When Naruto becomes licensed...
What things would you change/keep in the translated versions?
For example, would Naruto say "Kage Bunshin no jitsu," keeping the Japanese in the translation, or would you rather him say in english "Shadow Replication Technique" or something like that. Unless, you like Viz's manga translation and Naruto's technique is called Art of the Doppelganger.
If you were a business person in the U.S. who was in charge of the licensed Naruto, would it make more money if you edited some of the graphic scenes with blood so it has a wider audience or tailor to the more hardcore fans? For example, is it good business wise to make Naruto an anime on fox instead of putting it on adult swim? If you watch One Piece, which is going to be shown on Fox Box soon, they now have Sanji sucking a lollipop instead of smoking a cigarette. Maybe they'll make Asuma suck a lollipop as well....
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
Don't edit anything. Some techniques could do without the "jutsu" for American audiences. For example, having Naruto say "Kage bunshin" or "shadow replication" would be acceptable without "jutsu" or "technique" tagged at the end.
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
i hope they dont change the name of kage bunshin to "art of the doppelganger" like they did in the US manga...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]...i shudder at the thought...
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
First off if naruto becomes liscenesed, I will CRY!!!!!!
If im right, once a anime become liscenesed, distrubiting and fansubing becomes forbidden for that anime. Well you could still do it, but you might end up gettin into alot of trouble.
If im right that is.
Beside if naruto came to the US, i prolly wouldnt watch a Dubed English Naruto. Id stick with watchin japanese.
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
i don't understand why naruto is not licensed yet...
it is much better and much more promising (action/ninja stuff is always popular) for a company to distribute.
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
I'm thinking it probably won't be licensed by the kiddie people for two main reasons:
The violence in the show...like the stuff with Zabuza and Haku and Gaara's desert funeral
Sexy No Jitsu and pervert Jiraiya
It would be kinda hard to edit those out since they deal with the plot directly...unless you totally changed the characters completely
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
Originally posted by: kyuubi
i hope they dont change the name of kage bunshin to "art of the doppelganger" like they did in the US manga...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]...i shudder at the thought...
seriously they did that? hahahahahaha i feel sorry for the americans. good thing swedish translators got more of a brain the american jackasses do.
i will also cry when naruto gets licensed and then download it form some vulture group.
When Naruto becomes licensed...
I just hope funimation or whoever waits until the anime is over before they sub it. That way the subbers won't get in any trouble whatsoever. Correct?
Question: If they do license it, are the subbers allowed to continue distributing the episodes that were already subbed before licensing? Or do they have to take all the episodes down completely?
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
they have to take all of it down because americna companies are to greedy. god i hate them. they air the show in north american ONLY yet we who lives in the rest of the world cant get it. stupid dumbass american assholes.
When Naruto becomes licensed...
I hope they do not change anything. I hope they do not liscence.
Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya just 8 more posts!!!
When Naruto becomes licensed...
Originally posted by: jing
I hope they do not change anything. I hope they do not liscence.
Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya just 8 more posts!!!
holy shit im soon at 3000. 4 more posts after this [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] sorry for this off topic..
i dont care really if they license or not as long as groups still subs it. if they stop subbing it however ill go mad and head will roll [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
When Naruto becomes licensed...
I don't naruto will be liscened befor the series is finished or at least like a season away from being finished. Also i think the creator of Naruto isn't in the mood to have the animated version of his story liscened after seeing what was done to the original manga, I don't think he was to happy with the "art of the doppleganger" instead of "Kage Bushin". if it's liscened by anyone it's going to be Viz. they own the Manga they'll fight for the anime so they'll corner the market. Be afraid very afraid.
