itachi mentions this in 225.
we know only uchiha's can have it , so that rules kakashi out.
so did itachi leave someone else alive , or maybe an uchiha left the village beforehand?
this certainly is a interesting devolopment.
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itachi mentions this in 225.
we know only uchiha's can have it , so that rules kakashi out.
so did itachi leave someone else alive , or maybe an uchiha left the village beforehand?
this certainly is a interesting devolopment.
i was wondering that as well. i'm guessing that 3rd uchiha was gone on a mission or something... or maybe he is even stronger than itachi =O
and i'm glad the forums are finally back.
Well yeah! I figure it like this... someone had to tell Itachi about the mangekyou sharingan. If it's forbidden beyond forbidden, and requires that you kill your best friend, it's not like pa's gonna say, "Aww son, there's this cool trick I gotta teach you, but... you gotta kill Shisui first!"
Gotta love the little hints that suggest something bigger. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
maybe the leader or whatever of akatsuki also is an uchiha... that would be really interesting.
yes this has also plauged my mind...
who is the third person..? i hope we hear more of this...
could be part of the akatsuki...
very interesting
Sasuke's & Itachi's long lost sister? LoL.
Maybe the another member of the Akatsuki. Or some betrayer who fled to another village.
Interesting though.
he said including him it would be 3 people who can use mangekyou, so if sasuke learns it would that make 4 or was he including sasuke as one of the 3.
personally id like to see 2 new uchiha members.
inane version.Quote:
Originally posted by: viciousHyuuga
he said including him it would be 3 people who can use mangekyou, so if sasuke learns it would that make 4 or was he including sasuke as one of the 3.
personally id like to see 2 new uchiha members.
direct quote: including myself, there will be three people who an handle the mangekyou sharingan. in that case... ...hehe. therewould be a reason to let you live.
i believe that means there are only three people; itachi, sasuke, and someone.
yes, i was very excited when i've read that. it makes me wonder if this is the person that tell itachi the secret behind the stones or did itachi discovered it on his own.
Man that gas really been on my mind too. that would explain the way itachi looked down on the other uchihas and saying that they were limiting and holding themselves back(something like that). anyways we definetely need more information. oh and i'm glad the forums are finally back.
But wasen't the entirely clan destroyed execpt Itachi and Sasuke ? The shark guy who's with Itachi when they are gonna capture Naruto on the hotel, he said something like this, "I heard that the Uchiha clan was destroy by you Itachi." Shouldn't he know if there was somone in akutski that is a sharigan user then ? I bet there isn't someone in the akutski who is a sharigan user otherwise they would know it.
Unless Itachi is supposed to have written the Scroll that Sasuke read, then it is possible that someone earlier in the history of the Uchiha found the technique and recorded it as a forbidden technique..
so the 3rd could have been from an earlier generation in Konohana
What gets me is, if Itachi had said that there were three people who were capable of using it, why would Sasuke say that he was the only survivor other than his brother? Afterall, he did tell Sasuke this the same night that he massacred the Uchiha. Maybe it's bad writing or maybe Sasuke just "forgot".
That's for the possibility of there being another Uchiha around; although it'd be nice if there were, I don't think it would fit in with what's already been written in the story too well. But then again, the twist they added onto the Mangekyou Sharingan wasn't going along with what's already happened either.
I am going more with there being someone before Itachi who told him. I don't think it's someone in Akatsuki.
It can't be someone in Akatsuki otherwise the shark guy would have said that in the hotel. I also believe that there was a guy before Itachi who told him how to gain it.
Remember that you cant tell that someone is an Uchicha unless they activate their Sharingan, which means that it is possible that the 3rd remaining Uchicha may be someone we have already seen.
I have a theory, which I dont think is right but it is possible (and if it came true it would probably be quite gay).
Kabuto may be the 3rd Uchicha. He may have been using Oro to get close to Sasuke, and will reveal his Sharingan when Sas-gay goes and finds Oro, after he has whooped Naruto's ass.
Well that thery seems decent but why wount oro just take over kabuto.
its already said that kabuto is from another village and got some kind of bloodline limit which made ppl call him a monster so i dont thnk he is an uchiha. if this uchiha that told itachi about mangekyou lived in leaf where did he go after the uchiha slaughter? did itachi kill him or did he survive? if he did survive where is he now? many questions and no answers :'(
maybe itachi has a son? DUN DUN DUN. j/k
i misssed this place, good to be back.
am i the only one who thinks itachi and sasuke's mother seems kinda....suspicious. i remember in one chapter she was talkin to itachi alone and sasuke was eavesdroppin, i dont keep all the chapters on the comp to look.
