Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
frankly, i'm surprised that he got back into action so quickly, i was thinking he'd get back in the next arc or after.
Also, Sauske's out of the barrel now.
Now, we have a fourth fight (most likely) to deal with.
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoiler*
WTF!!!???, NOOOO!, is it true, did he survive the operation!?, damn, this sucks.
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Yeah. pg 17 says it all
I think the plot took a turn for the worse, though. I would have liked to see Naruto outnumbered, instead of having the odds evened out
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
nah it will be Lee Vs Kimanaroanoan (sp?) and Naruto will chase after Sauske
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
man that sucks, now we wont know if naruto could have stood up to kimi.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
All right some major questions start rising here. alright it's all good that rock lee got here and looks completely healed. But forget his operation and all that. what i want to know is how he got to the others. i mean how'd he track the others down. and also why didn't we see him meet with the others first. they must have sent out a second team.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
seriously gai wouldn't send the newly healed rock lee out olone he would send another team out
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
who cares how he found them YAY LEE IS BACK!!
damn kishimoto flipped the script on us I never expected Lee to come back right now, and damn I wanted to see Sasuke's face the hair looked cool
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Yeah, but do they have one of the jounins with them?
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
now let's see lee pull Initial Lotus on Kimimimaro and Naruto finish him off with a rasengan [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
naruto will probably go after sasuke, we might get the naruto vs sasuke fight in the coming chapters
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
second team, eh? it would be interesting, since it would save neji and choji and possibly kiba to tie ends up pretty nicely in preventing a lot of characters from dying. but would the 5th really do that? who'd really lead them, and wouldn't kiba just stick around for help?
i think that Lee solo'd out on his own to catch up with the team.
Naruto chasing after Sauske.. if they do fight, Naruto's at a huge disadvantage. He's already gone through his bunshins.
ok. i'm thinking to much over a manga. need to get a life
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Man, this is great. sasuke vs naruto. sasuke's probably gonna want a rematch for losing their earlier bout. Also can Lee really take on kimi in a fight. kimi has got great speed too.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
but he took off
and how come he detransformed so quickly
did kimimaro says something to him
or did he fear going back to the leaf
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
thinking too much about a manga isn't lifeless it's pretty healthy to fantasize about the upcoming chapters it's natural you start doing that because if you're really into the storyline you just can't wait for what's gonna happen next, i really hope inane translates this one fast because i can't wait to read this one
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
i think he was totally transformed inside the barrel, i think he's heading for oro's place he probably wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible maybe he tasted great power in the level 2 form and wants more so i guess maybe he got power hungry or somethin
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Yeah, sasuke is probably on his way to Oro's because he's power hungry. Though i don't see how he knows the way.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
sasuke has turned in the terminator he has been programmed to know the way [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
this plot change was the best. couldnt have imagined something better. if naruto catches up to sasuke they will finally have a real fight. and im glad Lee came it was a really interesting plot change. i loved it. finally naruto can kick sasuke ass.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Congratulations you have finally advanced the plot after 5 f*cking months!
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Originally posted by: hornetmike
All right some major questions start rising here. alright it's all good that rock lee got here and looks completely healed. But forget his operation and all that. what i want to know is how he got to the others. i mean how'd he track the others down. and also why didn't we see him meet with the others first. they must have sent out a second team.
but now it seems clear what Kiba meant with "They're coming"
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Originally posted by: Chi Chi
but now it seems clear what Kiba meant with "They're coming"
but why run away?
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Originally posted by: chaos4ever4
Originally posted by: Chi Chi
but now it seems clear what Kiba meant with "They're coming"
but why run away?
Ukon was coming too.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
konohamaru will rape them all
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
well that was unexpected
seriously i wanna know what happened i pray for a speedy release by inane
this was truly a great chapter and i just am wandering if there was convo between kimimaro and naruto and sasuke
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
OK, I don't know what to think. Here's what I understood with my .2 cents of japanese...
First, Tayuya is becoming even stronger and forcing back Shikamaru's justu with her chakra, while the jutsu is sucking Shikamaru's chakra. In other words, he still has to fight a little more. BIG SUPRISE, UUHH???
Then, Sasuke comes out of the barrel and looks quite ugly. He then proceeds to laugh like a maniac - he actually HAS Orochimaru's laugh, something like "FuKukukukukuku!!!", and Kukukuku means EVIL in japanese. Which is a little confusing since he used to be a good guy.