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
i agree with jiraiya....i won't care unless the subs stop.
my friends and i use to joke around with dbz saying shit like "reallyyyy long fireballllll!!!" instead of kamehameha. or something like...."really fast kicks!!!"
that's a little extreme but i wouldn't want them to change too much in a translation if they licenced naruto....which i hope never happens anytime soon
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
Originally posted by: Ryno2410
I'm thinking it probably won't be licensed by the kiddie people for two main reasons:
The violence in the show...like the stuff with Zabuza and Haku and Gaara's desert funeral
Sexy No Jitsu and pervert Jiraiya
It would be kinda hard to edit those out since they deal with the plot directly...unless you totally changed the characters completely
have you ever seen fullmetal alchemist. its way bloodier.... is that a word?
anyhow , it even uses real blood colour , instead of naruto's "black" blood at times.
and FMA did become licensed.....
sexy no jutsu and pervsin Jiraiya('s behaviour) are more for fun , rather then implying sexual content.
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
I will cry more than all of you put together if they license naruto! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] i would hate that soooo much. i really hope they dont license it for their own good. lets all hunt them down if they license it [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
face it, it will be licensed eventually and yes there will be groups who will continue subbing there are countries that don't fall under the laws north america does so we will get it in japanese with english subs, now definately a kiddy company is gonna get Naruto. why? because 50% of the naruto community are DBZ lovers which means cash because DBZ was a major succes so don't be afraid to see 4kids license it or funimation, the only thing that would make me worry is the fact that they might not release the DVD''s with the original japanese version on it since i'm gonna buy this series on DVD i'm afraid of not getting a japnese version on it and i won't buy if it's not on there
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
Originally posted by: Masamune
Originally posted by: Ryno2410
I'm thinking it probably won't be licensed by the kiddie people for two main reasons:
The violence in the show...like the stuff with Zabuza and Haku and Gaara's desert funeral
Sexy No Jitsu and pervert Jiraiya
It would be kinda hard to edit those out since they deal with the plot directly...unless you totally changed the characters completely
have you ever seen fullmetal alchemist. its way bloodier.... is that a word?
anyhow , it even uses real blood colour , instead of naruto's "black" blood at times.
and FMA did become licensed.....
sexy no jutsu and pervsin Jiraiya('s behaviour) are more for fun , rather then implying sexual content.
black blood? are you on cracK?
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
Originally posted by: Masamune
Originally posted by: Ryno2410
I'm thinking it probably won't be licensed by the kiddie people for two main reasons:
The violence in the show...like the stuff with Zabuza and Haku and Gaara's desert funeral
Sexy No Jitsu and pervert Jiraiya
It would be kinda hard to edit those out since they deal with the plot directly...unless you totally changed the characters completely
have you ever seen fullmetal alchemist. its way bloodier.... is that a word?
anyhow , it even uses real blood colour , instead of naruto's "black" blood at times.
and FMA did become licensed.....
sexy no jutsu and pervsin Jiraiya('s behaviour) are more for fun , rather then implying sexual content.
I'm not sure who licensed FMA, but I'd be very surprised if someone like 4kids licensed it...just think about the scene with Nina and Scar. Also, to the sexy no jitsu and pervert Jiraiya, sure its fun, but I'm sure American parents would have something to say about that...do i have to describe it?
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
FUNimation licensed FMA they did DBZ
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
Yeah they're going to have to do something about all the big bloody nose parts that go along with the sexy jutsu. i dont think 4kids or many other groups will allow some guy falling over with a bloody nose, with the blood all over the place.
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
loads of groups will still sub it if its licensed, jst look at FMA, theres about 2 groups still released new subbed eps and its been licensed for a while now.
When Naruto becomes licensed...
first off, pervert sennin you need to work on your anti-american bias lol, a series is licensed per region, don't blame americans for licensing stuff to show americans, blame swedish for not licensing anything for swedish people to watch, now back to the topic...
if Naruto gets licensed, god forbid, i hope they have the decency to leave the jutsu names in japanese, even tho i dont like dbz much, the names worked out ok in english, in fact it was one of the best dubbing jobs done on a series (next to Bebop), if a good company grabs it and dubs it well or puts it on dvd with options for jap w/ subtitles then i'd buy Naruto on dvd no problem, but if it gets done wrong...i will never forgive them and lead a boycott on all their products
as was said before tho, so long as Anbu/Aone don't drop it i wont care about it being licensed, if i am forced to wait for TW or deal with the lesser quality of the other groups i'd def have a problem
When Naruto becomes licensed...
