not a fan of the new ending animation...
my two cents/
that ending really is lacking in relation to all the other endings so far in the series [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] . it has only served a purpouse of showing people how to draw. at least thats all i got from it. being an ACTION anime you would think that they would not have something like underage gurls in swimsuits posin to some really nice tokyo pop (gotta find that song). i just think this ending is a step backwards and would actually prefer the previous ending or even that ending with naruto just standing on the rooftop lookin at the old hokage's carved faces, er..scratch that last part. regardless this ending will probably grow on me like all the other previous endings, except sed naruto rooftop ending, but until it does i impatiently await an ending change.
/my two cents
*nee kikoe ma tsuka*
not a fan of the new ending animation...
i agree that its kinda lacking, but most of the endings werent meant to overshadow the goodness of the opennings
i like seeing how people draw, its just awesome for me, maybe because i like to draw too
even though its an action anime doesnt mean it cant have other relaxing aspects
i dont think ive even watched every openning/ending fully yet, i gotta go check them out
RE: not a fan of the new ending animation...
ezkial rage - are you sure you spelt that correctly? i was under the impression it was "nee kikoe masu ka"
anyways, i agree that its not really related to the other credits. what i understood from it, it was to show how much colouring they have to do...
RE: not a fan of the new ending animation...
I wish an anime would make an ending as energetic and upbeat as the opening.
It's so typical nowadays to get a j-rock opening and a j-pop ending. Thats why I like "Ima Made Nondo Mo" so much than the other endings, its more upbeat and alive.
RE: not a fan of the new ending animation...
Who cares? I never really liked any of the endings that much.
The openings are what counts. Until they make endings showing fight scene clips, I will continue to skip watching them.
RE: not a fan of the new ending animation...
I never paid much attention to any opening or ending, although Viva Rock (I think that's the one with all the chibis?) was fun to watch once in a while. I thought the new ending was creatively done and the music isn't that bad either. I just didn't recognize any of the girls cept Sakura and Hinata.
RE: not a fan of the new ending animation...
i don't really care about outros. they just waste time until the preview for next week...and i don't care about the credits
RE: not a fan of the new ending animation...
SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHERE TO DOWNLOAD THAT NEW OUTRO SONG. My god i love it so much. its the best song ever. Please tell me where to download the full version, i went to TiA's site but its all in japanese and i cant read it, pleasassse someone help.
RE: not a fan of the new ending animation...
I agree wtih gaaralovessand about the typical set up of the songs, and I also liked Imamade Nandomo a lot as well. I prefer that over the new song but dosen't really matter since I skip the music anyways to get to parts to watch ^^;
RE: not a fan of the new ending animation...
Originally posted by: gaaralovessand
I wish an anime would make an ending as energetic and upbeat as the opening.
I love fast paced songs, "Go!!!" is my favorite song. I love the chibis walking across the screen and the song fits. The song slows for either intros or outros while they are good just aren't replayable for me, and I love action scenes for intros and outros like they are telling me something that I didnt' see in the episode.
Speaking of which did everyone notice that Jiriaya is riding Bunda in a snapshot and we have never seen that in an episode yet, he even says he is not strong enough to tame/ride/be a brother to/control. So I look it as a preview of things to come that Jiraiya will be in a dire situation where Jiraiya and Bunda will be a team to battle someone/something. Which I am happy to look forward to. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
This new outro, is ok but damnit I wish it were completely different, I like showing them in bathing suits yet they do not look enough like their chars for me and I want moving like actually at the beach and moving around, hell show one of them falling into the wave as they ride a wave, something totally out of place setting would be cool imo, but make it like action type. To be honest, I still dont' know who the blonde is, and I had trouble realizing it really was Tenten, (Tenten is one of my fav chars, I wish had as large a role as Neiji does at least)(Tenten, at least shows a toughness in a female and even in the episodes claims to break the mold of being not a pushover and stop with those images that females are soft)
RE: not a fan of the new ending animation...
I think it's supposed to be Sakura, Tenten, Ino, and Hinata. Just made it a bit hard to make out with ones like ten ten and ino who have different hair.But I agree with others that the outro animation isn't all that interesting, to me it is a bit out of place also
RE: not a fan of the new ending animation...
Animes change endings more frequently, so they likely have a much smaller budget and less moving parts. After all, people sit through an intro to get to the show when it's on TV. They can skip the credits and not miss anything except the preview.
OTOH, One Piece's second ending I actually liked better than all the intros I've seen for that show, so the rule doesn't always hold true.
not a fan of the new ending animation...
IMHO the ending to the first few eps of naruto were the best.
//edit: also i was wondering if anyone knows who the musical artist are for those eps ending
not a fan of the new ending animation...
