Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Deff one of my favorite characters in anime. He's the most hard working and determined character in Naruto and that will never change. I would like to see him make a big come back and kick some serious ass. I think Ten-Ten is tired of being Neji's personal punching bag, it's time to move on to bigger and better things.....like Rock Lee's personal punching bag! He deserves to be more of a main character than he is right now though. I say out with Sakura and it with Lee-san!
Neji's cool too-(So Neji fanboys don't go crazy)
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
lee's alright......
he's amusing to have around, and his fight with gaara is surely one of the best
but i like neji and gaara more than him though
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Love him. I generally don't like goody two-shoes characters but Rock kicks ass to the maximum.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Cmon mutata try saying one of your opinions next time with actual information to back it up. I'm not saying that because you insulted rock lee and Ilike him but because I've gone through all the recent posts and all you do is try to make random stupid ass opinions because you can't think of anything better to do. I'm suprised I'm one of the first to say this. It would've been different if you said "rock lee is a faggot because......" but you didnt so therefore, your the faggot.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Can't we all just be friends =D.
i like rock lee, hes a good character, not a useless one, (like Ino).
i hope he gets better soon.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
rock lee is a faggot.
An answer with out an explanation? It MUST be a spoiler! AHHHHH....
Sorry... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
I like Lee alot and wouldn't mind seeing more of him, In fact I alot of the genin teams(including the sand's team) and would love to see more of them.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
see here's the problem i have with lee though........
all the different characters in the series have their own distinct fighting style/abilities.....especially the kids
Lee used to.....but now sasuke has it......so sasuke is pretty much an advanced version of lee
The only way something cool could come of this is if lee and sasuke were to develop techniques that they could "combo" together against adversaries
otherwise sasuke > lee
edit: Mutata! what are you doing spoiling in the anime section?? nobody's supposed to know about lee and gai's sinful relationship yet!!
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Don't know about that one Assertn. Sasuke can't open gates. He can't do the lotuses, either. PLUS! Lee has much better stamina. Or well, had, before Gaara raped him. And the green suit is just so sexy...
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Rock Lee is a cool character, he overflows with spirit and energy!
The Explosion of Youth!!!
The Springtime of Youth!!!
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
I love him for his determination and his hard work. I think him being such an uber-goody two shoes is just so that hes also funny to watch. Plus the first time we got a good look at him, he knocked the tar out of Sasuke. How can you at least not like him for that?
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Rock Lee is fucking awesome, he means everything to me <3
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Cmon mutata try saying one of your opinions next time with actual information to back it up. I'm not saying that because you insulted rock lee and Ilike him but because I've gone through all the recent posts and all you do is try to make random stupid ass opinions because you can't think of anything better to do. I'm suprised I'm one of the first to say this. It would've been different if you said "rock lee is a faggot because......" but you didnt so therefore, your the faggot.[img][/img]
good job talking about what kind of a person i am based on being here for about... 5 days? oh yeah, which other forums do you visit? manga forum? samurai champloo forum? fullmetal alchemist forum? don't run your mouth if you don't know what you're talking about.
and you're not the first person to speak up so don't feel special.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
I like Rock Lee, not as much as some other characters, but still one of the characters I like =)
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
......Just shut your mouth........I'm proud you've been here for a while, but that doesnt make your opinion any better than mine so just please......shut your mouth. And next time, if your not actually interested in having a discussion about something why even post? No one wants to hear something like that so why even bother, why not make a statement with facts to back it up?
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Love Rock Lee. One of my favorite characters along with Kakashi.
I guess him being a goofy character that has very good moves. Unfortunately lately Lee-san has taken a backseat to all the other characters. I don't know what Kishimoto plans to do with him, but I like to see Lee develop more and become a member of the ANBU, we'll have to wait and find out.
