Another week, another Naruto. Discuss away!
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Another week, another Naruto. Discuss away!
finally another good episode, konohamaru scenes could have been left out overall it followed the manga nicely can't wait for 80 now finally the anime is getting interesting
This is one of the top5 episode, finally they ended the hokage battle, it was emotionally.
Great episode, i would have thought that Naruto would use Ninetails for more then one sequence...Oh well, I think the Konohamaru scene was needed as a filler, but to add a little bit more to the storyline...i thought it helped out...then again Konohamaru and crew are always afraid of something..
Can't wait for episode 80...its going to be Epic!
Hey guys, im dling the RAW version from WGR or whatever! since 2 reasons:
1. Now when ive seen 78 episodes subbed, i want to see what japanese ive learned [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
2. Ive already red the manga so it doesnt madder...
Sweet[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]! I simply love this anime.
I love the part where the hokage talks about the konoha spirt and all the jonnins start to appear. (Suddenly laughs) Now orochimaru is so dead, his arms "souls" are gone! See the way his arms slopped down, hahahah. I reminds me of a big gorilla. LOL. (Sways me arms left to right).
I CANT FIND IT!! HELP! plz ^_^
EDIT: ok fount it but wont dl silly thing dun think no one is seeding it sux [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
o and does any one know is the group Shin otaku do a gd job?
good episode! And finaly the boring part of the hokage battle ended.
Really good episode. Now the usual Nartuo eps will be back. It's more funnier [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It was great how the battle ended. Wonder what will happen to Orochimaru
He'll start training making seals with his feet : PQuote:
Originally posted by: Uzumaki Naruto # 1
Really good episode. Now the usual Nartuo eps will be back. It's more funnier [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It was great how the battle ended. Wonder what will happen to Orochimaru
I thought of that too. LOLQuote:
Originally posted by: NL|MegaMika
He'll start training making seals with his feet : PQuote:
Originally posted by: Uzumaki Naruto # 1
Really good episode. Now the usual Nartuo eps will be back. It's more funnier [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It was great how the battle ended. Wonder what will happen to Orochimaru
I think 79 is a good episode... and finally they decided to end the struggle between orochi and 3rd. That is good news.
i kinda wished they did more with the retaliation of all the konoha ninjas seemed kinda rushed
It's good to see Anko again *drools* [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I am feeling less alone, now... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
......stupid gimpy forum making me double post [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
huh, few hours for me now... can't wait to see the Konoha jounins kicking ass... guess I have to wait 6 more hours to quench my blood-thrist... happens to all of us
is it just me......or....was there a solid 4 or so minutes of no music at all? there's a few things that the studio did for this ep that feels a little awkward for me, like the transition of oro's face from being a pissed off yelling old one to a content young one when sarutobi died and how they made a big deal about naruto summoning the kyubi powers (which in itself seemed strangely power-rangers-esque) and then leapt up to gaara just to get caught and had to headbutt
this is definitely a wrap-up episode, but i really liked the way the music built up the part where oro's arms were about to be sealed
Ah, good episode. Great to see all those Jounin kicking ass.
The problem is I downloaded the BakaSan version, and it was horribly translated. There were spelling errors, grammical errors.. and incorrect in a lot of spots. I know they translated the thing in like, less than a day, but still...
whO is the purple hair lady anbu!?
and who is Gekkou Hayate?!
i saw her having the sword behind her...
is the person died.. the guy who over heard what sand and sound is talking about...
then was killed by them.... quite related... because the guy uses moonlight sword technique...
then i saw the grave there got two words which i interpret in chinese call " Yue Guang" a.k.a mOon light...
hayate is the cougher.
omg!! the cougher's stead so pretty! omg!!!!!! LOL
Gekkou Hayate was the examiner of the prelim's, he was killed by the sand guy when he caught him and kabuto talking about destroying the leaf, I guess the ANBU lady was his wife/girlfriend/sister
I really liked this one. I'd place it in one of my favorite episodes in the series. I agree that the retaliation seemed rushed, but I think it was still very nice. The thing with Hiashi was rather entertaining.
