Kumikiro and Nark
If it wasn't for peeps like you two, this would be fine.
The problem is everyweek someone tries to do something good like this, so we only have one topic instead of two or three, newbs and idiots come in here and complain about it.
Now this will probably get closed since you guys already are screwing it up
well, i also think this is pretty stupid, but if you like it, then go ahead...
just one thing, can you update the topic's name & description when something gets released? cuz some of us get the Raw while some wait for the Scanleted version.
Yeah that is the way it should be done (if we were allowed to do this in the first place, but we aren't).
When I did it I put
Naruto 200
Raw-NOT OUT Scanslation - NOT OUT
Then when something does happen, you can go back and edit it.
I just think people get mad at this because they see the new chapter as a topic, get all excited and then its not even out.
I think this is stupid and yes, I'm a noob and I'm an idiot. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/sleep.gif
Seriously ... when it's not out, this thread shouldn't exist. You are taking out all the fun of racing to gotwoot once the raw is out and create the topic first. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
this thread is good cause we wont get a bunch of 206 raw threads(didnt get it last time) this time raijin just fucked up for some reason....
the raw is out over at narutofan too and it seems to dl faster from there than the other site.
just one thing to say, who's there to gurantee that the thread creator will be the fastest one to know about the english version? and who's to say that he'll be around all the time to check & update? he also has perssonal life and maybe it's night in his timezone?
when it's free-for-all i know that someone will post about it almost immdiatlly, but when it's like this, i won't be able to check this disscussion becuase i don't want to be spoiled by the raw readers, but i won't know for sure if soneone's really lookig after it...
so in the end, i still need to update Narutofan\chuchin every five mintues, so we've got nothing from this thread.
this topic isnt worthless at all if your after the raw and narutofan isnt the first place to get the raw ever they normally have it within about 15 to 30 min after somone ele has it but if your completly addicted that 15 to a half hour count. and any person who just checks one place really istn looking that hard
Well, I d/led it. Everybody's speculation on Kimimaro's bone manipulation was completely wrong.
He looks to be an interesting character. Some Shikamaru footage..and Kiba footage. It's all happening, every few pages.
eh, not too much happened if you ask me, was pretty crazy taht kim can pull is bones out, what a crazy a-hole.
it looked to me like shika had a plan or somethign in mind, just from the look on his face but its too early to tell cause i dont' understand japanese http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/unsure.gif
edit: starting it this early was fine by me, regardless there are already aholes posting other threads about it even with seeing that this one was already up.
I don't see how kimimaro's ability is useful. Isn't that just like having a sword?
From what I saw after he pulled the bone out of his arm, the arm itself was pretty useless. I don't see the advantage of handicapping yourself just to gain a weapon.
On the other hand, the wound healed up really fast after he pulled the bone out so he can probably sustain a shit load of damage and still fight. This could be an effective counter for the rasengan. It seems almost like an absolute defense, 'rip a hole in me if you want I don't give a shit'. Kimimaro is even creepier than Orochimaru.
Kimimaro scares the living sh** out of me.
Run, Kiba, Run! Or you'll be well done!
Shikamaru looks like he's in trouble...
I am glad he showed all 3 fights again. Once again his chapter title had nothing to do with the actual content really, (unless you count those 3 giants at the end "awakening")
I liked the Naruto' Kimimaro fight, but if you ask me they are staring at each other too much. Same with Shikamaru and Tayuya, this isn't DBZ.
Kiba looks like he has something on Sakon now though, I think he will probably win.
kimi doesnt seem to be the badass he was hyped up to be and by the time the real naruto decides to join into the fight kimi will be tired from fighting all the clones.
***Possible, maybe, kinda, spoiler***
supposedly(read in another forum) kiba smelled someone, supposedly besides the people that are there now, he smelled a smell he remembered or something. thought id throw that out there. just check the post urselves. its here
I am hoping Neji and Chouji, but maybe not. I am kind of mixed about whether or not it would take away from the arc if they survived.
I think he could also just be smelling the two of them together again. I don't think he knew that they recombined till then. If not....