Then, Naruto getting his ass kicked. Well, no surprise there either, since he always does right before kicking the other's ass.
Naruto yells at Sasuke to go back, too, as if he didn't know Sasuke didn't want to. "Listen to my voice!", he says... Sasuke is still impersonating Naraku - Inuyasha's bad guy (KUKUKUKU!!) and runs away.
And then, just when Kimimaro goes "It's useless! Die!", Rock Lee appears out of nowhere - "KONOHA SENPUU!!", and kicks Kimimaro back.
Naruto demands an explanation:
"Thick-eyebrows... you... your body, how can you?"
and Rock Lee answers,
"That is not important, Naruto-kun. Let me deal with this guy - you, take care of Sasuke-kun."
Naruto speeds off.
Kimimaro thinks something like "This guy... he can..."
And that's all folks!!
Now, for one thing, I'm glad Rock Lee is safe.
For another thing, HOLY FAST RECOVERING FROM A LIFE-OR-DEATH SURGERY, BATMAN!!!!No, really. We had all the drama right before about how difficult the operation was, and how it was a 50/50% chances, and how the recovering would be hard and difficult, and suddenly he appears out of nowhere and kicks some as-strong-as-Sasuke guy!!
I mean, the "Rock Lee appears out of nowhere and saves the day" theory was proposed here as a JOKE. It was treated as a joke, no one thought it'd happen!!
...and there he is, the beautiful green beast of Konoha, Rock Lee da!!
What's next, Gai too? Orochimaru and Kabuto? Jesus...
....but I'm kinda happy Lee's fine.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
wow, so much for the gaara theory.....
anyways yay! Rock lee is back! now lets see some ass kicking!
btw, 18 pages is TOO short, i wish the manga was a little longer each release....oh well. cant have everything. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
yeah maybe lee delayed the surgery and instead have his bones temorary healed so that he could help and hasn't had the surgery cause its only been what maybe a day since the group left and right before they left they talked to rock lee in his crutches
tsunade is one hell of a medical nin
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
GO ROCK LEE finnaly the lost son has returned!!!!!!!
but it shoulnt be so suprising since every genin so far has fought against some one whit some kind of same ability and kimmimaro does use taijutsu so its perfect for lee GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Ok over the past 5 months We can safely say that ATLEAST 8 hours in naruto world has gone by... And A normal operation in real world takes around 8 hrs to do and we dont got them chakra healing crap!. so tsunade did the operation in 4ish hours. then tsunade used her regeneration mole on her forhead and speed up lee's recovery! HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLYEAAAAAAAA that was mad good...
sasuke looks like that a fanfic SSJ5 wif the white hair and stuff...
Rock lee be like WHAT?! HEY KIMI TIME TO WOOP UR ASS! Open 5 gates Extreme lotus ON YO ASS NOW! wooha! open all 8 gates! ULTRA EXTREME LOTUS. Now we see the whole forest shaking. and kimi is like dang u mad good and falls
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
maybe rock is moving on his will alone too, kinda like kimimaro. Makes for a better parallell between them than I thought. They better not cripple Rock again that would piss me off.
My guess is that Tsunades Jounin padawan got back and said holy crap crazy shit is goin down, so they sent out backup. I see maybe Ino helping out shika(since the chicks already held in place) maybe hinata helps kiba, and they have doctors back takin care of chouji and my dog neji! makes sense at least.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
He killed two birds with one stone in this chapter. Got Sasuke out of the barrel and we know at least one of the people who were approaching.
Perhaps Lee and Sakura trailed the group ever since they left the village?
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
but that would mean lee still hasn't had his surgery and that he couldn't possibly stand a chance against kimimaro
ohh what would be crazy is sakura shows up with some actually good amazing skill something unique to her family(doubt it)
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
dont make me laugh sangai sakura have a unique skill lol [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] but that chapter rocked! so glad rock lee is able to fight again.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
yeah i started to laugh when i posted that it was merly a 1 in a 1000 chance
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Saske out of the clos...er, barrel... Who'd have thought it would be so soon...
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
....Can you tell that I'm happy, people?
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Ahem. Now that I'm done celebrating.. What if this isn't Lee? It could be Gai, transformed as Lee. You never know. As much as Kishimoto wanted him to return, I also believe it's more logical that Lee's still in the hospital. Unless, Tsunade whipped up a miracle treatment to Lee - that's even better.
