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If that's true, that is a masssssive twist [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] I think the plot has enough mania to resolve as it is, but I won't complain either way! Would be nice to see Gaara back in action. I can take or leave the other 2, although Temari is cute in some fan art [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Wow wow [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] have they turned to the good side, deserted the dark-side of sand?
Wait a minute, where did you get that information, source please?
I doubt that will happen...However...I'll just have to wait until it's officially released to find out I guess.
mainva | aptigo | JTD out
Am I allowed to link to other forums?Quote:
Originally posted by: itachi_
Wow wow [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] have they turned to the good side, deserted the dark-side of sand?
Wait a minute, where did you get that information, source please?
OMG the new outfits of Temari and Gaara kook awesome.
I hope it is true because I predicted that the followers where gaara and his gang [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Gaara, Kankouro, Temari showed up and prolly will help them, man this is so unpredictable! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
hm ok so they were who kiba was smelling. Cool plot twist. I wonder how lee is gonna react to gaara...
Nice chapter... gaara and Co. are back in action.. too bad they couldn't come a few mintues later, after Kiba is dead...
anyway, Kimimaru's blood seems to be diffrent version of gaara's sand (another similirity that Kishimoto loves using), i guess Gaara's going to be the one who kicks his ass and not Lee, though i'd like to see a good reasoning for them to save the genins...
Sakon (and me) was again denied from the plesure of ending Dogboy's poor excuse of a life, But i seriously doubt that Kankaru (and his doll Karasu) are any match to Sakon ('GO SAKON GO!"), becuase Sakon (not UKon) wasn't injured yet (he lost some chackra, but i don't think he'll let that stop him), while Kiba seems to given up on his survival chance (seeing how he didn't try to defend himself) and Kanakaru is just a guy who likes to wear make-up and play with dolls.
NOTE: All assumeptions about Kiba's fate are biased, since the writer (me) really hates Kiba.
Temari's air gust is suprinsigly effective, considering the previous ones, who didn't do anything (altough they worked on TenTen, maybe those gusts are weak enough that they only hurt girls), but i don't really mind that, since we all knew Shikamaru won't die, i just hope we see that Tayuya has another trick up her sleeve.
Note: the writer (me) is a shobenistic male pig.
other than that, i'm looking forward to inane's transelation and coloring!
This ends all the questioning of whether we will see Gaara again or not. Some people thought Shika and Temari would get together also, I guess they might end up being right. I just hope Sakura and Ino don't come and join the fight as well.
v most people thought the fight with Naruto would help bring him to the light, maybe we'll see a flashback about it v
I wonder if Gaara is as evil as before because this aint logical, "I fight only for myself, I love only myself", and now it seems like he'll help Lee, WHY?
Maybe he has betrayed the darkness and turned to the light [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
omg, that was the most unexpected thing in naruto ever...
Just curious, why you hate Kiba so much?Quote:
Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
NOTE: All assumeptions about Kiba's fate are biased, since the writer (me) really hates Kiba.
Note: the writer (me) is a shobenistic male pig.
And if you don't mind my correction, it's chauvinistic. From the French Chavin, name of a very chauvinistic guy from the 19th century, and originally meaning ultra-nationalism...
Wow. Bravo to the guy who called that Gaara, et. al. making another appearance.
Two of the pairups are absolute ironies.
1> Lee and Gara
2> Shikamaru and Tamari
since they fought against each other. hopefully they'll all team up to fight the remaining sound. Gaara will be especially interesting to see if he's changed like Neji, and his power vs. Kimmaro is certainly well-matched.
Too bad Shikamaru got saved by a _girl_.. not that it's wrong or anything <g>
On a side note, Temari looks hotter than normal for some reason. Could that be an anbu vest perhaps? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] jk!
There's nothing that the two demon brothers can't do. Gaara and Naruto can team up to take down Akatsuki now.
ha, that's ridiculousQuote:
Originally posted by: hiten mitsurugi
There's nothing that the two demon brothers can't do. Gaara and Naruto can team up to take down Akatsuki now.
now all we have to do is w8 for the translated one....
is it here yet?..... no? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
New and improved Sand Ninjas? Well, at least, Temari's outfit has improved. Same can't be said of Gaara and Kakuro. Those cat ears of his are truly irritating, but I guess he can't help it. We saw him as a kid, and his ugliness is obviously is father's fault. His story is sadder than Gaara's IMO. The kid is so ugly he has to wear make-up...And, is it just me or Temari treats Gaara in a sort of affective way?