Well, telling or showing Oro that he is an Uchiha would be the dumbest thing Kabuto could do. He will get overtaken and that is definately not in his interests.
I don't like the idea of Kabuto being an Uchiha, though the plot if he were one could be nice. Kill Oro in order to gain the mangekyou [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
kabuto isnt from konoha, he was only raised in konoha.
ruled out.
kabuto doesn't have black hair!! bad evidence to base it on but that's why i think kabuto isn't an uchiha. then ppl start saying kabuto isn't from konoha...yah, that's a better reason.
is this 3rd person alive or dead?? if he is alive, OMG! the story just gets better and better. maybe this 3rd person can start teaching sasuke or something.
i dont think its all that good with a third uchiha showing up it will drag more heat away from naruto and to sasuke. we need some akatsuki in the story now and even more of naruto after this arc.
What we need is a time jump, and with this they can put the story into a "Ive been fighting the Akatsuki arc" that probably wont work, but man can dream
You and your Neji
terra is obsessed..... i dont think thats healthy.
Neiji's dead, next time you see him will be at his funeral. Third Uchiha better be stronger than Itachi, or else he's pretty much a waste.
neji can't die. he's a changed man. he has a new life to live! FREE FROM FATE!!!! i hope chouji isn't dead either.
yah, i think i would like to see more akatsuki. intro to the rest of the memebers. yeah, i do wanna see that.
i'm wondering about the 'handle' word... doesn't that mean being able to stand against it (like how kakashi thought he could handle it) rathter then being able to use it? another Uchiha running around would take even more spotlight from Naruto\Sakura\Neji\[any other intersting charecter] and force us into another 2 months flashback of some random shit....
bahha, just show us Akatsuki again, i want to see Kisame slashing someone....
Edit: I know that i wrote Sakura as intersting charecter, i'm completly aware that it's 100% crap, plz don't bother about it...
I truly hope Chouji isn't dead, he just fainted from the pills he used. I hope
Chouji has to be dead, he took the pills knowing that he'll die... if he just wakes up and says 'well, that was a good nap' then people will be seirously pissed...
Neji still has a chance to be alive, becuase he fainted while he stiil had the will to live on.
I'll lose all hope with the Naruto series if Chouji survives. They even used the butterfly effect!!
But the main reason is of course not me being biased regarding Neji. My reason is that Neji actually has fans. And, the results of their respective fights were very different in such that Chouji hit his peak as a character, while Neji only overcame his blind spot.
noooooooo make chouji survive he looked so badass when he blocked jiroubous punch when he had eaten the third pill at least give him one more badass moment!!! i dont want him to die kill off neji instead. neji sucks!
Baah, I hope Neji dies instead of Chouji ! Chouji 4ever. ^__^
Neji will not die! Let chouji die, and Neji live!
You all know Hinata's sister(?). Why would she be introduced if the series won't have a timeleap? It can't be for the dramatic effect, o wow Neji is stronger then Hinata. Everyone knew that.
Anyway.... as for the topic:
I seriously hope that the 3rd mangekyu user is female. The lack of strong females is just seriously boring....
Or is everyone just scared to see a boy lose to a girl? .. Maybe the creators...
agreed neji is godly. cant be dead!!!
big boned > all
its good to be back...i see somethings dont change (kenshiro's still going at it with lame "sasgay" BS)
man...there is too much neji hate here [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
anyways, on topic:
i think its safe to assume that this uchiha member is part of sasuke and itachis family, otherwise no one could defeat this person. and it is very possible that the 3rd MS user is a member of the akatsuki. the member os the akatsuki may not have complete contact with the two members at the top...kind of like baroque works from one piece, and the leaders idenity could be a mystery
chouji's dad told chouji that he MIGHT (GREAT EMPHASIS ON THAT WORD) die if he takes the 3rd pill. thus...chouji has a chance of survival.
