Or else I'll loose respect for the manga. Come how? All of the gennin survive the mission? That would be weak. At least Chouji should die. Maybe even Neji. It would show that characters get killed in missions, characters that the views care about.
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Or else I'll loose respect for the manga. Come how? All of the gennin survive the mission? That would be weak. At least Chouji should die. Maybe even Neji. It would show that characters get killed in missions, characters that the views care about.
yeah, i feel the same way. i think someone's gotta die. i hope it's chouji and not neji. chouji lacks the bad ass vibe.
Chouji on that one attck. So damn cool. Plus. it wount be the same with him not there stuffing his face gaining back all the weight he lost.
Neji has got two big ass holes in his body. I don't see how he'd survive unless Tsunade followed them herself and healed him. Chouji could probably recover with some rest, as he just over-worked his body.. kind of like opening gates.
if we see a Pictuer of Neji without that Marking on his forhead we will know for sure
Why don't both of them Die??
Woo. That would be nice. No more reformed Neji. NOr is the awakened strong ball Chouji. That would be a big hit to the Konoha village and the gennin party.
Agreed, Stoopider. Both Neji and Chouji have gone up several ranks in terms of my respecting them from this arc; it'd be a shame to lose them now.
I hope Naruto kicks Sasuke's ass and Sasuke dies. And then I hope Gaara kicks Kimimaro's ass and then Kimimaro rots away.
i dont think that naruto will beat sasuke to the point where he cant survive bc he is does then hes going to have to face sakura and that aint going to be pretty, plushe made a promise with sakura to bring back sasuke, but about neiji and chouji, i think that chouji has a better chance of surviving then neij does, i mean neiji has 2 big ass holes in his body, and chouji, i think hes just resting some where bc of the stress that the pills had on him, so if neiji does die, i dont think it will be a big surpise but if hes does survive then right on
Neji didn't die. The swastika was still on his forehead, when he passed out. When a branch Hyuuga dies, that symbol disappears. It didn't, therefore, he's alive.
Screw Sakura... would be nice if she died, too.Quote:
Originally posted by: Uzumaki Naruto
i dont think that naruto will beat sasuke to the point where he cant survive bc he is does then hes going to have to face sakura and that aint going to be pretty, plushe made a promise with sakura to bring back sasuke, but about neiji and chouji, i think that chouji has a better chance of surviving then neij does, i mean neiji has 2 big ass holes in his body, and chouji, i think hes just resting some where bc of the stress that the pills had on him, so if neiji does die, i dont think it will be a big surpise but if hes does survive then right on
And the hell, Neji is going to die. He's the only bastard in that show that I can stand...come on!!!!
Neji is entitled to be a bastard because he doesn't talk much, and Hinata still needs to beat the crap outta him. Gaara isn't a bastard, he's just a psycho.
All the other bastards are annoying, Sasuke, Kabuto, Oro and whatever.
Sakura and Sasuke dead... could be like a Liebestod...They both figure out finally they're annoying and drink poison together. Big funeral, better than the one for the Sandaime.
Not yett... not yet... But he is rather Holey you think?Quote:
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
Neji didn't die. The swastika was still on his forehead, when he passed out. When a branch Hyuuga dies, that symbol disappears. It didn't, therefore, he's alive.
it would be cool if naruto died and than got training from the 4th in the afterworld while sakura goes of to find the 7 dragenscrolls with the ultraforbiddenbringbacktolifenojutsu and rivive naruto after his training is complete to kick the akatsuki's asses and save the world.
but that's just my opinion^^
thats the plot twist we all are hopeing for [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: sexy_no_jutsu
it would be cool if naruto died and than got training from the 4th in the afterworld while sakura goes of to find the 7 dragenscrolls with the ultraforbiddenbringbacktolifenojutsu and rivive naruto after his training is complete to kick the akatsuki's asses and save the world.
but that's just my opinion^^
all we can do is cross our fingers and hope [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I don't think Neji will die. It will be like Sasuke just dying in a fight with Naruto right now without ever seeing his brother again. I won't like it after saying all those stuff like him trying to chang ehis destiny and Naruto saying things like he will change the hyuga for him and then just killing him off.
