I just relised how much of a lurker i am. I have been here over a year and i have 63 post this make 64 so today i vow that i will post in the gotwoot fourms.
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I just relised how much of a lurker i am. I have been here over a year and i have 63 post this make 64 so today i vow that i will post in the gotwoot fourms.
Good for you.......yeah...way to go.......
First, it hasn't been a year.
With that out of the way, I'm even worse than you when it comes to lurking. I've been here almost 2x as long as you and have 4 or so more posts.
Well I've only been here for a year too and look at my small postcount!
(PS you guys suck! Post more! ^_^)
well, i usually try to keep my post count down, but it seems that i raise it up every day. at first when i got to like 1000 posts, i was at about 5 posts per day then at 2000 i am at almost 7. i try to post less so it doesn't look i'm spamming but i have so much to say =/
Just don't post stupid crap like me and it'll be all fine.
lol mutata you shouldn't worry about post count. you have less posts than me but joined before me.
wait, dont post stupid crap like what you post? or like you, dont post stupid crap? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Krbadass
Just don't post stupid crap like me and it'll be all fine.
lol woofcat, you joined on my birthday
i am also a big lurker by the way...
lol! Just don't post stupid crap. Holy crap is allowed.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
wait, dont post stupid crap like what you post? or like you, dont post stupid crap? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Krbadass
Just don't post stupid crap like me and it'll be all fine.
how do you define stupid crap then?
I'd say thoughtless, pointless, or just plain jerky for the sake of being jerky ('haha shot you in the nuts for no reason'...or the posting equivalent) Generally, there's probably no way to avoid "stupid crap" here and there, but if every thought a little bit more, and stoped trying to be gigantic cocks, then the forums would be better.
edit: when refering to gigantic cocks, I mean people of the type that would, say...go into a farewell forum just to post something like "I don't give a shit about you, you're not important. SEE ya!"...specially when the guy's fighting cancer.
what about being jerky jsut for the sake of it when bashing someone who posted a studip crap thread?
Personally, some lighthearted bashing (definitions seems to vary widely-check post post below for good example) is fine, but check the edit I made above. Stuff of that nature, at least to me, is unacceptable.
i think too many people are way too sensitive. those people who get offended by the slightest sarcastic remarks are often known to have a serious case of vaginitis. i'd suggest them to go get it treated but they won't listen to me in the first place.
And you would be the person to talk about suach a thing as vaginitis seing as that is what you suffer from. Is it your personal experience to disclose such problems you have in forums, i think it is a bit too much information to be sharing with the rest of us, besides your post are meaningless and nobody cares what you have to say. ha ha ha ha Just kidding, i don't mean to offend anybody. I guess this makes whatever I say ok because you say it all the the time. Right?
wow Foomanchew.......nice contribution [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
90% of the time, when people make "jokes", they're actually stating an opinion, and they say "just joking", to avoid being flamed.
Also, 90% of the time, people laugh because they are uncomfortable, or they see the "joking" statement as true.
After all, 60% of all statistics are made up.
So basically;
foomanchew24 = loser.
no need to flame the flamers. Just let them do it - they only upset insecure losers. This is the internet, after all. The rest of us just laugh, and brush it off. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
InnerSakuraCahn= loser
Wow, I can type too, does it make it true?
Statistics can be used to prove just about anything you want them to, doesnt mean that they are accurate or true. But statistically speaking i'm pretty sure that i didn't ask for your opinion, so bugger off. Or i'll add you to my list of people i follow around and make rude comments about Like my idol Mut@t@ does.
Oh and assertainfailure thanks for the compliment, i'll keep up the good work.
to me what i did in my last post here is stupid crap since most people should have the common sense to know what is apropriate(sp?) and not. i just used this as an example to what i think is studpi crap, my question is very very stupid... sorry for making my point in such a weird way, just wanted to try osmething new... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
Personally, some lighthearted bashing (definitions seems to vary widely-check post post below for good example) is fine, but check the edit I made above. Stuff of that nature, at least to me, is unacceptable.
Heh, no problem. I gave a serious response to your question because I'm sure everyone agrees that most people should know what is appropriate and what is not, but at the same time, look at all these people getting pissed off at nothing at all, and all these other people that seem to be looking for vicious stomping with cleets based on their posts. No one seems to agree on what is appropriate and what is not. I have a fairly high tolerance for most things, but a lot of people just get pissed off at things I don't even notice.
if you disagree with me, then you're wrong.
nah, this is how i am in real life. i love everyone.
this is the internet so most people arent like they are here in reality(at least i hope so) and sarcastic not funny at all posts like mutata's isnt really appropriate in my book since they doesnt fill any purpose.