Didn't chouji say, "if i eat the last pill, ill definitely die for sure!"
correct me if im wrong, but didnt one of the uchihas that came to question itachi not have black hair either?Quote:
Originally posted by: Eurasian
kabuto doesn't have black hair!! bad evidence to base it on but that's why i think kabuto isn't an uchiha. then ppl start saying kabuto isn't from konoha...yah, that's a better reason.
is this 3rd person alive or dead?? if he is alive, OMG! the story just gets better and better. maybe this 3rd person can start teaching sasuke or something.
the third person doesnt have to be stronger than could very well be an old weaker one that could find sasuke and train him the ways, so that sasuke will be stronger than itachi
look, the point is...
no one gives two shits about chouji.
it's all about itachi!
i hope the 3rd uchiha isn't stronger than itachi. if he or she's stronger, that wouldn't be cool =(
so i went to check...AND U R RIGHT!!! sorry, when i think about the "uchihas" i think about sasuke's family.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
correct me if im wrong, but didnt one of the uchihas that came to question itachi not have black hair either?
a weaker least make this 3rd person be equally as strong. or else there would be nobody about to defeat itachi.
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
maybe the leader or whatever of akatsuki also is an uchiha... that would be really interesting.
Maybe its Naruto ? =)
there could be another possibility....heres my theory
that the only way to beat mangekyou sharigan, is someone who can use mangekyou sharigan, so what if itachi was in a stale mate with the other "user" and the battle was not going anywhere, so one tries to escape,(so if itachi was the escapee) and not wanting to admit a loss, itachi just said he killed every1 to give him a superior reputation, and no1 question about remaining survivors. thats just my input.
or itachi wasnt the escapee and wasnt worried about the other user and considered him dead as hes no threat
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
i dont think its all that good with a third uchiha showing up it will drag more heat away from naruto and to sasuke. we need some akatsuki in the story now and even more of naruto after this arc.
Yeah there have been enough about the uchicha clan and their precious sharingan and as you say we all want an arc about Naruto and Akatsuki.
Personally i would lose internest in the manga if there were a new hole arc about the three uchichas.
Itachi doesn't seem like the lying type to me. He has honour - I don't think he'd lie about how many people he's killed. It's all about the glory of battle, warriors take these things very seriously, they'd rather die than be dishonest about it.Quote:
Originally posted by: Fr0sT
there could be another possibility....heres my theory
that the only way to beat mangekyou sharigan, is someone who can use mangekyou sharigan, so what if itachi was in a stale mate with the other "user" and the battle was not going anywhere, so one tries to escape,(so if itachi was the escapee) and not wanting to admit a loss, itachi just said he killed every1 to give him a superior reputation, and no1 question about remaining survivors. thats just my input.
or itachi wasnt the escapee and wasnt worried about the other user and considered him dead as hes no threat
Too lazy to find the post and quote it, but I too hope that if there is a third uchiha alive, that it be female. A hot adult female with weird eyes? Worthy enough be my new desktop background. On a slightly more serious note, yeah, more strong females is needed in the anime. I'm not usually one to complain about weak female characters with all these stupid girl power animes around, but Naruto is good enough an anime that the existance strong female characters won't feel like a gallon of pre-teen estrogen being shoved down my throat every episode I watch. Also...Neji looks dead as hell. Doesn't get much deader looking than Neji...
i know its all about the glory of the battle, but i dont know, something just seems fishy, itachi i know itachi has honor, but every1 hates to lose, so maybe hes trying to find the other user to kill him (maybe another reason for his group to get kyubi, so that itachi can some how harness it????)
i have another 2 thoughts about this, its either that the other user was a kid like sasuke, and itachi lets them both live to try and beat him, but they run into each other down the line and something like that (now that would be another story twister)
or the other user is older then itachi, and did the same thing to itachi, that itachi did to sasuke, if that makes any sense...ionno just some more thoughts, but it all seems weird.
but how long do you think the other user will last in the series, whether stronger or weaker then itachi? think another character to kill off? or a walk in part where it takes the story to new levels?
the 3rd person is...
the love-child of sakura and sasuke!
Originally posted by: Jed
the 3rd person is...
the love-child of sakura and sasuke!
Why that makes so much sense. We've all been reading Naruto about ninja's are so technologically backward people so much we forgot that in the future they've could have invented a time machine, and sent their son back to kill Itachi who killed his fater.
So I think we've finally solved the mystery here. Sasukekura (The 3rd Mangekyou) person is in fact the love child of Sakura and Sasuke!
Judging by the TV Special about the Naruto movie, Kakashi can do it. (the eye spins, just like Itachi's did in the anime).
BTW I know that the movie is a seperate thing and has nothing to do with the manga or the series. Just thought it was odd when i saw that in the Movie Special.
kakashis eyes are always able to spin...thats how the sharingan works...
but he cant get magekyou as he doesnt have uchiha blood...