NO, I watch Full Metal Alchemist. I'm sick of seeing characters dieing. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Chouji dying wouldn't hurt anything
I was condering checking out that serise yet. Thanks alotQuote:
Originally posted by: XwingRob
NO, I watch Full Metal Alchemist. I'm sick of seeing characters dieing. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Chouji and Kiba are the only charecters that can die now without annoying too many fans (as if those two even have fans..) Shikamaru won't die, since he's a damn chunin and he's the best at running away. Sasuke can't die before the Itachi arc, Neji can't die now that he's realized that there is no such thing as destiney, and Naruto can't die until Naruto Z.
which leaves chouji, who took the pills accepting his fate to die for his friends, and Kiba, who gave up on his fighting will, and is up against the strongest foe beside Kimimaru. not to mention that his back up is none other than Kankaru, who lost in the most shameful way of all three sand shinobies.
Neji fell face first, so we don't know if the seal disappeared.
I don't think they'll kill off Neji before letting him have a proper fight with Rock Lee, with his new view on life. You know, instead of "You can't beat me because of destiny" it's "You can't beat me because I'm better than you."
But yeah, until Neji and Lee have a proper fight Neji's probably going to live.
Chouji I'm not so sure, but I'd like to see what Ino thinks of thin Chouji.
Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
...and Naruto can't die until Naruto Z.
[i]Chouji I'm not so sure, but I'd like to see what Ino thinks of thin Chouji.
If chouji makes it he is going to all da ladies
Don't know about thin Chouji, but the smartest person is the one who recognizes when somebody is smarter than him.Quote:
Originally posted by: SDShamshel
Neji fell face first, so we don't know if the seal disappeared.
I don't think they'll kill off Neji before letting him have a proper fight with Rock Lee, with his new view on life. You know, instead of "You can't beat me because of destiny" it's "You can't beat me because I'm better than you."
But yeah, until Neji and Lee have a proper fight Neji's probably going to live.
Chouji I'm not so sure, but I'd like to see what Ino thinks of thin Chouji.
As Chouji said, Shikamaru is way more remarkable than Neji and Sasuke. Which is an uncontestable fact.
That alone, made me respect Chouji a lot more. Not to speak of the fact that he trusts Shikamaru, as the others should. If you recognize somebody as a good leader, you should obey and not ask questions.
If Shika was promoted to Chunnin, there was a good reason behind it.
By far, Shika is not as strong as any of those star genins. But his intelligence completely makes up for his lack of physical strenght. And that's a strong guy for me.
So, based ib this, one can say that Chouji is smart, and not somebody to be despised. As a matter of fact, he is as smarter as those who promoted Shika.
chouji sucks. i never want to see his face again. he has no real natural talent. chouji's fight againts jiroubu didn't impress me at all, it was like "wait, let me cheat."
I don't see how Chouji is remarkable at all. Neji is but not chouji, kiba is more remarkable.
:[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]ost edited for spoiler::Quote:
NO, I watch Full Metal Alchemist. I'm sick of seeing characters dieing.
Naruto cannot defeat Sasuke. I like Naruto, but for 2 reasons. 1 depth of story. Naruto, has to get beat, and beaten badly. Even if we look at the fight on the rooftop. if Sasuke, didnt have chidori, and Naruto dint have Rasegan it is likely that naruto would not have been on top of that event. SAsuek dispatch his shadow clones fairly quikly and cold stopped his combo. And jst because rasegan is stronger doesnt mean Naruo would have landed that attack on Sasuke- th reason chdori is effect in a real combat situation is becasue of Sasuke eyes. Naruto does not have the depth of perceptio he would most like have getten hit and not Sasuke- but yes worste case scenario Sasuke would have died.
Naruto wont be able to fullfill this promise of a lifetime to sakura. Second, in order for the itachi line of te story to progress Sasuke has to leave Kohona, he has to get training from one of the 3 if he ever hopes to defeat itachi. he know how strong Orochimaru is he is going no way around it.
now to actually address the topic, yeah i agree someone needs to cash out. i hope Neji does not die, and yes someone commented about the seal on forehead still being there, yeah he sint dead yet, but that doesnt mean he wont die. Chouji..well i hope the big boy doesnt die either, but that pill was red for a reason it most likely game over for him as well. only 2 things can happen, whle eeryone has been away Sakura might have been training in medica jutsu, and like Lee she went to follow to help as best she could. 2 the 5th is going to realize that too large of Kohona's future is out on a mission fighting nin that beat up on 2 jounin- but in my opinion that part is prett sketch we know how weak kohona is as a village at the moment... so maybe Gai will go now that he knows, but that best case scenario from what i can see and he is no medical nin.
