Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
Hello, first time poster. Wooho!!! Anyway, I noticed something really cool while playing KOF 2000/2001. I am sure you guys have play it, right? I was playing as Andy Bogard and one of his moves looks very similar to the Rasengan. It's his qcb + sp move. I'm sorry if this is old news. Just thought I shared. :-)
RE: Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
RE: Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
andy bogard is a ninja???
Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
anybody who acknowledges the hidden falls has to be cool
although they'd be even cooler if they acknowledge them before that crappy special came out....and only the select few (myself included) even knew of their existence back then
RE: Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
what is KOF 00/01 ? i have never heard of this. oh and thanks for sharing -.-...
RE: Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
RE: Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
and king of fighters is what? some kind of game? i dont play much games currently all i play is mario tennis(N64) and heroes III(PC) i normally dont follow the new games coming and stuff like that.
RE: Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
tink its a game... but mario tennis is lame... not much depth right???
RE: Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
uh hinatacretu, wtf are you talking about? for one thing, sports arent SUPPOSED to involve "plot" and "depth"......(although ironically the gbc mario tennis does to an extent)
and another, mario tennis is the best sports game in existence. It's like they take a generic tennis game, and then add strategy and really good gameplay/control to it....its almost as fun as smash bros!
RE: Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
they could have had a career mode ya know... training up as ya go along... esp wif the difference in attributes of the diff characters... having career mode would definitely make the game have more replay value...
RE: Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
the game is fun as it is.it doesnt need anything more.
RE: Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
that game wasnt that great, it might of been a good tennis game but it still wasnt that great
RE: Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
Originally posted by: hinatacretu
they could have had a career mode ya know... training up as ya go along... esp wif the difference in attributes of the diff characters... having career mode would definitely make the game have more replay value...
yes.......they have that......
its called "mario tennis" for gameboy color
and you can upload your customized character into the n64 one
RE: Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
the n64 game is more fun, the gb game sucks. i like games like that i dont really care ifthey have awesoem game play or anyhting they just need to entertain me for the 10 mins that i want it to.
RE: Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
so what is KOF? rather than arguing about mario tennis. eventhough that game is cool, but not as cool as mario kart. that game is da shit of all games.
RE: Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
this is like the least cool thing to notice.
Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
Yep, KOF stands for King of Fighters. Sorry that I didn't make that clearer. It is a long running 2D fighting game series made then-SNK, now-SNK Playmore. Andy was actually trained as a ninja or at least in ninjitsu, says so in his bios. To Mut@t@, I thought it was cool because Andy has that move since 1999, and now seeing a similar move in one of my favorite anime Naruto.
P.S. I also agree that the Hidden Fall needs more exposure than just that one special. Since that place is so hidden, there bound to be more secrets and traditions beside "that water." <-----not sure if that would be a spoiler.
Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
THe naruto jump festa 2004 was good..it made sasuke look really good..
Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
Originally posted by: kakashi_gurl
THe naruto jump festa 2004 was good..it made sasuke look really good..
no it made sasuke look really bad being tied up there. it's a shameful thing. it made naruto look really good fighting one-on-one w/ that dude.
kof is a cool game. but i never really thought about naruto when i played it...maybe i wasn't paying much attention.
mario tennis is THE best game ever, cuz i'm good. it's rare for me to be good at a sport game.
Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
This is stupid. Andy Bogards', "BURN KNUCKLE" looks NOTHING like Rasengan.
How would I know? I've played every single game with Andy Bogard (and that's a lot), not to mention, own all the anime episodes of Fatal Fury.
Notice something really cool (might be old news, though)
Originally posted by: kakashi_gurl
THe naruto jump festa 2004 was good..it made sasuke look really good..
where was it good? that thing was the worst crap i've seen. even the 2003 jump festa is better.