But, in any case.This chapter owned everything. Heck, even if that wasn't Lee, I'm glad that you got to see Lee again.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
nooooo you ruiners!!!!!!!!!! when is inane coming out with 209
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Sakura, ha. Who the hell would bring her along on a mission. especially one this important. She has no useful skills, would get in the way, and is too emotionally attached to sasuke to do what needs to be done. Also i don't see any of the jounins nominating her for a mission. i would rather except the fact that rock lee came on his own.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Yea - I thought it was Gai at first.
But then it was Lee!!! I never really liked the guy - but this is great!
How did Lee heal so fast? Does it matter? Oh well, the idea that Lee was out of commission made this even a bigger surprise =).
Anyways wouldn't it be dope if the last scene in 209 went like this..
*Kimi raises his bone sword*
Lee: "So, your specialty is using bones... well my specialty is crushing bones!"
Kimi: "shit..."
*bone sword goes limp*
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
wow never doubt my foreshadowing skills, I called the rock lee thing a long time ago,
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Originally posted by: monkeyboi
nooooo you ruiners!!!!!!!!!! when is inane coming out with 209
Topic Title: Naruto 209 discussion <u>*heavy spoilers*</u>
Topic Summary: Naruto 209 duscussion
Created On: 03/19/2004 02:42 PM
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Here my theory goes down the drain, boo. All the kage bunshin gone within 2 page, boo [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Did Lee really recovered? Or just put on some stopgap measure after the surgury had fail?
Next chapter: Despair!
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
i dont know about u guys, but im still giggling like a little girl over the outcome of the chapter.
well tahts just me, i have problems which im aware off...
/walks away.
btw, Sasuke is going to hunt after Itachi, i believe he used orochimaru to gain strength i doubt he's going to go after Oro.
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Ya go, Saske...Kukukukuku!!!!
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
Ahem. Now that I'm done celebrating.. What if this isn't Lee? It could be Gai, transformed as Lee. You never know. As much as Kishimoto wanted him to return, I also believe it's more logical that Lee's still in the hospital. Unless, Tsunade whipped up a miracle treatment to Lee - that's even better.
But, in any case.This chapter owned everything. Heck, even if that wasn't Lee, I'm glad that you got to see Lee again.
i knew from the first second i saw Lee in this chapter that you were gonna go crazy like this [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
mmmh, you have a point.... it could be Gai disguised as Lee for all we know!!!
...yeah right.
His accent was Lee's and none others.
Now I'm getting a feeling that all in all, Sakura _may_ appear, but not with a jutsu or anything... instead, she might just kick Naruto out of the way (just because Naruto wouldn't dare to touch her) and help Sasuke escape, or she'd go overly-dramatic and say something like "You'll have to kill me if you want to go away!", which wouldn't work either because Naruto wouldn't let him touch Sakura...
So nope, I don't think Sakura will appear.
Maybe Shino...? If Lee can recover from a near-death surgery in half a day, Shino can come back from his mission and catch up with them as well!!
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
OMFG!!! LEE!!!
Sorry, thats all I have to say, I'll have to try and figure out whats happening with Shika...
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
didnt Lees appearance strike anyone as stupid?
if Naruto doesnt stand a chance against Kimimaro at kyuubi how the HELL can Lee even hurt him
Lees just gonna get beaten on seriously
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
not so much as stupid but more or less a way to let naruto continue on to capture/fight sasuke
and alot of the time naruto isn't using much of kyubis power the seal prevents it and only allows a lil bit out at a time
so rock lee should be able to handle himself especially if he gots his speed back
and i wonder what would have happened if naruto did get hit with kimimaros bone sword i bet kyubi would have healed him and more chakra would have come out
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
i bet lee is only here to make sasuke look good again
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Lee couldnt even take on Gaara in original form, you're saying he has a chance against Kimimaro?
if he even puts up a fight the whole things stupid, especially after just coming out of an operation
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
where the fkajdsviosjdaoj can i download this?!
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Thanks to Come Come Paradise for posting this link
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
i know you're all happy that Lees back but unless this is DBZ he shouldnt be able to fight Kimimaro for long at all
Lees shown us what he has, and Gaara beat him down without even going into demon form.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
thats the japanese one..... i thought it was translated?