So what does all that mean.. yeah someone's gonna die
I don't think any of the genins will die. Even if it seems certain theyre dead, they probably wont be. Hell, remember sasuke in the zabuza chapter. I thought he was dead for sure, but NOPE. Chouji actually might die because he doesn't really help the storyline much, except be Shikamaru's best friend. However, Neji does still need to have a fight with Lee. You know what we need to do? We need to wait and see.
He wasted his chance of dying an honorable death.Quote:
Originally posted by: originalkrn
I don't think any of the genins will die. Even if it seems certain theyre dead, they probably wont be. Hell, remember sasuke in the zabuza chapter. I thought he was dead for sure, but NOPE.
As for Neji, I'd say there's a line to beat the crap out of him. Sad, he turned good, after all. But still deserves to have the crap beaten out of him.
Uhh haku made it look like he died just like zubuza{spl} no chance he would actually die thought. and Chouji is worth keeping alive.
AS a Sakura fan, i am the first to admit this.
Sakura NEEDS to DIE.
either that or she needs to come up with some cool ability, because having good chakra control just isn't cutting it anymore.
being a sakura fan, I was horribly dissapointed when she didn't go on the "Saske recovery" mission - i figured it would be her chance to shine - protecting the one she loves.
but this is just pissing me off.
how could you have thought that sasuke died... sasuke was pretty bad ass already AND he was a good guy, he can't die fool.Quote:
Originally posted by: originalkrn
I don't think any of the genins will die. Even if it seems certain theyre dead, they probably wont be. Hell, remember sasuke in the zabuza chapter. I thought he was dead for sure, but NOPE.
I wonder whether CHouji at super big size, can he take on Gamabunta or even Gaara??
Maybe not. But he'll sure put up a cool fight for a few minutes before the pain and chakra drain gets to him.
I would consider Chouji much like Naruto. He's cool. NOt the best fighter, but has an immense ammount of hidden chakra needing to be tapped. But for Chouji, there are serious side-effects to him. Whereas Naruto gets of allright.
I'm sure at being super size he can easily crush and kill all other gennins.
And about him cheating by taking his pills...What about Sasuke and the rest of the tards who can use their 'cursed seals'.
I guess when your in battle, the loser always ends up dead. Use whatever means necessary to defeat your enemy eh?
I'll think she'll most probably end up being like Tsunade or some kind of Medic ninja. She's smart. Excellent Chakra control. But never meant to be in the midst of battle. Neva. She'll always be behind the front lines keeping the peeps alive. And she's still young. Maybe too young to be allowed to study medicine(?). I dunno. We'll see first.Quote:
Originally posted by: InnerSakuraChan
AS a Sakura fan, i am the first to admit this.
Sakura NEEDS to DIE.
either that or she needs to come up with some cool ability, because having good chakra control just isn't cutting it anymore.
being a sakura fan, I was horribly dissapointed when she didn't go on the "Saske recovery" mission - i figured it would be her chance to shine - protecting the one she loves.
but this is just pissing me off.
Kishimoto loves to make losers into heros.
I think Chouji is more likely to die than Neji.
I believe that red pill was considered so bad not only because it would totally drain him, but there were serious side effects mentioned by Shikamaru as well. Most likely the pill itself poisoned him once his chakra was so low as to render him unable to combat the side effects.
Neji has not only the fight with Lee, but a whole life to live free ahead of him. Remember, the final flashback after his conversation with Hiashi in the medical wing was "Neji, live." And Neji remarking that he wanted to be free like the birds flying overhead. He represents hope for the future, I'd weep if he died.
lol you're dumb.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
chouji sucks. i never want to see his face again. he has no real natural talent. chouji's fight againts jiroubu didn't impress me at all, it was like "wait, let me cheat."
So Chouji sacrificing his health/life by eating that pill to defeat an enemy is cheating?
WTF? Wouldn't curse level 2 be cheating too?