Sasuke must feel really weak right now, just sitting there watching how strong Naruto has become. :/
I don't think she can see i havn't seen her eyes open since she got stuck there.
Hayate was the judge in the Chunnin exam's preliminaries.Quote:
Originally posted by: RockLee
whO is the purple hair lady anbu!?
and who is Gekkou Hayate?!
i saw her having the sword behind her...
is the person died.. the guy who over heard what sand and sound is talking about...
then was killed by them.... quite related... because the guy uses moonlight sword technique...
then i saw the grave there got two words which i interpret in chinese call " Yue Guang" a.k.a mOon light...
He got killed by Baki, a Sand Ninja, the guy with half of his face covered, who was the sensei of Gaara, and his siblings.
Hayate overheard Baki and Kabuto, the ungrateful jerkish insuferable spy conspiring and was discovered. He tried his Cresent moon sword trick but got slammered by some sort of wind jutsu of Baki. Gone with the wind, literally.
Not very far from there, Dosu was also buried by Gaara, I belive, in the same night.
What do we learn from that? Don't walk on Konoha's roofs at night.
And the gal was the Anbu who found his body... for what I could assume, she might have been his gf or sumptin.
For more info, report to the Naruto fanbook, if you can get hold of it, that is.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Well that solves that one then!
Who do you think will be the next Hokage???
(Of course I and all the other manga readers already knows, but I think the thoughts of non manga readers could be intresting)
DOn't say this Out....
we want to get excitment... i was thinking to ask u guys too... but i want to keep this excitment for another week!!!!
I wont spoil it, I just wanna know what you guys, who donīt know it thinks.
This episode is especially cool cause it proves that in episode 78 naruto was using his own chakra to create those mass kage bunshins and he summoned gamabunta with his normal, blue chakra making him extremely powerful.
Great episode, only one thing that i did not like and thats the scene where gamabunta says that both he and naruto is out of chakara. Wich is really weird. Gamabunta shuld have alot chakara right? but he was all out of chakara after only a few jumps and swings with the sword. o.O
Edit: after thinking about this a short while i rememberd Jiraya summoning gamabunta b4 and i can find any other explaiation. So my guess is that gamabunta used up almost all of his chakara inside konohana, defeating enemys there.
jiraiya did not summon gamabunta inside of konoha that was a different frog.
second. gama bunta's chakra is really based on how much chakra is given to him by naruto. summoning him takes alot of chakra and so there is only so much left.
second gamabunta to some heavy blows. and was doing alot of jumping. that would drain him pretty fast.
First of all, I have not read the manga-so I did not know I had posted a spoiler (soz)
I was just using the opening credits (obviously they show enough for any half brained fool to guess who the next hokage is)
finally- sangai sakusei - it's not " wan't " [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] (presuming my post made no sense-as your first language isn't english? j/k. My first post didn't make much sense (due to myself not knowing the names))
uhh yeah jiraiya gave naruto the scroll to summon toads and with his help learned how to summon.
your post made absolutly no sense i had to go through it like 3 times.
second. you will wan't to remove your edit. it contains spoilers.
he did not use his own chakra to summon gama bunta. he had already used all his regular chakra to kage bunshin so many clones. and then when the sand is covering him. you don't see his chakra but its is kyuubi's chakra that he use's to summon him. at the moment there is no other way for naruto to summon gama bunta with his basic chakra the best he can do with his own chakra is gama kichi.Quote:
This episode is especially cool cause it proves that in episode 78 naruto was using his own chakra to create those mass kage bunshins and he summoned gamabunta with his normal, blue chakra making him extremely powerful.
first of all i didnt get a word you just tried to say.........Quote:
Originally posted by: moo-san
I think its the guy who taught Naruto to summon the toads (hint in the opening ?-with him on the giant one?)
