How much do you pay for how much internet?
So Elia back in the naruto forums brought up an interesting question that I think could stand to be talked about, for shits and giggles.
What sorts of internet connections (speed, type, constraints) are you using, and how much are ya paying for it?
With more and more people talking about how broadband is becoming ubiquitous, I wonder how much it is the case in a relatively specialized community like the gotwoot forum-following anime fan community.
I'm living on campus at Purdue University right now, and we've got 10 megabits from the wall but are limited to 2 gigs either direction per day (rolling limits, if I download 800 megs in this hour, it'll be there for the next 24 -- and on-campus traffic doesn't count toward those limits). This effectively limits us to a constant stream at something less than 85 megs/hour, or about 24 KB/sec average -- though the fact that we can burst as high as 800ish helps ease that pain a bit. We've got a nifty stats page set up to help users track their bandwidth use, and a really crappy little vb.net app that nobody in their right mind would ever use because it does nothing but queries that hourly-updated webpage to see if you're over the "recommended" limit of 1 gig/day either direction.
In about 6 weeks I'll be living in an apartment "off campus" (even though there's academic buildings to the north, south, and west and an administrative building a block east...). My future roommate already lives there and has cable TV and cable internet in a combo package... the connection is capped to about 450KB/sec download and 32KB/sec upload or so, and I think it's about $85USD/month for the combination digital cable and cable modem service (or if we just wanted the net connection I think $50/month). Our other option would be DSL from Verizon, and our local verizon branch offers a 7.1 mbit down 786kbit up connection for about $110/month, or 1.5 mbit/384 kbit for $50/month (pay twice as much for twice as much, pay the same for half as much, or keep what we've got for what we pay for it now).
So what about everyone else?
How much do you pay for how much internet?
4mbit down and up- $25 each month.... No downloading limit.
Yeah I now I should get BBB, which is 10mbit down and up for about $30 each month.. :/ I will.
How much do you pay for how much internet?
Im on crappy adelphia, its either that or bell south down here. Bout 40 a month.
I currently have 1.5-1.8 it fluctuates down and 30 at most up.
How much do you pay for how much internet?
Streamyx here in M'sia.
Download Speed around 32kb/s. I think thats 384k connection.. Upload around 12kb/s. Umm. 128k.
And I'm paying Rm66 for it. U$D 17.84 per month.
Unlimited Download and Upload.
I'm going for an upgrade to 512k. It'll be 8 bucks extra. However I've applied it like 6 months ago and it hasn't come yet. Here it's cheap but their incredibly hopeless when it comes to service. One of my friend forgot to pay his bill. And he paid the month after, but he didn't get reconnected for a year. Hahahah.
How much do you pay for how much internet?
10mbps connection for $100 a year, no limit.
How much do you pay for how much internet?
stupid cable. i don't pay for it, the univ does.
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
1.5 mb down
896 kb up
39.99 a month.
will be switching to cable though.
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
all i know is i have cable...and i dont know how much my parents pay for it. @_@. god im stupid.
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
lets see, i on a comcast modem, dont really know how much speed i can get from it, but there are soemtimes where i was dling at about 2.5 megs per sec, but my regular speed is about 284 kbs dont know much baout uploading, and i pay about 45 bucks a month and modem rent too
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
OC3. its like a building connection Lol.
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
its like ocs 255 its optical cable and its really fast.
if you got that then your lucky. very expensive to have.
wish i could get that.
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
dsl lite ehmm $25 a month. brings modem.bla blah
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
cable internet + cable tv + phone all together = $140 monthly
Download: 6mb/s and up
Upload: 800Kb/s
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
That seems pretty expensive, right? Would it be cheaper to get them seperately from different services?
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
that acutally sounds pretty good.
my bills
phone:65 bucks
tv: 49.99
but his up and download speeds are pretty good.
that price seems reasonable. im gonna assume that is cox cable or something.