Humor is subjective. I find myself laughing at quite a few of his posts, and even more at some of the response. Look at the post he just put. If it bothers you, how much does it really require of you to glance over it and move on? I would hope virtually nothing at all. I guess it's a personality thing. By the way, I too hope people aren't as stupid in real life as they sometimes show on the net. I have this little theory that they live out some of their fantasies on the net, and say some things they wish they could in real life, but have more sense not to. If they're truly so rotten, then there is no saving grace. I hope I disagree with mut@t@ on this one.
im not annoyed by them, i dont really care, but its just useless to post like that..... a post should at least some purpose other than being random spam, thats what i concider this particular post to be, but some of his posts are indeed funny.
Yeah, you might be right, but it seems to me to just be more of a test for hypocrisy on my part, kind of like what I think foomachew is doing, albeit less offensive. I could just reaching too far with this though.
i actually agree with some of the stuff you've wrote. but i'm not living out my secret desires or anything. lol, don't need to worry about that kind of stuff. this is actually i am (awesome aren't i). but guys, be realistic here. am i that bad? do i really anger and upset some of you? =D i've helped and contributed to this forums more way than one can count. the insignificant comments i make (just like the previous one), shouldn't really get to anyone. however, i truely mean a lot of what i say. if you can't distinguish them, then i guess... it's your fault. j/k, relax. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
Humor is subjective. I find myself laughing at quite a few of his posts, and even more at some of the response. Look at the post he just put. If it bothers you, how much does it really require of you to glance over it and move on? I would hope virtually nothing at all. I guess it's a personality thing. By the way, I too hope people aren't as stupid in real life as they sometimes show on the net. I have this little theory that they live out some of their fantasies on the net, and say some things they wish they could in real life, but have more sense not to. If they're truly so rotten, then there is no saving grace. I hope I disagree with mut@t@ on this one.
yeah, that post of mine was pretty useless. i kinda feel as if the general forum is where we can talk more freely so i was just having fun. =/Quote:
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
im not annoyed by them, i dont really care, but its just useless to post like that..... a post should at least some purpose other than being random spam, thats what i concider this particular post to be, but some of his posts are indeed funny.
See? there you go. Now let's all take a chill pill and sip juice. By the way, I wasn't refering to you with the living out fantasies thing. More like people who come so far out of their mouth that it would normally merit them a secretive beating by the police. Again, subjective.
I think Mut@t@'s rank say's it all. Nuff said.
Ciber is god to do such a thing. I pray to him often but he never talks back, why god, why?
i know a guy who can say things in real life that i dont even dare to say on the internet, he can be a complete asshole and stomp people in public without caring :/Quote:
Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
See? there you go. Now let's all take a chill pill and sip juice. By the way, I wasn't refering to you with the living out fantasies thing. More like people who come so far out of their mouth that it would normally merit them a secretive beating by the police. Again, subjective.
@mutata: yea the general forum seems to be a place wehere the rules arent followed that much and we can be very free. and somtimes you want to post useless stuff ;P i know i do.
There's no reason to act differently on the internet. It's harder to tell if someone is being sarcastic or not, so it's stupid to get offended that easily.
im going to invent the first "over the internet punch" that way everyone on the net will watch what they say more [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
sorry, foomanchew - was in a bitchy mood earlier. FPr some reason, felt the need to take it out on some random person on the internet.
I'm a girl - what can I say? I'm irrational.
no prob i felt like lashing out at Mut@t@ all day so i fell ya. no hard feelings. I guess you have to let your inner sakura out once in a while.
There's nothing wrong with Mut@t@'s posts. People just need to lighten up, we're not living in the dark ages here. It used to be the same with Hotsuma, people would always complain about what he said, etc, but what he said was usually pretty well substantiated, even if he hasn't been around for a while which is a shame. But I think both of these guys make/made significant contributions to these great forums of ours.
If someone is being sarcastic or joking on the Internet, you can normally tell if you know how to read it. They'll normally make it pretty obvious. I don't think I've ever been offended by something someone has said online, it's just not worth it. Not that I really take offense at anything, even in real life, so I'm probably a special case.
awwww.......group hug
Is it not Amazing how a thread on me lurking turned in to an argument about how people insult each other and other crap. Mods feel free to lock this, it has done its job and is now useless.
yea quite cool how things turn around like that. like a while ago every single thread turned into itachi discussions.
Nasty topic [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Seems people are trying to turn every topic into a personal wordfight topic (or whatever)
Noticed this happens a lot these days, almost if discussing something about anime just has to get a bit personal. And now even in a useless topic which is just made for spam it's breaking loose
Yeah.. fark you all. I love you guys. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Also, just to add, because words don't carry their expressions or display of emotions.. hence what people type.
Can mean many different things.
And I find Mutata funny btw. oh yeah, where's hotsuma? I used to miss his Azumanga Diaoh's many sig's.
Farts* Kheheheh ^^