So here is who it could be
1. Neji and Chouji
2. Jounin Squad
3. Sakura and someone else
4. His sister and her dog
5. Shino and his dad
6. Jiraiya and Kakashi
Garra and his siblings would fit perfect.... Kankaro(sp?) has his doll... so his two bodies... Temari is very tactical... though not as good and shikamaru... and Garaa... well he has a demon like Naruto... but I think Sasuke will be busting out of the barrel soon... what he will do is anyones guess, but I would be very happy for him to return... this has gone on to long for him to just leave... to... Jedi like
Oro: *heavy breathing* Sasuke... I am your father
Sasuke: No you're not! My father was a great Ninja of the Leaf!!
Just made it kinda early not to have a whole bunch of threads up.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Feb 27 2004, 11:17 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I am glad he showed all 3 fights again. Once again his chapter title had nothing to do with the actual content really, (unless you count those 3 giants at the end "awakening")
I liked the Naruto' Kimimaro fight, but if you ask me they are staring at each other too much. Same with Shikamaru and Tayuya, this isn't DBZ.
Kiba looks like he has something on Sakon now though, I think he will probably win. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
you know they didnt just stand around all the time when we read kiba's fight everything happens at the same time... there is like 1 or 2 sqares(sp?) of staring nothing more you shouldnt complain too much and you do..
Hi Naruto Fan has it translated by Inane!!! Go get it if you are dying to know what happens!!!!!!!! 3;!! http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...ughbounce2.gif
Damn anbupawn is good.
About the whole kiba thing. I think the people that are coming are "bad guys" cause he seems to be pretty scared of them. I would say it is itachi but i don't think kiba ever encountered him. Maybe its oro in his new body. Or maybe oro is actually in gaara's body and kiba is actually smelling gaara. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/ph34r.gif
Edit: Scratch that, it is probably Lee and Sakura. He seems to be suprised and he recognizes the scent.
it has to be someone he is terrefied of. maybe gaara or maybe kabuto (since he did smell him at the chuunin exam)
I went back and read the chapter.
Pages 3-7 were Naruto and Kimimaro staring at each other while Kimimaro did the bone thing.
Then pages 9-10 of them were of them staring at each other again.
All the Kiba pages was him laying on the ground and sniffing. I am not sure who he means now by THEY. Perhaps he just means Akon-Ukon, but it seems like someone else..if it is Orochimaru and Kabuto things are gonna get hot.
16-18 was Shikamaru and Tayuya just talk. Still this fight is the one that we have not seen, so I think next week this will be the main focus, with flashbacks to Naruto and Kiba once each.
(One Piece was a lot better this week, like every other week)
I think he sounds more suprised than scared.
i dont think its so much the fact that he can turn his bone into a sword thats impressive about kimimaru, but prolly the 5 dances he can do that involve the use of his bones
.....just as byakugan is most impressive when used in hyuga specialized fighting techniques, same is prolly the case with kimimaru's bloodline
shure, fine by me. could u guys post when the raw comes out, if possible with a link
Ok. the raw isnt released yet? so this is a tad bit too erly i would say. *sigh* oh well
might as well post a topic on "207 discussion" and "208 discussion"
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AlbinoFury @ Feb 27 2004, 05:21 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> ***Possible, maybe, kinda, spoiler***
supposedly(read in another forum) kiba smelled someone, supposedly besides the people that are there now, he smelled a smell he remembered or something. thought id throw that out there. just check the post urselves. its here </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I don't really think Gaara is going to show up, though.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (moridin @ Feb 28 2004, 12:54 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I definitely do not think its the other Sound Nins. Both of them were injured to the point where they were forced out of their level 2 curse stage. That means even if they did regain consciousness or whatever, they would barely be able to move. No chakra. Also, they would be absolutely worthless in a fight. I've got to agree that its someone he's afraid of, and I mean seriously afraid of. The only person I can think of who creates that much fear in Kiba is Gaara. You have to remember that Gaara has been training as well. Gaara is another that wants to be the strongest, and since he lost, he will definitely train to become stronger. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I agree, it could be Gaara... What if Oro took over Gaaras body.. would he get the sand shield?
It just wouldn't fit for Gaara to turn up now. What relevence does he have to anything? It would be so weird if he just happened to turn up out of the blue.