I see the mut@t@ fanbase keeps on growing ^_^;
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
rock lee is one of my favorite characters i wish they'd show some more about him lol @ mut@t@'s screenshot poor little lee
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Im not taking sides or anything but your topic DOES say love him, like him, HATE him. And telling Mut@t@ to shut up isnt going to make him shut up, just to let ya know. As for what I think of Rock Lee, he's an okay character.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Calling him a faggot and saying I hate him and giving opinions why are two things. It's not like I care that much about it, but I'm just sick of him.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
he's grown on me, i used to think he was gay, but i think he is a good character now, but neji still > rock lee.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Neji got pwned by Naruto, he's a loser : [
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
aww..now bashing on Neji -.-; ..this is a Rock Lee Thread
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
When Rock Lee was introduced I HATED his character. He was so ugly and goofy, I thought he would ruin the anime for me... But they did a very good job of developing his character: determination, sacrifice, loads of pathos. He's now one of my favorite charaters, and I still can't believe I'm a fan of a character in a green jumpsuit... It's a testament to the greatness of the story.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Lee's alright.. one hell of an entertaining fighter though. Gotta give him props for that.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
......Just shut your mouth........I'm proud you've been here for a while, but that doesnt make your opinion any better than mine so just please......shut your mouth. And next time, if your not actually interested in having a discussion about something why even post? No one wants to hear something like that so why even bother, why not make a statement with facts to back it up?
lol, i don't understand what the problem is anymore. you told me i should back up what i say. so i did it yet, you still complain... and i was obviously interested in having a discussion about this because i posted my thoughts on it and i'm still posting. like you said, if i don't have any interest in something i won't post about it, you can see an example in other forums.
going back to the topic... i don't like rock lee, he is a faggot. however, he is funny sometimes.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
rock lee is a faggot.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
i agree I didn't like Rock Lee at first at all...he IS ugly for starters, but also the way he kept drooling over Sakura made me wary of some sorta "stalker" persona coming from him. Didn't want that at all, but later I saw he was really a cool ninja from Konoha just like all da rest
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
LMAO I think Mut@t@ is right
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Rock Lee rules. I'll just ignore that particular screen shot and convince myself it doesn't exist. Plus, he's in love with Sakura (she gets way too much burn). With his lotus techniques, he's one of the best fighters in the anime, and he's funny. Very cool character.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Mut@t@, you seriously must be joking. The tight, body hugging, bulging revealing, green envying, nipple pouting, pvc body suit is gay?
Damn. You westerners and your fashion sense really is strange. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
For me, Rock Lee's alright. I'll rate him top 5 at least for the Konoha Genins based according to the anime. Too bad he got hurt bad though.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Shi_No_Shikaku
LMAO I think Mut@t@ is right
maybe so.....except mutata's reference was more of a fact about lee, rather than an opinion he has of lee
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Rock Lees pretty mad.
I can see why people could call him a faggot tho.
Just imagine if he were a real life person.
You'd be sure to call him a fukn faggot.
And mutata is entitled to his opinion. He doesnt need to back it up with anything if he doesnt want to.
Rock Lees cool hes got the moves bro! and a great attitude too!
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Rock Lee is awesome...though I wanna see Guy-sensei's capabilities...we haven't really seen his yet.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Cmon mutata try saying one of your opinions next time with actual information to back it up. I'm not saying that because you insulted rock lee and Ilike him but because I've gone through all the recent posts and all you do is try to make random stupid ass opinions because you can't think of anything better to do. I'm suprised I'm one of the first to say this. It would've been different if you said "rock lee is a faggot because......" but you didnt so therefore, your the faggot.[img][/img]
actually, you are not the first to say this, but I've given up hope on him. Mut@t@ is a person that cant go without attention, so he keeps kicking the stones. Just ignore him.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: ?igma
actually, you are not the first to say this, but I've given up hope on him. Mut@t@ is a person that cant go without attention, so he keeps kicking the stones. Just ignore him.
i never asked for attention, you tards just keep giving me attention cuz you guys can't get enough of me. do you guys notice how others can discuss in the forums without trying to start fights with me? why don't you guys join them and let me speak in peace.
EDIT: response to below:
... god... i didn't mean 'speak in peace' like that you clown. i meant leave me alone when i post.
