Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
It starts next episode,Gaara starts his transformation,and of course,beats the shit out of Sasuke.This fight was great in the manga,even though Sasuke doesn't really have a chance againist someone like Gaara.Hopefully they won't water it down like the 3rd vs Orochimaru fight.
Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Hm, honestly to me they didnt really fight, more like Sasuke got beat up badly, though I suppose they will drag it out a bit and put in some more "fight" into it as they normaly do [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Sasuke is too weak, he's also a queer.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Sasuke is cool man!! But even with his training i dont think he can win, let kyubi naruto handle it.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Oh grow up people. *is 5 in the morning so feels like complaning* stop tossing sexuality around so stupidly
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
naruto would own sasuke any time of the day [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
sasuke is a puss
Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Sasuke is probley the the most foolish of all the charecters in this show. He starts off thinking he is a complete bad ass, then always gets beat up by someone. Then he trains comes back trys to fight someone agian and is owned agian. He's a cool charecter but still he's too confident, if he got humbled by his fights (like naruto does) he would probley be able to improve more. So this is just another time that he goes agianst something that is too great for him.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Originally posted by: oni roh
naruto would own sasuke any time of the day [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
sasuke is a puss
can't argue with that fact.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
At this point, Sasuke could kill Naruto. (This point being, the Chuunin arc) He's faster than Naruto, smarter than Naruto, adapts better than Naruto (Not just because of the Sharingan either), and is more level-headed than Naruto.
Plus, he doesn't wear that stupid-ass looking Orange jacket, rely on somebody else's chakra (Kyuubi), doesn't use one jutsu over and over again and actually has form in his fights.
I still don't like how arrogant he is though. Or, how he took Lee's speed. That was crap. Uchiha or not, Kishimoto messed that up, big time. I like Naruto far more than Sasuke (at this point), but Sasuke isn't "gay" or a "puss" like some of you people are putting it off as.
Anyways, I'm looking forward to the finishing of the 3rd fight VS Oro and Shino VS Kankuro, as well as Naruto having Gama-Bunta henge into a giant fox.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
At this point, Sasuke could kill Naruto. (This point being, the Chuunin arc) He's faster than Naruto, smarter than Naruto, adapts better than Naruto (Not just because of the Sharingan either), and is more level-headed than Naruto.
Plus, he doesn't wear that stupid-ass looking Orange jacket, rely on somebody else's chakra (Kyuubi), doesn't use one jutsu over and over again and actually has form in his fights.
I couldnt have said it better. And its the truth as well, so everyone knows its not BS. Good work.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Please don't give us ideas of the next ep. That will just kill the fun of seeing it for ourselfs. Next time please keep it to yourselfs. DON"T SPOIL IT FOR OTHERS
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Spoilers are allowed in open discussion, just don't read the shit if you don't want to know, and both sasuke and gaara are salad tossers
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Originally posted by: AnbuAone
Please don't give us ideas of the next ep. That will just kill the fun of seeing it for ourselfs. Next time please keep it to yourselfs. DON"T SPOIL IT FOR OTHERS
This is open discussion, spoilers are allowed here.
You might wanna go to the anime thread.
Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Originally posted by: Devrok
Sasuke is probley the the most foolish of all the charecters in this show. He starts off thinking he is a complete bad ass, then always gets beat up by someone. Then he trains comes back trys to fight someone agian and is owned agian. He's a cool charecter but still he's too confident, if he got humbled by his fights (like naruto does) he would probley be able to improve more. So this is just another time that he goes agianst something that is too great for him.
the whole point of sasuke coming out as a bad ass and later, getting owned was to set up the story line for him leaving leaf.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
In my opinion, Sasuke is one of the more exciting ad intruiging characters in the anime.
He is, indeed, too arrogant to achieve his full potential at the moment though.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
even tho sasuke may be a punk-ass rookie emo wannabe...he'd still get owned by most of the stronger chars. due to his arrogance; and btw, what's wrong with naruto's jacket?? he's not afraid to show his fashionable side (i'd say he's a metrosexual)
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Originally posted by: rockmanj
even tho sasuke may be a punk-ass rookie emo wannabe...he'd still get owned by most of the stronger chars. due to his arrogance; and btw, what's wrong with naruto's jacket?? he's not afraid to show his fashionable side (i'd say he's a metrosexual)
Hey,Naruto isn't a wannabe gay (that's what metro is,basiclly straight people stealing from gay's culture and lifestyle.Not even gay people can be unique in the 21st century.)