Someone said before they didn't know what "the awakening" title referred to.... obvioulsy Sasuke is waking up, due to the barrel smoking and fizzing, and Kimimaro even said "soon". We'll probably see him leap out in the very last panel of 207.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hotsuma @ Feb 28 2004, 06:19 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I seriously hope we see a tactful fight between Naruto and Kimimaro next chapter. It's pretty boring to just watch Naruto try to overcome in numbers. Let's see some Rasengans, or combination jutsus, Naruto.
Shikamaru's analyitical skills are second to none. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
naruto probably got 500 kage bunshins left it will take a while to fight them even for kimimaro. and naruto is boneheaded enough to fight with numbers until all bunshins are dead.
eh its was too short. nothing much happend.. hate it when they do this, make me wait longer to see what happens next...
Is one of the 5 dances the Dance of the Crescent Moon that Hayate used?
I doubt it's Jirabou and Kidoumaru also, it seems more likely that Oro and Kabuto would show up to seize the barrel since the Sound 4 seem to be very slow at delivering it.
whats with Shikamaru calling Tayuya a 'he'?
when 'he' uses that jutsu...
is that just a bad translation?
also i thought it was pretty obvious that Kiba was suprized that Sakon and Ukon were coming his way, thats why he wanted to escape.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Feb 27 2004, 07:29 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> All the Kiba pages was him laying on the ground and sniffing. I am not sure who he means now by THEY. Perhaps he just means Akon-Ukon, but it seems like someone else..if it is Orochimaru and Kabuto things are gonna get hot.
</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
It doesn't seem to be Ukon-Sakon. I read somewhere else that the kanji appears to be talking about a different they.
Another guess:
Choji and Neji didn't get those Sound Nins! They're still alive and on thier way back.
yeah my guess is it the other sound nins, they didnt look like they were near death compared to the genins.
Pretty good chapter. And the 201 title page in color was fucking cool.
it isnt jiroubou and kidoumaru they were worse off than neji and chouji if they are up and running already then chouji and neji would be able to fight kimimaro now..
Gaara would be useless around now, every single sound nin besides the fat one would find a way around his sand and after that all he has is his demon.
i doubt Gaara would show up just to save Sasuke
Gaara:"sasuke, i want to be ur friend! im coming!!" doesnt sound right.
i doubt its the 2 sound nins. because Jiroubu got <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>POWNED</span> really hard.................
206 was an ok chapter, that bone thingy was kinda creepy. Too bad Kimi has to 'lose' or so it seems, an arm to get a sword, i wonder how strong his dances will be. Btw I dont think Hayates moon crescent dance is one of the five, probably some other dance moves. Because the moon crescent is a leaf technique, i dont think Kimi knows any of the leafs, well not advanced then.
The people Kiba smelled coming his way surely are not ukon and sakon, cause Kiba knows they are looking for him and thus wont be surprised that they are coming his way. He has to expect them finding him sooner or later since he's wounded really bad and thus wont get far, so its really not Ukon and Sakon.
'Them' couldnt be referred as allies since Kiba was really scared yet surprised at the same time, if it were allies, wouldnt he be just surprised and be happy they are coming to help him?
It's probably some people he wouldnt want to run into and no its NOT Itachi, Kiba never met Itachi so it couldnt be him. Although i would like to see Itachi again in the manga, but anywayz, the one who he is really terrified of till now is Gaara, well back at the forest/chuunin exam. So my guess would be either Gaara and company or the 2 sound nins who seem to have recovered and make a surprise appearance.
i really doubt its Gaara, he cant compare to the sound nins at the moment unless hes gotten alot better.
Gaara couldnt keep up with Naruto when he was Kyuubi'ized and Kimimaros not having much difficulty at all.
as for Kiba vs Sakon - thats over, Kiba escaped so it means Shikamarus in alot of trouble because Sakon will probably return to Tayuya or go help Kimimaro.
i still say sasuke will explode outta his barrel and give kimimaro a good raping chidori thru his steel bones. Sasuke: "hey naruto...........@##%$%@*# OFF"
I Don't Think It's Anyone That You People Said.
I Think Kiba Was Smelling Sakon's Scent, Cause Of The Trail Of Blood Left Behind. So Only 1 Way To Find Out.
Wait Another Week For 207 And See.
As long as we find out SOME answers next chapter.....
I have a feeling it might be just Shikamaru fighting Tayuya though, which will really piss me off.
If we find out who those guys are, and if Sasuke pops out of the barrel in the same chapter, it will be the best chapter in a long time, since the storyline will actually advance beyond one on one fights.