Originally posted by: ?igma
NO SHIT SHERLOCK ~~ , doesnt mean I cant translate it like that !! , since you obviously manage to get people pissed off on this forum.
this is my point exactly... you said you were ignoring me but you can't stop responding back. if you left me alone in the first place like you said you were gonna, none of this would've happened.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: ?igma
actually, you are not the first to say this, but I've given up hope on him. Mut@t@ is a person that cant go without attention, so he keeps kicking the stones. Just ignore him.
i never asked for attention, you tards just keep giving me attention cuz you guys can't get enough of me. do you guys notice how others can discuss in the forums without trying to start fights with me? why don't you guys join them and let me speak in peace.
you do not speak in peace, thats the problem.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: ?igma
actually, you are not the first to say this, but I've given up hope on him. Mut@t@ is a person that cant go without attention, so he keeps kicking the stones. Just ignore him.
... god... i didn't mean 'speak in peace' like
that you clown. i meant leave me alone when i post.
NO SHIT SHERLOCK ~~ , doesnt mean I cant translate it like that !! , since you obviously manage to get people pissed off on this forum.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Don't worry about Lee, He is too cool to idle or to die.
No one in the Konoha Top5 Can die ...
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
konoha top 5? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Well it should be preety obvious that i like him. He is my favorite character in naruto by far.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
This thread is amusing for the wrong reasons [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
lol this is amusing yet another newbie bashing mut@t@. is it the 15th time it happens or something?
Lee isnt all that great i mean you laugh at him not with him but he's alright.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Rock Lee is definitly a character worth having in the anime. He makes it much more diverse, him and Gai. Yea I pretty much despised him too initially...
just initially though....
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
...just get used to it...thats the way mut@t@ is
as for the topic...rock lees cool...not my favorite...not even in my top five (chouji knocked him out of there...wondering y? stay turned to the anime)
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
i cant see why people got such a big problem with mut@t@. i mean he says his opinion thats what a forum is for. who cares if he doesnt say why he think so?
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
ok...im i the only one thats a little tired of threads topics becoming "i hate mut@t@! whos with me?!" everytime we get new people here? can the next post PLEASE be on topic
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
i cant see why people got such a big problem with mut@t@. i mean he says his opinion thats what a forum is for. who cares if he doesnt say why he think so?
@ Rasendori , sorry [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
(btw, you're new yourself [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img])
Well, the problem is, that his opinion usually involves a slight bit of flaming and his opinion is _never_ constructed by arguments. He just flames the noobs with the stupid posts en loves himself above all, he just has to big of an ego.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Well i dont really see how Lee is gay when he chases after a girl all the time(unless you mean gay as stupid) And Ive given up on trying to argue with Muts comments(relized this over the down time), either ignore him or say something to contradict his statement.
And it is amusing seeing the newbs argue with him
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: ?igma
Well, the problem is, that his opinion usually involves a slight bit of flaming and his opinion is _never_ constructed by arguments. He just flames the noobs with the stupid posts en loves himself above all, he just has to big of an ego.
what the hell are you talking about, i said rock lee is a faggot and then i explained why. what is the big deal. i didn't flame anyone, you guys are overly sensitive because you have sand in your vaginas. and could guys seriously stop talking about me and stay on topic?
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
While this is amazingly amusing, I'll have to start deleting posts if you girls keep straying from the topic...
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Terra you know your just here to stir things up even more... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Mut@t@, You need to start coming up with intelligent posts, your pissing people off and frankly your getting on my nerves lately too. Either grow up and stop posting stupid immature comments to get your counter up or face the alternative. Consider this a warning.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: ?igma
Well, the problem is, that his opinion usually involves a slight bit of flaming and his opinion is _never_ constructed by arguments. He just flames the noobs with the stupid posts en loves himself above all, he just has to big of an ego.
There's obviously sections of the forum you don't venture into and haven't read, which is fine, because in the majority of areas he will present arguements very well. Look at the Naruto website in his sig, perfect example. It's too extreme to say _never_ like that, it's simply not true.
Anyway, I think Lee's good for comic relief, and also he's good for the inspirational part of the series - makes you want to work hard like him. But ultimately, he'll always be the one who loses in life, it's just the way his character is set up. He's cool though.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: ?igma
@ Rasendori , sorry [img][/img]
(btw, you're new yourself [img][/img])
Well, the problem is, that his opinion usually involves a slight bit of flaming and his opinion is _never_ constructed by arguments. He just flames the noobs with the stupid posts en loves himself above all, he just has to big of an ego.