Anyway, somebody suggested that they would go after Oro to seek revenge for killing the Kazekage and messing up with the Sand Village. Let's hope for the best. Still, what they're doing in the Fire country?
And I wonder if Baki also came to the bright side, and if he's the new Kazekage now.
Well, got to wait a week to see if the kids came to the path of good, beauty and justice and all that stuff.
It's about time they appeared, most of us had already guessed/hoped they were the ones coming.
The strange thing is that this mission is a leaf one, what are gaara and the sand doing there, are they helping them, what's their purpose, Gaara is evil, he shouldn't cooperate with others, "I love only myself, I fight only for myself"
AHHH I KNEW IT! I knew he would come back. I even posted it as one of my theorys a long time ago. Cool its going to get interesting.
I've liked the theories that the sand would send them to get revenge on the sound. Or perhaps somehow Tsunade got a message to the Sand somehow asking for some help. In any case, I enjoyed this chapter.
If there really was a change of heart for Gaara, this could be very bad for the sound. And I'm guessing there was. Why? I distinctly recall him apologizing to Temari.
Of course, this story will all be for nothing is Naruto manages to get Sasuke back to the Leaf. Why? Sasuke has all the makings for a killer villian. His character development has it prectically written into him.
Oh God.... well that was... surprising... as much as I'm using "..." here... it's just 'cause my insides are screaming and jumping... I can't reallly believe it... regarding the outfits... they look all cool!!!
Wai!! The Sand is back ^^ me happy. Very. Seems Gaara is not so evil anymore. And he helped Lee - isn't irony beautiful?? Same goes for Temari helping Shikamaru - irony, sweet sweet irony!! Me happy!!
They all look so much mature, too. Their outfits are cool... specially Gaara and Temari's. Kankuro's... well, its still cool.
Man, when the sand protected Lee!!! And when Karasu saved Kiba....!! I couldn't really believe my eyes. I thought the Sand guys, like Haku, would only appear for that particular arc and disappear then. I hope no one interferes with the Naruto vs. Sasuke match though - that's one that has to be resolved on their own.
Man, this chapter rocks!! I haven't enjoyed a chapter so much since... I dunno!! Since the Finding Tsunade story-arc!!
And I'm happy Kiba was saved. I like dog-boy, contrary to about half of the forums.
You must have missed the whole Naruto vs. Gaara thing but I will fill you in. Gaara starts beating up on Sakura and Sasuke when Naruto says "You aren't messing with my friends" and he goes all super crazy powerful. It is then that Gaara says that he will always be weak because he fights for others and not himself. So anyway Gaara becomes the huge form a Shuku or whatever and Naruto Summons his Frog. Anyway Naruto beats the crap outta Gaara and Gaara realizes why Naruto is so strong in the end. Thats why he no longer carries the "I love only myself, I fight only for myself" attitude.Quote:
Originally posted by: itachi_
The strange thing is that this mission is a leaf one, what are gaara and the sand doing there, are they helping them, what's their purpose, Gaara is evil, he shouldn't cooperate with others, "I love only myself, I fight only for myself"
Haha yeah it is pretty funny. Gaara was the one who practically crippled Rock Lee and now hes helping him.
OMFG im speachless, gaara is back and he is on the side, well lets hope that hes is and there new fits look awsome, but man kimimaro is fukin freaky as hell
Kimimaro is gross, spurting bones all around. Blegh.
Gaara looks freaking cool. He still has dark circles around his eyes, so I'm guessing Shukaku isn't allowing him to sleep very well yet... in other words, he might still be all crazy and no doubt, he's still dangerous...
...but he looks cool and he's on Konoha's side!! So w00t!
Hey, given that everybody has had an outfit change, don't you think the Konoha genins should change their clothing too?
I mean, Sasuke changed his clothes _twice_ already. Gaara & company changed their outfits and look way cooler than before.
But no, Naruto has worn the same jacket for around 212 episodes, and same goes for all the others...
Well i have a feeling they will get promoted to chuunins when they get back.(Even if they don't succeed in bring back sasuke) So maybe...
I have been thinking the same thing.Quote:
Originally posted by: Vagabond
Well i have a feeling they will get promoted to chuunins when they get back.(Even if they don't succeed in bring back sasuke) So maybe...