Originally posted by: Pyron
my friends and i use to joke around with dbz saying shit like "reallyyyy long fireballllll!!!" instead of kamehameha. or something like...."really fast kicks!!!"
Is this serious? I've never seen the english dubs myself. As bad as DBZ is, at least here in Brazil they used all of the original moves' names. Maybe it's because Japanese words aren't hard to spell nor sound awkward for us portuguese speaking-people (and probably most for most latin-derived languages as well).
Mangas also receive a respectful treatment here, and are hardly dumbed down. Most of them are kept in their original reading order (right-to-left), unless they are translated from American versions ('Eden' comes to mind), and in many of them a great amount of Japanese terms are kept in romanized form, through the magic of notes at the bottom/top of the page. As example, in One Piece all of the moves are written with their original names, with translation and extra notes written at the bottom (I sure hope Naruto gets released by the same publisher as OP here). Some even get to keep terms like "san" and "kun" after the character names.
Too bad we get very few Anime releases per year, since no company ever put much effort in exploring and expanding the anime DVD market here, and most of it comes through TV. Plus our Cartoon Network doesn't have the Adult Swim section, and only airs kiddy/dumbed down animes, straight from USA CN.
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
Originally posted by: kyuubi
i hope they dont change the name of kage bunshin to "art of the doppelganger" like they did in the US manga...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]...i shudder at the thought...
seriously they did that? hahahahahaha i feel sorry for the americans. good thing swedish translators got more of a brain the american jackasses do.
I have to agree with that, especially the swedish translators of One Piece. By the way, did you know that the naruto manga is comming to sweden by the end of summer?
Anyway, if Naruto gets licensed I'm gonna cry myself a river =/
When Naruto becomes licensed...
Originally posted by: Medion
Originally posted by: Pyron
my friends and i use to joke around with dbz saying shit like "reallyyyy long fireballllll!!!" instead of kamehameha. or something like...."really fast kicks!!!"
Is this serious? I've never seen the english dubs myself. As bad as DBZ is, at least here in Brazil they used all of the original moves' names. Maybe it's because Japanese words aren't hard to spell nor sound awkward for us portuguese speaking-people (and probably most for most latin-derived languages as well).
Mangas also receive a respectful treatment here, and are hardly dumbed down. Most of them are kept in their original reading order (right-to-left), unless they are translated from American versions ('Eden' comes to mind), and in many of them a great amount of Japanese terms are kept in romanized form, through the magic of notes at the bottom/top of the page. As example, in One Piece all of the moves are written with their original names, with translation and extra notes written at the bottom (I sure hope Naruto gets released by the same publisher as OP here). Some even get to keep terms like "san" and "kun" after the character names.
Too bad we get very few Anime releases per year, since no company ever put much effort in exploring and expanding the anime DVD market here, and most of it comes through TV. Plus our Cartoon Network doesn't have the Adult Swim section, and only airs kiddy/dumbed down animes, straight from USA CN.
nope.....they still say kamehameha in the dubs
however they changed piccolo's move to "special beam cannon"
When Naruto becomes licensed...
yea... that was stupid and sounds sooo fking corny.
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
hey, did you ever stop to think that maseng-something-poo or whatever its called sounded corney to the kids in japan?
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
naruto probably wont be liscensed even if it is im stickin to the fansubs and they could put it on cartoon network in adult swim if they do htey have worse stuff than sexy no jutsu on there already
When Naruto becomes licensed...
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
hey, did you ever stop to think that maseng-something-poo or whatever its called sounded corney to the kids in japan?
again assertn i cannot help but to agree with u, consider the names in DBZ, Ginyu Force....in japan imagine saying that knowing that it means the Milk Force....Vegeta is vegetable, Kakarot is a carrot, Radditz is a radish, Paragus after an asparagus, Brolly after brocolli, Kamehameha means something like Turtle Wave or something like that, each name meant something, i mean for the love of God, each person in the Ginyu Force was named after dairy products, each Saiyan named after a vegetable, bulmas family after underwear, the heroes after food, for christ's sake think outside of the box people, open your minds, it only sounds cool to us because it's a different language, if they were to hear Special Beam Cannon in Japan they'd probably think it were a lot cooler than Masenko Sappo and Bob would be a more reasonable name for someone than Raddish, i mean imagine us running around having to say what they're saying...