Only the samurai are stupid enough to care about honor in battle, ninjas just wants to get the job done to protect their friends.
this is where i get annoyed... when a random assfuck tells me that i'm dumb cuz he/she doesn't understand what i'm talking about since they are stupider than shit. listen fuck face, i was trying to get at the fact that chouji has ZERO natural skills. yeah no shit going to level to is the same but that's not what i'm talking about smartass. let me make an example. itachi beat kakashi's ass without using artificial enhancers but chouji had to bust out his cheat pills to beat jiroubu. do you understand the difference now?Quote:
Originally posted by: CapsuleCorpJX
lol you're dumb.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
chouji sucks. i never want to see his face again. he has no real natural talent. chouji's fight againts jiroubu didn't impress me at all, it was like "wait, let me cheat."
So Chouji sacrificing his health/life by eating that pill to defeat an enemy is cheating?
WTF? Wouldn't curse level 2 be cheating too?
Only the samurai are stupid enough to care about honor in battle, ninjas just wants to get the job done to protect their friends.
Did you read his post meathead?Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
this is where i get annoyed... when a random assfuck tells me that i'm dumb cuz he/she doesn't understand what i'm talking about since they are stupider than shit. listen fuck face, i was trying to get at the fact that chouji has ZERO natural skills. yeah no shit going to level to is the same but that's not what i'm talking about smartass. let me make an example. itachi beat kakashi's ass without using artificial enhancers but chouji had to bust out his cheat pills to beat jiroubu. do you understand the difference now?Quote:
Originally posted by: CapsuleCorpJX
lol you're dumb.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
chouji sucks. i never want to see his face again. he has no real natural talent. chouji's fight againts jiroubu didn't impress me at all, it was like "wait, let me cheat."
So Chouji sacrificing his health/life by eating that pill to defeat an enemy is cheating?
WTF? Wouldn't curse level 2 be cheating too?
Only the samurai are stupid enough to care about honor in battle, ninjas just wants to get the job done to protect their friends.
He said that jiroubu had to also use an enhancement "the seal" to fight of Chouji, if the soldier pills are considered cheating then would the seals also not be a form of "cheating".
I am not saying Chouji is the shit, but he does have some talent like multi-sizing jutsus and fat-ass jutsu.
Saying he has NO skillz shows your bias towards him.
And as for the topic, at least one of them has to be dead or the story will be weak.
IMO chouji is dead and Neji is barely clinging. I just hope that they don't show chouji recovering in a hospital bed after all that symbolic butterfly bullshit.
Wow. You are one angry+rude fellow. There's no need for profanities.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
this is where i get annoyed... when a random assfuck tells me that i'm dumb cuz he/she doesn't understand what i'm talking about since they are stupider than shit. listen fuck face, i was trying to get at the fact that chouji has ZERO natural skills. yeah no shit going to level to is the same but that's not what i'm talking about smartass. let me make an example. itachi beat kakashi's ass without using artificial enhancers but chouji had to bust out his cheat pills to beat jiroubu. do you understand the difference now?
DIdn't Itachi beat Kakashi using his Mange Sharingan? Which is in theory, his bloodline limit. In a way cheating as well?? Anyway.. Going back to the topic.
Jirobou's cursed seals are like cheating as well. Same as Chouji's pills. If not, why does he put on so much weight in the first place? Maybe he's just fat. But also, he uses it to his advantage. Same with Jirobou using his cursed seals.
Maybe you are right. He is cheating. But who wins? The same with Shikamaru. Why doesn't he fight hand to hand combat or does the normal stuff. Rather he tricks/cheats people. LIkewise like CapsuleCorp says.. there's nothing honorable in dying. Rather do what you must to win the battle.
yeah i did read his post, tard. but did YOU bother reading what I said? you obviously didn't cuz i was talking about NATURAL ABILITIES. let me say it again for you guys: i did not like chouji fight because there was no skill from actual natural ability being used (from chouji and jiroubu). sucks to be wrong, no?Quote:
Originally posted by: Himura_san
Did you read his post meathead?
He said that jiroubu had to also use an enhancement "the seal" to fight of Chouji, if the soldier pills are considered cheating then would the seals also not be a form of "cheating".
yeah...i'm bias towards him. so... your point?Quote:
Saying he has NO skillz shows your bias towards him.
it's just annoying when people assume random crap and say the first thing that comes to their mind without even thinking about what the other person said.