Maybe Gaara only plans to help long enough for Lee to be alone. [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]
Vagabond, that's a very reasonable theory, I think that too, to do such mission in that situation is pretty damn strong... but did they show us any squadleader abilities?
Baki must be the new Kazekage as he was the only sandnin to hurt a jounin from Konoha. The village could also have been stopped. The leaders of the country wanted to lose the village and now that the Kazekage is dead. This means that they could have deserted to Konoha.
you guys think that gaara is only helping bc he owes naruto a favor for making wut he is today or are they going to join the leaf and be eternal rivals?
I believe that, if there's somebody who can redeem Gaara is Temari, and Kankuro to a certain extent.Quote:
Originally posted by: HimizujinEternia
If there really was a change of heart for Gaara, this could be very bad for the sound. And I'm guessing there was. Why? I distinctly recall him apologizing to Temari.
Of course, this story will all be for nothing is Naruto manages to get Sasuke back to the Leaf. Why? Sasuke has all the makings for a killer villian. His character development has it prectically written into him.
We've seen much of Temari's bitchy side, but she also has shown her nice side. She was somehow aprehensive when she heard of the possibility of another war. That's a good indication that she's not that evil.
Unlike Kankuro, we can see that during the Chunnin exam at the Death Forest, she doesn't have a totally nasty and hostile attitude towards him.
There's reason to believe that Gaara is changing his feelings toward his sibilings and life in general. As you pointed out, he did apologize to them. Obviously his change of attitude will provoke a change of attitude of his sibilings.
If Gaara has some brains, and independent of Naruto's speech, he may have noticed that, somebody *tied* with him, which has never happened before. That could lead him to the conclusion that he's not as powerful as he thought he was. Another less dramatic clue he may have gotten, is the fact that Temari and Kankuro carried him around. If they saw him just as a tool, the moment he became useless, they could have just left him there to die. So, that shows that they have some sort of affection for him.
Another important factor that may contribute not only for Gaara's change but also for Temari and Kankuro's is that fact that the Kazekage is gone. That guy was a bad influence to his kids, and overall a horrible role model for them. His death brought the possibility for them to act on her own instead of living by strict rules. They are alone, now, and will have to learn to rely on each other to survive.
It's not a far fetched guess to say that the whole emotional dynamics of that family has changed or is changing.
As for Sasuke, who actually cares about him? I used to hate him, but really. The bottom line is: he's merely a spoiled teenager desesperatellingseeking to call attention upon himself, and twistedly enough, primarly his brother's. Naruto's crave for attention is evolving. This mission is showing how to work with a team.
Teenagers like that are little primadonnas, who will get into a fight for no good reason other than to say: look at me, I can defeat and humiliate you...
After a certain point this becomes extremely annoying and finally, boring. Unlike Gaara, he has yet to show that he has potential for developing his charater. He will be there just to cause a bit of trouble.
Even Kabuto can cause more damage, and being the ambiguous jerk he is, makes his actions totally unpredictable, which is *really* fun.
Come to think of it. Tsunade did say something about the depleted Konoha forces being "taken care of."Quote:
Originally posted by: Chi Chi
Baki must be the new Kazekage as he was the only sandnin to hurt a jounin from Konoha. The village could also have been stopped. The leaders of the country wanted to lose the village and now that the Kazekage is dead. This means that they could have deserted to Konoha.
I want to be next week to know more (I also want Inane's translation [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img])
I believe they came to help and get revenge from the sound nins. And I believe that Lee will be stolen his battle and victory :/ (again... poor Lee).
Sooo hard to wait a week...
Hey, hey, we are forgetting something very important!!
Lee is still drunk.
Gaara!! ::hic:: My fwieeend!!!
I love you, man!! Gimme a hug!
...I wasn't informed about this.
Lesh be fwiends, man... c'mon, gimme a hug!!
holy shit just looked at it and omg!!! how cool is that!!! gaara looks sweet so does temari, kankora(sp?) looks weird still lol or has his face got more paint on? but anyway how fucking cool!!
LOL... funnyQuote:
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Hey, hey, we are forgetting something very important!!
Lee is still drunk.
Gaara!! ::hic:: My fwieeend!!!
I love you, man!! Gimme a hug!
...I wasn't informed about this.
Lesh be fwiends, man... c'mon, gimme a hug!!