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Well, Lee's appareance did strike me at kind of stupid, but my joy for the beautiful green beast of Konoha to be up and about kind of overshadowed it... for a while.
Also, I don't think we can really compare Gaara and Kimimaro in terms of powers... Gaara depended, above everything, on his sand, while Kimimaro seems to be much more of a taijutsu/weapon user. Given that Lee is an extreme taijutsu user with great speed (equal to Sasuke's, even superior without his weights), things shouldn't be as uneven as when he battled Gaara...
Remember that here in Naruto, there's (so far) nothing that can be considered absolute power. There's always someone who has an advantage over someone else, at least to some degree (YES, I know Itachi is all powerful cuz hes so kewl!!1!), just think of the Slug/Snake/Frog triad.... there's no absolute power.
So Lee might just be good enough to defeat Kimimaro... sure, he was just operated, but Kimimaro was practically dying!! Remember him, all connected to weird machines and all...?
(...even so, I still feel Lee's a bit out of place...)
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
OMG i jus read the chapter KEWWWWWL!!! seemed abit corny lee being back so quick but lookijng at it now it was a really nice plot twist seeing as things were begginging to get irratating in the story. I hope theres other nin coming with lee, who do u reckon woulda made up the other team?
i reckon shino should be there for sure as well as hinata sakura ino thatd be ok. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
"(...even so, I still feel Lee's a bit out of place...) "
may as well have had Sakura kick Kimimaro out of the way really, thats how big the difference in skill level has changed since Lee fought Gaara
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
man i got so pumped when i read this chapter that i drop kicked my mom right in the face!
lmao i don't think its corny at all, i love entrances like that.
and the thought of tsunade only temporarly recovering lee for the time being seems more feesable then the operation happening already and him being completely healed. THIS was seriously the best part of this anime/manga since the lee, gaara fight.
and btw.... i think lee would have whooped up on gaara, when he was doing the lotus with the gates open gaara quick used kawarimi when lee paused from the pain....... for some reason i can't see anybody surviving an attack like that lol. So maybe lee and gaara weren't as unevenly matched as we thought. (... well ... at least un-transformed gaara.. then lee would have just been f**ked.)
freaking awesome chapter... its been a while since this manga has literally made me scream in front of my comptuer screen while reading it hehe :-D
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
if Gaara was in demon form Lee wouldnt have stood a chance, he only did so well against Gaara because Gaara was playing with him
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Insomniac man why bag out the stroy line like that theres nothing really wrong with it. I mean u havent even read the explanation and your already saying how bad it is....if u really think that then maybe u shouldnt be reading the manga man lol seriously
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Dumb, Dumb, dumb... Rock Lee's return was just dumb... why you ask?
Simple because it came out from no where, atleast Kimi had some build up and foreshadowing to his arrival... Unless we get super flash back no jutsu immediatly in the next chapter Rock Lee's arrival is really lame imo...
Hes a great character and all but he really seems outta place...
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Well were not completely sure that Lee will be fighting kimi alone. naruto might help. or the ninjas from the other team could be on their way to help and he's stalling for time. But if he's on his own............ I mean i love Rock Lee but he'll get owned.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Naruto has to chase Saske... *yawn* Boy, that brat is annoying. Kakashi should have killed him right after he tried to kill Naruto. Just like the Sandaime should have killed Oro...They will all live to regret not having wacked kono kozo no yarou.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Originally posted by: oni roh
man i got so pumped when i read this chapter that i drop kicked my mom right in the face!
freaking awesome chapter... its been a while since this manga has literally made me scream in front of my comptuer screen while reading it hehe :-D
Yea I never really liked Lee- but his random entrance kicked ass!!!
It's what make's it so great - you didn't see it coming because everyone thought Lee was crippled and gone - long long gone, and it made everyone sad. Kishimoto did a great job making us feel like it was the end of Lee. But those of us who are wiser know that in a good story - the character who seems to be down for the count always comes back.
True, there wasn't any direct foreshadowing of this... besides the fact the author kept telling us "poor lee, poor poor lee, he's never going to fight again... poor lee" - wasn't it a great set-up???
And doesn't everyone think ANBUpawn did a kick ass job on drawing up the Lee entrance? Dope as hell. Makes me want to learn paintpixel! I'm glad he/she/it strayed from the norm to get the coolest scene colorized! Sweetness! AHHHHH! I'm going to go dropkick my mom in the face now!!!