Kakashi has used genjutsu with his sharingan before...Zabuza said that was how he hypnotised him into believing Kakashi was doing his moves before he did
When did Itachi become a Klingon? There is no substance behind this claim. Itachi killed his whole family, even his old grandparents. There is no honor in killing someone obviously weaker than you for no reason.Quote:
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Itachi doesn't seem like the lying type to me. He has honour - I don't think he'd lie about how many people he's killed. It's all about the glory of battle, warriors take these things very seriously, they'd rather die than be dishonest about it.
who knows but he took on the clan as a whole...not just as test himself he killed the clan...i say dont look at it from an individual perspective but a group...
he meant that even though itach is ruthless, he is still able to keep his word and not lie about crap like that... why would someone like itachi need to lie about killing x amount of people? he can kick anyone ass right now.Quote:
Originally posted by: Superman
When did Itachi become a Klingon? There is no substance behind this claim. Itachi killed his whole family, even his old grandparents. There is no honor in killing someone obviously weaker than you for no reason.Quote:
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Itachi doesn't seem like the lying type to me. He has honour - I don't think he'd lie about how many people he's killed. It's all about the glory of battle, warriors take these things very seriously, they'd rather die than be dishonest about it.
^Agrees with the above post
think the 3rd one could be kakashi .. cause itachi would of known about kakashi an probarly would of known who he got his eye off, considering it was a past flashback i dont think at that time itachi thought he could own kakashi.
dosnt make sence the 3rd uchiha would of been out of town, an what he didnt come back? cause we would of known of him by now, or im sure the 3rd would of known he was on a mission or something. unless he was working together with itachi an his hiding.
but then again im talking on logic, in anime logic dosnt always count =)
I could not be Kakashi, as Kakashi only has the eye, not the blood. Hence "Blood Line Limit." Did anyone notice that Inane's scanslation said "three who are able," not "three who have it" ?? Are there any other scanslations that use more precise verbiage? I can tell of two meanings: that there are three people who possess the ABILITY to get Mangekyo, or that there are three people (once Sasuke has attained it) who know how to use it?? The wording is imprecise and could mean either.
Hey, but what if it's Naruto?
I mean we know absolutly nothing about his parents, except that Yondaime might be his father.
And what if he was going around banging an Uchiha woman.
I mean who knows?
What if Sausgay discovers that Naruto is his cousin and Shoots himself for having such an "idiot" in his family. I would certainly like to see that happen, lol.
If that's the case maybe that is the reason why Itachi told Kisame (After the fight in the hotel with Jiraiya) he wanted to wait until something about Naruto happened before kidnapping him.
hahahah now that i would like to see.
if that is the case fuk naruto is equal to god. haha
-- to my understanding itachi said including myself there are three who can handle the mangekyou. now considering it was a flashback. it could be possible he was including kakashi. he didnt say another uchiha.
it's not possible cuz only uchihas can awaken the mangekyou sharingan... that's why only another uchiha can defeat itachi.
what do you mean mayb so. are you thinking that there is some other possibility that the 3rd person with the mangekyou sharingan isn't an uchiha?
maybe so.
I'm guessing he means that the mangekyou sharingan isn't necessarily as undefeatable as itachi is claiming it is, and that it's possible that someone can find a way to defeat the technique and/or itachi. It's the only interpretation that makes any sense.
even though "3 may be able to have it" means that 3 people may have the ability to use it pretty much suggests that there will be another person in the manga that can use the ability. Why would kishimoto write that if it had no significance? If no one other than Sasuke and Itachi would actually possess the power? I am pretty sure it will not be Kakashi, but it just might, you never know. I hope its an uchiha girl that gets it.
my guess it is an uchiha in hiding..
goto chapter 224 and check out page 11..
the ninja on top of the telegraph pole that sasuke sees...
ive been looking at this picture and i dont think it is itachi...
it could be an uchiha and it could be the 3rd mangekyou sharingan user...
the reason why i dont think it is itachi his because the hair is too long to be itachis...and i dont think kishimoto has stuffed up by drawing the hair longer than it is supposed to be..the hair drawn will reach near the bottom of his back..while itachis goes down in between his shoulder blades..
It is probably Sasuke's Mother, and Itachi took the blame for killing everyone. We will have to wait and see, [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Whoever it is, they are probably the one that killed everyone, and to protect that person Itachi took the blame, and also this way the person would be assumed to be dead.