Gaara (thinking) Oh, gawds... could it be? He wants to give me the love a need... We goona be fwieends! He's going to be my best pal! Yiiipee!!!![img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img]
Neji-aniki-sama, damn you. I was drinking a soda as I read that.Quote:
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
LOL... funnyQuote:
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Hey, hey, we are forgetting something very important!!
Lee is still drunk.
Gaara!! ::hic:: My fwieeend!!!
I love you, man!! Gimme a hug!
...I wasn't informed about this.
Lesh be fwiends, man... c'mon, gimme a hug!!
Gaara (thinking) Oh, gawds... could it be? He wants to give me the love a need... We goona be fwieends! He's going to be my best pal! Yiiipee!!!![img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img]
Yes. I'm sure that Lee's fight can be happily brought to an end with a group hug.
After all, they all have problems, right?
My name is Rock Lee and... I'm... I'm an alcoholic.
::Claps, claps::
I'm Gaara. I used to enjoy killing people. But I've gone for two months without killing anyone... unless I'm paid to.
::Scared, but claps anyway. Few creepy females swoon::
I'm Kimimaro. I have a bone disorder and was (most probably) used as fetiche toy by a 50 year old creep.
::Claps, females swoon and awww::
And now, group hug!!
A cornucopia of love...
...and you wont get that unless you've seen the Potter Puppet Pals.
Mad props to Kishimoto .. he's throwing everything AND the kitchen sink into this arc, and I have to admit, it's very fun. Chaotic, but entertaining. Now they just need to resolve the remaining fights before anyone ELSE shows up .. heheh.
Someone said that they won't get Sasuke back, I agree, I think he's gone for now .. and this will cement Sasuke as a bad guy who might only find redemption in death.
Originally posted by: HimizujinEternia
Neji-aniki-sama, damn you. I was drinking a soda as I read that.
Now you know why my nick is Neji-AniKISAMA!
If you don't know what kisama means, do a quick search on the net.
A really nice word to know![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
And it will change your mind if you thought I liked Neji...
And for those who don't want to search the net, "kisama" would be a very rude "you".... but the word "bastard" fits it way better!!
And it fits Neji, too!!
...although I like Neji, all in all.
Heheh does anyone else think that Gaara is gonna totally destroy Kimi like a bug? I mean what are bones going to be able to do against Gaara's sand attacks and defenses? This is gonna be fun [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
*now where's my damn time machine!? .. must .. read .. next ... chapter *
Yeah, I'm thinking the same.... Gaara will go sandy on Kimimaro's ass and there's nothing the bones can do about it.
No, really... does Kimimaro stand a chance now that he's dealing with two powerful shinobi? Lee might be at disadvantage now, given that Kim's boney defense seems to be good enough to stop physical attacks, but with Gaara (and his bad-ass new outfit) now, what will he do?
My bet is that he'll go lvl. 2 (he's got a second lvl, right?) and even then, Gaara should be able to do a Desert Coffin or whetever his people-exploding move was called and kill him.
Yeah Gaara looks hella-cool in his new rags, looks like the good guys just got a VERY powerful ally, or maybe it's just an example of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", where the sand are ready to wreak revenge on the sound for an actual or percieved betrayal (something Oro is well known for). Ah, the intrigue [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
good chapter. I was more than happy when i saw it. my hat's off to Kishimoto this week. As always, can't wait for next weeks. I have a feeling that Gaara's gonna hand Kimi a platefull of his ass...-wonder about Lee and if Gaara intends to mop the floor with him. Suspense is so good.
Oooooh Gaara and Temari get new outfits and Kankuro gets....new face makeup! Ooooooh [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Edit: About time we see some teamwork between people, even if it is Sound and Leaf teamwork.
check Kankuro out closer -
He has one puppet active and in the last shot you can see the head of a second puppet still slung over his left shoulder.
So all three appear to have upgraded just like the Konohana Nins.
I agree that Kiba, Naruto and Neji need wardrobe upgrades - thier current look is SOOO chapter 120 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Im really really really hope paintpixel does an awesome job on that last page, im really lookin forward to a colored page with those three. Thats definatly going on my desktop.
Not only does Rock Lee come back, on a whim, but now Gaara-tachi are in the fray too? Damn, this shit's turning out way crazier than I thought. It's like Kishimoto is completely making up for lost time.
Kishimoto, you fucking rule.
Well, Gaara and co. being there is cool. But I was waiting for Rocky to deafeat Kimi all by himself. The only time he won was beating Sasuke and Naruto. Even so, as Neji would say, maybe he didn't beat Naruto enough.