Dunno-not really an expert-love the show-but rubbish with names (I know hes an 'old' one anyway?)
anyway-thats my 2 cents-obviously-no telling if its right or wrong-just wait and see =)
Bring on 80......
Edit-having just posted-checked the opening-and if u look closely-at the snake dude (oorchinn...) his arms are dangling-soooooooo, and obviously the pervert is on the giant toad- (not necessarily fighting each other) but kinda shows the big good vs big bad...
second, I think theyll bomb some elder to be Hokage [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] or Kakashi, just cuzz ..I dont know..he reads filthy magazines [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
third: Naruto PWNS alot of people currently, I mean look at the facts, Kakashi send out "kids" to bang the supposed youngster, who is actually a big fucking freak, and he destroys(?) it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
loved the ep
and i am soooo in love with the ending theme.
That ep was awesome, but im not sure Orochimaru (sp?) is dont yet since in the opening it shows him on his snakes and Naruto on his frog and they look like theyre about to fight. Maybe that was just for effect though who knows. Hmmm, next hokage...I really dont know who it should be lol.
dude, didn't i already explain this? naruto used up all of his chakra making those multi-clones. he used kyubi chakra to summon gamabunta and gamabunta lent him his chakra to naruto to henge.Quote:
Originally posted by: gokudagreat
This episode is especially cool cause it proves that in episode 78 naruto was using his own chakra to create those mass kage bunshins and he summoned gamabunta with his normal, blue chakra making him extremely powerful.
you guys know this cause of manga i bet well okay fine but naturo is still strong... sasuke has to be suprised for a reason...
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
dude, didn't i already explain this? naruto used up all of his chakra making those multi-clones. he used kyubi chakra to summon gamabunta and gamabunta lent him his chakra to naruto to henge.Quote:
Originally posted by: gokudagreat
This episode is especially cool cause it proves that in episode 78 naruto was using his own chakra to create those mass kage bunshins and he summoned gamabunta with his normal, blue chakra making him extremely powerful.
maybe is not..... remember what orochimaru said... naruto blue and red chakra is mixing... and becoming his own... FOR OWN USE!! there for naruto can have such amount of chakra... even pakkun is amaze.... this means the chakra he is creating is at jounin level... even sasuke awe... meaning the chakra naruto is creating is bigger than him.....
I think there was a picture clearly showing Naruto in his kyubi chakra state when summong Gamabunta, and Mut@t@ was the one who posted it.
link please~
this one is right before he summons gamabunta.
in the manga u see him have a kyubi eye but in the anime it doesnt show it, so the ppl who aint read the manga wont know and think that he used his own chakra to do everything.
cursed studios gimpin up kishimoto's grand design
hahaha damn the media to hell, and damn it would of been cool if he used his old chakra, but technically the fox's chakra is his own in a way, he can call on it when he wants, so sasuke should still be amazed....
nah, it wouldnt be cool if he used his own for summoning gamabunta, cause that cheapens the jutsu to be useable by a genin without requiring the power of a demon
why are we talking about episode 78 in the 79 discussion anyway?
its sort of like a 2 part episode in a way but yeah ill stop, so now that orochimaru's arms are permanetnly disabled, does this disable him from all jutsus, or just the ones that require handseals(try to include the least amount of spoilers in your response plz lol)
Well, since most jutsus require hand seals, yes, that disables most if not all of his jutsus. He could go and become some taijutsu masta like Rock Lee, but it would be all leg/snake tongue action.
you can assume that since he isnt actually dead yet, that he'll prolly find SOME way of doing stuff in the series
argh i still havent seen it
Maybe Orochimaru will turn over a new leaf (haha, get it?)
haha wow basey, you seriously should stay away from these threads until after watching it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I wanted that avatar... I'm gonna go cry like a little girl now.
Anyways, the episode... AMAZING! Hokage and Oro were going for a whole fucking hour! That itself is amazing... which explains why they kept going to it... I'm pissed at all you whores that are like "They finally ended the Oro/Sarutobi fight...heh heh" That means he died. As in dead. Deceased. He was a bad ass character too.