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
At this point, Sasuke could kill Naruto. (This point being, the Chuunin arc) He's faster than Naruto, smarter than Naruto, adapts better than Naruto (Not just because of the Sharingan either), and is more level-headed than Naruto.
How can anyone kill naruto if kyuubi needs naruto alive to survive? It seems to me kyuubi would do whatever it takes to preserve him/her self... Not that I am a naruto expert though...
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
At this point, Sasuke could kill Naruto. (This point being, the Chuunin arc) He's faster than Naruto, smarter than Naruto, adapts better than Naruto (Not just because of the Sharingan either), and is more level-headed than Naruto.
in the manga naruto and saskue fight and kakshi stops them in the midle but naruto is stronger because
of resengn that is more powerful then chidori and sas will lose to gar and naruto will defete gar the point is naruto is stringer than sasuke!
Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Yeah hotsuma that was a stupid comment. (and you criticize itachi for making stupid posts. -_- )
Its obvious that at this point in the anime Naruto would kill sasuke. Why do i say that? Maybe because Naruto beat (or fought equally) with gaara whereas sasuke got his ass handed to him. Remember Naruto can summon gamabunta.
And please stop this shit about naruto having an unfair advantage because of the kyuubi's chakra. I could reverse it completely and say that Sasuke would be nothing without his sharingan or his uchiha blood. Not everyone in the Naruto world is eqaul. Get over it.
Now maybe if you said sasuke would kill naruto at this point in the manga. Maybe then i would agree with you. Once he gets out of that damn coffin he'll be fucking unstoppable.
Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Originally posted by: VagabondLBD
Yeah hotsuma that was a stupid comment. (and you criticize itachi for making stupid posts. -_- )
Its obvious that at this point in the anime Naruto would kill sasuke. Why do i say that? Maybe because Naruto beat (or fought equally) with gaara whereas sasuke got his ass handed to him. Remember Naruto can summon gamabunta.
And please stop this shit about naruto having an unfair advantage because of the kyuubi's chakra. I could reverse it completely and say that Sasuke would be nothing without his sharingan or his uchiha blood. Not everyone in the Naruto world is eqaul. Get over it.
Now maybe if you said sasuke would kill naruto at this point in the manga. Maybe then i would agree with you. Once he gets out of that damn coffin he'll be fucking unstoppable.
Nah, you're wrong. Naruto was losing quite badly to Gaara, and it wasn't until Naruto managed to summon Gamabunta that he actually was able to do much of anything. As for Sasuke, he pretty much had Gaara dead to rights, however, Temari and Kankuro interfered during the Chuunin exam and whisked Gaara away after Sasuke had disabled Gaara.
So Gaara would have lost to Sasuke.
However, it's true that Sasuke would lose to Naruto if he summoned Gamabunta, however that is terribly unlikely since he only seems to be able to summon the great creature out of luck, and when he someone precious too him is getting hurt.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
if naruto was not the main character and he went against someone like itachi or orochimaru. naruto would be narutarded for the rest of his life. he'd get messed up. only reason why he wins fights is because he is the main character. when you guys make versus comparisons, throw out the fact that one is a more significant character than the other. put both of them on equal grounds.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Originally posted by: dazzz
if naruto was not the main character and he went against someone like itachi or orochimaru. naruto would be narutarded for the rest of his life. he'd get messed up. only reason why he wins fights is because he is the main character. when you guys make versus comparisons, throw out the fact that one is a more significant character than the other. put both of them on equal grounds.
Why do that? its not the case. He is the main character, he does have kyuubi and he does have gamabunta. Might as well take away everybody's characteristics then and compare stick figures. Anyways, regardless of him being the main character, kyuubi and gamabunta are enough.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
taking away the fact that naruto is a main character is way different than taking away charcter's abilities.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Well, Naruto is the main character for a reason....
He is not strong because he is the main character, he is the main character because he is strong.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Originally posted by: dazzz
taking away the fact that naruto is a main character is way different than taking away charcter's abilities.