He got beaten by Neji, Dosu Kinuta and Gaara. It's about time he wins a real fight.
So what do you think?, has Gaara changed side, is he a "good" guy now or is he still som maniac trying to kill everyon exept himself... I want Inane to translate so you can follow the dialogues
Gaara ant his brother and sister [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]!!!!!
too cool!!!
NO FUCKING WAY. fucking absolute craziest chapter ever. i'ma have seizures.
ok...so it was pretty clear that kiba, shika, and lee really could not finish the fight if kishimoto had to bring in gaara's team. but it kinda makes lee look like a...failure? i mean, cmon...that kind of sucks i guess =/
man, kiba was fucked. shika was fucked. and lee was fucked. i think we all underestimated the last three of the sound's 5. jiroubu and kidoumaru sucked but tayuya, sakon/ukon, and especially kimimaro were all really stronger than we all thought. ahahaha i fucking knew it, lee CAN'T be on par with kimimaro! w0000000000000t. lee got man handled.
and someone said something about gaara's team and naruto's crew ganging up to take down akatsuki...that sounds like it can happen.
alright so this chapter made me a lil mad.. why you ask i really didn't think they would bring them back so soon.don't get me wrong but i loved the chapter, i really just thought it was to early for them to make an appearance.no we can't see lee whoop ass with his drunken boxing, i wander if gaara is sane now. wonder if they could have sealed chukaku away.
alright now to get over that.
the chapter was badass. to see gaara (looks older, new clothes),temari (new clothes), and kankuro (new face paint) was just pretty badass.
so i guess this is what tsunade ment by doing something about the situation.
ok, i've now loast all faith in this series turning into a classic. One big twist (Kinimaro) followed by another? (Lee) and another? (Garra & co)... nah, i'm sorry, everything that follows will just seem boring (not being exciting/surprising), or silly (stupid surprises, things that don't make good sense).
blah..... i think next weeks chapter will have the explanation, but it just seems too unlikley, as above people saying about how can Garra not be evil any more? i dont think he can be if he is helping the leaf now :
I have been waiting for this moment ever since the sand first left the manga.
I am not disappointed.
This also works towards my belief that Shikamaru and Temari will one day be making babies together.
Also loving Temari's new outfit.
i really do hope that they get some teamwork in while fighting the sound. it would take this manga to a whole new level.
however, i do have to admit, the timing for these three in this part of the manga just doesn't make sense, though their entrances were very cool.
i think lee and gaara vs kimimaro will be _the_ fight to look forward to now, since lee's taijitsu by itself doesn't seem to hold up to kimimaro's ability
it still doesn't explain what has happened to chouji or neji.
well maybe next chapter we will get to see naruto catch up with sasuke, now that we know, kiba, shika, and lee will be alright. maybe kishimoto wanted to really kill of neji and chouji, which would truly suck.
ok...i officially hate narutofan.com now
ive been downloading manga from narutofan for a while now.......i try to avoid downloading the raw, and when i caught a glimpse of peole mentioning "unexpected twists" in the gotwoot forum, i tried to avoid the convo to refrain from being spoiled......then i stop by there to see if the translated is out yet, and lo and behold, i see a big clear shot of GAARA'S HEAD!!!!!
DAMNIT a picture is worth a thousand words and it only takes a 50x50 image to ruin the surprise of an entire week!
geez, i feel sorry for the anime only viewers who might have caught on to that as well
yeah i was like that better not be in the chapter.
narutofan is goin downhill.
Which one? Hyuuga Neji or this Neji?Quote:
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
but the word "bastard" fits it way better!!
And it fits Neji, too!!
It also has the tone of saying the other guy is inferior to you.
I think Hinata should have called him that, instead of Neji-nii-san. That would have improved her self-confidence. Well, he might have gotten even more furious. He always call her Hinata-sama, when he actually thinks she is worth crap...She better stand up against that...
I like Neji's arrogant atittude, kinda like Sesshoumaru... Doesn't bother me at all, unlike Sasuke's. But trying to kill Hinata, not cool. Up to that point, no prob in him being a bastard.
Since we were talking about love, I thought it would be sooooo cute seeing Sasuke saying Itachi-nii-san or Oaniki (affectous terms for big brother).