- Reason -
They are just using sharingan contacts to scare people that's all.
god... are you kidding me...? that's itachi, there is NO reason for us to think otherwrise.Quote:
Originally posted by: kAi
my guess it is an uchiha in hiding..
goto chapter 224 and check out page 11..
the ninja on top of the telegraph pole that sasuke sees...
ive been looking at this picture and i dont think it is itachi...
it could be an uchiha and it could be the 3rd mangekyou sharingan user...
the reason why i dont think it is itachi his because the hair is too long to be itachis...and i dont think kishimoto has stuffed up by drawing the hair longer than it is supposed to be..the hair drawn will reach near the bottom of his back..while itachis goes down in between his shoulder blades..
zing for jing!
Uchiha Shisui
Killed by: Uchiha Itachi and made it look like a sucide
Manga: Ch.222, pg.4 *Mentioned*
A talented member of the Uchiha Clan he was found drowned in the Nakano River with a suicide note saying, Im tired of the duties, there is no future for Uchiha and for me I cannot walk out the path any further. However, many believe he wouldnt be the type of person who would just kill himself and anyone with a sharigan can copy his handwriting as well. So the Police Force are performing an investigation and they have their hunches that Itachi would be responsible. In fact later Itachi admits to killing his best-friend to reach a new level of sharigan
that solves everything. i think
taken from
Originally posted by: kAi
my guess it is an uchiha in hiding..
goto chapter 224 and check out page 11..
the ninja on top of the telegraph pole that sasuke sees...
ive been looking at this picture and i dont think it is itachi...
it could be an uchiha and it could be the 3rd mangekyou sharingan user...
the reason why i dont think it is itachi his because the hair is too long to be itachis...and i dont think kishimoto has stuffed up by drawing the hair longer than it is supposed to be..the hair drawn will reach near the bottom of his back..while itachis goes down in between his shoulder blades..
i dont think it would be someone else. but the picture looks like the person up there has 3 swords, one on his back 2 on his side. while itachi has only one on his back.
but until i see another uchiha. im standing my ground on its just another power ninja who can handle it.
cause it could be a jutsu everyone can gain, but it just easyier for a uchiha to do it by killing there best friend.
hmmm, no. it doesn't solve anything. in ch 225, itachi talks about how there WILL be two more people who can awaken the mangekyou sharingan. shisui cannot be one of the two because he is dead already.Quote:
Originally posted by: calvin
Uchiha Shisui
Killed by: Uchiha Itachi and made it look like a sucide
Manga: Ch.222, pg.4 *Mentioned*
A talented member of the Uchiha Clan he was found drowned in the Nakano River with a suicide note saying, Im tired of the duties, there is no future for Uchiha and for me I cannot walk out the path any further. However, many believe he wouldnt be the type of person who would just kill himself and anyone with a sharigan can copy his handwriting as well. So the Police Force are performing an investigation and they have their hunches that Itachi would be responsible. In fact later Itachi admits to killing his best-friend to reach a new level of sharigan
that solves everything. i think
taken from
how isnt there another reason to think otherwise...
itachi has said that there is 3 people who can gain the mangekyou sharingan...
the hair is so much longer on the person on the pole than itachis...itachi has no reason to use henge...and looks like he has to extra weapons on his sides...from that position on the pole sasuke runs straight to where is parents are and itachi is inside the room waiting for him to return...why cant the possibility of it being someone else be true..?
dont get me wrong though it could be just putting in a view that can be seen another way...
omg... are you coming up with the possibility that it could be someone else by judging the length of the hair??? are characters' hair lengths always the same in every drawing?
the way people think just amazes me sometimes. they ignore the common sense and logic and try to think of things that are impossible through overanalysis. this ranks up with the one about how kakashi learned kage bunshin no jutsu from naruto. just amazing.
EDIT: i really didn't want to be so harsh, i apologize. but if anyone can agree with you and provide more evidence that's more solid, please let me know.
yes i could be over analysing the picture...
and yes hair is not always the same size but the size difference here is quite big...though it could still be itachi
and as i think someone mentioned before that someone might have told itachi about the mangekyou...this could be the person over looking what itachi is doing or aiding him..
at this time i cannot provide any solid evidence as there is none to prove it...there can only be opinion...and thats all this was a different opinion due to a difference in hair...if the hair was any shorter i wouldnt have said anything about this...but it could be just a stuff up from kishimoto...which is most probably the case.
ive seen worse from you.
i dont think thats over analysing, cause there is nothing that specifys it to be itachi. maybe before we knew about a 3rd person you could 100% be sure it was itachi but now its not 100%.
