cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
Because of sasuke gay, weve had to endure a freeza like saga that has just became redundant, one fight begins, super powers, the one sacrifice jutsu, fight ends, in simple words, IT SUCKS.
plz post ur toughts. oh an i hope neji is still around to kick some ass.
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
i just hope they dont do something too predictable, id like to see something like itachi comming in and taking naruto in the middle of him fighting sasuke, or sasuke just deciding to go back with the level 2 seal instead of going to orochi.... something non predictable should happen
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
nope this arc definately didn't suck although it's a little stretched out, the fights are definately amazing way above dbz level, why do people keep bringing dbz and naruto in the same sentence it's not the same get over it already
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
The chunnin exams is still the longest.
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
Originally posted by: Stoopider
The chunnin exams is still the longest.
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
yeah it wasnt that bad i enjoyed this arc pretty much not the best though
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
keep crying you babies. this arc was cool.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
I got no complaints, it could've been a whole lot worse.
I wonder about Neji & Choji's fates.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
yea, blame sasuke, a fictional character, for your frustration. </sarcasm>
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
Originally posted by: oscar
Because of sasuke gay
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH this line made me laugh out loud for ages.
The arc's been good, get over it.
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
I kinda think this arc is good. Because it add's a new dimension to the naruto storyline. Totally changing the whole movement of the story.
We are seeing one of the main characters joining the bad guys. I really do hope Sasuke doesn't come back to the Konoha.
And then I hope there's jump in the Naruto timeline by 6-9 years. (So their around 18-21 years old)
sasuke by then Probably learn all the shits from Orochimaru, and then when Oro soon tries to take over Sasuke, Sasuke butchers up the snake and steal all he's jutsu's.
And by then, we would see lots of changes, like Sakura becoming a mature women than her usual idiocy. Naruto, a highly esteemed Anbu Chunnin to be Jounnin. Some like Shika in the Konoha intelligence squads.
Something more different. I hope. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
That would be really something!
Lol, would be fun to see Naruto grew up all Jiraiya-like, watching girls all the time, but without the wooden shoes [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
How the hell does he even walk, let alone be an effective ninja in those clog things. It must be so uncomfortable.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
Were only seeing Jiraiya now when has all that experience walking on those things. just think back to when he was a kid. Fallin over flat on his face with a hoared of angery women chasing him to death. He had to get good for the sake of his own survival.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
Kimimaro ruled this arc.
it was worth it just to see him pwn it up, as for unpredictable - right now that would be Sasuke joining Oro because its so predictable that Naruto is going to change his mind somehow, if he goes to Oro maybe Sasuke can learn some things in the 3 years before Oro can reposess and if Naruto feels the need to he can go after him then.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
This arc has gone on a little long, I forgot what happened right before this, but the fights were worth it, especially Chouji's.
I hope there isn't a signifigant time jump, then this will be too much like DBZ for me to handle.
Here's hoping the fight with Sasuke and Naruto is only 3 chapters long...
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
Originally posted by: oscar
Because of sasuke gay, weve had to endure a freeza like saga that has just became redundant, one fight begins, super powers, the one sacrifice jutsu, fight ends, in simple words, IT SUCKS.
plz post ur toughts. oh an i hope neji is still around to kick some ass.
i have only read 3 of your posts and i already hate you. just shut up and stop read if you dont like it. i love the series its great, cant be done diffrently.
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
Free Speech PSJ... People have the right to their opinion even if it sounds stupid.
But then. You have the right to flame them too.
So what am I talking here.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
haha, yea and it felt good to flame this guy.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
I was a bit dissappointed in Rock Lee's return, since he was owned so quickly and had to be saved by Gaara. He could have been held off for a little while,so he could come back and actually make an impact.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
Thats what happens if you rush things. Well, was kinda expecting it that Rock Lee wouldn't win vs. Kimi. Too soon for that to happen.
