Can someone direct me towards some Bleach scanlations please? Google hates me and just threw Hentai at me when I tried to search for it...
I'll be your best friend!! <3 <3 <3
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Can someone direct me towards some Bleach scanlations please? Google hates me and just threw Hentai at me when I tried to search for it...
I'll be your best friend!! <3 <3 <3
AFAIK Toriyama's was the only group doing it and they dropped it this spring when viz announced they had got it - I have the first few volumes on CD but I don't know of any working download sites or torrents- that and I haven't Seen Viz's copy yet - it was supposed to come out in july.
Has anyone seen the Viz version that would care to comment?
Are you sure they were the ONLY people doing it? It seems that a few other groups would have worked on it too or something, or at least another group started when TW stopped...
I want Bleach T_T
Oh, and I saw Volume 1 of Bleach not too long ago, I didn't have the money to buy it though ... ;_;
I searched mangareaders when Toriyama announced they were dropping it, no dice at that time at least - I cussed a blue streak for a few days (its a neato series that was just getting into the meat of the story when they dropped it) now I'm waiting to either order the first few volumes online or for Viz to catch up to where I was at (Volume 5) ...
c'mon people manga-rain is up to vol 14 or so look before you say toriyama are the only ones, manga-rain has continued
Er ... Please don't give out the chan name on gotwoot forums cause last time I did that soul-society dropped it >_<!!!! (could be unrelated but if Viz people go to this forum .... you get the idea -_-)
Use private messaging would be better ...
and *hint *hint
Easiest way to get your dose of bleach would be IRC.
edit: Bleach raw are quite hard to find, Bleach raw site
I would just like you to know that I love you.
Thanks XD
(this thread has served it's purpose, it may rest in peace now)
i would also add YOUR THE MAN
No problemo,you're welcome.
wow! thanks a million!
although with that one ending at the end of chapter 9 is a real cliffhanger
I detest IRC - is there any other way to get the next 5 chapters from manga rain?
sending fat stacks of cash maybe? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
nope learn irc moron, it's so easy i don't understand why people hate it,
i just caugth up with the releases up to 127 damn this manga is the shit seriously this needs to be an anime it's gonna rock so much this is definately one of my favorites right now
There IS an anime coming in October, and no need to be a jerk XD
i'm not being a jerk anyone who isn't willing to learn how to use a program to get free stuff is a moron
hey....where can i find it with irc?
on that's the server channel is #manga-rain
I do know how to use IRC and DCC - I chose not to becuase of all the malware and virus ware on IRC and the @$$holes who push it on others.Quote:
Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
nope learn irc moron, it's so easy i don't understand why people hate it,
i just caugth up with the releases up to 127 damn this manga is the shit seriously this needs to be an anime it's gonna rock so much this is definately one of my favorites right now
(after the 5th time I had to take my box back to gold load to get a G-----m trojan or bot off of it I swore off IRC forever.)
I'm happy for people who are able to get what they want off IRC, but my experience with it has been overwhelmingly negative.
yes i agree with you noonan, i caught a virus in my comp and i still have it untill i reformat my comp which is gonna be awhile because i have to back everything up
Since baka took away bleach,i found another site who have bleach.
Here you go
anywhere that has vol 9 and above...cliff hanger!!! i tried irc...i downloaded...but i don't how to work it. how am i suppose to dl stuff from there??...i shoulda dled it from baka site all at once. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
That is because you guys keep clicking on urls that you are not suppose to... just get ad-aware... spybot and a good virus scanner... run them about once a week and you should be fine... although i dont do this...Quote:
Originally posted by: Noonan
I do know how to use IRC and DCC - I chose not to becuase of all the malware and virus ware on IRC and the @$$holes who push it on others.Quote:
Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
nope learn irc moron, it's so easy i don't understand why people hate it,
i just caugth up with the releases up to 127 damn this manga is the shit seriously this needs to be an anime it's gonna rock so much this is definately one of my favorites right now
(after the 5th time I had to take my box back to gold load to get a G-----m trojan or bot off of it I swore off IRC forever.)
I'm happy for people who are able to get what they want off IRC, but my experience with it has been overwhelmingly negative.
I have my laptop on for a month without shutting down... IRC open at all times and my laptop has 0 problems
and it's so simple to learn you just gotta read trough one irc faq and you can start to download they tell you step for step what to do
Alright, I'll put this in small words so that maybe you understand this time ... I CAN use IRC / MIRC / USENET / KAZAA etc. etc. etc.