Other things people wanted to see was Hyuuga fight... and he did. Bitches.
And its really cool to see everyones parents fighting, because you know that they will learn these techniques later on... Shika with Shadow Choke = :[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]rools::
This has to be one of the favorite episodes... but now the great question... who will become hokage? I'll start a thread on that one I guess...
HELLA cool episode
we get to see both the naruto/gaara fight and the hokage/orochimaru fight, freakin amazing!
the kyubi power up that Naruto did was kinda wierd lookin and totally different than the one he did in the neji fight, oh well
it was tight how we got to see the other shinobis of the leaf village fight. damn, all the genins parent are so cool. its kinda wierd how the sand/sound dont bust out their special jutsus
the konohamaru part was kinda funny, you would expect him to say something smart but he ends up needing to take a shit or something. haha
it sucks that sandaime has to die, but at least he died saving the village and with a smile. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
orochimaru got his hands sealed, now know more jutsus. kinda sucks for him. i wonder if hes gonna come up with some feet seals...that would be hilarious
orochimarus most likely defeated, i wonder how their gonna get killed or kicked out. And also what are the special ninjas creating the fire shield gonna do
i wonder what will happen next with gaara, the sand village, how kazekage is going to react, whats gonna happen to the sound village.....
overall one of the best episodes, even though the quality of the drawings of the characters wasn't that good (in my opinion) I LOVED IT!
Oh, well....sweet to see Orochi bitching for whatever it was worth...
Yokumo!!!! I just love that word...How dare you????Oh, the outrage!!!
heh, heh, heh
Bitch, bitch, bitch you no-good snake!!!
Oro can't complain, he is one of the characters who gets the best lines in that show.If he had been happy with that and forget about about the damn jutsus, he'd have kept his arms safe and sound. that I've seen the Anbu gal at the memorial, my suspicious that she was Hayate's gf have increased. Well, then again, so what?
Anyhow. I want more Konoha fight still. That was a decently bloody episode, but I want more...I think Kiba's family didn't get its screen time yet. Does their dog talk, or was just me?
Now, let's watch it again ten times to figure the whole thing: Yokumo whatever no jutsu...How dare you take my jutsus. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
And, huh, now we know why Shino lives in the '80s...just look at his dad...
You still wouldn't know it for another couple of weeks or maybe months....
Originally posted by: NomoZ
Come on, you know it's a spoiler. Just wait, jeesh...or go peek in open discussion.Quote:
Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
This has to be one of the favorite episodes... but now the great question... who will become hokage? I'll start a thread on that one I guess...
And if you start a thread about that in Naruto, I won't read your posts no more.
How about that??? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
haha, a little late for that neji-aniki
LOL, yeah. That was, like, the best shot i've seen in Naruto so far. Had to hop on that shiznit fast yo.Quote:
Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
I wanted that avatar... I'm gonna go cry like a little girl now.
So, i'm gonna try and sum up these past few eps. in as few sentences as possible.
Naruto: Oh yeah? ::headbutt::
Garra: AAAARRRGGGHHH!!! :: die ::
Did i miss anything?
More than a few questions are still left after this...
What will become of Orochimaru? He's been to great a villain for the creators to cast aside so easily. My guess would be he finds some way or help to recover from his seemingly irrepairable injuries. He's simply too evil and too ambitous to be done in completely...
What will be done with Gaara? It's evident he is completely tapped out, and the Sand did not return to the gourd form on his back at the end. He's incapacitated for the present time. But Konoha can't simply send him back to the Sand village, and he's probably too dangerious to contain.
Who would be chosen as the 5th, and what will the village do about their former allies in the Sand Village? Orochimaru is Kage of the Sound, so there's really nothing to do there. But when former allies become enemies...
It should also be seen that the Chuunin exams only contained ninja from thosre three villages, or seemed to. There are seven villages, so where are the others?