<sigh> you apoligize...then go on about doing the thing you apoligize for... i dont see any progress in that
on topic: im tired of seeing lee always being the loser, he never wins when it matters the most . he tries to bail out sakura...then ends up getting bailed out by ino-shika-cho who end up getting bailed out by sasuke...lame. then he loses to gaara after pulling out everything that he had. this is the anime section right? then i'll leave it at that. i think it sends the wrong message: with hard works comes...nothing but failer? for once i want to see rock lee win a fucking fight that matters. when that happens we will see that with hard work you can achieve skill greater then the truely talented. at that time lee is knock chouji out of my top five favorite characters, but until then good luck lee.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
you have sand in your vaginas
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
lee is a ok characther
mut@t@ i would say u spam (saying shit out of ur ass and pissing people of)
but who cares........ur funny as hell
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
uh oh mutata, looks like the fun police are after you
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Stęgan
lee is a ok characther
mut@t@ i would say u spam (saying shit out of ur ass and pissing people of)
but who cares........ur funny as hell
Carefull man. You may piss the Moderator. LOL
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Muts a mod, would of never guessed, oh well who cares if he is
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Mut is not a mod. And he'll probably never be one either [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Mut is not a mod. And he'll probably never be one either [img][/img]
i will be after i take care of you... terra!
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
You'll have to care of Ciber, not me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Yeah I like Rock Lee. He's kick ass. I started liking from ep 21 with his smoothness:
"My name is Rock Lee."
"You are Sakura-san, right?"
"Let's go out together! I will protect you until I die!"
what a pimp. Great stuff ahahahah. He reminds me of my cool pick up lines with girls.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
I like him. He's not my favorite, but he's a very real character. He represents the vast majority of people, who aren't geniuses and who have to work hard to improve themselves.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
hes great but i think hes only got so many fans because it was obviously set up like that, an extremly fast perosn against somone with zero speed and 100% defence is obviously gonna be impressive just like how shika wa smade to be very cleve by the opponents he fought, i would like to see how he fared fighting tenten. i like neji anf think he should feature as much as sasuke, but i guess theres a bigger arc involving him waiting to happen, to give him some real fans and give some joy to the few fans he has.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
"While minor, this was still a spoiler."
/ Terracosmo-sama
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
[on topic: im tired of seeing lee always being the loser, he never wins when it matters the most . he tries to bail out sakura...then ends up getting bailed out by ino-shika-cho who end up getting bailed out by sasuke...lame. then he loses to gaara after pulling out everything that he had. this is the anime section right? then i'll leave it at that. i think it sends the wrong message: with hard works comes...nothing but failer? for once i want to see rock lee win a fucking fight that matters. when that happens we will see that with hard work you can achieve skill greater then the truely talented. at that time lee is knock chouji out of my top five favorite characters, but until then good luck lee.
I couldn't agree more. I say the next arc is Lee for president....WHO'S WITH ME!?
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
rock lee is okay, he looks like an old school anime character.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
^^ then that must mean the show is written by the same people who did the Ashlee Simpson show. Talk about a girl moochin off sis's success.
Lee's a terrific fighter, and a feel-good character for the show. But punching and kicking a tree stump can only get you so far (and that other stuff he does).
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Like Gai said, it's pretty weird seeing a ninja only capable of using taijutsu. I mean, cmon, Lee has the chakra and such, but it sucks so much how he can't use that to a degree.
Regardless, his taijutsu more than makes up for it with his techniques, speed, and the ability to unlock 5 of the 8 chakra gates. Heh, imagine what he can do if he is at a jounin level. But then again, that level may be the same as Gai.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
I like Lee. It's nice to see a character which isn't super powered from the very start now and then.
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Lee is the most integrit person in the series. He is the only one that actually has no conflict with anyone, out of his own motives (the conflict with Neji is just because he thinks himself minor, without any hatred pooring through such as in the naruto/sasuke way) He keeps things fair and helps those that need to be helped. I think he is the one and only "good"guy in the whole series.
open your heart to him folks !! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
but I like to see Lee develop more and become a member of the ANBU
Lee doesn't suck nearly enough to be stuck becoming an ANBU...
I like Lee. It's nice to see a character which isn't super powered from the very start now and then.
