Originally posted by: Raposo_C
OK, i have not even reached the 4th page because i wanted to see how long i can go before this topic tries my patience. I understand I am the new guy around, but since i can't work at my pic of kakashi or my character since this pc has none of my files, and my bro is using the laptop to watch a DVD i decided i would see what everyone seems to be discusing.
1) I found it funny that anyone would consider just because Naruto got a lucky shot on Kabuto he is officialyl equal to Kabuto or Kakashi ... this has been discused already in this convo to death, expecially since Kagemane_no_Jutsu first post kinda answered all of that. I didn't understand why that topic never stopped there but hey *shrugs* it was funny to read the other ideas.
2) Sasuke VS Naruto - this is kinda of being balanced on a knifes edge, or however the saying goes. My opinion is, Sasuke would win in a match against Naruto, not Kyubbi, remember, Kyubbi's chakra isn't natural. Naruto wasn't born with it so stop talking about that, its an unfair advantage in the whole series, and he can't control it worth a shit. The reason Sasuke would win is simple, he is not as strong in chakra, or physically, but Sasuke is faster, more agile, he can think more clearly - not as well as Shikamaru but well enough - and lets not forget, he has fought side by side with Naruto enough times to know most of his techniques, and how he thinks. The only reason Naruto win's each battle is because yes he is the main character, but go beyond that, don't say, just because he is a main character he lives forever, I say, try and think as each character, each genin and each chunin are sort of equal in standards to the Naruto in respect as a character, then go from there. He beat Naji because Naji underestimated him, Sasuke dosen't.
3) I believe someone put Sasuke is a pussy, hmm, let me see, the guy thinks his soul reason for living is to kill Itachi, think about that for a moment ... to me it seems that there trying to tell us that the reason he falls apart is because of that, Sasuke believes he can only live so live so he can kill Itachi, nothing else, and by him seeing his own death, he freaks out. He is the last of the Uchia's, and to him with his death, he believes his bloodline and clan dies with him.
Now, I am not trynig to be an ass and demand someone to shut this thread, personnaly its not all that bad, but atleast consider that much and be civil about it. I am just stating my opinon, and I don't wan't to be seen as an ass.
Oh, and btw, if anyone has seen ep 98, when Tsunade was talking to Kakashi, was I the only one that felt sorry for the guy, like common, he's fighting against an S-type Ninja, and a master of Sharengen ... lol though it was funny to see him so submissive.
Anyway, peace guys, and keep her civil, and I wish my bro gets off my laptop so I can finish Kakashi ... I have basically forgot about my own character because of that drawing lol.