Hey guys, did u catch DBZ the other day? It was great! After Carrot got to Planet Slug he showed up just in time to save Rice and Chestnut and beat Butter, Cream, Yogurt and Cheese and then Captain Milk stumbled across them and tried to defeat Carrot. When he realized Carrot was far too powerful he got scared and took over Carrot's body. Then Chestnut and Rice had to try and defeat Captain Milk in Carrot's body!!
still sound cool?
i made none of that up, except that with DBZ that much happening probably took about 50 eps and in case anyone is wondering; Krillin is the chestnut and Gohan is rice, and for the most part this happened during the Frieza saga
edit*** went thru the trouble of looking up a site with the name puns listed, some are inaccurate but most are correct anyone interested in seeing what i'm talkin about can go here:
DBZ Name Puns
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
of those first couple names, i looked them up and none of them were what they said. and just as a fact, american names also means things, although it may not be in english. for instance if i remember correctly, the name "jeffrey" derivs from something that means "prince of the forest" or something.
When Naruto becomes licensed...
Originally posted by: Metal Clock
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
Originally posted by: kyuubi
i hope they dont change the name of kage bunshin to "art of the doppelganger" like they did in the US manga...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]...i shudder at the thought...
seriously they did that? hahahahahaha i feel sorry for the americans. good thing swedish translators got more of a brain the american jackasses do.
I have to agree with that, especially the swedish translators of One Piece. By the way, did you know that the naruto manga is comming to sweden by the end of summer?
Anyway, if Naruto gets licensed I'm gonna cry myself a river =/
yep i have known that since januari or something [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] mailed one of the guys at carlsen comics or something and they said yea we plan on releasing it but dont know when and later heard it was this fall. but i heard a rumour that it will be in some weekly magazine like shounen jump, you know anyhting about this cause that would suck.
@ legendarysenninjiraiya im not that much anti-american and when you hear george bush speak you will go more anti-american each time. i cant believe the people choose him as their president. and i know i cant call a whole country stupid just because one person is but when you hear bush you have to admit that you starts to wonder....
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
Its funny. I sick of people who put down bush. Not only do alot of people support him. The people who put him down just do it cause the world is jealous of us.
I lost family that day. It could have been avoided if we did this a long time ago. You people just look for any reason to put down usa. To bad noone else has enough guts to stand up for what needs to be done. If bush is label a bad guy cause he has the balls to do something then so be it. I am a bad guy also and HE HAS MY VOTE.
Now on the topic. It would really suck when it happens because i like the people who sub it now. :/
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
Even tho, I live in Canada *north america* hope that no company gets their hands on naruto...i want this subbing thingy to continue! I'D RATHER WATCH ALL THE EPISODES READING THE ENGLISH SUBTITLES THAN WATCHING THOSE STUPID PHAT-ASS COMPANY VERSIONS..cuz DBZ sucks ass when the got their hands on it...
I personally think ANBU/AonE should become a company..cuz their episodes rock!!!
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
I wish I could get ANBU/AonE episodes on DVD instead of those Hong Kong Versions I get.
I just like having it on DVD after all, it feels more like i have it and its more official. Yet I prolly wouldn't buy some crappy 3 episode DVD for $19.99 or $29.99 like crappy american companies make us do.
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
Hmmm.. yah naruto licensed. I can see it being put on Adult Swim's saturday night line up seeing how the ratings are terrible, but if it is then i don't think you have to worry about too much of naruto being edited. Same with FMA its coming to Cartoon Network in October hopefully it's on Adult Swim.
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
Originally posted by: Wavaryen
Its funny. I sick of people who put down bush. Not only do alot of people support him. The people who put him down just do it cause the world is jealous of us.