I choose NOT to.
The problem is not "Difficulty" these applications are EASY to use.
The Problem is "assholes" the last time I was on IRC and asked for a DCC send of a manga chapter, I instead recived a Zombie app that took me 3 months to clean off my computer.
I am running - Norton, Windows firewall, ISP firewall, Adaware, Spybot, Spywareblaster, Advanced administrator tools. And I keep all updated on my box - I also use firefox and thunderbird instead of Microsoft IE and outlook in order to avoid all the security holes.
In any file sharing app the weak link is that anyone can rename a file and distribute malicious code via standard app. The reason I chose to use bittorent and direct FTP is that those comunities have been the most honest and helpfull of any that I have found so far.
I want to read volumes 11-14 of Bleach - but it isn't worth reloading my alienware box and losing the other 60gb of anime and manga I have on my hard drive.
you shouldn't ask for a dcc send that's one of the prime rules on irc don't ask for shit if you do your thing in silence you'll have no problem i've never downloaded anything of irc or anyone's fserve that contained a virus or a trojan or whatever irc is just the best place to get stuff so if you dont want to use it it's your loss,
on another not Manga-Rain has released Chapter 129
Thank you Budweineken.
i started to read it...and i went through a couple volumes in one morning. bleach is the shit. i just can't get enough of it.
I need bleach! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]
This is so cool
for those interested
raws up to 148
link to 132 if anyone wants it
ummm, damn. i was just at Bleachforums. seems like manga rain and the forum site are having problems about hosting the manga =\
*Note: Username's Wave at Bleachforums [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]
is there also an anime of bleach?
it begins airing next month
If I am remembering correctly the first episode should air October 5th?
I'm gonna be keeping an eye on Leet-raws and few others hoping to see the raw pop up in the next 3 weeks ..
chapter 151 raw is out and what a good chapter it is, yay for color pages!
Oiy, can someone seed this torrent file please? ^^; I have no peers to connect to :<Quote:
thanks heaps for the link, this manga has gotten so good
EDIT: hehe im downloading at 170kb/s, nice and fast
EDIT 2: argh its stopped at 70%, i think i need seeders
there's another torrent for those bleach chapters at suprnova just run a search for bleach, that's how i got them it's pretty well seeded.
here's the link Bleach manga vol 8-14
is there any site with vols 1,2,6,7 since that site hakeem posted only got vol 3,4,5
but i don't think they have full volume downloads, so you'll have to do it chapter by chapter
chapter by chapter is fine. as long as i can read something good.
Rofl, you were downloading from me. I had 70% and left the window open.Quote:
Originally posted by: basey_69
thanks heaps for the link, this manga has gotten so good
EDIT: hehe im downloading at 170kb/s, nice and fast
EDIT 2: argh its stopped at 70%, i think i need seeders use mirc
hey how can i get chapters above 138, i saw on bleachworld they have a 153, but nothing between 138 and 153, anyone know
thats what i want 2 know lol 138 was a good chap i cant find any more
japan is up to chapter 153, one group released chapter 153, go to for your bleach needs since they are the narutofan for bleach, another group/site did 139
link dont work
edit: i digged alittle and found a site that has manga 139 under latest releases here
wow im currently up to vol 10 this series is amazing. i love it
yea i was surprised how good it got, seeing as it wasnt that great at the start
nah the start was great after volume 6 it just became down right amazing, i loved it from chapter 1 though action wise the first 6 volumes lacked in comparison to the later volumes the humor made up for the lack of action
well what ever your opinion is im sure that everyone will agree the new stuff is absolutely amazing
ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS. *Makes a holllow mask*
yea, but i have trouble using irc :/ even tho im not suppossed to ask in here ill do it anyway. can someone help me geto n manga rains channel? i dont get this stuff [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
be sure to have a registered nickname
#manga-rain is the channel simple as that
registered nickname? hmm how do i fix that?
mmmmmm it should appear when you connect to the irchighway server, i don't remember the command for it but if you don't register your nickname they'll kick you off the channel
ok yea then i have a registred nickname but when i join the channel im the only one there.
that's weird, are you on the right server?
yea i tried again and it worked. so im in now.
good for you they just released 139 by the way
yea just read it. damn it was madcool. i want more :'(
d00d, you guys are late with this comic, its atmost 12 months old. [atleast 8...] or even older.i just no its not new and that you guys are late [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
so what if its old? stop the spamming man posts like that are totally useless. you should read it so you can being to understand how amazing it is.