80 will most likely be a 100% story episode honoring the 3rd's sacrifice for his village, and his people. Not a bad thing though.
orochimaru is going to slowly rott away. gaara will turn into cat litter. the leaf vilage is gonna go without a kage. the sand village doesn't have kage like the leaf, it'll crumble. the other villages are staying out of trouble and out of sight.Quote:
Originally posted by: Feannag
More than a few questions are still left after this...
What will become of Orochimaru? He's been to great a villain for the creators to cast aside so easily. My guess would be he finds some way or help to recover from his seemingly irrepairable injuries. He's simply too evil and too ambitous to be done in completely...
What will be done with Gaara? It's evident he is completely tapped out, and the Sand did not return to the gourd form on his back at the end. He's incapacitated for the present time. But Konoha can't simply send him back to the Sand village, and he's probably too dangerious to contain.
Who would be chosen as the 5th, and what will the village do about their former allies in the Sand Village? Orochimaru is Kage of the Sound, so there's really nothing to do there. But when former allies become enemies...
It should also be seen that the Chuunin exams only contained ninja from thosre three villages, or seemed to. There are seven villages, so where are the others?
80 will most likely be a 100% story episode honoring the 3rd's sacrifice for his village, and his people. Not a bad thing though.
Still don't think Orochimaru will be cast aside so easy. And if I'm not mistaken the Chuunin Exams have more political and social significance for the other villages NOT to participate. After all, it is somewhat a bragging ground/talent scout for the ninja to the feudal lords who attend. Better ninja = more jobs and more jobs = more money. As well greater ninja skill = more political/military power. It's not something to be taken so lightly.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
orochimaru is going to slowly rott away. gaara will turn into cat litter. the leaf vilage is gonna go without a kage. the sand village doesn't have kage like the leaf, it'll crumble. the other villages are staying out of trouble and out of sight.
There was a mistake in this episode. It shows Naruto's jacket being blown open by the nine tails chakra and then immediately after it's zipped up again. I thought it was a great episode anyway though. I finally got to see the head of Hyuuga fight.
its alright, ive already read the mangaQuote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
haha wow basey, you seriously should stay away from these threads until after watching it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
i just finished watching the episode then, yay
it was unbelievable
You forgot the 1000 years of pain lmao nobody can withstand that move, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when he did that.Quote:
Originally posted by: voodoo
LOL, yeah. That was, like, the best shot i've seen in Naruto so far. Had to hop on that shiznit fast yo.Quote:
Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
I wanted that avatar... I'm gonna go cry like a little girl now.
So, i'm gonna try and sum up these past few eps. in as few sentences as possible.
Naruto: Oh yeah? ::headbutt::
Garra: AAAARRRGGGHHH!!! :: die ::
Did i miss anything?
Originally posted by: Feannag
More than a few questions are still left after this...
What will become of Orochimaru? He's been to great a villain for the creators to cast aside so easily. My guess would be he finds some way or help to recover from his seemingly irrepairable injuries. He's simply too evil and too ambitous to be done in completely...
Well, the fact is that the Sandaime didn't kill him when he had the chance, and that proved itself to be a fatal mistake. There is such thing as too much compassion...
IMO, if you don't anihilate your enemies when you have the chance, they will come back and most likely, stronger. At least, that's how it goes in most works of fiction, and why not, in real life, too.
Well, personally, if I had a dark heart like Oro, I'd be *very* pissed that I was defeated, and would be plotting on revenge. Even if he killed the Sandaime, he seemed enough furious and outraged as to try to destroy Konoha again. The first time, he was pissed that he didn't get to be the Hokage, and what happened now was the result of years of hatred towards the Sandaime and Konoha.
Which, from a rational point of view, is stupid. If his goal is to gather the most jutsus, this whole stunt got him sidetracked and made him lose his arms... how he is going to go with his jutsu thing, now???