I am in love with this song. I honestly think its the best song ever made in the history of ever ever ever. I know the artist, TiA, and the song name, Ryuusei, but i cant find the full version to this song. I looked on her official website, but its all in japanese and i dont understand japanese. So if anyone can help me find the full version to that song, it will be greatly appreciated.
RE: not a fan of the new ending animation...
I refuse to aid in the spreading of such evil. A plague on both your houses!
RE: not a fan of the new ending animation...
RE: not a fan of the new ending animation...
speaking of good outtros, initial ds outtro, blast my desire is one of my favs - even though most of the music in initial d is awesome
outtro animation has always been not as great as the intro, just watch most of them again, its mostly stills with minimun movement
not a fan of the new ending animation...
Songs sung by male bands/groups/artists are always somewhat better than female singers. I mean, no song gets stuck in my head for along long time that's sung by a female.
Imamade Nandomo was so much better than this new piece of shit ending theme [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Best of all though.. well.. actually.. pretty much all the naruto songs EXCEPT the ones sung by females are awesome. Wind was kickass though. So was Haruka Kanata, and Viva Rock, and Alive.. and GO!!!.. ROCKS was good, but not kickass good. And of course imamade nandomo.
Reason for this is that a lot of the girl songs you pretty much can dance to. I mean.. come on.. dancing in a fighting/action anime? =/
I wonder if i'm the only one who thinks this song is as bad as Harmonia. >_>
not a fan of the new ending animation...
rickey tan, i'm going to have to agree with you on everything you said there, especially that the rock songs sounded better, I think they fit naruto more, and i've always liked them better. And I think Wind was the best ending song, T-T too bad it had to go, and Haruka Kanata was really good too.
not a fan of the new ending animation...
In hindsight, this ending is not at all totally useless. we now know why Sakura Suxors so much....shes been on the beach all this damn time and not workin on her skill..
gimme an ending with haruka kanata and ill be happy. song pwned and the animation for it pwned.
gimme an ending with wind (ichi ban) and ill be happy. song pwned and gawd the way they animated it..
gimme an ending with kung fu generation and ill be happy. sont was awesome and there was at least animation
hell i really enjoyed "harmonia" after the 3rd or 4th time listnin to it after i got over the initial "this is gay" factor. i even still listen to it off the soundtrack. but that ending suxored cuz it was a gurly ending to a kick ass anime. nothin like seeing your screen saturated with pink and little swaying giblets of characters at the bottom of your tv after just seeing a major kick ass fight....
this is the same reason that this ending is failing in my gradebook. the music is quality but its just not the right atmosphere for the series.
i dont think that the ending is weak just because its a girls song tho. they could have made this ending a lot better with just a different animation. i even think the song they used for the 3rd opening by "little by little" would make a decent ending song also.
(make an ending to orochimaru's 2nd song..that wold be awesome)
not a fan of the new ending animation...
I dont know why. But i think this is the greatest song ever made in the history of EVER!!!
Oh my god it is so good. Please someone help me find the download to the full version, i checked everywhere but the sites are all in japanese and i cant read them.
This song is really great, i dont know why you think its so bad, its much better than all the other songs combined.
not a fan of the new ending animation...
Was it really so hard you couldn't figure out that the song isn't released yet?![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Especially considering it's listed right in front of you when you enter the sight "2004.8.4 2nd singleA
Yeah, the single for "Ryuusei" won't be out until August 4. So, you're going to have to wait till then to get the full version.
not a fan of the new ending animation...
I was thinking maybe Team Ninja or whoever did DoA Extreme Volleyball did it to like advertise another volleyball game with poor gameplay that looks nice.
not a fan of the new ending animation...
but that ending suxored cuz it was a gurly ending to a kick ass anime. nothin like seeing your screen saturated with pink and little swaying giblets of characters at the bottom of your tv after just seeing a major kick ass fight....
I quite liked the song & quite liked the animation for this ending however the actual scenes wern't so great and its probably one I will skip after seeing it maybe 1-2 more times.
As for it being a girly ending? Maybe as I like the song and animation more than most guys here i'll accept that. However im sure what any real female fan wants to see is the girls kicking some serious ninja tail or possibly some of the boys in their swim wear [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img], girls at the beach im sure is directed towards the Japanese male audience and not the other half.
not a fan of the new ending animation...
oh god that new ending song is so good. Its just too good for words. I cant explain it. Does anyone else love that song as much as me or am i crazy?
not a fan of the new ending animation...
The whole little girls in bathing suits didn't quite do it for me... I was already accustomed to lackluster ending theme songs though.
not a fan of the new ending animation...
Originally posted by: ezkial rage
In hindsight, this ending is not at all totally useless. we now know why Sakura Suxors so much....shes been on the beach all this damn time and not workin on her skill..
LOL, that was a good one.
Yeah I agree with all of you that "wind" is the best ending in naruto ever. I think that the best opening is Haruka Kanata. It was just grate, I watched it over and over again when the first episode came out.