Well I guess it's just opinion here. (but when is it not?)Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
yeah i did read his post, tard. but did YOU bother reading what I said? you obviously didn't cuz i was talking about NATURAL ABILITIES. let me say it again for you guys: i did not like chouji fight because there was no skill from actual natural ability being used (from chouji and jiroubu). sucks to be wrong, no?Quote:
Originally posted by: Himura_san
Did you read his post meathead?
He said that jiroubu had to also use an enhancement "the seal" to fight of Chouji, if the soldier pills are considered cheating then would the seals also not be a form of "cheating".
yeah...i'm bias towards him. so... your point?Quote:
Saying he has NO skillz shows your bias towards him.
it's just annoying when people assume random crap and say the first thing that comes to their mind without even thinking about what the other person said.
But when you say someone has no skills at all, you could say Sakura since she really has academy student level skills, chouji has a tad more although he is relatively weak amongst his fellow genin.
That's all my point was.
Anyway, I don't like getting into silly debates so I'll step off the platform. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Chouji's pills aren't a talent at all, they were just there to have him win his fight somehow. The seal takes time before it can be used, and not everyone can even survive after recieving the original cursed seal, so it's not as cheap. There's no reason to have Chouji continue living anyways, he's not needed anymore.
I agree someone has to die.I want it to be sasuke cause god i hate him.Thinking hes the best and all.His ego just irritates me to the bone.Ohw look i got my cool sharingan i own u bitch.Second i want saskura to die if she doesnt get a cool jutsu or 2 soon.Whats the use of good chakra control without jutsus :S
Those two have to die.But it probarly wont happen in this bless the good guys anime [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
My suggestion for the both of them is this: Liebenstod. Sakura serves him a cup of sake with a love potion but she makes a mistake and puts death poison in it. They drink to comemorate his return to Konoha...Quote:
Originally posted by: Hyuuga Hinata
Those two have to die.But it probarly wont happen in this bless the good guys anime [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Yeah, someones got to die. Definitely.
It might as well be Sasuke. I mean come on, we don't need him anymore. And it would provide a better twist than the I must kill my brother ting which has been done too many times.
Choji does actually have a talent. He can turn into the meat tank. So to say that he has NO skills is kinda wrong there Mut@t@. And on a side note...you take this way to seriously. Someone disagrees with you and you go ape shit. Shows how much of your life goes into this, and although Naruto is a great show, it is rather pathetic...so stop being such a douche and let people have their own opinion.
Which now that I mention it...looks like you should maybe douche considering your pussy looks like it has one hell of a yeast infection playa.
wasnt chouji also the physically strongest out of that group? at least i believe thats what shikamaru was saying
1. no.Quote:
Originally posted by: iMUSTbeTHEdevil
Choji does actually have a talent. He can turn into the meat tank. So to say that he has NO skills is kinda wrong there Mut@t@. And on a side note...you take this way to seriously. Someone disagrees with you and you go ape shit. Shows how much of your life goes into this, and although Naruto is a great show, it is rather pathetic...so stop being such a negative douche and let people have their own opinion.
2. i'm not stopping anyone from saying what they want cuz i'm also saying what i want, douche bag.
1. Yes.
2. Your negativity is making people feel as though there opinions dont matter.
3. Forums are all about diverse opinions.
heh, the flaming just keeps going lately. Assertn, maybe Shika meant Chouji had the most physical presence (largest not strongest).
v yea, I think his multi-size was supposed to be used as the quickest large-impact finishing move v
wasnt his reasoning for having chouji 4th in the lineup was so he could rush in to deliver the finishing blow if the front guys end up in a conflict?
If Choji is good enough for someone as smart as Shika then he is fine with me. Shika will think up alot of stuff...so he wouldnt bring someone who couldnt help. Obviously he trusted Choji to help.
you're making it sound as if i'm actually forcefully stopping people from posting what they think. have i don't it? noooooooooooooooooooooooooo... so listen up man, relax. there hasn't been any problem until you newbs came along, got your feelings hurt from every day posts, and decide to play hero by defending and protecting everyone. stop. everyone of us here can take care of ourselves. everyone has their right to say what they want, i agree with that. but when you actually re-read this thread, i didn't post anything negative about anyone here on the thread until someone provoked me telling that i'm dumb when i only posted what i thought about that loser chouji. and now, i'm the bad guy here when i defend myself? you've got to be fucking kidding me.Quote:
Originally posted by: iMUSTbeTHEdevil
1. Yes.
2. Your negativity is making people feel as though there opinions dont matter.
3. Forums are all about diverse opinions.
don't be so quick to jump on the "i hate mut@t@/dazzz" bandwagon, you ain't gonna go anywhere with it.