If he still alive, even if totally screwed, he will come back. The only way to stop such kind of bastard is kill them, mercilessly. If they're not quite dead, they will return like an old penny...
compassion has nothin to do with it.....he didnt seal up oro completely because he simply couldnt, this is pretty much the best thing he couldve done
Feannag those are very good questions....and might make it tough for manga readers to resist from spoiling them
but speculation threads on those topics are always fun [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
no need them to spoil.... we simply know that orochimaru will be back... and do somemore things that simply make us shock....
damn.. hope they keep their mouth seal!
if not i might find someone to perform the sealing jutsu on him/her... haha
Were you refering to my post?Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
compassion has nothin to do with it.....he didnt seal up oro completely because he simply couldnt, this is pretty much the best thing he couldve done
I was talking about the *first* chance the Sandaime had to kill Oro. Remember the flashback where Enma tell him to kill Oro, but he couldn't and let him ran away?
He thought Oro was a big deal of a ninja, and at first, thought he'd be his sucessor...he liked the little viper and couldn't kill it.
I am sure he'd want to kill Oro now, but too late.
His one time weakness costed his life and the lives of many in Konoha (fortunatelly not the main characters or their dads[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
i was about to post something similar to your replay neji-aniki-sama. hahaha
to feannag about the chuunin exam, in the first two tests, genins from different villages were present there. it was unfortunate for them that most of them failed before the prelims to the final test tournament
Originally posted by: Feannag
More than a few questions are still left after this...
What will become of Orochimaru? He's been to great a villain for the creators to cast aside so easily. My guess would be he finds some way or help to recover from his seemingly irrepairable injuries. He's simply too evil and too ambitous to be done in completely...
What will be done with Gaara? It's evident he is completely tapped out, and the Sand did not return to the gourd form on his back at the end. He's incapacitated for the present time. But Konoha can't simply send him back to the Sand village, and he's probably too dangerious to contain.
Who would be chosen as the 5th, and what will the village do about their former allies in the Sand Village? Orochimaru is Kage of the Sound, so there's really nothing to do there. But when former allies become enemies...
It should also be seen that the Chuunin exams only contained ninja from thosre three villages, or seemed to. There are seven villages, so where are the others?
80 will most likely be a 100% story episode honoring the 3rd's sacrifice for his village, and his people. Not a bad thing though.
His delusional state came from the sand-demon, I wouldnt be surprised if Gaara's nice side of his soul showed its face. Might eevn be accepted into the community...
or.. He goes straight nuts and has to be locked away, because living with the sand-demon for all this time actually kept him sane because he still had A point to hold onto...
I am curious who will Hokage, but I think it will have to be someone already older and advance. Because you notice that they where usually choosen as a kid but there was always the older Hokage. I hate what happen to Orchi, I loved him so much!!
I have a question, I never notice if the Sand realized that Orchi had killed their Kage and acted to be him. So do the sound know that Orchi was behind the war and not their Kage (sorry i forgot there name). Are they following Orchi? Or did they just think it was there Kage wanting to fight the Leafs?
I loved watching the parents fight!! It was so awesome, I hope the battle isn't going to end. I know the next episode is going to be memories of the Hokage and stuff like that. I want more fighting of the parents, more Gai and Kakashi, more and the Anbu. I mean they look so awesome but see so little of them. :: tear tear :: NEED MORE!!
These episode gave me goose bumps ... it's gettin better and better !!!
Originally posted by: LostAngel
I hate what happen to Orchi, I loved him so much!!
I have a question, I never notice if the Sand realized that Orchi had killed their Kage and acted to be him. So do the sound know that Orchi was behind the war and not their Kage (sorry i forgot there name). Are they following Orchi? Or did they just think it was there Kage wanting to fight the Leafs?
I loved watching the parents fight!! It was so awesome, I hope the battle isn't going to end. [quote]
Oh, come on, Oro totally lost his cool, as an evil guy, he should know better.
And yeah, the parents kick ass, and Hyuuga Hiashi was awesome. He himself is a bastard, but he does a mean kaiten...
lol ur all creaming urselves over this
its really funny for everyone who has read the manga to read the stuff ur writing about who will do what, ahh
i got nothing left to say
go naruto
Basey, when you first saw all the cool shit happening in the manga, you were creaming yourself too, so stfu.