I know, I said even after ignoring the fact he is the main character, sasuke still can't kill him because kyuubi and gamabunta are more than enough. Actually even kyuubi is enough.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
You must remember the Gaara vs Naruto fight was a tie.As for using spoiler tags in open discussion,there are plenty of warnings in the forum description and the pinned thread.If someone stumbles in here,we'll then you might as well read the manga and get it over with.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
yeah the fight was definately a tie, but I don't really like how Naruto gets to pull more and more Kyubi chakra out of his ass whenever he's losing. They're putting him on too much of a winning streak now, if Sasuke was main character he'd probably have a fully developed sharingan by now
Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Originally posted by: VagabondLBD
Yeah hotsuma that was a stupid comment. (and you criticize itachi for making stupid posts. -_- )
Its obvious that at this point in the anime Naruto would kill sasuke. Why do i say that? Maybe because Naruto beat (or fought equally) with gaara whereas sasuke got his ass handed to him. Remember Naruto can summon gamabunta.
And please stop this shit about naruto having an unfair advantage because of the kyuubi's chakra. I could reverse it completely and say that Sasuke would be nothing without his sharingan or his uchiha blood. Not everyone in the Naruto world is eqaul. Get over it.
Now maybe if you said sasuke would kill naruto at this point in the manga. Maybe then i would agree with you. Once he gets out of that damn coffin he'll be fucking unstoppable.
How exactly is that a stupid comment? I provided a legimiate reasoning behind what I said. It's not my problem if people hate Sasuke so much they they ride him off without even giving him a shot at anything. Sasuke was already exhausted from his continuous high speed taijutsu, using Chidori, AND pursuing Gaara, (who was asleep) before this (meaning, in the anime) fight began. He was also fighting against, oh I don't know, a fuckin beast? Naruto, OTOH, used his own, obviously larger chakra storage/stamina, thousands upon thousands of bunshins, Gamabunta, Gamabunta transformed into a fox, Kyuubi chakra [thousand years of pain] and was only able to come up with a stalemate. Did I mentioned, Gaara was also considerably injured because of 3 Chidori's from Sasuke? Yeah. To say Sasuke got his ass handed back to him, is pretty damn exagerated.
Naruto can summon Gama Bunta? Uuh Right. How many times has he been able to summon him, in his uncounted attempts to summon an average frong? Don't give me that "He can summon that Gama Bunta" crap, because it's pretty damn obvious, he can't summon it on the master level like Jiraiya/the Fourth can. And, even if he can, what are the chances of Gama Bunta even listening to a kid? You gotta remember, Gama Bunta, is a high-level summon, and obviously doesn't like to be disturbed, unless absolutely necassary. Even when Gaara was a badger form, he was still griping about it, and him and Naruto bickered at each other. What the heck makes you think, he'll listen to Naruto, just for the sake of killing a lowly boy? If you want to argue with me, don't give me such bullshit one-sided arguments like "he can summon Gama Bunta."
Naruto sucks without Kyuubi. He would've lost to Neji, Haku and Gaara, if he didn't have that. Sasuke is strong, even without the Sharingan. In short, if it weren't for the main character factor, Naruto is considerably weaker than Sasuke.
At this point in the anime, even Naruto gets jealous over how much Sasuke has progressed (evidently more so than himself) since he last saw him.
Winnydapoo and Meshi. I am talking about the anime, at this point. Not the manga, I already know of Rasengan being better. But, this is discussing the anime. And, another thing. If Naruto dies, there's nothing Kyuubi can do. He's not some kind of guardian angel that protects him from death,all the time. If I were to slit Naruto's throat.. he'd die.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Alright hotsuma you're right and im wrong. I don't really give a shit about this anymore. We're fighting over something stupid.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Glad you finally see the truth, Vagabond.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Sasuke-chan is not gay. He's a mysogynist, which is something totally different. The fact that he's obsessed with his bro, however, makes one wonder...
As a matter of fact, all this Oro chasing Saske, Itachi chasing Naruto and so on makes the whole story very fishy, in what gayness is concerned. Not that there's anything wrong with that. And I'd say Gai and Rocky Lee's relationship is platonic, if you're familiar with Ancient Greece ways of teaching...