Of course he was. He was the strongest Genin behind Gaara in the story arc he was introduced in.
Shit, Lee's the one that brought that DragonBallZ superfighting into Naruto. Powering up, moving so fast he looks like he's teleporting while he plays pingpong with your ass. Soon as he learns to shoot energy blasts, the transformation with be complete!
On the subject of Mutata, the actual issue here is not what you think it is. It's that the "opinions" he states on the forum are not actually his own. We may never know what he actually feels on a particular issue, because he doesn't post that. No, he scientifically gauges what the "least popular stance" is to take on an issue, and then posts that in order to get a rise out of everyone. "Hmm, what do I think of Lee eh? Well, everyone loves Lee, so I'll just put "Lee is a faggot!" here!" It's the very definition of Troll.
And you all fell for it! Oh shit, and now you made ME fall for it too!
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Shit, Lee's the one that brought that DragonBallZ superfighting into Naruto. Powering up, moving so fast he looks like he's teleporting while he plays pingpong with your ass. Soon as he learns to shoot energy blasts, the transformation with be complete!
From the start he was not anything. He was pretty much useless for all purposes, except being laughed at. He did not have his super fast movements or skills granted to him from birth. He aquired them by training, training hard. Also, altho he used all his strenght in the Gaara fight, he still lost. Not only the match, but also his leg and arm. Hence why I find him a bit more of a compelling and realistic character than Sasuke or Naruto, who appears able to master pretty much anything in a matter of days.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
yeah, he'll definately make a comeback, maybe the fifth will regenerate his legs [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Aramis
yeah, he'll definately make a comeback, maybe the fifth will regenerate his legs [img][/img]
let us pray
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
so uh.......any of you guys see the new ep yet? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
so uh.......any of you guys see the new ep yet? [img][/img]
they say 50%!! ..he'll beat that uhuhuh, and after that, when he does, the series will be called : Rock Lee, instead of Naruto , go figure!!
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
i think rock lee's a very tough one, nobody can beat rock lee when it comes to determination! rock lee is a very promising genin, yeah...the first time i saw him i was like "what's with this bozo?" and then after i watched his fight against my idol gaara, i was like "HOLY S**T! this guy is soooo COOOOOLLL!!! it's insane to put weights as heavy as a ball wrecker!! " man.....ROCK LEE, definitely ROCKS!!!
Rock Lee's one of the reason why i watch naruto, also there's kishimoto's showing us the way of the shinobi, ninjutsu arts, and so on! but one of my main reasons....ROCK LEE.
For me Rock Lee is a potential spark plug in naruto....
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
i dont hate him i dont like him i dont luv him i acully hes the most nuterual charater to me
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: lasaire
I like him. He's not my favorite, but he's a very real character. He represents the vast majority of people, who aren't geniuses and who have to work hard to improve themselves.
I would agree with that.... He's ugly, he has to work hard, and nothing seems to work out for him.
AND even though he works hard and keeps a positive attitude, he can't just magically overcome his injury. Tsunade just casually wakes up Sasuke and Kakashi, but Lee is the one she can't fix in 5 min by just putting her hands over him. He doesn't jump at the 50/50 chance either, he has to think about it. I wonder if he WILL be back, maybe not....
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
I don't think there is any maybe about it.
I mean, I suppose its POSSIBLE he might die during the surgery, but its almost a given that he will take the chance.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Rock Lee is a very interasting charcther to me. I like him becasued he was the first charcther who was hard working.
Originally posted by: RasenDori
Originally posted by: ?igma
im tired of seeing lee always being the loser, he never wins when it matters the most . he tries to bail out sakura...then ends up getting bailed out by ino-shika-cho who end up getting bailed out by sasuke...lame. then he loses to gaara after pulling out everything that he had. this is the anime section right? then i'll leave it at that. i think it sends the wrong message: with hard works comes...nothing but failer? for once i want to see rock lee win a fucking fight that matters. when that happens we will see that with hard work you can achieve skill greater then the truely talented.q]
Rock Lee's problem wasn't his not strong enough to win the battle ageinst gaara, he just supposed to loose to make gaara so powerfull. In the first episode he was seen Lee was strong very strong, and by that fight Kishimoto makes us understand the power of GAARA OF THE SAND
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Ops...I wanted to edit...