Next epsiode is going to be amazing...the shot with kakashi in the wind with the teary eye said it all....I'm pretty sure crying will be a part of it. Haven't cried since Zabuza died!
Ya, that was a very good episode...i hope this upcoming episode is going to top every episode put out so far it looks to be amazing.
Arg, that episode was so sad.Quote:
Originally posted by: Kagari
Basey, when you first saw all the cool shit happening in the manga, you were creaming yourself too, so stfu.
Next epsiode is going to be amazing...the shot with kakashi in the wind with the teary eye said it all....I'm pretty sure crying will be a part of it. Haven't cried since Zabuza died!
When he laid next to his girl(forgot her name, and no, its NOT a boy!) and died while looking at her, damn, did I cry!
I thought 78 was better, just my opinion.... The way Naruto drew more of Kyuubi's chakra was a bit wierd... still next one looks good! That purple haired chick has got to be someone important...
78 > 79, but 79 was still v good compared to the normal slow pace of naruto!
the drawing was a bit odd, but didnt notice it most of the time. good ep, lets hope 80 is even better [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Question does anyone know if the Sand realize that Orchi had killed their Kage and disguised himself as him? Are the following Orchi? Or do they think it is what their Kage wants not knowing its Orchi?
is anyone else having problems dl-ing 79 but me? this is really frustarting.... not only is this site two episodes behind, but bakasan won't let me connect.... WHY?
to petrockstar you can try dl fron shinotaku, theres is pretty good, ive tried dling earlier episodes from bakasan but there was always an error occuring
to lost angel - the sand kage is not dead. the sand shinobis know that orochimaru disguised himself along with the two bodyguards. it was their plan all along. during the baki flashbacks and hayate spying on baki and kabuto, they give some info about the sound and sands plans.
oh okay hehehehe thanks
WTF are you smoking? SO is total crap, misspellings and off sync (but that could be my computer, but I doubt it... others had the same problem)Quote:
Originally posted by: tensai
to petrockstar you can try dl fron shinotaku, theres is pretty good, ive tried dling earlier episodes from bakasan but there was always an error occuring
Shin Otaku is about as pretty good as being put in a burlap sac full of scorpions and being used for batting practice by the New York Knicks.
Same thing was happening to me, using the normal bittorrent client. So, I dl'd the experimental one and it worked fine.Quote:
Originally posted by: petrockstar
is anyone else having problems dl-ing 79 but me? this is really frustarting.... not only is this site two episodes behind, but bakasan won't let me connect.... WHY?
Yep, Shadows Expieremental has always done me good! Anyways, yes great episode. Nothing to complain about at all.
Why do people think that Oro killed the Sand's Kage? They are allies after all. Wouldn't it make sense for them to arrange for Oro to impersonate the Kage so that he could stay somewhere safe and Oro could fight the Third?Quote:
Originally posted by: LostAngel
Question does anyone know if the Sand realize that Orchi had killed their Kage and disguised himself as him? Are the following Orchi? Or do they think it is what their Kage wants not knowing its Orchi?
lol rek...what are you smoking?!?! S-O's version is right up there with ANBU's...although anbu's translation is better in my opinion...and nothing beats TW!! gawd i miss theirs /cryQuote:
Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
WTF are you smoking? SO is total crap, misspellings and off sync (but that could be my computer, but I doubt it... others had the same problem)Quote:
Originally posted by: tensai
to petrockstar you can try dl fron shinotaku, theres is pretty good, ive tried dling earlier episodes from bakasan but there was always an error occuring
Shin Otaku is about as pretty good as being put in a burlap sac full of scorpions and being used for batting practice by the New York Knicks.
oh btw, 79 did rock! =) and everything i would have said has been said...damn my slowness =P
EDIT: Mae -- "Why do people think that Oro killed the Sand's Kage? They are allies after all. Wouldn't it make sense for them to arrange for Oro to impersonate the Kage so that he could stay somewhere safe and Oro could fight the Third?"
