Well, since people are starting to go to the IRC channel now, it would be nice if you could tell us what you go by there
like for instance, I go by Knives122(no changes what so ever)
So lets start.
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Well, since people are starting to go to the IRC channel now, it would be nice if you could tell us what you go by there
like for instance, I go by Knives122(no changes what so ever)
So lets start.
I go by NarutoMaster, NOT ASS CLOWN.
Salamander VI
generally speaking, I think everyone goes to gotwoot using their forum names. Not saying all members do, but for the most part.
it goes w/o saying, but i'm gaaralovessand
either Assassin or Generation_Brown
i am FrExEzE
nice avatar and sig lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
I go by NarutoMaster, NOT ASS CLOWN.
Either Souryusen or Bobtousai.
I always try to use Budweineken... but you might see me as Wiso-G or as Mondongo (rarely)
more than half of the people that idle in irc don't even talk anyway, why bother joining the channel. anyway, if you're gonna talk, then join us, the hottest topic is who's gonna be in survivor: gw 2 newb edition. we already have several nominations, see if you're one of them.
i am me
ashr goes by ashr [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Havn't been for a long time but when I go I'm DB_Hunter
one the irc im PSJ.. im not there all that often tho. im going to try being there more often.
I go by 2 names.
And when Iam in Gotwoot,which is normally all the time, I go by Arcness|Haku_san. Just because Iam Haku_san here. But everyone calls me Haku, so its all good.
I dont use IRC much but when im in the channel i go by the name FishPings..
animem on gotwoot
dont have mirc installed anymore, but i'll install it soon and idle in my fav irc channels including gotwoot of course. i used to have this crappy adsl that would disconnect after a few hours so i never was able to idle for long. now i got this amazing 3mb cable and i can idle for as long as i want. when i download mirc i'll be in gotwoot as [i]NiMiTabLE
i rarely go there, but i'm the same old kage_bunshin
uh, N-Gage on Gotwoot
|CaRnAgE| or |N-Gage| on IRC, but i rarely go on though