Same for Gaara calling Kankuro that way. I can almost feel the loooooove.
the big question is how will gaara beat kimimaro, will he let lee help or will he just sobaka kyuu and crush his bones gaara is a good match cause he is a range fighter, he can attack from far away and kimimaro must be close. good match up.
the temari versus tayuya hard to say
and sakon against kankuro well its kinda hard to say, but should be good
i wonder if kimimaro will activate lvl 2.
umm.. wait for upcoming chapters for answers?
ok, i guess the only way temari and kankuro would win against tayuya and sakon is from the lack of chakra after fighting shika and kiba before. (man, that's a lot of names). tayuya and sakon are just gonna get tired from using lvl 2 too much and eventually lose (how lame). but i don't know about kimimaro. he ruined lee's shit with ease. as soon as kimimaro decided to bust out his bloodline jutsus lee's chance of 'being on par' went down the shitter in an instant. and lee is already battered and cut up...useless (why the hell did kishimoto make him look so heroic with that rescue). lee's type of fighting style becomes being the worst kind against someone like kimimaro cuz it seems that kimimaro's bones can, not only move fast as fuck, but are also real strong. i don't really care about the other fights except kimimaro's against gaara. we already know that gaara is INSANELY strong (he basically tied with naruto and we all agree that naruto is pretty strong with that kyubi chakra), and we know that kimimaro doesn't take shit from no one. i mean, fuck. i am too excited.
EDIT: and it looks like lee is sobering up too.
was sakon and ukon seperated again
cause it looked like sakon was wearing kibas jacket and ukon is still in cursed lvl 2. so i think they are still seperate but i thought ukon had to rest.
damn to many questions.
Great plot twist! The Sound Shinobi are f*cking done now!
Leaf and Sand should just keep going and take out the whole damn country/village.
Oh and its awesome that Kankurro is now using 2 or 3 different puppets.
It looks like all three of them are Chuunin now, maybe those black uniforms signify something.
Oh crap, looks like they're gonna pair Shika and Tamari up after all.
Should I do a rough translation for you guys? Who knows how long will Inane take... theey first need a good quality raw (and God knows this was low-quality) and they are most probably going to color the extra-cool two pages in where the Sand nins appear along with the color cover.
So anyway, I can try to do a translation and I think it'd be pretty close to the real thing.
yep....and gaara is protecting the guy he previously tried to kill
this is prolly the point where kimimaro runs away.....cause i doubt kimimaro will have the speed necessary to get past gaara's sand
i think kimimaro is quite fast. well, at least bones are. his bones were able to stop rock lee's fast kicks and punches. kimimaro is too fucking cool.
Kimimaro will be easily outmatched.
Gaara will tell Lee to take on Kimimaro, and Gaara will just use his sand to protect Lee from Kimimaro. Even though I think Kimimaro could cut through Gaara's sand a bit. I think they will pull it off.
that would be great please do.Quote:
Should I do a rough translation for you guys? Who knows how long will Inane take... theey first need a good quality raw (and God knows this was low-quality) and they are most probably going to color the extra-cool two pages in where the Sand nins appear along with the color cover.
So anyway, I can try to do a translation and I think it'd be pretty close to the real thing.
yes, please do a rough translation. i want to know what they are saying!
anyway, as for kimimaro vs lee & gaara. yeah, i do think kimimaro will lose but only because he is outnumbered. lee was really nothing compared to kimimaro's powers but gaara is a whole different story. gaara is crazy. but i want kimimaro to win! =D
Ok then I'll try!
<Phone operator>Wait please!</phone operator>
Everybody seems to be waiting with baited breath.Quote:
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Ok then I'll try!
<Phone operator>Wait please!</phone operator>
Anyhow, thanks so much for translating it. Greatly appreciated.
OK, here's a rough chapter 212 translation. Whatever people think will be [between square brackets] and my comments are between (normal brackets). Enjoy, and I'll wait for Inane's translation just to see how I fare!
SPOILERS. (duh.) I CANNOT GUARANTEE this to be as good as Inane's, so if you'd rather wait for a good, safe translation, then wait for Inane's and DON'T READ THIS POST.
Have the CAPS gotten your attention?
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There seems to be a contest going on. If you send your entry before Saturday 17, you can get something called "Narucchi", which might be eiter a music CD (Doubt it) or the new GBA videogame. It mentions that Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi are "available".
Page 2 some doubts here
Kimimaro's terrible power is...!?
It seems you are drunk... come to your senses, now...