As for Naruto, he has the Rasengan, which has nothing to do with the Kyuubi. He worked for it on his own. As for Gama-bunta, for now, Naruto can't drink sake, so that might contribute for the frog's difficult behavior towards Naruto. I hope that the drinking age in the Fire country is not 21, otherwise, the series will drag on forever...
Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Huh... now I understand why, when Inuyasha walks in the streets of Tokyo in his red outfit, nobody notices him...
Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
At this point, Sasuke could kill Naruto. (This point being, the Chuunin arc) He's faster than Naruto, smarter than Naruto, adapts better than Naruto (Not just because of the Sharingan either), and is more level-headed than Naruto.
Plus, he doesn't wear that stupid-ass looking Orange jacket, rely on somebody else's chakra (Kyuubi), doesn't use one jutsu over and over again and actually has form in his fights.
I still don't like how arrogant he is though. Or, how he took Lee's speed. That was crap. Uchiha or not, Kishimoto messed that up, big time. I like Naruto far more than Sasuke (at this point), but Sasuke isn't "gay" or a "puss" like some of you people are putting it off as.
Sasuke actually does rely on somebody else's power(cursed seal), Orochimaru's. He doesn't realize that he needs to work hard and train to become strong, instead he seeks shortcuts. I don't believe that Sasuke could easily kill Naruto at this point, as Naruto isn't as weak as you think. About the Naruto vs Gaara fight, Gaara fully transformed into Shakuku when fighting Naruto, which was obviously alot stronger then what he used to fight Sasuke, so just because Naruto only stalemated, its still alot better than Sasuke can do even now in the manga. Other than that I agree with you completely.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Yeah, people in tokyo who dress weird can go pretty unseen. My cousin Ryoko has ALOT of purple hair, and insists on wearing a neon green jacket when we go out...
On topic now, the legal age for drinking in Japan is 20. Though if you look older, you wont be carded. It doesn't happen that often. So, Naruto COULD drink, if he made himself look older with the Henge no jutsu.
Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Did you see Gai taking Lee out for a drink? Konoha is definitly not in Japan...
I would guess that Naruto is almost there when it comes the legal age considering that...
Sorry to go off topic, but just a quick question, since we're talking about limits...what's the age limit for calling a guy -kun?
Sasuke actually does rely on somebody else's power(cursed seal), Orochimaru's. He doesn't realize that he needs to work hard and train to become strong, instead he seeks shortcuts.
You have an excelent point, there, X. Sasuke, really doesn't get that and not even what being a ninja is about. Naruto worked really hard to tame the Kyuubi. Going deep down and facing him wasn't exactly an easy task, not to mention spending the day on Gama-bunta's back. He does deserve *all* the Kyuubi chacra he got.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
I'm 20 and my friends still call me Yu-kun...
Kun and chan are really reserved for children, and adults who know each other closely.
Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Originally posted by: itachi_
Sasuke is too weak, he's also a queer.
hey hey hey! everyone has a right to their own opinion but cut the guy some slack its not like sasuke has a demon inside of him!!! If garra didnt have a demon he would have been beaten by Lee so shut your mouth!!!
Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
If sasuke didn't have his uchiha blood or his sharingan he would suck.
If Naruto didn't have the kyuubi he would suck.
If Neji wasn't a hyuuga he would suck.
If shikamaru wasn't so smart he would suck.
If gaara didn't have a demon he would suck.
If shino didn't bugs he would suck.
The only (main) character that gained all his power on his own is Lee. Thats why people love him so much. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
Rocky has his fuzzy eyebrows... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
ehh hemm..i dont want to be rude but u have been spamming a bit.. *cough i have posted alot but now i only post like 2 times a day.. anyway to me i like sasuke and naruto.both.. there awsome..vagabond good poiny rocklee did everithing on his own..
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
saying if shikamaru wasn't so smart he would suck is same as if lee couldn't open up gates or do taijutsu (pick one) he would suck. but others apply.
RE: Gaara Owns Sasuke pt II
what vagabond said is true. most people dont have any hidden power or natural potential they were born with that they can ride on through out life, thats why everyone does like lee. in thoery if we were to train as hard as lee and such then we could become that fast evne though we all have a natural limit.