Yeah but you think he would expect sakon/ukon to follow his trail. It has to be someone else.
Lee http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/ph34r.gif
Hm, I Guess You People Don't Read That Well.
Kiba Say's "This Smell....What's Going On!?" (Same Picture) "Why...Why Are They Heading This Way!?"
Then Sakon/Ukon Come And See That He's Gone, Just His Clothes Are There.
So, I'm Pretty Certain He Was Smelling Sakon/Ukon. Though If Neji/Chouji Or Someone Did Come Help, It Would Be Good. But I Doubt It.
I just think sooner or later something big has to happen. One of these fights need to come to a conclusion. I think Kiba might have fakes his escape somehow and he is gonna pounce on the two of them, but it would have been smart for him to go swimming. He probably is an expert at the doggy paddle.
I just can't wait to see angelic Sasuke pop out of the barrel and his Chidori shatter that damn bone sword of Kimimaro (the most overhyped character in the manga I think)
good chapter when you understood what they said. i hope shikamaru does somehintg cool and beats all the 3 summons, not with force of course but with brains http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/smile.gif
i dont think the dance of the cresent moon is one of the 5 dances, i could be wrong tho but kimimaro doesnt seem to be a former leaf nin and the cresent moon dance is a konoha jutsu.
Heh. That Would Be Funny To See.
Sasuke In Cursed Seal Level 2.
I went back in read the chapter again, I don't understand why some people like to complicate things with maybe 2 sound nins came back or something. Of course he meant ukon and sakon.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (_Sasuke_ @ Feb 28 2004, 08:15 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Btw I dont think Hayates moon crescent dance is one of the five, probably some other dance moves. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Why is that ?
The sand nin was surprised that he mastered it so young, remember ?
He said leaf had talented people...Ok it was useless against his attacks...but still i think it was some kickass sword technique.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (_Sasuke_ @ Feb 28 2004, 08:15 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> 206 was an ok chapter, that bone thingy was kinda creepy. Too bad Kimi has to 'lose' or so it seems, an arm to get a sword, i wonder how strong his dances will be. Btw I dont think Hayates moon crescent dance is one of the five, probably some other dance moves. Because the moon crescent is a leaf technique, i dont think Kimi knows any of the leafs, well not advanced then.
The people Kiba smelled coming his way surely are not ukon and sakon, cause Kiba knows they are looking for him and thus wont be surprised that they are coming his way. He has to expect them finding him sooner or later since he's wounded really bad and thus wont get far, so its really not Ukon and Sakon.
'Them' couldnt be referred as allies since Kiba was really scared yet surprised at the same time, if it were allies, wouldnt he be just surprised and be happy they are coming to help him?
It's probably some people he wouldnt want to run into and no its NOT Itachi, Kiba never met Itachi so it couldnt be him. Although i would like to see Itachi again in the manga, but anywayz, the one who he is really terrified of till now is Gaara, well back at the forest/chuunin exam. So my guess would be either Gaara and company or the 2 sound nins who seem to have recovered and make a surprise appearance. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I wonder how it will look in the anime, i bet they'll censore it, remove it totally or you just don't see it...
I seriously hope we see a tactful fight between Naruto and Kimimaro next chapter. It's pretty boring to just watch Naruto try to overcome in numbers. Let's see some Rasengans, or combination jutsus, Naruto.
Shikamaru's analyitical skills are second to none.
Despite the fact that i think Gaara has no skill, it would be sweet to see him, kankuro and Temari return, they really need some back up if they are to take Kimimaro, Sasuke and the other two sounds on.
Why wouldnt the sand send ninja to kill oro? Perhaps the 5th hokage cared enough to send an allied team in to help?
I definitely do not think its the other Sound Nins. Both of them were injured to the point where they were forced out of their level 2 curse stage. That means even if they did regain consciousness or whatever, they would barely be able to move. No chakra. Also, they would be absolutely worthless in a fight. I've got to agree that its someone he's afraid of, and I mean seriously afraid of. The only person I can think of who creates that much fear in Kiba is Gaara. You have to remember that Gaara has been training as well. Gaara is another that wants to be the strongest, and since he lost, he will definitely train to become stronger.
i think we'll see gaara coming up fairly soon in the manga, perhaps when konoha and sand join up to destroy the sound
and i dont know if the sound 4 would be able to beat gaara as easily as some people say they would. Not only has he proven himself to be invincible to all the assassins from the sand village, but orochimaru explicitly chose gaara to play a large role in the destruction of konoha. I think this alone shows just how powerful he stands compared to orochimaru's own men
yeh im guessing the dance thing for kimi is similar to a fighting style for their specific bloodline that accentuates the bloodline ability, ala the gentle fist of the hyuga.