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
Originally posted by: bwabes
That seems pretty expensive, right? Would it be cheaper to get them seperately from different services?
But that's 6 mb/s a sec man! Thats like t3 or something. You'll download one anime episode in 30 seconds!
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
Nah, he's got cable internet. That's just the theoretical maximum. You never really achieve that. I've got a t3 here, with a theoretical 10mb/s, and the most I've seen out of it is 6mb/s, which is close to the practical limit of 7mb/s.
How much do you pay for how much internet?
But its still helluva lot better than mine.
It takes me 4-12 hours to download one Anime episode.. *Sniff*
Can you imagine the pain and Mental suffering I have to go through just waiting for the anime to finish downloading??? AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
*Cowers in the corner of the room and starts scribbling on the wall with blood from wrist*
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
bwabes: T3 is 45 megabit, or 5.6 MB/sec ... if you're getting 6 you've got just a tad of extra fiber going your way or you've got
one of the big things that I hate is that marketing everywhere has confused a lot of people as to the difference between kb/kB/mb/mB and made them interchangable. So one minute you'll have the cable company offering you "3 meg cable" that's 3 megabit, not megabyte, so is actually only a bit more than 300K/sec. But people usually measure their throughput in the terms that make more sense to them, which typically means kilobytes and megabytes .... who wants to remember that a megabyte is 8096 kilobits, when it's a whole lot easier to think in orders of magnitude and useful sizes.
The other thing that really cheeses me off is that a lot of places (particularly apartment complexes) insist on using the term "T1" for marketing. "T1 internet" doesn't mean a whole lot, because while perfectly adequate for one or maybe a couple people to share, it's not enough for a whole apartment complex. One of my friends got one of those apartments, and it turns off their connection is firewalled and natted, and their whole apartment complex (about 120 units) shares a grand total of 3 T1 lines... or 4.6 megabits. How lame is that?
Needless to say, she's moving [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
I now feel guilty for what I did, complich8. You sound to me like a very nice person. I think that if you were with me in "de middelbare school" (/highschool), we'd play Tekken Tag together. I am sorry for the trouble I have caused.
I hope this was off-topic enough to get banned, so I can feel remorse...
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
it takes me about 40 minutes to download one anime episode, and my service is pretty good, so I don't really mind.
I used to have DSL before with verizon, and there was always a problem with my line. I had Business DSL, which cost me about $70 a month, and my phone was $70 also, which ended being $140 in total.
I didn't have cable tv because truth is, I don't watch much tv with all the anime episodes I download. But now, I have cable tv, internet, and phone all for the same total I used to have before.
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
well i'm in canada, Toronto to be exact and I pay $46 CAD for a 4 MBit Down 800 kbps upstream. That is good considering they screwed up on my billing and i should be paying more like $79. Its unlimited BW no restrictions or soft caps like rogers up here. I needed that kind of speed b/c i download about 250 - 300 Gigs a month. (have a dvd burner).
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
am I the only person in the UK on this forum ?
I pay £23.98 per month for my 512kbps ADSL connection (approx 55k/bps download rate).
Standard fees for the UK hover between £19.99 to £30 for standard 512kbps services.
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
Originally posted by: KakashiSensei
well i'm in canada, Toronto to be exact and I pay $46 CAD for a 4 MBit Down 800 kbps upstream. That is good considering they screwed up on my billing and i should be paying more like $79.
How much is $46 CAD and $79 CAD in US dollars?
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
46$ is probably like 30-35$ us 79 is like 55-60$ american.
I live outside of toronto, actually in a small country village of 400 people which is absoultly retarded. I've lived here for 7 years now and just finally got cable internet im going at like 100-300kbs so thats alright i guess it gets the stuff i want better then my 28.8 and 56k
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
Originally posted by: Gaz
am I the only person in the UK on this forum ?
I pay £23.98 per month for my 512kbps ADSL connection (approx 55k/bps download rate).