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
narutofan.com has inane 209
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
nevermind someone beat me to it
or you can read it online at our site
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
I can only say
OMFG OMFG OMFG..... LEE IS BACK.. This is the best chapter so far.. Damn what joy that was.. I was f***ing amased to see Lee so quickly but now it will be much better.. This was the best thing they could do..
<u>GO LEE!!!!!!!!!</u>
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
lee says 'konahas proud azure beast has been reincarnated'. is this a mistranslation or do you think he is calling himself azure instead of green now for some reason? maybe he can use ninjitsu now and his chakra is blue?
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
he said it once on the anime, and I still don't know why.
Gai called himself green beast, which makes more sense. Still, I got that from the translation, so...don't quote me on that...
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Originally posted by: Insomniac
didnt Lees appearance strike anyone as stupid?
if Naruto doesnt stand a chance against Kimimaro at kyuubi how the HELL can Lee even hurt him
Lees just gonna get beaten on seriously
It looks like Kimimaro's strength so far, is Taijutsu. And, that isn't exactly where Naruto really shines. So, I think Lee is a great match against Kimimaro.
Stupid or not, something big had to happen in the current arc of the manga - this is the remedy to an otherwise boring set of events of cliche fights and outcomes.
And might I add, Kishimoto, you dog, you!
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
even though naruto has extreme power, he doesnt have the skill to fight someone like kimimaro. i think lee has the necessary skill. even kimimaro said 'hes good..'
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
im thinking Lee must have been in recovery when they Team left. if we recall he was with Tsunade and was telling her how he was gong to take surgery. they walked off together. its the 5th only explination for Lee returning to kick some ass, considering the said recovery and rehab was going to be a long and arduous.
Looking at the Sannin, we are still in need of a medical specialist to follow under the 5th. the other 2 are accounted for with Sasuke, and Naruto. wich leaves( assuming its a female, it kinda has to be all the males are dead, dieing, or going to 0wn3d- stay shino. ) Sakura, Hinata, or Ino . i really dont know suspect that Ino, or Hinata will get the spot. so someone had to heal the wounded or they really will be dead. since standards teams include a medical specialist. a rule the 5th was somewhat directly responsable for. It seems incredibly unlikely she sent out another group to go wthout one. most likely a jounin is with Lee, as at this point the the jounin team has return to kohona. reported that it was the crew with sasuke in the box responsable for owning 2 jounin. Then again Lee could have jsut not been able to contain himself and went out on his own...
only time will tell butim stoked to Lee back in action to say the least. i actually thought Itachi( from the forums not the story) prediction about Sasuke taking on Kimimaro to test his new strength was going to come true.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
The more I think about it, the more something tells me that Lee isn't at 100%. Bad forshadowing imo. He might get gimped again.
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
BTW, kawai sou, Hinata-chan...still, unlike Sakura, she knows that Naruto is is sorta dense, but still likes him. Is it just me or Sakura is in denial of Saske lack of wits?
Hope Hinata-sama starts her ass-kicking career soon...
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Also, if Lee recovered that quick, maybe Hinata became a medical specialist in the same amount of time. Last I've heard of her, she was looking for a hobby and she *is* known for carrying meds around... Would be cool if she became a doc in a team...
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Well, the whole Lee thing was definately unexpected...
I'm curious who else is going to come and save the day.
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Kimimaro vs Lee will be a great match. He is more suited to fight Kimimaro than Naruto was. Plus come one guys...we alway knew Sasuke vs Naruto was gonna happen.
So right now we have four fights going on AGAIN!
Kiba vs Sakon/Ukon
Shikamaru vs Tayuya
Lee vs Kimimaro
Naruto vs Sasuke
Looks like their are still the Sound 4....
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Wow, everybody is happy for Lee!! GO LEE!! WE ARE ALL CHEERING FOR YOU!!!
And maybe he's actually dressed in blue now. In azure, I mean!! I don't know you, but I bet we'll be having a few colores pages soon - maybe one for each of the pending battles, two for Naruto vs. Sasuke...?
