Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
This is all taken from another forum, I don't know if I can mention the forum name so meh:
Oh god, almost three pages spent on recap and flashback...why oh why?! >_<
But other than that, the fight so far does not disappoint. After all the talking and flashback, Sasuke easily lifts Naruto up with just one hand and knocks him all the way down into the water with one punch to the stomach. He admires his new strength for a moment and for some reason the semi-Cursed Seal fades, so now Sasuke "appears" normal again. He sees Naruto resurfacing and taunts from above. Naruto procedes to dash on water (this part looks cool) and makes a huge leap, and the two met again in mid-air. Sasuke without the Sharingan dodges Naruto's punch and with a swift swipe kicks Naruto silly in face. As he is falling, Naruto flashes back to the promise he made with Sakura and makes several Kage Bushin in mid-air an does a really cool chain linking the finger of the 2nd Hokage's statue and returns Sasuke the favor with a swiping kick. Sasuke lands on the right eye of the statue, recollects himself, and with insane speed launches right next to Naruto and knocks him back into the water. As he look on, an image of young Itachi giving young Sasuke a piggyback is shown...
The last frame almost looks like a self-flashback...so there is a likelihood the next chapter will be have some sort of Sasuke flashback instead of more fighting. Or maybe not
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Someone didn't read the topic Summary
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
i read chapter 219 and then read the summary let me down.
anyway, 219 raw is out. fix your gay summary.
Originally posted by: Cyrano
It's a perfect syntesis of the chapter, what did you expect ?
i was talking about the topic summary under the name of the the thread.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
It's a perfect syntesis of the chapter, what did you expect ?
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
What are you talking about. that was a great chapter. Finally the rematch is under way. wonder what sasuke will do when naruto whips out the kyubi chakra. will he be all high and mighty then?
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Please no more flashbacks!!
hmm.. where's winged dancer, get a quicky translation [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
i don't think so this is one of those situations where naruto kind of has to lose.
you think about it sasuke can't go back. he would be put under constant guard. and they would try to put a powerful seal on him to supress the cs lvl 2.
look at it this way, kimimaro who was a advanced blood line with cs lvl 2 was so powerful that gaara couldn't kill him, he was sick to if he was healthy rock lee and gaara would be dead.
so sasuke has a huge advantage over naruto even with naruto kyuubi.
this kind of situation requires someone of either kage tsunade or sennin, jiraiya to interfere which won't happen.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
im pretty sure a regular jounin could bring down sasuke. they arent super monsters you know they are kids. and gaara isnt jounin level.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
nice chapter it's going the way i want it to go sasuke will probably beat him some more take one or two punches then leave naruto behind and go to oro
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
I could almost see all the "OMG IT'S ANOTHER FLASHBACK/FILLER EPS!!!!!!" posts when this come out in anime. XD
I guess Kishimoto is just tired, oh well ......
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
there is a translation available at that link, enjoy
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
I read it and its really stupid, he doesnt even explain what the pic looks like(even though it may take more time to write)
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
and if the genins took out level 2 versions of those sound guys, then how tough can level 2 version of sasuke be?
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
and if the genins took out level 2 versions of those sound guys, then how tough can level 2 version of sasuke be?
i believe kabuto's comparison of sasuke and kimimaro is a good hint to suggest how strong he is with level 2.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Are you blind? look 3 posts above you.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
bakafish's version is out.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
CS lvl 2 comes from Orochimaru
Naruto's Chakra comes from the Kyubbi.. hmmm....
CS LVL2 is gonna be cool in this fight cuz it will be sasuke's first introduction with the new power but keep in perspective, which power is for real .
I agree that Naruto will fail to bring back sasuke..
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
This may be the first time(I guess since Haku) we'll see Naruto at his Super Kyuubi form, and this battle may turn into a dragon ball z rerun, but seeing lvl 2 CS Sasuke vs. SK Naruto will be hot as hell(hot as in cool)
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Man i'm bursting with anticipation. may the real fighting begin!
Naruto needs to stop playing with that prick and give it his all. i say let them beat eachother's asses silly.
and no more friggin fillers or flashbacks.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
what is the truth ? will we kmow why itachi killed his clan next week ?