I have a hunch that it could be mistranslation, and it could actually be talking about someone from the past. To make things simple, he means that he's the second person to have the mangekyou sharingan, and someone from the past had it too. The third person should be sasuke. So together there will be three people that were/are able to handle the mangekyou sharingan.
i think itachi has has a baby along the line.
thats my theory
r u saying itachi is a father?????????????????????
whats to say he isn;t?Quote:
Originally posted by: Eurasian
r u saying itachi is a father?????????????????????
i hope no one has sead this idea already but this be a Crazy Twist. If the eye Kakashi got was already unlocked but since kakashi isnt a true memeber of that Clan he cant controle it yet. That just be insain if kakashi ended up being a real phyco
Well, how did Itachi know how the get the Mangekyou Sharingan?? Probably someone have already got it (by i mistake maybe) and have left the village and Utchia hushed it down so that ppl will not know about it because then the begin to get ides like Itachi did and soon all Uchiha start killing each other.. So they did not want anyone to find out or maybe that any of the children would not grow up with that knowlage..
I mean someone get picked on in Uchiha village and he turns to his best friend or so called best friends and slay him and get the eye and go slay everybody that picked on him..
So i guess someone got that eye before Itachi by fighting and killing his best friend (maybe over a girl or the got drunk and his friend got killed by mistake), and then he left the village because he became a criminal and before the rest of the village go to know about it, Uchiha-clan cowered it up..
So i dont think that person has been introduced yet..
after take'n an hour to read threw this topic there are a lot of interesting posts, but
1. Kakashi said he couldn't fully use the eye,
2. he most likely got it after losing his orignal, would explain the scar across his face on that side.
3. Naruto can't be the third user, he had no parents, even thou he strangely looks just like the 4th and is most likely related to him,
4. plus naruto has the foxs eyes and far as i care sooner or later they'll probably do more then look tough
5. i also believe sooner or later sasuke is going to ask Kakashi about his eye and we'll get some kinda of flash back, about how it happened,
6. thank you for putting up with my ramble
the post that makes the most sence is Kakashi got it after the clan was murdered,
but my problem with someone said anbu the special forces but, they only go after, expelled ninja's or ninja's who have died outside the village, other wise wouldn't the thirds body been shreaded, instead of a coffin? or at least it looked like a coffin
I dont think Naruto's foxs eyes do anything but look scary but you never in the world...
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
I dont think Naruto's foxs eyes do anything but look scary but you never in the world...
i'd have to agree, but think about it i wouldn't think that the demon fox who was feared as a natural well problem, wouldn't have normal fox eyes, sure fox eyes would normally give naruto better vision, and sharper sight, but thats just kinda lame if its all it does
does any one have Naruto_v24_ch213[Inane].zip <.< that actually works after it downloaded in the batch it said invalid zip format and wont open. nm i found a link to a working one
I'm pretty sure he can lazer beam someone with his eyes, like Frieza can in dragonball. has alla inane chapters.
It would be cool if the fox eyes gave him better vision and stuff cause it makes sense.
I think it will be a member of the Atatsuki clan or whatever clan Itachi came from. I also thnk that someone from there is stronger than Itachi.
yeah i hope we can see itachi get owned. so we can all laugh at mut@t@ =)
the 3rd uchiha can't be a bad guy who is stronger than itachi. as i said before, if the last uchiha is a badguy and naruto ends up beating him (it won't be sasuke cuz we know how his story is gonna end) then what is the point of "only another uchiha can beat me" and all that other crap... last uchiha is either a good guy (stronger than itachi) who will help sasuke develope his sharingan or something like that. having another uchiha who is stronger than itachi would be a repetitive and pointless.
unless if the 3rd mangekyou is a villian so evil, that itachi turned to the darkside just so he can obtain the power to defeat him
and so at some point itachi gets sasuke to join forces to take out the 3rd mangekyou user, and this is the true reason why itachi let sasuke live.
I lik that you know everthing that will happen in Naruto[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
the 3rd uchiha can't be a bad guy who is stronger than itachi. as i said before, if the last uchiha is a badguy and naruto ends up beating him (it won't be sasuke cuz we know how his story is gonna end) then what is the point of "only another uchiha can beat me" and all that other crap... last uchiha is either a good guy (stronger than itachi) who will help sasuke develope his sharingan or something like that. having another uchiha who is stronger than itachi would be a repetitive and pointless.
Hrm... there is one other point towards kakashi being the third user...
His best friend is dead... and unless I missed something... we don't have a real explanation as to why he died.
yes his friends are dead we know nothin of kakashis past but what is the point to that making kakashi the 3rd user..?