On a lighter note i can see the last dance already, the long forgotten dance of the bone clan, Macarena no jutsu!
Kiba: This smell. Whats going on? Why are they heading this way? Damn, I don't get this at all. I must get out of here.
Since Sakon and Ukon are obviously gonna be following him, you think he would be THAT surprised that they knew where he was? I doubt it. People have mentioned that some people who can read japanese said the kanji implied a different "they." We are not complicating matters. The dialogue implies another group. If it were Sakon and Ukon, Kiba would not say "whats going on." He would just say something on the order of "they've already found us."
On the Dance of the Crescent Moon. I don't think that was just a Konoha technique. From the way Baki was familiar with it, it seems to be a general technique that is just difficult to master.
If he was smelling Ukon/Sakon, why would he say, "I don't get this at all"?
It seems to me that the people Kiba smelled coming towards him were Sakon and Udon. Perhaps he was surprised that they came so close faster than he thought they would.
The dance of the Cresent moon may look cool, but I think thin Kin's sword dances will be speciffic to his bone techniques.
As far as Gaara coming to the rescue, that's just absurd. I know there are some big Gaara fans on this board, but there's no point to him coming now.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AssertnFailure @ Feb 29 2004, 07:32 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i think we'll see gaara coming up fairly soon in the manga, perhaps when konoha and sand join up to destroy the sound
and i dont know if the sound 4 would be able to beat gaara as easily as some people say they would. Not only has he proven himself to be invincible to all the assassins from the sand village, but orochimaru explicitly chose gaara to play a large role in the destruction of konoha. I think this alone shows just how powerful he stands compared to orochimaru's own men </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
the sound four cant beat gaara's shukaku form. remember that naruto won just because he had gamabunta. the sound four would probably die since gamabunta got hurt pretty badly against him.
chapter was heavily dissappointing.
i wish i had more hands so i can give this chapter 4 thumbs down.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>I am hoping Neji and Chouji, but maybe not. I am kind of mixed about whether or not it would take away from the arc if they survived.
I think he could also just be smelling the two of them together again. I don't think he knew that they recombined till then. If not....
So here is who it could be
1. Neji and Chouji
2. Jounin Squad
3. Sakura and someone else
4. His sister and her dog
5. Shino and his dad
6. Jiraiya and Kakashi</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
if it's any of those choices, kiba wouldn't have decided to get away from where he was. he'd stay and wait for the help. and if it's jiraiya and kakashi, oh man, ukon/sakon are majorly screwed. anyway, the reason why i think kiba said "why are they heading this way. i don't get it at all" is cuz he probably thought he made an escape that left no traces for sakon/ukon to be able to follow but the opposite is happening. so i think he is just surprised that they were able to follow him.
and for people who think gaara is somehow involved...WOW. you guys leave me speechless.
yeah it is starting to look like a translation error by whoever posted that on Toriyama World forums, since Inane doesn't even imply that.
In theory couldn't Kiba and Akamaru pull out some soldier pills like they did in the fight against Naruto? Sakon/Ukon are in a bad way right now themselves, the only thing about them is it is freaking hard as hell to damage their body, because Ukon can just block from anywhere, and if they are cut, they just split.
They have to be low on Chakra too...I want to see Kiba win this fight after he has been fighting so well, first the Twin Headed Wolf, then the exploding Akamaru Doll.
actually, i was feeling a bit of build up torwards Kiba dying to save Akamaru, did anyone else think so as well?
i don't see why Kishimoto would want to bring any other characters into this mess, it's not like he can't finish it with what he has already..
BTW: it might be Shino & his father or Hinata & Kuranei coming, i hope the latter. we haven't seen anything from them recentally.