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Lol Super Kyubi Naruto...........Im betting the next ch is gonna be flashbacks =/ abt Itachi
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
damnit, next week is going to be a sasuke flashback to his brother, then maybe the week after that we will see more narutovssasuke fight.
as naruto said, he doesnt want this type of fight. he wanted an honorable match that is not to the death, although thats what sasuke wants.
i dont think naruto can really win this, not because he is weaker, but because his heart may not be in it, he is fighting his 'best friend' not an enemy ninja. \
but damnit i see flashbacks for the next good bit. . ugh.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
I hope the next chapter isn't riddled with flashbacks like this one was. Otherwise, this was a good start to the fight.
As for me, who do I think is gonna win? Naruto. He'll be in a highly emotional state which is key to releasing kyubi's power. Sasuke won't go down easily though. At some point, Naruto will probably land a near-fatal rasengen and he will realize his mistake since he won't be able to fulfill Sakura's promise. With Sasuke needing medical attention, Naruto will bring him to the only viable nearby option, the sound village. This is all just a prediction though [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. At any rate, I don't think this mission will be successful.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
sasuke hasn't even used the seal yet(well maybe that first punch). there's no telling how strong he is. i think naruto is up against too much. i'll feel good to see sasuke actually winning a fight for once.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Yes, odds are sasuke will win. But i personally think it will come to a draw again. But i hope sasuke finally realizes the truth about naruto and his weird chakra(kyubi).
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
At the end, when Naruto is getting his ass kicked, he will go Super Kyubi Naruto 2! and his hair grows as long as the 4ths =P
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
i seem to be the only one that want some more flashbacks... we haent had flashbacks in a while and they are needed in the story to.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
if naruto turns out to be like the haku fighting mode then i really doubt that sasuke would stand a chance
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Good chapter. Naruto should gone berserk and then beat the shit out off Sasuke, that would be interesting to see. And the next chapter `bout Uchiha Ichizoku... i hope we`ll find something new.
Personally I don`t give a damn about Sasuke right now, if he`s that stupid, if he don`t see that Oro is trying to use him, then I hope he will learn his lesson when he faces the truth[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
i don't want anymore flashbacks.
but i do want them to talk more about itachi and sasuke's relationship.
how the heCK did naruto land a kick on the all powerfull sasuke..................
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
i agree with you pervert-sennin...i dont think that flashbacks are so unholy...
although i think the next chapter may be slighty repetative ...
what new can we learn about the "truth" from sasuke.
i doubt he knows the reason itachi did what he did
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
no sasuke has no idea about that so we wont find out anything about itachi unless he comes and tells the truth.however it might be interesting to know how orochimaru got sasuke to join him... i doubt its just what we have seen.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
well, we all know that next chapter will be Sasuke angsting about his life (as usual), withouy anything new to tell us about the Uchiha massacare...
I really don't understand the point of all these recaps, it's not that so much time passed since we saw those chapters...
about the curse seal, I find it weird that Sasuke's lvl2 seal can make him so powerful even without activiting it.. makes me think about the sound four, they must've been at the same level as Konohamaru or Sakura if they're so weak now..
but heck, Naruto used his clones in a smart way, at lesat that..
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
i dont think sasukes seal is completly inactivated, he got some markings on his face and arm i think and he got a reversed eye. so some part of it must be activated.
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
and if the genins took out level 2 versions of those sound guys, then how tough can level 2 version of sasuke be?
i believe kabuto's comparison of sasuke and kimimaro is a good hint to suggest how strong he is with level 2.
normally i would take that into consideration, but i discredit that opinion of kabuto's after observing how kimimaro easily beat 200 kyubi naruto clones without even using the level 1 curse seal
btw, what's the url for bakafish's?
edit: nm
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Hell yeah, another good flashback awaits, with Itachi... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
for some reason im hopin the seal that limits how much of kyubi's power is released is somehow broken to an extent. and he totally beats the crap out of sasuke,
since the fuuin seal has two parts i assume that one part of it could break and allow a larger amount of chakra come out.
but it could mean that kyuubi could take control.
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Originally posted by: itachi_
Hell yeah, another good flashback awaits, with Itachi... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
gahh, speaking of a past that needs to be forgotten.....
how have YOU been, itachi_? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Inane just released 219 on IRC.
Good luck [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
And as of now no http mirrors [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
for some reason im hopin the seal that limits how much of kyubi's power is released is somehow broken to an extent. and he totally beats the crap out of sasuke,
since the fuuin seal has two parts i assume that one part of it could break and allow a larger amount of chakra come out.
but it could mean that kyuubi could take control.