But I have hope in Rock Lee, he'll eventually get better soon.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
It's a conspiracy - Rock Lee isn't allowed to win a fight that counts - didn't you know? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Seriously though - its funny how we're all scared that this story arc could end up lame -
But at the same time the slow and seeminly boring "chuunin exam" story line exploded into the war storyline at the end.
So I'll have faith in the author for now... 5 days till 319 :x ....
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
i dont post too often (as you can see) but i couldnt resist myself on this one
i dont think its very fai to say this arc sucked...
we witnessed the return of rock lee and the sand ninjas...
we saw our first ... and last glimps of the new neji that respects naruto
we learned a little more about choujis personality and gained a new respect for him
we got to see shikamaru handle his first chunin misson (most likely an A rank)
there were surprizes at every turn (choujis trump card...nejis final stand...kimimaro...rock lee... the sand)
overall i cant say this was the best ... but i cant blame the sexual orientation of sasuke either ...this has been a very decent arc...although i do hope it is over now...
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
It's been a good arc indeed.
But really, it's time for more Itachi. I've loved everything so far, but c'mon. Itachi. We need answers.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
those of you who are complaining....answer me this...
was this the current saga when you decided to read the naruto manga?
obviously its gonna seem slow if you go through the first 3 sagas in a matter of 3 days...there's alot of action in the current saga, which is why it takes alot of pages
this is gonna be the best saga ever once it reaches anime form
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
I agree, I think this arc has definitly stretched out for a long time. Not that I don't like it, because I do- a lot. I'm just wondering about all the other things that could have happened: Like with Akatsuki, Neji & Chouji, and that sort of stuff. But I do like where it is right now.
But the werid thing for me is that I see people saying that they made the fights with the Sand-nins and Oro's crew way too short. I'm glad they did, it would have taken months if those fights were made drawn out. Gaara's and Kimi's fight was pretty awesome ( I can't wait to see that in the Anime, I expect it will be a lot more dramatic and whatnot).
But anyways, whats with all the comparisons to DBZ? It's getting a bit retarded at this point. Answer me this: In what anime has a character ever NOT gone up against foes of increasing strength and power. It seems sorta like a normal part of story telling. So why, when it happens in Naruto, the crowds start screaming DBZ?
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
this is gonna be the best saga ever once it reaches anime form
Yes, you are wise beyond your years, it will be awesome. Every single episode will be a classic I'd say. That's if they're still making the anime at that time.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
it's time for more akatsuki members i have the feeling that at least one of them is female but im not hoping
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
I also liked this arc, especially at the beginning, Chouji and Neji's fights were great. It's started to feel long winded lately, so I wass glad they wrapped up the battles with the Sand-nin showing up. This is going to look great animated.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
this arc was great. So many possible things could happen after this arc.
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
This arc wasn't completely pointless. It served to bring up some amazing plot twists. Return of Rock Lee, Gaara turning good (and his siblings) and some good fights. I'm glad Neji got some more time in the spotlight. But the arc still could've been significantly better, if it didn't involve Oro. Everybody's tired of the gimp, and wants to watch Itachi, dammit.
And no, Neji isn't dead. The seal on his forehead was there when he passed out, so he's still alive. I don't know where people get the idea that he's not alive anymore.
For the record, anybody that refers to Sasuke as "Gay" is just a fucking loser, using JHS-level insults. Grow the fuck up, people.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
you forgot that it used chouji for something, he got a big part in this arc he havent done anything earlier. yep the "sasgay" jokes or insults or whatever you call it is not needed. not to say that i havent used it but i have stopped doing so.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
The best part was when chouji owned him, and he looked kickass.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
yea the frame where he stoppes jiroubous blow is the coolest so far no character can go beyond that coolness exept jiraiya maybe [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
For the record, anybody that refers to Sasuke as "Gay" is just a fucking loser, using JHS-level insults. Grow the fuck up, people.
well said
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
whats funny is you will be the ones praising it when its made into the anime
he is right .. when this arc is made into an anime it would kick ass .. in mangas fighting scenes tend to cover more pages so maybe some people think its too stretched out ... but when the animated version comes i bet you all would enjoy seeing chouji/neiji/kiba and even Shikamaru (apart from being an incredibly intelligent chuunin) beat those sound nins asses ..