My bloodline ability is (way too many kanjis here... stupid translator can't figure it out!)
...it gives me the power to control my body's calcium and alter the shape of my bones.
[...Blood-line ability?]
Page 3
Besides, in the human body there are over two hundred bones...
...but for me, that is not a definite number.
(Kimimaro is growing extra ribs! Gross!)
Page 4
Dance of the Karamatsu...
Page 5
[Hum... it seems he couldn't get away much farther with that wound...]
Page 6
[It's my limit...
I can't move...
::Sniff, sniff::
(?) He's followed me already...
Page 7
[Dammit& I dont have enough chakra!! At this rate...
...concentrate!! Then think of a plan...! What's the possibility of making a grope attack...!!]
(This is very weird, and I assume its not correct, but I can't find any other translation.)
Page 8
Have you opened your eyes yet?
(?)...why... it seems like I'm drunk, but...
...from here on, I'm serious!!
Page 9
(Sorry, I can't very well read this part. Kanjis are blurry. However, I think Lee explains that his abilities are not so good yet, and that even if he opened the First Gate he'd be in troubles.)
Primary Lotus!!
Page 10
(??)[...he killed my kick with his bones!?]
Amazing speed...
But it ends here.
Page 11
(absolutely no dialogue here, but I love it!)
Sound effects for someone stepping
Suta, suta, suta...
Page 12 -
Tayuya and Shikamaru
(Both still struggling)
Page 13
[The plan is...]
(?)What's wrong, you rat?
(???) [Before this, with Asuma-senko (same as sensei)... when there was a pinch, the most transparent one would have 100% probabilities, right...?
(??)...the most transparents probabilities, think of what to do... concentrate!!]
(not sure at all about Shikamaru's dialogue!)
::Sniff, sniff::
[The smell has gone&]
Fu.... safe...
Page 14
[My jacket!?]
Ah, now I see... kukuku...
...you were keeping track of us by our own smell, mh?
You bastards... you erased your own odor, eh?
You understood the characteristics of smell very well, didn't you?
No wonder I wasnt able to perceive your essence!!
Page 15
Besides, you were two guys... even then, it was a close one...
(?) In front of your eyes... I'll send your dog to a place so far away you can't even reach it!!
(Half blank-square)
(??)Really... of how many ways are you trying to think of?
Plans are already useless!!
...(Tayuya starts to move)
Page 16
(she stabilizes)
Ku...!! Who is that!?
Page 17
Seems like this time we are allies...
Who are you!?
Page 18-19
Konoha's foreign allies...
...the sand...
Wow, talk about tiring!!
But wasn't this all really cool?
Edit - corrected a few things concerning Lee's drunkness and a few weird symbols that appeared when I posted from Word.
thnx for the rough translation damn amazing entrance from the sound trio this is the best plot twist ever we get lee plus gaara back
wow, great translation winged dancer, much appreciated [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
a great conterbution for the manga commuiniry, so lee opened the first gate?
EDIT: actually, i made another joke chapter from this raw, i've sent it to Tenkei (who hosted the last one i did), and i really hope he'd agree to host this one aswell.
So the sand actually called themselves Konoha's foreign allies ... TOO COOL [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
fucking cool. thanks a lot winged.
You're welcome, all...
And yeah, Temari saying they were the Leaf's allies was way too cool. All of 18-19 was too cool!! Damn the Sands, they made a great entrance!!
I also liked the "conversation" between Kiba and Sakon - Kiba obvioulsy already knew that the Sand was close, and that's why he was laughing....
Sounds like a great translation. Thanks again.Quote:
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Konoha's foreign allies...
...the sand...
Wow, talk about tiring!!
But wasn't this all really cool?
Edit - corrected a few things concerning Lee's drunkness and a few weird symbols that appeared when I posted from Word.
And yes, I am certainly puzzled about the reason the Sand Ninjas showed up. Hope it gets explained in the next chapter.
My theory is that it may be part of the peace treaty between Konoha and the Sand.
If it were merely a revenge against Orochimaru, I believe they would have gone straight to him. Even if you assume that the Fire country is in the way, I don't see any reason for them to stop and help.
Besides, they said they were allies.
Could be that in exchange for their help they will provide free counseling for Gaara [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Holy Shitballs batman!!
That was awesome! I had a gut feeling that the sand trio were going to show up, and I am glad they did!!