I lost family that day. It could have been avoided if we did this a long time ago. You people just look for any reason to put down usa. To bad noone else has enough guts to stand up for what needs to be done. If bush is label a bad guy cause he has the balls to do something then so be it. I am a bad guy also and HE HAS MY VOTE.
Now on the topic. It would really suck when it happens because i like the people who sub it now. :/
i dont say nothing needs to be done on terrorism but why attack a country who didnt have anything to do with it? they have evidence that says that iraq didnt have anything to do with bin laden and that they were asked to join him but refused. the war against iraq was not justified it was stupid of bush to attack iraq and its stupid of him to act like the ruler of the world. i am not saying that he is a bad guy because he wants to do something against terrorism but he needs to act together with UN and not just act on his own. the 9/11 incident is an awful thing and im sorry to hear that you lost family there. it shouldnt have happened but bush should act against the right people instead of a random country.
back on topic:
i dont think it will be hard to get the subbed version of this show even after a liscense so im not to afraid...
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
invading iraq was gonna happen sooner or later......
i heard one of the other candidates admitted that they wouldve done the same thing and sooner than bush did.
$30 for 4 dvd episodes = huge suckage, i'll concur to that
this is why trigun is the only series i own on dvd (along with the reason that the dub is actually pretty good)......i refuse to legally own licensed episodes of a show thats on more than 8 dvds
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
I'm not looking foreward to the day Naruto gets liscened, but it's going to happen sooner or later. More than likely it's going to be a company with a lot of money that can afford a series like Naurto..and that's going to prob be a crappy one.. like funimation. But either way, there will probably be fansubs of Naruto so can still watch it.. and would be nice if the dvds come out with a good number of episodes and have subtitled option
When Naruto becomes licensed...
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
Originally posted by: Metal Clock
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
Originally posted by: kyuubi
i hope they dont change the name of kage bunshin to "art of the doppelganger" like they did in the US manga...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]...i shudder at the thought...
seriously they did that? hahahahahaha i feel sorry for the americans. good thing swedish translators got more of a brain the american jackasses do.
I have to agree with that, especially the swedish translators of One Piece. By the way, did you know that the naruto manga is comming to sweden by the end of summer?
Anyway, if Naruto gets licensed I'm gonna cry myself a river =/
yep i have known that since januari or something [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] mailed one of the guys at carlsen comics or something and they said yea we plan on releasing it but dont know when and later heard it was this fall. but i heard a rumour that it will be in some weekly magazine like shounen jump, you know anyhting about this cause that would suck.
Yes, it's going to be in a weekly magazine, and yes, it sounds like total suckyness, but what do you know?
Maybe there'll be alot of good manga in it =) Also, it will be released in book form later, but not until it's finished in the magazine and that will take quite some time... =/
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
oks..here are reasons y i dont want NARUTO to be DUBBED by an AMERICAN COMPANY:
I dont wana hear a someone going: ART OF DOPPELGANGER JUTSU!
I dont wana hear something like: Sasuke! *i'd rather hear sasuke-kun*
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
actually, kakashi_gurl, people would buy dubbed naruto dvd's and watch it on tv.. cause not everyone likes subs and there are ppl that don't care about how bad the dubbing is =x... like I was at Anime Expo last weekend and I was watching people play the 1st Naruto PS2 game and one person kept saying over and over when they used kawarimi no jutsu "art of substitution, art of substitution, art of substitution..." (if u know the game they can do kawarimi no jutsu for quite a while, for that whole time the person said that) ..to me that's proof enough.. was annoying to hear that like that -_-
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
i'm sure people who have never seen the subbed versions of naruto won't care if its called Art of the Doppelganger or art of substitition. We're just used to hearing the japanese versions of the words. I personally would like hearing better Shadow Replication Technique or Replacement technique than art of *
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
Originally posted by: kakashi_gurl
oks..here are reasons y i dont want NARUTO to be DUBBED by an AMERICAN COMPANY:
I dont wana hear a someone going: ART OF DOPPELGANGER JUTSU!