Standard fees for the UK hover between £19.99 to £30 for standard 512kbps services.
british connections jst sux
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
I got cable connection from Optimum Online for 40 bucks a month.
How much do you pay for how much internet?
Hurray for Swedish ISP...
How much do you pay for how much internet?
Anybody here from Korea? I heard Korea is dirt cheap.
How much do you pay for how much internet?
Sweden, Korea and one other country is in the top of the ISP, and are cheapest too..
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
I've been to Korea. Most people just use PC rooms. Don't know how much it is, maybe it's because the won is a lot weaker than the dollar.
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
most korean apartments come equiped with 2mb as standard i think, its practically free.
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
That is due to koreans being the worlds largest mmorpg players. The government even suspended gaming from the times of 1am to 1pm. This dood a while back gamed for 3 days stright but then died =P. and there a internet cafe on every street... and im talking about south korea not sure about north korea being they they r opressed and all...
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
I live in Sweden, it costs 300kr/month, and that's about 30$ each month.
Is that cheap?
How much do you pay for how much internet?
Originally posted by: Stoopider
Anybody here from Korea? I heard Korea is dirt cheap.
For sure, they are the gaming capital of the world right now, they hosted WCG World Cyber Games for the last 3 years i think its in San Fransico for next years world gaming championships which is awesome World Cyber Games
So i would assume so
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
Originally posted by: Kamikaze_Jeanne
I live in Sweden, it costs 300kr/month, and that's about 30$ each month.
Is that cheap?
No, it's not $30, take times 7.5
And BBB 10mbit is about $30.
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
south korea's got seoul. GET IT
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
Originally posted by: Xollence
I've been to Korea. Most people just use PC rooms. Don't know how much it is, maybe it's because the won is a lot weaker than the dollar.
PC rooms? You mean Cybercafe's?? here in Malaysia is very cheap as well for Cybercafe's. It was the trend at one time. But now It's kinda dying out.
It's about Rm2 or USD 0.50$ per hour.
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
Its unlimited BW no restrictions or soft caps like rogers up here
Hey, I'm from Canada too and I have Rogers and there's no cap. There're no restrictions. Which service do you have? I got:
DL: 3Mbps
UL: 384kbps
It's unlimited and I pay $45 CAD. Wow, internet is expensive in the States.
How much do you pay for how much internet?
a friend of mine was the UK representitive at FIFA in the WCG in korea a while back, he stayed there for a while afterwards to at a friends place, and gaming was a massive sport there he said, but most of the games they play are strat. or RPG. one of the biggest MMORPGs there atm is Mu, www.muonline.com its quite fun actually, but most players way outrank me lol, i jst get owned [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
oh btw i found out that the guy i was talking about is now moving to china to play FIFA professionally, as computergaming has been classed as a sport there now, and its gunna be big.
How much do you pay for how much internet?
Oh ya i should have mentioned....Hungray is hosting the olympics soon? or something like that and they are pulling for a computer gaming category *cough* counter-strike *cough* just a fyi on what they are trying to do, these guys are making 6 digit salaries playing online now
X'Ds~Grrrr... from canada is living on korea since like 2000 i think
How much do you pay for how much internet?
Originally posted by: itachi_
Sweden, Korea and one other country is in the top of the ISP, and are cheapest too..
Too bad american ISPs are monopolized phone companies and cable companies!
So they split AT&T into the babyBells to get rid of the monopoly but now they got
regional monopoly! what bullshit is that?!?
How much do you pay for how much internet?
All they want is money...more money teh crapier the service...so who cares is their moto
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
1Mbps Connection. In theory, this means i SHOULD get: 128KBps down
What i 'actually' get due to the variation with Broadband by location is: 112KBps down.
My upload is only 30KBps which is really bad.
It costs me: £35 per month ($62)
See how much we get charged in England? Damn you guys are lucky, you get fast connections for peanuts.