This has got to be the best site ever. It has provided me with hours of amusement.
Read the facts. Supposedly, I am a maladjusted, subpar college student with no prospects for the future.
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This has got to be the best site ever. It has provided me with hours of amusement.
Read the facts. Supposedly, I am a maladjusted, subpar college student with no prospects for the future.
me?? aggresive??? i learned how to drive a car with GTA vice city uhh.. learned how to survive cuz of MGS.. skool grades?? wtf is skool? i play cs 25 hours a day.. The good thing gamez tought was english.. i'm dutch sow english ain't my basic language.. well gamez r for fun.. funny site though
I like how they state all this "facts" but don't have any evidence to back it up. I also like how all their articles are offline because they are "due for editing". And they're telling me that my english is bad. Thanks moridin for the link, I needed a few laughs.
Lol @ Shikai. learning to drive from Vice City...there are some positives to videogames afterall.
saying that video games are related to violence is absolutely retarded. the adults are just looking for excuses for their poor parenting. it's more related to bad parenting and the child(ren) being dumbasses than anything else.
Video games don't cause violent attitudes, they cause aggressiveness. Aggression can take many forms besides violence. It can fuel competition, which helps in school. It can cause motivation, which helps in the workplace. Its just a matter of one group only seeing the negative aspect.
Same think happened in my English class a couple of semesters ago. Teacher had us read material about television and video games causing aggressiveness. Then he had us read material about negative effects of violence. Then he had us right a paper on how it was necessary to get rid of television and video games. I dropped the class in the end.
Simply pathetic.
What a senseless way to make people frightened of their own children.
Btw I'm not liking this new layout for the forum at all
cs. is a dangerous thing especiallt if ur next door neighbor loves it aswell and cant play it cuz they have dial-up...well this has happen to me man we constantly yell at eachother flame eactother "say dud u fukin newb he was right behind u" we constantly get into fights about whose we fight for a single round!....idk its hectic the only way i can shake him off my bak is to go to a lan party
yeah ive read that site before, had many hours of laughter on #ukterrorist on quakenet (newssite irc channel)
Symptom: Child spending numerous amount of time in their bedroom and at home
This is a classic sign of a growing gaming addiction. The child spends the majority of his time at home in his bedroom, only breaking out of his base for food and bathroom breaks. This behavior is commonly known as a gaming binge which can last from a couple of hours, a whole night, and in some extreme circumstances, a full 24 to 48 hour gaming binge (occurring usually on weekends).
that made me laugh. only 48 hours? fucking wussies.
dude if u play 48 hours straight get a life go out to the sun for a few...* do not apply this if u play eq* but yea i play like 12 hours straight...iwhich is good enough for naw games dont do harm
We should start our own organization. I've got a name all picked out for it already. We can call it G.A.P.A.V.G. Gamers Against People Against Video Games. What does everyone think? We could even have a website with bullshit "facts" and essays and cool stuff like that.
Hi im Jo King, nice to meet you tooQuote:
Originally posted by: hiddenpookie
dude if u play 48 hours straight get a life go out to the sun for a few...* do not apply this if u play eq* but yea i play like 12 hours straight...iwhich is good enough for naw games dont do harm
Danger: Do videogames teach people how to kill?
Yes. When videogames were linked to the Columbine high school shooters, a frenzy of new research was launched, in which, one team of researchers discovered that first person shooter games do indeed teach gamers with the basic knowledge of how to kill. This research arrived be so conclusive that the U.S. government Army developed a free videogame to be used as a virtual boot camp and killing simulator.
What kind of idiot made this crap? I play games all the time and I do pretty well for a guy who never tries. My skills wouldn't be excellent but they wouldn't be poor either, as they would put it for the people that play games. I feel like finding these type of people and giving them a slap to the face. They would say I did it because of the violent game play, but I would say I did it due to their stupidity. And, comparing games to drug and alchohol....... hahahaha
video games may teach you how to kill a person but it doesn't tell you to do it or not in real life. people who blame games on violence are dumbfucks.