Jirayia unsealed that seal, long ago. When he first met Naruto he noticed the five elemental seal and performed a 5 elemental unseal on it (or some other wahck ass crap liek that)
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
no, he's talking about the 4th's seal that, not orochimaru's
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
i think the seal (the 4th's) is designed to let more power out with time. it doesnt need to partially break, its already got that factor 'built in' the design
man from the first i think naruto is going to have seroius problem's, his taijutsu level is just too weak to sasuke.
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Damn, Naruto got his ass whupped there. Once he goes all kyuubi, things MIGHT even out, but this is Lv. 1 Sasuke at the moment (I'm guessing releasing Orochi's seal lets him go to Lv. 2), so I doubt it.
I wonder what the "secret" of Sasuke's past is? I thought we already knew all of it...? I'm guessing Ch. 220 is just gonna be him bitching about Itachi and how he needs power and blahblahblah.
EDIT: After re-reading the topic, I noticed that someone speculated that 220 might deal with why Itachi did what he did. We already know that. IIRC, it was because he just wanted to see if he could.
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
220 will not deal with the true reasons for the uchiha masscare.
A. for that we would need to see Itachi, and there's no reason for yet another charecter to drop in...
B. the true reason might set Sasuke offcourse from his getting to orochimaru, which means that this entire arc was wasted.
220 will be more of what we already know, Sasuke angsting about his life, and Narut just standing there and not doing the right thing (bitchslap Sasuke and tell him to shut up already), whatever happens in the next few episodes can be summed into two categories.
direct result: Sasuke getting to Orochimaru or Sasuke staying here.
foreshadowing: expect Naruto's final fight with Sasuke to take place at a similar place or under similar circumstances.
man, I think i'll throw a party once this arc is over and naruto's back at the villiage, we really need something new to happen
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
yea it was good he wrapped this arc up. it wont seem like much when you read it in volumes but to us it seemed like an eternity.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
I just cant stand Sasuke anymore just let him go to Oro now so we can go on,now i remember why Naruto isnt my favorit manga!! I cant stand him telling us reasons for seeking power over and over.
I really hope that after this arc ends that we will go back to leaf and get on the akatsuki arc and hopefully we wont see Sasuke for a long time.
This is the first chapter in Naruto that i dont like cause it was a waste of paper,the only good thing was when Naruto used his bunshin to kick Sasuke.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
My theory is naruto will be knocked unconcous from sauske's last attack and that will be that for this arc..I hope. then we'll jump a few years ahead andstart new and hopefully better arc. This one has draged on a little bit but I liked the character development through it. But god this needs to end soon.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
I don't want to end it that way Lefty, thats a bad end for the arc! It should be so, that Naruto knocked Sasuke down unconcous and take him to the leaf village! ( I love Sasuke, but it have to be so, so he dont go to oro, that wound be the end for Sasuke)
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
This really needs to end.......
I need to see what happened to other characters,has hinata improved?,is Neji alive?,What Itachi and Jiraya is doing? etc
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Maybe I'm underestimating Naruto and overestimating Sasuke..but I think Sasuke definately has the advantage right now. He cleary said to himself what would happen if he fully released the seal. Meaning he's not even fully utilizing his level one seal capabilities...Naruto's a stamina freak, and he may have Kyuubi inside of him...but he can only use as much chakra as his body allows at a time. I dont know...I just dont think I can call this fight. But I can say it doesn't look good for Naruto right now...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
normally I really would like Sasuke to win, but not in this fight ^^ you know all why!
I think that Naruto can handle him, he is stubborn and dont want to lose, because he will bring Sasuke back! I hope Sasuke wakes up and see what he do! His dream was and are that he has camrades and live in peace, that is what Sasuke said, but there is that Problem Itachi! and so I hope Naruto can make realaize him, that that dream can come true^^
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
After naruto gets wooped by Sasgay, Hinata comes and takes Naruto back to the village =P
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
sasuke was bound to leave the leaf since chapter 4
i agree with lefty...naruto has to lose this one...there is no other way. sasuke has gone too far in this to just turn back
and i think it is the best way to end this arc...and god do i want it to end. its been ok but im just tired of it
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Bitch Bitch!, whine whine!
All of you crying over how long this arc is should just stop and wait until the arc is over, yeah it sucks having to wait for the climactic portion of it but for chrissakes, can ya'll just shut the fuck up already!!