you're making it sound as if i'm actually forcefully stopping people from posting what they think. have i don't it? noooooooooooooooooooooooooo... so listen up man, relax. there hasn't been any problem until you newbs came along, got your feelings hurt from every day posts, and decide to play hero by defending and protecting everyone. stop. everyone of us here can take care of ourselves. everyone has their right to say what they want, i agree with that. but when you actually re-read this thread, i didn't post anything negative about anyone here on the forums until someone provoked me telling that i'm dumb when i only posted what i thought about that loser chouji. and now, i'm the bad guy here when i defend myself? you've got to be fucking kidding me.
don't be so quick to jump on the "i hate mut@t@/dazzz" bandwagon, you ain't gonna go anywhere with it.[/quote]
I jump on no wagons thank you! Nah. Its cool. I dont hate anyone. And if your thing is to be negative towards alot of shit. That is all you. But I have a problem when people are talking about reasonable stuff in a forum and someone jumps down their shit for no reason. Obviously someone called you dumb, but
that is no reason to flip out. We are all here for one thing....and that is to talk about Naruto. So from here on out. I am above all this drama. So Mut@t@, voice your opinions no matter how negative...but dont be mean to others expressing theirs....cuz that is bad.
Indeed. Mut@T@, I understand where you are coming from, but please make your points without profanities and insulting other people's intelligence.
The pills are pretty cheap though. You might say that the seal is on the same "cheating" scale as the pills, but the seal is a physical inbuilt ability, so it's different.
True, the seal is given to someone artificially, but it's still an ability that a shinobi can use, it's another skill in their arsenal. Why wouldn't they use all their skills in battle? It's not cheating. Only a select few can use the seal, whereas anybody can use the pills and instanly become strong. The pills are pretty cheaty (that's not even a word!) in my opinion.
Chouji is pretty crap actually. He only really knows one move, the meat tank, oh and that spinning ability, both of which are pretty pathetic. He doesn't really have any confidence either, as he tries to run away from every fight he's been in, excluding the most recent one where he had his "cheat pills".
Seriously, he's a "loveable" character, but on the pathetic scale, he's only slightly above Sakura.
I thought the pills extracted all his Inert Chakra that been build up as his fats?
Nevertheless. This is going nowhere. No point defending the Humble Hero Chouji willingly sacrificing himself for the rest of the team in which he MANAGED to beat the Sound 5, which Unfortunately the others did not. Even Naruto and ESPECIALLY the much Inflated Shika. *Sigh* [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
If you Die Chouji.. PLease take Neji with you, because he's in a lot of pain. XD
I've got to say, I agree with the topic of this thread. If anything, a death becomes even more crucial with the somewhat dubious entrance of the Sand Shinobi.
Then, there would be necessary three deaths.Quote:
Originally posted by: Boogster
I've got to say, I agree with the topic of this thread. If anything, a death becomes even more crucial with the somewhat dubious entrance of the Sand Shinobi.
As for Chouji. I guess I've said it before, but he has always acknowledge Shika as an exceptional ninja and even if he doesn't understand his actions at first, he does trust Shika and his intelligence.
Shika is notorious for being lazy and therefore, assumed as unreliable. So, when he was tricking Joroubou, all of them doubted Shika. All but Chouji. In a war situation, a good soldier will acknowlege his leader and trust his life to him.
Obvioulsly, if Shikamaru was promoted to Chunnin, that means that he's a good leader and he should be trusted.
And, just because he acknowledges that, Chouji deserves a great deal of credit. Not everybody can be the brightest lightbulb in the box, but even a 20watt light does a great job when put in the right place.
All charaters have their virtues and flaws (well, except for Sakura and Sasuke[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]) I think one of the functions of the story is to make the reader/viewer realize that, and acknowledge that every character has his own unique and important place in the whole.
Having said that, I still wish that Sakura and Sasuke burn in hell...
Originally posted by: Hyuuga Hinata
I agree someone has to die.I want it to be sasuke cause god i hate him.Thinking hes the best and all.His ego just irritates me to the bone.Ohw look i got my cool sharingan i own u bitch.
yeah i agree he needs to die or get his ass seriously beat(im talking to the point where hes between life and death) Him having this stupid inferiority complex problem is by far the most annoying thing in any anime ive ever seen(its like seeing vegeta in another anime)
Nicely said, burn baby burn.