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Omri
Rock Lee is a very interasting charcther to me. I like him becasued he was the first charcther who was hard working.
Originally posted by: RasenDori
Originally posted by: ?igma
im tired of seeing lee always being the loser, he never wins when it matters the most . he tries to bail out sakura...then ends up getting bailed out by ino-shika-cho who end up getting bailed out by sasuke...lame. then he loses to gaara after pulling out everything that he had. this is the anime section right? then i'll leave it at that. i think it sends the wrong message: with hard works comes...nothing but failer? for once i want to see rock lee win a fucking fight that matters. when that happens we will see that with hard work you can achieve skill greater then the truely talented.q]
Rock Lee's problem wasn't his not strong enough to win the battle ageinst gaara, he just supposed to loose to make gaara so powerfull. In the first episode he was seen Lee was strong very strong, and by that fight Kishimoto makes us understand the power of GAARA OF THE SAND
I did not say anything of that :?
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
hahaha....it was a SETUP!
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
evil trickery is being used to make me look bad
(typing with in one hand a toothbrush really doesnt help [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
rock lee is a faggot.
Cute Lee is not a faggot! He just really loves Gai's.....[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
...training, he loves gai's training. lets just leave it at that...
staying on topic, lee is one of my favorite characters because of his determination. sucks hes gettin screwed over all the time tho.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
On the subject of Mutata, the actual issue here is not what you think it is. It's that the "opinions" he states on the forum are not actually his own. We may never know what he actually feels on a particular issue, because he doesn't post that. No, he scientifically gauges what the "least popular stance" is to take on an issue, and then posts that in order to get a rise out of everyone. "Hmm, what do I think of Lee eh? Well, everyone loves Lee, so I'll just put "Lee is a faggot!" here!" It's the very definition of Troll.
Troll or no troll, he outwitted you all. The screenshot was just brilliant. People begin whining "backup with arguments" (for no good reason - opinions don't need arguments), so he gives his statement backup, and it's still not good enough. Really, know when you get owned. The fact that people actually responded negatively to his first post is already a sign that this thread is filled with idiots, but to have it go on this long is a feat. And Mutata really didn't need to do anything to fuel the flames - the very few posts that he made could have been omitted and it'd have made no difference to all the flaming going on. In fact, I vote for Mutata as mod, just for fun and to see what happens. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Edit: oh and btw, this thread would've been boring without this flame anyway, so at least express some thanks [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img].
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: mf
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
On the subject of Mutata, the actual issue here is not what you think it is. It's that the "opinions" he states on the forum are not actually his own. We may never know what he actually feels on a particular issue, because he doesn't post that. No, he scientifically gauges what the "least popular stance" is to take on an issue, and then posts that in order to get a rise out of everyone. "Hmm, what do I think of Lee eh? Well, everyone loves Lee, so I'll just put "Lee is a faggot!" here!" It's the very definition of Troll.
Troll or no troll, he outwitted you all. The screenshot was just brilliant. People begin whining "backup with arguments" (for no good reason - opinions don't need arguments), so he gives his statement backup, and it's still not good enough. Really, know when you get owned. The fact that people actually responded negatively to his first post is already a sign that this thread is filled with idiots, but to have it go on this long is a feat. And Mutata really didn't need to do anything to fuel the flames - the very few posts that he made could have been omitted and it'd have made no difference to all the flaming going on. In fact, I vote for Mutata as mod, just for fun and to see what happens. [img][/img]
Edit: oh and btw, this thread would've been boring without this flame anyway, so at least express some thanks [img][/img].
Yeah because a discussion about Naruto.....sure would've been boring, and btw your the one keeping it going now dick.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
RE: Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Yeah because a discussion about Naruto.....sure would've been boring, and btw your the one keeping it going now dick.
Use your brain to find out WHY. I, unlike most other idiots here, like it, since as I said I find the rest of the thread boring.
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
ROCK LEE!! LOVE HIM!!! practice beats genius!!!
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
Rock Lee: Love him? Like him? Hate him?
i finally found a reason to hate rock lee. i don't know if it was mentioned before...he likes sakura.