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
i think naruto's gonna win this one. he has to....there always has to be one moment near the end of a saga where he pulls through and does something unexpectedly badass....at least thats been the trend so far. And even IF naruto wins, that doesnt mean sasuke is going back to konoha, in fact it will persuade him more that he needs to get stronger with oro's help
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
that's the point. if naruto does win, he's taking sasuke back with him.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Heres the dillema with the outcome of the fight as I see it
1) Naruto Wins. Sasuke now probably realizes that
A) Naruto is special (or has the kyubi) (doubtful, but he'll end up staying with the leaf)
B) Feels that Oro cant give him the power he needs (he cant even beat naruto!) and ends up traveling on his own
C) losses all purpose in life and is uberly depressed to the point of not caring about anything (even his own life)
2) Sasuke Wins. He'll realize one of the following
A) Oro is powerful and goes off to get more of the power
B) Goes straight after Itachi
I would find it interesting if Sasuke went to Oro and later killed him cause Sasuke found out Oro is now useless and weak... after that we could do a timejump to when Itachi and co make their move on Naruto. Which could be a week or a month or years after, but I think itachi made a comment they need to act soon cause Naruto is getting stronger (I might be remembering this wrong)
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Sasuke is going to win. They would not go through all of this just to get him in time nick of time. naruto's going to loose and loose hard. But this will be a turning point were naruto get's uber serious and becomes unbelavibly strong. so yeah a time jump of about two to three years will happen after the fight ends.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
my prediction:
Sasuke woops Naruto's ass yet Naruto keeps coming back for more.
Sasuke eventualy begins to grow weaker as the cursed seal forces your chakra to be consumed much more rapidly.
Sasuke notices that his blows are becoming less and less effective and in frustration leaves his fight with Naruto to seek Oro for more power.
Naruto follows but cant really keep up due to his extensive injuries from the pummeling Sasuke gives him and perhaps passes out mid chase.
I'm not sugesting that Naruto doesnt stand a chance but im merely sugesting that Sasuke has much more power behind his blows.
Naruto is probably equaly or close to as powerful as Sasuke but b/c his power isnt from a seal he cant utilize as much at once, wheras Sasuke is esentialy a candle burning at both ends with the cursed seal.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
ok i have said it many times but ppl dont seem to listen. there wont be any time jump of a year.
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
The only time jumps made in this whole series are:
1) Where they went through a great deal of D class missions, which are boring so we didn't really need to see them
2) The month between the semi-finals and finals of the Chunnin exam when Naruto learned to use Gamabunta
Those were more time dialations than jumps, they showed a lot of it anyway then said "It's been a month already..." or something like that. Time just went by faster between eps/chapters, days instead of seconds like they do during the chapters with major fights.
I certainly hope they can find a better way to advance the story than do a lame time jump.
Good anime has flashbacks.
Bad anime have time jumps.
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
I agree time jumps are unlikely and would be dumb but some accelerated time progression would be nice.
I am very eager to see Naruto grow out of his scrawny little kid self and start to more resemble the 4th as a bonafied badass.
I guess he definately has started but i want him to get there a little faster.
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: itachi_
Hell yeah, another good flashback awaits, with Itachi... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
gahh, speaking of a past that needs to be forgotten.....
how have YOU been, itachi_? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
This made my day [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Good chapter btw.
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
What if Naruto begins to whoop Sasuke's ass and then Orochimaru steps in? Giving him more power with which Sasuke will get rid of Naruto for the time being. Sasuke would see why he needs Oro so much.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
I think that more and more power in that way, he takes it, can ruin Sasuke, I think, if he release lv2 and he want more power, that that ends in pain!
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
I think that this arc will result in sasuke coming back to leaf. I dont think there's any chance of sasuke just being gone w/ oro and no one caring. Also the fight wont be just like 2 chapters long. The longer the fight is, i think the better chance that Sasuke will change after
1. Sasuke is losing to naruto
2. Naruto keeps on getting up after getting beat, then gets in 1 lucky powerful shot
Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
lol, terracosmo, too bad itachi_ never seems to be around when people make fun of him [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
i dont get why you people think that sasuke HAS to win this fight. he can still lose the fight AND return to orochimaru....you dont need a victory to be able to run away.
Even if he isnt strong enough to beat naruto, he'll know that he is stronger than before because of the 2nd seal, and he'll know that there's more where that came from in the sound village. Therefore even if he still cant beat naruto yet, then he still stands a better chance with oro than by himself or back in konoha.
for those saying there will never be a significant time jump.......then tell me how else we would ever see the genins reach jounin? You know its bound to happen sooner or later, if they're expected to kill itachi and maybe naruto even becoming hokage.
Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya, its true that the akatsuki might become a problem that prohibits a time jump....but dont forget: who's supposed to beat itachi? Sasuke. And how long will it take for sasuke to be strong enough to beat itachi? certainly at least a few years from now.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
There won't be a time jump. Why? Because they will not time jump while Itachi is on a mission after Naruto's Kyubi.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
how can anyone think that naruto will bring back sasuke... if that happens, it'll be the biggest waste of like 3 months or however this arc was.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
I got a feeling that Sasuke is going to win this time and give Naruto a serious Ass-whooping. Haha As for the time jumps- I think people WANTS them more than they EXPECT them. I sure asll hell want them. I saw those pictures of what could be the Future Naruto and Future Sasuke and they rocked haha, It'd be awesome to see all that but god knows how much time it would take to get there... If it ever does go there, IDK.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
And who says Naruto always has to win because he's trying to protect something or is fighting for someone. I need some more Sasuke bad-assity with some cool new techniques- Maybe something he copied that we don't know about.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
sasuke cant win cause. . naruto is the hero damnit!!!! the hero cant lose! ok yes he can and naruto loses all the time but still, not when it really mattered!
anyone think some third party (orochi or itachi) may show up and snatch one of the guys away, causing the other to chase after. you know if itachi showed up then sasuke would forget orochi and go after him.
who thinks we are going to see a flashback that hints at itachi being 'good' in a way? you guys really think he let sasuke live becaus eof guilt? i think he has some secret agenda that either he killed the uchiha or someone else did, this way at least his brother lived.
time jump would suck, although i can see time 'dilation' as someone put it. definatly a faster pace after this resolves, however that is.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Get it throught your thick skull HERO'S CAN LOSE, and this one will and no one will show up because it just wont happen,
Itachi might of had a secret agenda and we might find out what it was on friday. And a time jump would not suck because more or less they will tell what happened in those lost years, and the protagonists of the story will be like 17(good guys that are like 12 arent very cool) and nobody wants to see Naruto stepping in dog crap anymore, because of the circumstances he will change(think of him as Jak from "Jak III" in the time jump) hell know what hell be doing and hell most likely have the resources to do it.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
i'm hoping itachi shows up and snatches naruto forcing sasuke to go all out and seek his vengeance right then and there. if sasuke activates the second level of his seal, he just might be able to take itachi if in fact he does gain those extra sharingan abilities.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
naruto doesnt have to get beaten to lose this fight...his failure means the failure of everyone...shikamaru will fail his first mission
neji and chouji will have sacrificed their lives in vain...naruto will fail sakura...for naruto to lose the conditions are clear:
sasuke doesnt return...and that is the ultimate goal of this arc
if sasuke kicks narutos ass - naruto loses
if sasuke runs away like the punk he is - naruto loses
futhermore i dont think anyone will butt in this fight ... itachi showing up is just silly and there is nothing that even points into the direction of that happening
and if there is a time jump it is not a bad idea...someone said good animes have flashbacks bad animes have time jumps...care to explain what makes a time jump so bad?
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Originally posted by: CyberPunk
i'm hoping itachi shows up and snatches naruto forcing sasuke to go all out and seek his vengeance right then and there. if sasuke activates the second level of his seal, he just might be able to take itachi if in fact he does gain those extra sharingan abilities.
I bet sasuke's level 2 can't even beat Kakashi. hes just a weak lil boy.
to beat itachi , you're gonna need like level 4 curse seal.
this is my speculation-
Naruto beats sasuke.
Naruto: Sasuke, lets go home.
Sasuke: Ok Naruto you win.
Naruto turns around, walks away.
Sasuke from behind hits him hard in the back of the head.
Naruto faints.
Sasuke : Not enough power............... im coming orochimaru-sama.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
sounds pretty good, that way naruto gets a win and that annoying sasuke brat still goes to orochimaru. and everyone is happy.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
nobody will be happy about that, why are you happy about that? thats not the right way, it may be so:
Naruto beats Sasuke.
Sasuke: Why? that can't be...am I wrong?
then he faints
Naruto looks at him and carry Sasuke
Naruto: I'm glad!
then he take him back to the village ^^
that would be happy ^^
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
it wouldn't make me happy. if that were to happen, this would be like pokemon, where eveyrone is happy. (gay)
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
no it isn't! it have to be so that Naruto wins and take Sasuke back to the village! Forgett the dialog, but the other thing have to be so ^^
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Originally posted by: Chiyo
nobody will be happy about that, why are you happy about that? thats not the right way, it may be so:
Naruto beats Sasuke.