I dont wana hear something like: Sasuke! *i'd rather hear sasuke-kun*
agree hugely, it better be all unique voices, I do not care I'm sick of the same voices, I like the voices I've heard before I just do not want to hear them again is my issue.
A lot of the luv for Japanese Animation is because of the affectations that are placed on people/words hearing the way they way Kun, or Chan, or Sama is simply awesome, As well I cannot tell you how much I luv to hear Baka instead of our american words that mean the same thing.
Everyone hates to hear Sakura scream out "Sasuke!!!" but I will hate it more hearing it in an american voice. Japanese accent more enthused with I guess, LOL Remember how in American Love Hina they made Kitsune a texas accent. OMG!!! Hated!!! Just imagine making Sakura like a Canadian or Lousiana, or Bostonian accent, not that there is anything wrong with those accents but hearing them in Naruto is simply gag reflex, wrong no matter what way you spin it.
Heh, this response shoulda gone in the voice of naruto thread but then this thread has evolved so deal with it. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
Not only that (what was mentioned above) also have to figure that they more than likely won't get voices that fit the characters. Naruto has a lot of unique characters with japanese vocies that really fit the personalities, but highly doubt that would happen in the dub.
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
I watched Gundamn Seed first as a Hong Kong subb, right with crappy subbs, actually starting in Episode 8 they changed th spellings of names and I like wtf is that!? So my point is my first exposure to Seed was in japanese voice, now I'm watching it on Adult Swim and I'm pretty ok with the american sub because I do not hear accents its simply american voices which are clear enough, perhaps they do not put enough emotions in the same areas that the japanse version puts but its close enough that Iam happy with it. I really like Mu La Flaga's voice actually.
However first time I watched Bebop was in american dub, and I prefer that over trying to get use to any japanese voice of bebop. I know Bebop was a Grade A American Dubbing, so not best example on why American Dubbing works. However I feel the same way for Samurai Deeper Kyo, very well done in my opnion.
My point is, do you hate American dubs because they flat out suck or because you were first exposed to hearing them in japanese voice first.
I cannot honestly if I had heard Naruto in american voice done similiar to the way Gundam Seed has been done that I would have a problem with it. If I heard Naruto done Love Hina Style, or Full Metal Panic style I will have a problem with it. If I hear Naruto done .hack//sign style I will have a problem with that too, because all thsoe voices I've heard before so its boring and not unique to me.
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
Well, Cowboy Bebop had the benefit of like-sounding characters and roles that were easy to fit. The coolness of Spike worked with smooth talking on either side of the Pacific; the problem I perceive with Naruto is, we're going to have screaming kids and whatnot, and it's just going to sound retarded to us. If it were Jounin and up, it'd be better, but imagine Naruto speaking in English in a different. "AHM GUNNA BE HOKAGAY N U CANT DO NUTHIN!" "H-WHAT" "OH-KAY!"
RE: When Naruto becomes licensed...
Angry Gumball, I know for me it's not exactlly that I heard it in Japanese first that made me not like the dubs, actually there are a number of anime I saw the dubs first, but then I watched the subs, and totally liked the subs better. To me, dubs just don't carry as well as the Japanese ones do. Yeah there might be a *few* exceptions but to me in general, the Japanese voice casts usually fits the characters better and act a whole lot better.
So I don't think that it's exactly that people are biased because they saw the Japanese first, think it's more that the Japanese do a better job. I can point out one example. I watched Fushigi Yuugi dubbed first, and I really didn't have a prob with the dub, I think that's one of the few dubs that I actually don't hate @_@ , but either way, I got the second season on DVD, and watched the subbed version, and totally liked it better.
But on subject, highly highly doubt that a Naurto dub would be any good, same goes for One Piece dub as well, for that matter. Like I stated before, Naruto has such unique character personalities that I think certain voices would match and work well, and most of the time, that's not what happenes in dubs, and in general lacking emotion, on top of that, I would not be surprised if they turned around and made name changes -_- and used some lame stuff like 'art of the doppleganger' for attack names