I really want Kiba to survive now, he's been doing so well if would be bad if Kiba would die
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Power PMV @ Feb 29 2004, 08:23 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> lol, this is the last dance of the bone clan:
Kimimaro's clan secret dance
http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/laugh.gif http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/laugh.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
lol that was awesome. but i dont think his dance looks like that tho. lol
The two pages have been mixed up. Just look at Kiba's position. http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/wink.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Feb 29 2004, 06:01 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> chapter was heavily dissappointing.
i wish i had more hands so i can give this chapter 4 thumbs down.
if it's any of those choices, kiba wouldn't have decided to get away from where he was. he'd stay and wait for the help. and if it's jiraiya and kakashi, oh man, ukon/sakon are majorly screwed. anyway, the reason why i think kiba said "why are they heading this way. i don't get it at all" is cuz he probably thought he made an escape that left no traces for sakon/ukon to be able to follow but the opposite is happening. so i think he is just surprised that they were able to follow him.
and for people who think gaara is somehow involved...WOW. you guys leave me speechless. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
agreement that the chapter was pretty bad. no action, just people standing around doing nothing with a barrel catching on fire as a prelude to the socal forest fires.
agreement also on the 'other' group of people. kiba would have stuck around if they were allies. 1. to distract ukon/sakon for an ambush; 2. he'd get help for his wounds
i'm sorry, but these 1-on-1 fights are getting very, very tedious. there better be extra people coming, or it's going to really suck for the next 10+ chapters.
It has pretty much sucked since Tsunade became the 5th, but hopefully the next few chapters will have something going for them.
Sasuke popping out of the barrel next chapter SHOULD happen. I am surprised the japanese fans are not complaining about this shitty storyline.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>the sound four cant beat gaara's shukaku form. remember that naruto won just because he had gamabunta.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
unless they use their sealing techniques yes they might lose, but they could just incase it in the wall thingy and watch itself get hurt while it tries to get out.
That being said, it takes awhile for Gaara to transform - if hes damaged in that time he doesnt transform. If you think the sound 4 are just going to wait around while he transforms then you're just not thinking http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
i wouldnt say this chapter was as bad as all you haters of this arc, who constantly bad mouth it (Hatake Kakashi) - it was far better then last weeks.
It doesn't get any worse than last weeks, thats why. This wasn't as bad, I tend to like the ones where all 3 of the characters are featured more than just one of them.
Oh and I badmouth this arc because it is the worse arc out of the whole manga. Watching this thing get animated is going to be hell. Lets do fights for 30 episodes, with no plot progression. I hope the anime studio does some editing and trims these fights down to one or two episodes each.
the longest a fight will go for in this arc animated would be an episode for Chouji and Neji
Anime usually covers 2-3 manga chapters (unless they want to fill and create cliff hangers (such as 66-67))
I think this wont be too bad animated, at least better then it is in manga form. Why? - simply because manga readers do not want to read fights with minimal talking, animated fights are much better.
Yeah, I gotta agree with Kakashi. I think this entire freaking arc is the most pointless thing I've ever seen. One minute, we've got a bad-ass chain of events going, what with Itachi finally appearing, but then we're going back to Orochimaru, and his sorry ass. Oro seriously needs to just curl up and die. He's had his chance in the spotlight. Not only that, but the most progress made was Kimimaro and even he was just another sudden character thrown in by Kishimoto.
But, I did enjoy reading Neji fight as a good guy.
It seems to me like the Kiba/Sakon/Ukon battle is over - I don't believe Kiba has the ability to win, so running away like this is the best way for the battle to end without Kiba dying, which is something I don't belive he will do at this point.
fights are good but it's getting a bit boring lately. EVERY fight better be over by 210 and sasuke better have come out by then.
never thought about Hayate's dance moves.....you might be onto something there. But if these dances are exclusive to Kimimaro's bloodline, then you can throw away the connection.
They are probably just other sword dances.
I just wish there were more team battles. They are more interesting to see.
well i'm kind of fed up with the way things have been going too, but in a way i like it. Either way everyone would find something to complain about these past few chapters even if we did see Itachi, for 1 i'm glad he hasnt' made too many appearances because it keeps our suspicion up and everybody loving him. I now realize how troublesome it is having to wait so long for just one chapter http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/dry.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Mar 1 2004, 02:30 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>the sound four cant beat gaara's shukaku form. remember that naruto won just because he had gamabunta.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
unless they use their sealing techniques yes they might lose, but they could just incase it in the wall thingy and watch itself get hurt while it tries to get out.