i am missing chps. 132 and there any way that i can download them besides mirc? and if i cant will i be able to later? thanks
Jiraiya... you know that my bittorrent is fucked up...
ah but thats the beauty of it, u dont use bit torrent to get the manga. u use mirc
oh yea thats right only that you can get most of it through other sources than bt. check this thread for it. and rangeofhakke. i think you will be able to get them off of direct download sites in a while but mirc is faster and you dont have to wait [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
What he said. IRC hates to me... I got into the #manga-rain channel, when I tried to use a command I got kicked out or something and when I tried to get back in it's say "address blocked" or something >_>Quote:
Originally posted by: RangeOfHakke
i am missing chps. 132 and there any way that i can download them besides mirc? and if i cant will i be able to later? thanks
hahhahahaha, im a total noob at mirc ive used it a total of 3 times i think, but even i could figure it out hehe
go to i think it is, or maybe .net for a list of new releases and the packet number and stuff
HEY EVERYONE bleach 140 is out, you can get it on mirc at manga rain, after reading it i just gotta say i cant wait for the next chapter
@Kuroi: When ever you go to a new channel you have never been to use the " !rules" command there you will learn what you can can not do on the channel. Most IRC channels don't allow the @search or @find command you need to use !list or what command they specify.
On the 140 front yeah I want 141 to be translated super fast.
oh my god that was awesome i want 141 nooooooow. as a side note manga rain translates shaman king? anybody know if they have translated since vol 1?
i used to serve in manga rain, but now i cant even connect to highway in order to get anyone else havign this problem??
ahhhhhhhh 141 was so cool, ban kai is awesome, go renji
ban kai was awesome i would like to see what ichigo's ban kai looks like. and since byakuya is a captain he also got a ban kai right i hope it looks cool to.
yup byakuya has a bankai too like you said can't wait to see ichigo's bankai
I'm also missing 132-140
and mirc is just too much hassle and waiting
anyone know a good torrent link to get this these?
hey everyone chapter 142 has been released if u hadnt realised
chapter 143 has been released.'s good. byakuya's ban kai kicks ass.
cant w8 to see hmm.. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img] shit i forgot is name.... the main char name... that cant be good [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Ichigo.... thats the name [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
cant w8 to see his bankai
id like to see Kuchikis face when ichigo dodge all of his blades [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]
well i hope he can dodge them
ichigos ban kai will be interesting because each bankai we have seen is an extention of the original blade. and i cant seem to quess what special power ichigos blade has except that its super huge
144 out from manga-rain get it now at their servers. not much happens [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
im pretty sure ichigo will have one of those last minute type saves and the other 3 dudes will be released by a kind person. cant wait till more trans.
i just checked out the later chapters and they get better each time. ohh god i cant wait till 150
OMG! neither can i. i saw a couple of the raw after ch. 144. it looks pretty good.
im hopin ichigo's ban kai is sumthin where he combines his powers with Kitsuki's (his sword's name) and shows up with a torn up cape and those crazy glasses or sumthin kool like that XD
hey, u see him with goggles a LOT on the covers of the manga o__O
any1 know what the deal is with ichigo and that hallow(sp?) mask that keep saveing his life?
cant help but wounder if it got some thing to do with his bankai
...or maybe ichigo is half hallow half shigami
so many questions so few answers =)
Bleach Manga Direct Download
If anyone still wants to dl Bleach from the beginning and doesn't use irc, this website has up to the latest chapter.
that site is forbidden you need to go to and then click on bleach
i claim this manga. it's sooo good.
haha i just started to get this manga,
hooked me.
i think the question we should be asking is... WTF IS MANGA RAIN DOING!?!?!?!?
last night i found out that they are about 14 weeks behind (ch 159 raw came out).
sad face.
i got another question we should be asking Mut@t@: WTF IS SHINIGAMI DOING?? STARTING AT 153???
u get the point XP
Hello people i have had problem finding a site to download Bleach can somebody help. a place where you dont have to register would be perfect.
it's all in single chapters.
and get the latest Raws at #udanraws on irchighway.
btw where can i download trans scans of the newer chaps like 150+ i heard some group is do them
Shinigami did ch. 153..and there is no other group other than manga-rain and shinigami.
Double thanks kai cause i was also missing GANTZ 93,94 and found the site you gave me link to.
damn i love this manga, i've only read upto chapter 77,
heh fuckin awesome, i think this is a little better than naruto.
damn i really liked the look when ichigo had the hollow mask on, bad ass!!
I like his sword also, mad shit.