because to copy his face, some believe he has to rip it off...which would mean killing your avitar btw! WHR is a pretty good anime =)
Good wrap-up episode, but we need to find out what happened to Kabuto.
and sakura...we never saw her freed...hope shes ok =(
I wish Gaara would tear sakura into 1000 peices and feed them to his demon racoon as the final act to piss Naruto off [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
i think out of all the skills and techniques someone really needs to learn how to heal and use stealth so whenever someone is injured and the enemy doesnt kill him (goes to fight next guy) the healer can heal ^^
also did anyone notice in the new opening a clip of oro and his snake fighting vs naruto -_- i knew he wouldnt die T_T
Umm is it not obvious what is going to happen...
Anyone played ff7? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Orichimaru will get a gunarm grafted on to himself, and then create a group of egomaniacs who try to save the world because chakra is actually stealing the life from the planet, so they will go around blowing up things and whatnot.. its the only logical explanation.
were you talking about the scene near the end or something because i see jaraiya on the frog against orochimaru and the snake. ow wellQuote:
Originally posted by: ssjtaylan
also did anyone notice in the new opening a clip of oro and his snake fighting vs naruto -_- i knew he wouldnt die T_T
i love the new opening by the way
my favorite part was every scene with jaraiya, especially when he stops to look at kurenai in the kimono and naruto, sasuke, and kakashi makes funny faces. hahaha
the new ending is pretty good but it sounds like someone recorded it from a kareoke singer...or maybe its just me?
Yeah, Kurenai looks hot, but she did so even in her bandage dress. I liked to see the the girls when they were way younger. Except for Sakura, they could have left her out... from the opening and from the series altogether... heh, hehQuote:
Originally posted by: tensai
i love the new opening by the way
my favorite part was every scene with jaraiya, especially when he stops to look at kurenai in the kimono and naruto, sasuke, and kakashi makes funny faces. hahaha
the new ending is pretty good but it sounds like someone recorded it from a kareoke singer...or maybe its just me?
Yeah, so far we don't know what happened to the Kazekage.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mae
[Why do people think that Oro killed the Sand's Kage? They are allies after all. Wouldn't it make sense for them to arrange for Oro to impersonate the Kage so that he could stay somewhere safe and Oro could fight the Third?
But, if you remember, Oro has this technique to steal people's faces and that implies in killing them.
So one can *assume* he is dead. But to say he's already dead, may be premature. So far, we don't know what's made of that bastard. So, we will have to wait and see...
As a matter of fact, he and Hinata's dad are the worst, so if he's dead, it serves him right.
I don't know about Sasuke's father, though. Maybe Itachi had his reasons to kill all his family, but it's also premature to say.
SOOOO sorry for the doble post... Hope I will be forgiven, eventually.
LOL I didn't know, I figured because he could steal ppls faces that he might of killed him. Thats why I was asking. I figured maybe he killed him, Sand mistook it, then they can become allies again. Or something like that.Quote:
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
Yeah, so far we don't know what happened to the Kazekage.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mae
[Why do people think that Oro killed the Sand's Kage? They are allies after all. Wouldn't it make sense for them to arrange for Oro to impersonate the Kage so that he could stay somewhere safe and Oro could fight the Third?
But, if you remember, Oro has this technique to steal people's faces and that implies in killing them.
So one can *assume* he is dead. But to say he's already dead, may be premature. So far, we don't know what's made of that bastard. So, we will have to wait and see...
As a matter of fact, he and Hinata's dad are the worst, so if he's dead, it serves him right.
I don't know about Sasuke's father, though. Maybe Itachi had his reasons to kill all his family, but it's also premature to say.
After watching 78 and 79 a few times each I think 79 is probably my favorite episode of all the Naruto's. I loved all the scenes with the different Ninja's fighting together in different places. And we have the conclusion of the Oro vs 3rd fight, the conclusion of the Gaara vs Naruto fight, and it was just a wicked episode.