I hope chouji is alive. I want to see multi-size chouji vs Gamabunta.
rofl...Dazz never fails to make me crack up..Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
this is where i get annoyed... when a random assfuck tells me that i'm dumb cuz he/she doesn't understand what i'm talking about since they are stupider than shit. listen fuck face, i was trying to get at the fact that chouji has ZERO natural skills. yeah no shit going to level to is the same but that's not what i'm talking about smartass. let me make an example. itachi beat kakashi's ass without using artificial enhancers but chouji had to bust out his cheat pills to beat jiroubu. do you understand the difference now?
As for someone having to die, yeah...agreed. But Neji is much too badass to die, and sorry, but he's a whole lot more interesting than Chouji. I mean..having to eat pills to win, being a lardbucket, and generally overshadowed by everyone all points to a certaincy of death. Neji is far too liked to be killed off, as was the case with the Lee 50/50 operation thing.
I agree with what Neji-Aniki-Sama said (not the part about Sasuke and Sakura burning in hell). Chouji is an important character in his own right, and part of his own character is he's yet another character that people can relate too (I know that I can with my eating habits, though I am not fat). No, I think I'd prefer Neji to die, just because Hinata is a character with similar abilities which I would like to see more of, but there's no one like Chouji.
other then the serise being about the underdog. you guys may be right about Chouji. he is the top under dog. we have never seen him in a Full out Brawl. when this part of the manga is animated i am sure that will help with his popularity quite a bit
Yeah, I think it would be cool if at some point a bunch of the Genins (and maybe Shika) got into a bar fight somewhere with a bunch of other kids from a village. Could be amusing. Chouji could probably be good then.
Nah, Neji is the only character who's entitled to be an arrogant bastard.Quote:
Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
I agree with what Neji-Aniki-Sama said (not the part about Sasuke and Sakura burning in hell). Chouji is an important character in his own right, and part of his own character is he's yet another character that people can relate too (I know that I can with my eating habits, though I am not fat). No, I think I'd prefer Neji to die, just because Hinata is a character with similar abilities which I would like to see more of, but there's no one like Chouji.
He doesn't talk much, whatever he says is true, even if totally out of place.
But the the fun thing about Neji is the fact that he has that arrogant cool exterior when there's hell burning inside of him.
The was the funniest part on his fight with Hinata. He spent a great deal of energy trying to to destroy her psychologically. But, even when she was totally beaten, with one simple statement she sent the little bastard to hell. If he had actually killed her, then his whole life would actually become a living hell. Weak or not he still would have killed somebody from the main family. He was so possessed by his hatred, that he couldn't even measure the consequences of what he was about to do. And he had the nerve of criticizing Rocky Lee.
Yeah, Neji earned the right to make a fool of himself any time, Sasuke didn't. At least Neji doesn't whine as constantly and blatantly as Sasuka.
Judging by his upbringing i'm pretty sure Neji knew what would go down if he dropped Hinata.
He wasn't gonna take her talking smack to him at least he showed some mercy in their actual fight.
He could have killed her outright or beat her mercilessly.
Doesn't do much good to talk smack to someone who can mess you up old-school style.
I know it'll seem really cheap, but I want chouji to survive. The most endearing quality of this manga is watching losers turn into heroes.
By that time, she pretty much didn't have anything else to lose. And, he didn't show any mercy, he was about to kill her if he weren't stopped by 4 jounins.Quote:
Originally posted by: Hyuga Koji
Judging by his upbringing i'm pretty sure Neji knew what would go down if he dropped Hinata.
He wasn't gonna take her talking smack to him at least he showed some mercy in their actual fight.
He could have killed her outright or beat her mercilessly.
Doesn't do much good to talk smack to someone who can mess you up old-school style.
Concdering how bad shape she was in even long after the fight there is no dubt he would have killed her. but this thread is more about how Chouji shount die.
Yeah, that true, except in Sasuke's case, he wasn't really a loser. I thought he was, though, for being so arrogant all the time.Quote:
Originally posted by: samsonlonghair
I know it'll seem really cheap, but I want chouji to survive. The most endearing quality of this manga is watching losers turn into heroes.