That being said, it takes awhile for Gaara to transform - if hes damaged in that time he doesnt transform. If you think the sound 4 are just going to wait around while he transforms then you're just not thinking http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
i wouldnt say this chapter was as bad as all you haters of this arc, who constantly bad mouth it (Hatake Kakashi) - it was far better then last weeks. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
i didnt say they cant beat gaara i said they cant beat gaara in shukaku form. if they hurt gaara before he transfroms they can kill him pretty easily since he doesnt seem to have any talent exept his sand.
and the arc isnt that bad just stop saying that the chapter totally sucked which it didnt.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (oni roh @ Mar 1 2004, 02:03 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> well i'm kind of fed up with the way things have been going too, but in a way i like it. Either way everyone would find something to complain about these past few chapters even if we did see Itachi, for 1 i'm glad he hasnt' made too many appearances because it keeps our suspicion up and everybody loving him. I now realize how troublesome it is having to wait so long for just one chapter http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/dry.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
i think i'd love him even more for everytime he makes an appearance.
sasuke needs to come out...
Sasuke needs to die!
Woh0, w00t check my posts 1337, you know what that mean http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif ELITE!!! 1337
When Kimimaro starts to undo his shirt, I was fuggin' sure he was going to use the Lapdance no Jutsu or the Striptease no Jutsu, or something like that. Jesus... the idea creeps me out.
Other than that, yeah, disappointing. Nothing happened 'sides Kimimaro showing off (I don't want to make any boner-related jokes here) and Shikamaru looking scared. And Naruto pissed.
Maybe Kiba's going downstream 'cause he smelled someone else... perhaps the jounin team? So maybe he'll find Shizune and the others? With Sakon in the state he's in, surely the remaining jounin could defeat him... Shizune was recognized to be good by Kabuto, and he's better than the Four Gates.
Hope next chapter we'll finish with Kiba's side and then fully go back to Shikamaru and Naruto.
And no more undressing, please...
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AlbinoFury @ Feb 29 2004, 01:32 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
On a lighter note i can see the last dance already, the long forgotten dance of the bone clan, Macarena no jutsu! </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
....that is so right!! Macarena no Jutsu... must be deadly. Along with the YMCA no Jutsu and, while its not a dance, the Song that never Ends no Jutsu too...
...we should make a list of these things. With the Sexy and Harem no Jutsu on top.
It was long time ago I read the manga, but didn't naruto had a draw against gaara, both were out of chakra and were laying on the ground ?
Yeah but naruto was crawling over to finish the job then sasuke came and stopped him.
I think when it comes round to it, each fight from this arc will probably only last 1 or possibly 2 episodes of anime. They won't drag it out too much, it's not DBZ.
Imagine the length of the battles in the anime version of the chuunin exam tournaments - I think that the battles we're viewing now will probably be of similar length, and that's not too bad in my book. Anything looks ok compared to the length of some of the DBZ battles.
dont forget the ultimate defense jutsu...... Run and Hide no jutsu http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/ph34r.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Winged Dancer @ Mar 1 2004, 04:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> (I don't want to make any boner-related jokes here) </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Did I just hear that? tsk...tsk...tsk...
Hey, its your screenname... go and make those jokes yourself =P
'Sides, I'm a girl. I'm suppossed to be more refined than that... suppossed.
Yeah and I'm also "supposidly" refined too. *wink wink
lol but alright fair enough.
it cant be sakon/ukon cuz kiba knew they were coming because of the blood trail before he discovered the scent. like everyone said its prolly not a leaf shinobi or else kiba wouldnt have been scared and leave. i doubt its orochimaru cuz he doesnt know his scent cuz he was knocked by kabuto. could be shikamaru and tayuya. gaara and co. theory isnt too farfetched cuz kiba knows their smell and hes afraid of gaara.
It's Udon and Kanohamaru!! They are the true force behind Orochimaru/etc http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoti...aughbounce.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (MemnochTheCaT @ Mar 2 2004, 01:51 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> It's Udon and Kanohamaru!! They are the true force behind Orochimaru/etc http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoti...aughbounce.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
no, it's only Udon. Konohamaru sucks!!!