Sasuke: Why? that can't be...am I wrong?
then he faints
Naruto looks at him and carry Sasuke
Naruto: I'm glad!
then he take him back to the village ^^
that would be happy ^^
no it wouldnt make me happy since i want some plot development and for that sasuke needs to go to orochimaru, if he comes back to konoha we will be at square one again. which means this entire arc and 2 characters possible deaths would be wasted.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
but I don't want that sasuke go to Orochimaru! Orochimaru will take his entire body and then whats about Sasuke? He is my favourite charakter [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
oh so you like him that much ey, even after you have read the manga. thats pretty rare i guess. he is good for the story but he is an ass. it wouldnt work out if he dont go to orochimaru and im sure something will happen so he ends up in konoha again, he is one of the main characters....
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
yeah I like him that much ^^ I know he does thinks they are really bad and that was not correct, but I try to understand him and it work in some way! I'm sure that he will realize that was he did was wrong and that Naruto and Sasuke become the best friends ^^ I'm optimistic *lol* ^^
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Chiyo, let me guess that you're a girl, right?
there's no way that Sasuke will realize his mistake now, if you would have paid any bit of attention to what happened during the last 45 chapters you would have known that too...
Sasuke has to get away from the leaf village, we've seen him taking every single plotical step in order to do that (heck, he even died for that...), to have him come back now would be the equivelent of bringing Neji's father back to life - pointless and stupid...
there are lot's of ways for Naruto to win and still have Sasuke escape, my favorite is "sasuke is assumed dead", becuase it allowes the Sasuke plotline to rest a bit...
and by the way, did anyone else find Jing's scenrio awefully resembling DBZ 217? i mean, Sasuke being Vegita and Hitting Naruto (goku) from the behined in the middle of thier fight?
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
lol, theres nothing to understand other than his family got killed by his older brother which should have resulted in serious trauma and then living on his own since he was a child which would have been very hard. someting i forgot oh yea being surpassed by naruto a.k.a loser ninja. well it would be pretty hard to live with but a person with a strong mind would live through it. okay he has been through alot but its not enough reason to act like a jackass all the time, take your own life, yes but not act like a jackass.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Ill drink to that, sasuke needs to learn that hatred and betrayal doesnt make you stronger(even though Jackass sasuke may think that) you usually become stronger by letting go (DBZ: remember when gohan was fighting cell) and that clinging on to the past makes him RETARTED
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
yep yep, you cant grow if you remain in the past. yea i think i remember that he gets beaten like helle right before he understands that he is much much stronger.(gohan that is) some off topic here sorry...
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Originally posted by: Chiyo
nobody will be happy about that, why are you happy about that? thats not the right way, it may be so:
Naruto beats Sasuke.
Sasuke: Why? that can't be...am I wrong?
then he faints
Naruto looks at him and carry Sasuke
Naruto: I'm glad!
then he take him back to the village ^^
that would be happy ^^
that's the dumbest thing i've read today. i like sasuke too but if he goes back to konoha, i'll shit on everyone.
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
THAT is something i want to see [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] no seriously if he comes back ill do something to this series ill become the story writer or something [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Well I dont want to see, Nasty
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Its OBVIOUS that Naruto will kill Sasuke, then do a kage and a henge and replace the old Sasuke. Of course to complete the effect, Naruto will perform "hypnotic no jutsu" on his kage bushin clone to make him believe that he's really sasuke.
Weeeee 500 posts
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
good chapter, crosses finger and hopes for naruto to kik sasukes ass and drag his ass bag to the hidden leaf village where he will forever be in shame of having naruto kik his ass well. well thats just what i hope happens
RE: Chapter 219 Discussion [Manga]
Sasuke definetly wont come back now even if he loses to Naruto because it would be pointless for him to be brought back by force. He needs first to see that we he desires is wrong. Naruto whooping his ass wouldnt make him come back because Sasuke would just become angrier at him. The only for Sasuke to come back is for him to come back willingly. This will only happen if someone he cares about is about to die or something and then he realizes the errors of his ways and saves them. He left because he convinced himself that his friends dont matter, so he needs it proven to himself that he cares in order for him to ever be able to come back. I really think that he never will come back and instead will just turn good again just in time to die to save someone else.