BUT, I don't want Naruto to turn out like what happened to Dragon Ball.
[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] aw, it's treated as a curse word =P.... thought the episode was Ok.Quote:
Originally posted by: Noir
I liked it.
Besides I don't read the man*a (censored for krbadass [img][/img] ).
BUT, I don't want Naruto to turn out like what happened to Dragon Ball.
This is a bit off topic but...when Gai said his record is 50-49 against Kakashi, does he mean he's knocked him out or beaten him up 50 times and got beat 49 times? Is Kakshi keeping score too??(probably not)
sorry about it being off topic, but the next episode is supposed to have somethin about the eternal rivals, so....
Gai is one up on Kakashi.Quote:
Originally posted by: Sanjuro
This is a bit off topic but...when Gai said his record is 50-49 against Kakashi, does he mean he's knocked him out or beaten him up 50 times and got beat 49 times? Is Kakshi keeping score too??(probably not)
sorry about it being off topic, but the next episode is supposed to have somethin about the eternal rivals, so....
as well as non direct fights as witnessed in the konoha destruction arc.
Sakura did a lot in that fight seen she has a special ability called "sasuke kun no jutsu" where she gasps and says "sasuke kun" under her breath.Quote:
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Oh yeah, I wonder what that records book that Tsunade was reading would have said about Naruto's team, since that was the only team she didn't look at.
Yeah it should say A-rank missions completed-1 for naruto's team since they did one. I'm pretty sure I remember hearing Kakashi saying that the Zabuza mission was A-rank. Though Sakura doesnt deserve the mission to count for her, since she did absolutely nothing the ENTIRE mission.
How did "got any sosegan" Relate to the topic? I'm tired of seeing Indian people with captions next to them as all of your responses. Making a post without something useful or funny to say is spamming. Right? I just want to know if this is allowed krbadass.Quote:
Originally posted by: G-Pong
Just a retarded pic with a caption that echos my response to the discussion. Nothing more, nothing less.
This episode was a bore to me....AND IT WENT BY SO FAST!
Yeah you kinda already said that in the sakura no nojutsu topic.Quote:
Originally posted by: gem10147
Sakura did a lot in that fight seen she has a special ability called "sasuke kun no jutsu" where she gasps and says "sasuke kun" under her breath.Quote:
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Oh yeah, I wonder what that records book that Tsunade was reading would have said about Naruto's team, since that was the only team she didn't look at.
Yeah it should say A-rank missions completed-1 for naruto's team since they did one. I'm pretty sure I remember hearing Kakashi saying that the Zabuza mission was A-rank. Though Sakura doesnt deserve the mission to count for her, since she did absolutely nothing the ENTIRE mission.
ya and i kinda dont care
Well just try not to repeat yourself thats all im saying.
where is jiraiya?!
he always disappears doesnt he
prolly perving on young girls again
he'll come out soon. don't know when soon is but soon. didnt hear? jiraiya died.....Quote:
Originally posted by: Eurasian
he'll come out soon. don't know when soon is but soon.
yep, he drowned back in those hot springs, when he lost consciousness after seeing the girls come.
im sorry to be the one to tell you this.........[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Actually...We haven't seen Jirayia since he went under. Your revalations could be true, Assertn!
It was a good episode as all of them are. But it ranks low on my list because of Sakura being in it and Jiraiya not.
*possible spoiler*
I hope Jiraiya summons Gamabunta on top of Sakura.
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Well just try not to repeat yourself thats all im saying.
Congratulations Kagemane_no_Jutsu!!!
This was a really great episode, I thought. Had funny moments and some kickass moments, too.
It's too bad the show doesn't have crazy plot twists, though. If Tsunade never got around to fixing Lee, Orochimaru could show up and offer him a new body or something, and then Lee would go the dark way of the ninja.
Don't try to act mod that's all I'm saying.Quote:
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Well just try not to repeat yourself thats all im saying.
So what if he said that in another topic? Not like everybody read that one before.
That's great G-pong but next time try coming up with your own material. Oh better yet lets post some pictures that have nothing to do with the topic!Quote:
Originally posted by: G-Pong
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Well just try not to repeat yourself thats all im saying.
Congratulations Kagemane_no_Jutsu!!!
And sorry Terra won't happen again.
Edit: and BTW im not the only one whos told a n00b something before
Hmmm.. they really left Jiraya in the hot springs..... omg..
He'll survive it =PQuote:
Originally posted by: xiaoxue
Hmmm.. they really left Jiraya in the hot springs..... omg..
G-Pong, stop. Make some intelligent posts.
ep was reasonable good. kinda different from the manga but good. Lee will probably live, unless theres like some wacky plot where he dies [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]
Yay! Finally watched the ep. I'd have to agree with thundrakkon that as an anime-only person, it doesn't feel too much like filler. When there's no action or fighting, we get to see a lot of decent character development. It's especially good to see Tsunade starting to think about her responsiblities to the village, and to see that she also cares for Lee and genuinely wants to help him.
Naruto, although he is good at empathizing with the pain of people who have been isolated like him, doesn't have experience with losing someone as close as a family member. It was kind of exasperating to see him trying to coax out Konohamaru, because he just didn't get it. The kid doesn't want ramen, he wants someone to care about him. Although, I'd have to give Naruto credit for finally getting this by the end of the episode.
And I know that everyone has already said this but....yay, Sakura did something worthwhile and brought flowers for Lee!
Assertn: I don't think Jiraiya would mind dying at the hot springs town if it was by drowning in a pool full of beautiful women [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] He'd die with his eyes open, and a smile on his face
But the women left, so He would really die alone without friends
I didn't really like the episode as a whole. Granted, it did show some character development in Konohamaru. I was slightly impressed that he felt... well... better for a lack of a better word. He accepted what happend and is ready to move on... to me, it's the little things such as that which makes a good character and helps build on a good anime series.