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
This arc is great but now that is near the end of it,am iching to konw what happened to Neji,Chuji and co.
And as someone said its time for Itachi and Kisame to appear agian.
The only thing i dont like in this arc is Sasuke,the story has been focusing too much on his greed after power, i hope after this arc that we can rest from him and concentrate instead on the main character of show....Naruto. It would nice if we got know something about.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
dont forget that sasuke is one of the main characters. sure the show is named after naruto but all of team 7 is main characters.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
You can think that only Sasuke is the main characther cause the story has only focused on him for so long.
I dont think anyone would like to see a arc about Sakura since almost everone hates here.
I just hope the manga gets back to the top after Sasuke thing cause it not has been as good as it was before this arc....
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
kinda ironic how a series that is named after one person actually has a strong focus on like, over a dozen characters. But thats one of my favorite things about naruto; the fact that its not just about him.
that last line of yours, hakeem, needs a serious grammer facelift, since i have no idea what you're trying to say with it. But if you're implying that the manga isnt that good right now with this saga......i'd have to argue that this is possibly one of the best sagas so far! It's been nothing but action involving 6 major battles focusing on 15 characters!
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
This arc was alright, however Oro as a villain is getting pretty old.
His best highlights were during the Hokage fight when you learn how sick he was, but ever since Itachi and Atasuki entered the equation, i wanna see Oro dead so they can move on to the mysterious 8 members
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
It was a pretty good arc, not as good as the Haku one though.
I think what will happen is that after the fight between Sas-gay and Naruto, Sas-gay will go to Oro.
After that, all the Jounins will come and pick up all the mashed up genins and take them home. They will then all be promoted to Chunins as there would be no point in them all having to waste another 6 months of our time on another Chunin exam.
Finally, we will get a couple of episodes that will be a time jump of about 1 year showing them rebuilding Konoha and doing some boring Chunin missions.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
kinda ironic how a series that is named after one person actually has a strong focus on like, over a dozen characters. But thats one of my favorite things about naruto; the fact that its not just about him.
that last line of yours, hakeem, needs a serious grammer facelift, since i have no idea what you're trying to say with it. But if you're implying that the manga isnt that good right now with this saga......i'd have to argue that this is possibly one of the best sagas so far! It's been nothing but action involving 6 major battles focusing on 15 characters!
The hole arc is great but the last chapters before 220 wasnt as good as the rest of arc.
I liked 220 much better than 219...
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
so you say the fight with rock lee, gaara and kimimaro wasnt as good as the other fights? how are you thinking? this arc was great, it feels dragged out since we get one chapter a week when you read it in graphic novels it will be much better.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
yeah, and you know that 219 and 218 are gonna be combined into one episode when its in the anime
every saga has a few chapters or episodes that arent as good.......like the wave country one having boring stuff with inari and his dad, or the chuunin exam one taking forever with naruto's training and building up to the naruto/gaara fight....and the tsunade saga spending so much time on naruto trying to learn rasengan
cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
Yeah things take time. if you guys gotten pissed about this supposed "crap" we've been having for months, just go find something else to read. Not everything is going to be intensely awsome, what makes some of these so good is that the suspense and the time they went into story about it, if you look positive about the next couple chapters, this is the fight alot of people have been waiting for... Sasuke vs Naruto. Maybe just me but this is looking really good seeing (chidori vs rasengan!!!).
In the Anime: And by the way is anyone else interested in seeing the tsunade v naruto outside that shop, where they do the little fight for the necklace. Im thinking it going to be pretty nice seeing naruto use it for the first time in a fight.
RE: cause of sasuke, this has taken how long?
what kilzo said, this bitching over this arc being dragged out is getting old since it isnt dragged out. and the best is yet to come the amazing battle between our 2 main characters for this arc, this fight will probably be like all other fights combined, i hope.