The only games these people would allow within 20 feet of their home would probably be Harvest Moon Animal Crossing and Barbie's Horse Ride..
Wait, Barbie's Horse Ride might be a little too erotic..
OMFG, what're they gonna say about games like NWN and ID and RO?
These games teach children how to properly weild a sword of any size, and to also cast magic missle! They should not be touched!
lol. I Masturbate to Barbie's Horse Ride [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]! Haha I'm just kidding.Quote:
Originally posted by: JessiA
The only games these people would allow within 20 feet of their home would probably be Harvest Moon Animal Crossing and Barbie's Horse Ride..
Wait, Barbie's Horse Ride might be a little too erotic..
OMFG, what're they gonna say about games like NWN and ID and RO?
These games teach children how to properly weild a sword of any size, and to also cast magic missle! They should not be touched!
I sent them an email asking them about their sources and rationality...still no reply...hmm, maybe they don't really have an argument?
ROTFLMAO. The thing with the grades was the funniest.
Don't bother trying to reason with such people, I have tried to reason with insane websites (one such case it was a stupid anti-marilyn manson site by the CFN...I wrote out a perfectly polite e-mail asking them to justify what they say on the site, considering the fact most of the things they said were fraudulent or taken out of context...never got a reply...). At best they'll just sprout the same crap they posted on their site, as they seem to be reacting to shock horror news stories, most of which are created just to have something shocking to keep the viewers of the news interested, and to keep the parents concerned - featuring real politics and current events and actual 'news' just wouldn't do *rolls eyes* so they put in all this bullshit about Vice City encouraging people to murder prostitues (despite the fact that although you are free to do so, you are not, as far as I know, encouraged to kill them) and Manhunt encouraging racism and hatred because the bad guys say certain quotes (despite the fact that these are clearly THE BAD GUYS!).Quote:
Originally posted by: ComeComeParadise
I sent them an email asking them about their sources and rationality...still no reply...hmm, maybe they don't really have an argument?
The social issue is down to the individual, not the medium of entertainment...spending too much time playing games is no different to me than spending too much time reading, too much time watching TV/films etc...
I think the most ridiculous thing they said was that 'underground clans' basically encourage racism, sexism and hatred...where the hell they get that idea I haven't got a clue...
Fortunately video games are slowly being recognised as entertainment equal to (someday perhaps greater than) movies and other such entertainment...hopefully that trend will continue and people such as those on that website can spend their time fretting over "shocking and offensive" things like seeing a tit at the superbowl, and people using bad language on TV...
You know... it is a funny issue. and some could even deny that such an issue could exist but some of it is true.
Comes home and goes straight to computer? check
Spends countless hours in front of the computer? check
Only taking breaks for snack or bathroom? check
Spews profanities when obsolete cordless house phone interrupts game of counterstrike:source? check
I could go on further.
But you know... i honestly have only gotten tunnel vision once from too much gaming, and in cases of playing iceworld_3D in deathmatch mode have spent periods of over an hour without blinking. And on a plus side, my gaming addiction has greatly improved my typing skills ( not that they have ever needed any improvement) but having to type fast commands and what not has actually aided me... let my rant end now and put this day to rest.
LOL, they always blame videogames. How the hell do I get better at maths with videogames?
wow.. this brings back memories frome about 2002 or something..
this site is bull, and by bull i mean not-true...
it was made by some student to show how the internet hype thing works...
he monitored the visits to show how one link in a popular website can bring in more than 10000s of hits, it's pretty cool, if you think about it.
funny, funny, funny. and mostly nostalgic. i feel 15 again.
They never report about things like this;
Yesterday the geek-turned-hero who was shot tackling two robbers in a railway station was released from the hospital. Adam Mapleson was on his way home from work less than two weeks ago when he saw two men struggling with a security guard. When he stepped in to help, he was shot in the chest. Doctors listed him as "serious but stable" when we last reported on the situation, and some gaming forums compiled Get Well Soon cards in response. Now that Adam is all patched up and back in the wild, he can sit down for some well-deserved gaming time.