Yeah. I say, Shikamaru vs. Tayuya's real ending, Lee vs. Kimimaro and Naruto vs. Sasuke, the first pages in color. I'd like that, if only to see Lee's new color ^^
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Naruto should not only beat the crap out of Saske... he should also use the opportunity to get rid of him. Urusai no yarou, kono Sasuke.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
when everyone was saying how the 5th is going to teach sakura i said the only ones i see her doing anything for is lee and naruto since they both remind her of her brother and boyfriend. what i think she did was after the operation she placed the same seal she has on lee. ya his life just shorted a bit but his body would be healed in a matter of moments. but i dont think another team was sent out i think they went out on their own. and how lee and co was able to find them is because they did leave markers on the trees for neji and choji. but i got so excited when i saw lee. the last of the leaf's best 4 genins is back baby. now its lee's turn so prove that a loser can beat a genius since advance bloodlines seem to make you a genius by birth. also i guess the shadow neck bind wasnt the new jutsu shik learned since he said he has to use that jutsu. this generation of leaf are seriously power hungry. their rank, any data on gained on them is useless in a battle. i wonder if the 5th made any changes to lees body. if he is able to use jutsu now i bet he will still be more taijutsu based. this is like a luffy and zoro fight fist vs swords.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
I'll go ahead and call it.
Assuming that Inane correctly translated "azure" there, that isn't Lee. Obviously.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
I have seen it mistranslated as "Beautiful Blue Beast" before, so perhaps the kanji looks similar or something, I dunno.
Gai is the Green Beast, so maybe Lee is wearing a blue color now.
If it isn't Lee, then it might be Gai henged into Lee.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
I think Tsunade's super healing (instaheal w/a slightly shorter life span) only applies to herself.
I wonder what really happened during the surgery. This seems almost too good to be true. I'm also curious, as to why Inane translated his into as "Azure" (A blue color) over his usual "Green". Either the translation then was wrong, and, this is right. This is wrong, and that was right. That, or in worst case scenario, back then, it was right, and something's definitely going on behind the curtains.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Originally posted by: Hatake Kakashi
I have seen it mistranslated as "Beautiful Blue Beast" before, so perhaps the kanji looks similar or something, I dunno.
Gai is the Green Beast, so maybe Lee is wearing a blue color now.
If it isn't Lee, then it might be Gai henged into Lee.
A few people saying it could be Gai pretendint to be Lee, I really, really, really, doubt that it is, there is no reason for him to do so. The enimies don't kow who Gai or Lee are, so pretending to be Lee over Gai would give him no advantage.
bleh, anyway, Proud Blue Beast? looks like Lee is serious [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Also it mentions "has lee's body recovered already!?" so it's unlikley that Lee is back to full strength.
and one last thing; shika saying "it seems like i must use that jutsu", ffs! every1 has a super technique and a super special technique that screws themselves over to gain vicory. *yawn* it's getting boring quick.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
NICE NICE NICE [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] GO LEE YAY!! OWNZ0RZ COMIN [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
and i thought neck binding no jutsu was shikimaru's new jutsu? :S damn i agree that everybody got that super jutsu but ends up dead, that just suck
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
lee fans rejoice. it's cool lee came back - but what's really important would be who came WITH lee...
be cool if there was ANYONE else..
I just hope they kill off that fruitcake orochimaru in this "final showdown"
naruto better start going nuts like he did against haku .... start going feral and tearing up sasuke - because i bet sasuke's going to kick his ass with a level 2 seal.
shit, if i were naruto i'd just summon gamabunta and have him step on his ass, then walk over and teabag that bitch-boy. stupid sasuke getting sucked into "the dark side"
probably going to be like -.. sakura shows up > naruto and sasuke fight > sasuke bests naruto > sakura finds them fighting > she pleads for them to stop > sasuke knocks her ho3ass out > naruto goes nuts and kicks sasuke's ass.
sorry, i can't help but fantasize about sasuke knocking sakura the hell out. she's so useless that all she can do is simply help piss off the main characters in one way or another.
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Concerning the return of Lee:
How do we know it's Lee? Couldn't Gai have used the "henge" technique to throw off Kimimaro? Kimimaro seems insanely strong (stronger than a jounin?), and if Gai felt outmatched, perhaps he felt he could use Kimimaro's underestimation of him (as Lee) to his advantage.