As someone mentioned it's ironic for Garaa and Temari to aid the people they fought against. I can see a Shika/Temari thing happening ^_^;
Last but not least I have three words to add:
Kimi is Fucked!!
kishimoto better explain how lee and the team gaara were able to find shikamaru's team so fast. where is inaneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
one thing i can't understand is how Tsunde knew to call for back up from the sand...
she couldn't have done it after the Sasuke laeving, since there wouldn't be enough time to send someone to the wind country and for them to come back to the fire county and meet the genins while the genins were moving non-stop from the same time as the emmbassedor left.
the only reasonable guess is that it was Kakashi's or gai's (or iruka's) mission to call for them, but it still leaves the question of how tsunde knew to call them...
Maybe it'll happen what we've been saying in this very forum for a while... the Akatsuki is after Gaara's Shukaku too, and therefore the Sand and the Leaf decided to join forces.... I'm sure everything will be explained as soon as... as soon as everything's finished.
I can't wait to see Naruto's reaction when he sees Gaara. And I have the feeling Gaara is going to react kinda funny when he meets Naruto again...
Off-topic, why do we call the Leaf "Konoha" but never call the Sand "Suna" nor the Sound "Oto"...? Also, where in the world is the Sound village, suppossedly?
Konoha is in the Fire Country... the Sand in the Wind Country.... the Mist in the Water country... and so on. Does Orochimaru own a small country too?
people remember konoha becuase of konohamaru,,, and some fansub groups use it instead of leaf, cuz it appears enough times so people don't need to be reminded what it means.
the other villages aren't mentinoed alot, so having a special note each time for the traselation would be annoyining, so all groups use the english name. it's a circle feeding itself, in a way...
the sound village is located in a small weak country, i guess that's why Oro chose that position, so he wouldn't have to deal with the fedual lord and his army...
Well, one way or another, it's kinda sad to lose such a nice evil brat and psycho killer to the bright side. He was so good at it.
Orochimaru is boring, and apparently Kimimaru and the other two Sound Ninjas are or will be toast.
And it's not really worth to call Sasuke evil. We have Itachi and Kabuto left. Will they be able to keep the evil of this manga at decent standards?
I keep on re-reading this chapter.
Has anyone else noticed that Gaara's sand not only saves Lee, but eases his fall?
Also, when Temari's shadow appears in front of Shikamaru's isn't his look priceless?
And yeah, they will. Kabuto was a backstabbing traitor after all. And Itachi is, from my POV, as evil as evil gets - that's it, very evil. He killed his whole family just to see how good he was, and you are doubting his evilness?
'sides, we've met only two members of the Akatsuki so far - we have what, another six guys and the boss of bosses to meet still. I mean, we are talking about Itachi's boss here - he's bound to be powerful and evil and all that crap.
I think the sound country is like northeast of the fire country. What im wondering is how oro aquired the land. Did he just go around taking over villages by force? Or did he make some deals with some of the fire countries damiyos?
hahaha, yeah i keep re-reading it too. i'm getting kind of annoyed with it since right after i read it, i close it and 5 minutes later i open everything up again...annoying process... i've done like at least 15 times now.Quote:
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
I keep on re-reading this chapter.
Has anyone else noticed that Gaara's sand not only saves Lee, but eases his fall?
Also, when Temari's shadow appears in front of Shikamaru's isn't his look priceless?
yeah, i saw the sand that protected lee. pretty cool. i wish shikamaru had a =O look on his face though, that would've been so funny.
Yeah! Tell me about it. Translating it means opening and closing every page around five times each....
Maybe they'll modify Shikamaru's face for the joke chapter....
...I hope there's an Inane joke chapter this time. Although without Sasuke, they can't do child support payment jokes.
tears of joy
this was foreshadowed long ago. accept it. leaf and sand had a truce, why would they continue fighting?Quote:
Originally posted by: Trip
ok, i've now loast all faith in this series turning into a classic. One big twist (Kinimaro) followed by another? (Lee) and another? (Garra & co)... nah, i'm sorry, everything that follows will just seem boring (not being exciting/surprising), or silly (stupid surprises, things that don't make good sense).
blah..... i think next weeks chapter will have the explanation, but it just seems too unlikley, as above people saying about how can Garra not be evil any more? i dont think he can be if he is helping the leaf now :
btw: nice work on the quick translation wingeddy ding ding. "konoha's foreign allies.... sand... shinobi..." sweetnes...