Did YOU ever want to voice act?
I know! Don't try to hide it! YOU always wanted to voice act. Right? You want to be a part of an anime one day, impersonating a character. Your dreams are coming true! Kind of.
Well anyway. I am doing an RPG. I am using the program RPGMaker which some people might be familiar with. It's semi-advanced with cool features like collecting cards and a Final Fantasy style battle system. It is also the sequel to my last RPG which had 2500 downloads. Not too shabby if you ask me. The only thing I lack is voice actors. There are 12 characters to fill and I only have people for about 5. This is a cry for help from my loving slaves, at the same point as it is an opportunity for you. Does this sound interesting? Well, if you want to try, you'll need the following.
- A mike, or similar.
- MSN or AIM so you can send me your voice clips.
- Some sense of acting, so you can scream attack names with your voice intact so to speak.
If enough people are interested, I'll post a list of roles that I need to fill. Among these is a trickster male, and I also need 3 female voice actors (this might prove next to impossible on this forum however).
So if anyone's interested, post here. This is your chance to become famous and etc.
Did YOU ever want to voice act?
Im interested, and i can speak some japanese if it needs to be in japanese
im a guy, so i like have a guys voice if that matters for casting
can you tell me where to get this program btw?
Did YOU ever want to voice act?
well, i'm not posting to volunteer for this project, but i just want to wish you luck on it and... i want first dibs on it when it's finished. or i wanna be a beta tester.
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
I'm with mut@t@.... I need a good RPG... I would love to be a voice actor, but the lack of mic is a problem... I will look about for female's with mics...there have to be some, somewhere, right?
Did YOU ever want to voice act?
You don't actually need 12 ppl, some people can do 2 or 3 voices, happens all the time 8P
I guess I could lend a hand, if your still looking that is
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
True Herio. It'll probably end up like that. Myself I do 2 voices. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Thank you for the shown interest.
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
wait so does that mean your not looking for voice actors anymore?
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
I'm sure he could use all the help he neeeds, and I think it means the search is still on, but not as ...dire as it was before
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
Okay, well my email is renny@bivings.com, so email me there Terracosmo if you need a guy voice actor
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
Yeah that's it Konoha. Proposal still stands. I won't need the assistance for a while though since I have lots of work to do but I'll keep all shown interest with me. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
What does the trickster say?? And I can pull off for you a very badly spoken english accent.
Btw. 2500 downloads. Not bad, where can we sample your old game?
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
Hey, I have some free time. I'll volunteer to help a worthy cause.
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
im kinda interested
got mic and everything but voice may not be what ur lookin for
kinda deep and lispy at the moment
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
iam english, i can speak with all english accents (rp, cockney, brummie, geordie, scouse, manc, cornish ect) i got plenty of spare time as well
my MSN is in my profile if you want to add me.
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
For some reason i cant view my profile... lol.
But i can do all sorts of accents, or at the verry least do certain ones good.
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
Haha I wouldn't be a very good voice actor. Still young so i don't have a really deep voice. BUT i would like to be a beta tester too if you need one.
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
Originally posted by: Stoopider
What does the trickster say?? And I can pull off for you a very badly spoken english accent.
Btw. 2500 downloads. Not bad, where can we sample your old game?
Lost in a HD crash, unfortunately. And the site that I had to host it is long dead. The RPG Maker community is not what it used to be. :/
Anyway thanks again everybody, it's great to see so many interested. It will truly help me out later on.
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
oh yeah forgot to add, iam 20 so f you need a more mature sounding voice........
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
I have a chinese/malay/Indian or Oriental Accent.
You wan flicky flicky? Me love you long time.
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
voicing acting would be kewl
Did YOU ever want to voice act?
Terra I would love to do some voice acting for you. I think it would be cool to be a charector in a game. PM me b/c i would love to do it
Did YOU ever want to voice act?
i too am interested in voice acting.
Did YOU ever want to voice act?
think it would be interesting to voice act..
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
I'd like to voice act. It'll be cool hearing my voice from another character.
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
Great to see all these interests, though as it looks right now I'll be doing some more Flash movies before I get working seriously on the RPG again. Voice acting offer still stands though. Or all of you guys male btw? It helps to know. Heh heh.
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
<- girl[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img] some of us are girls... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] girl power
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
i guess everyone else is male then.
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
Did YOU ever want to voice act?
*looks down* yep - i'm a girl - and i like anime, and rpg's - however - most of my friends have no idea of my obsessions . . .(which is how i retain the appearance of being vaugely normal)
any way - i'm game for being a voice actress - i think i have a mic - at least my brother does - i can just jack his next time i see him. email me , if you want to use me - my email is in my profile.
Edit: oh yeah, I'm american, unaccented (as in i don't have a regional dialect)
Did YOU ever want to voice act?
Hey terracosmo.
I've got a mic, i've got MSN and i'd love to do some voice acting. I can say that i've got acting experience - i was lead in one of my school plays (they sent me to acting school after as they were impressed) and i can do quite a few accents. I'm british with chinese background but i can do accents including british, american, australian, scottish, chinese - even japanese jus like naruto. Reply if u're interested
>edit< P.S, i should mention i'm male lol
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
Originally posted by: miaka
[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img] some of us are girls... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] girl power
girl power is stupid. you don't see the guys go 'man power.'
Did YOU ever want to voice act?
no.. girls are almighty.. and guys are girl's servant... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
note: this is a jk mu hahaha
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
Originally posted by: miaka
no.. girls are almighty.. and guys are girl's servant... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
that only goes for guys who are in love. the other loners like us arent your slaves [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
obviously im a male.
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
lol guys..but on the subject..i think it would be cool to voice act.. -.- guess i need a mic then...
RE: Did YOU ever want to voice act?
hey terra, i'd love to help out with ur little project. im male nad have a mic, and i use msn....whenever u decide to do the voice parts, gimme a shout (if u need me that is). my email is assassin_98@hotmail.com
btw, where can i get ur first rpg game...id love to play it