EDIT: I hadn't finished reading the rest of the topic before I posted this. Having read the topic now, I realize that this has already been brought up. I think my explanation of why it might be so is unique, though, so I'll let it stand.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Hmm, I believe the word in Japanese for green, also means blue too. Weird. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
nah gai wouldn't be outmatched by this kid. I think that's simply over analyzation. Time's probably past faster than we can tell. . or the operation was simple for tsunade - i'm sure they'll explain.
whatever the case, i can't see any REAL reason why it wouldn't be Rock.
I hope i'm right i'd like to see Rock in action again. =\
"The Reinforcement arrives with the gust of wind, but has Lee's body recovered already?"
^^ takin from the inane sub. and since it asks that question; it probably hasn't fully.
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
I am worried that Lee san has left without orders and is going to get himself permanently disabled or killed, just like you know who...
I am wondering if Kishimoto wants to introduce new characters and wants a clean slate? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
this chapter was slightly more interesting when you could understand what they said.....
Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Originally posted by: Himura_san
I am worried that Lee san has left without orders and is going to get himself permanently disabled or killed, just like you know who...
Nah, too many people like him, and I bet they'd be too pissed if he got killed...
I myself would be happy if he got rid of one particular character, but that ain't going to happen...
Lee is not my fav, but I don't want to see him killed, for one.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
it doesn't work like that. Kimimaro is a taijutsu specialist so Rock Lee maybe a better match for him than Naruto. Naruto is a better match against Gaara cuz Naruto got the good ol' frog.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Don't see why Tsunade should teach Sakura. Never saw her trying to heal anyone, unless yelling Saske-kun is a therapeutic jutsu that I don't know of...
She should teach Hinata. She always has her medicine with her and is always ready to help others... And since almost everybody in that damn village has been told to help Sasky, and Hinata couldn't care less about him, it would be good to have one person to care about the *rest* of the Konoha people.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
Don't see why Tsunade should teach Sakura. Never saw her trying to heal anyone, unless yelling Saske-kun is a therapeutic jutsu that I don't know of...
She should teach Hinata. She always has her medicine with her and is always ready to help others... And since almost everybody in that damn village has been told to help Sasky, and Hinata couldn't care less about him, it would be good to have one person to care about the *rest* of the Konoha people.
I guess you messed the episode where she was healing both Naruto and Sasuke while at the same time defending them from the 3 sound nin in the preliminary chunin exams.
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
I give Kishimoto a thumbs up for doing a plot devlopment, but he's getting the thumbs down for the actuall development...
LEE? LEE? how the hell could a crippled guy get all the over there and still be in shape to fight? and if he's recovered, then the build-up for the operation was the most pathetic think Kishimoto ever did (including SAKURA!)... i would much rather see an half main characater, maybe Gai or Anko and Ibiki, they are all in approtiate fighting condition and their arrivial wouldn't seem so damn cliched...
Shikamaru's 'another final jutsu' talk was another bunch of crap, if he had even half of this amount of chackra doing the finals, then he would have been able to A. Bind temari to death and find a way to win. B. Bind every fucking sound nin who attacked the village.
As usual, Naruto is persented as the same idiot he was back in chapter one, just send out more and more clones, you'd think he'd learn something about clones after all the jounin fight he was involved in...
Sasuke's running away gig is nice, i hope he runs to Itachi (somehow he'll be able to find him), gets his ass handed over to him as usual, and then goes back to orochimaru for a few years.. but that won't happen since Naruto is after him, which means we'll have to see another long winded fight..
This arc is getting longer and longer while staying exactly the same, more one on one fights, more 'i'll use THAT jutsu' speaches, but even less caring from the readers (i stopped caring when Kiba stayed alive for more than a chapter), Kishimoto's only way for redeeming this arc would be to kill a mass of main characters, but he probably won't...
bhaa. i wish all the manga was out... i'm too addicted to be able to stop reading, but i'm getting dissapointed every chapter.
oh well, at least there's still a chance that Tayuya would be cool, but that's another long shot...
RE: Naruto 209 discussion *heavy spoilers*
eveone seems to think Stregth = winning not so simple. and if anyone is going to learn the medical ninja techs it has to be sakura. lets see. sasuka is basicaly studing under oro. naruto under jara and that leaves sakura to fallow in the footsteps of the last legondary nin.
Rock lee returning is a cool thing. has it only been a day tops since they left? it seems longer even if you can redgester that alot of the battles happed close to each other. Rock haveing a temp mend is possible. but even if it isnt temp there is a chance that kimi can manipulate other peoples bones. that be bad.