I hope Sasuke comes out of the barrel soon, and he and Naruto team up on Kimimaro. That is the only thing that can save this arc for me, other than some other cool people showing up...
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I hope Sasuke comes out of the barrel soon, and he and Naruto team up on Kimimaro. That is the only thing that can save this arc for me, other than some other cool people showing up...
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hotsuma @ Feb 20 2004, 11:57 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Naruto Kagebunshin no jutsu Rushdown = Fucking BORING SHIT. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
and as for kishimoto "choking," personally, i don't think he is. the series can't always be action packed, drama filled, and what not every chapter. there has to be up's and downs. and if you guys think this is a down, then i guess the up will have more action and drama involved.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Feb 20 2004, 09:31 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I wish I could find an artist http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif Anyone that wants to do a short manga strip with me, pm me and we can talk.
As for your action comment.......
Go read Hajime no Ippo, Flame of Recca, and Rurouni Kenshin. They will show you how damn good this genre of manga can be when it is done right.
Kishimoto was on the right track at the start, but now he has completely diverted from the path. He is kind of choking now. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
first of how the hell can you put hajime no ippo in the same genre as kenshin, flame of recca and naruto? jaime no ippo is a sports manga. it goes together with prince of tennis and hikaru no go for example.
this chapter was quite good action-wise. something finally happened. and akamaru should die. he will die of blood loss soon enough. that little body dont contain that much blood.
get it at NarutoEx
May Akamaru find peace in the next world.
Damn that was fast.......oh wait a minute it is 3 AM!
Well at least Kishimoto cut between two fights this time.....
Still, this is getting old fast.
what the hell is going on.
EDIT: i doubt akamaru is dead...i can't see see kiba without his companion. i mean, isn't that how he's clan is (person + dog)?
i think we all know how you feel about this arc, you seem to mention it constantly in every post you make.
cant wait for the translation http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Feb 20 2004, 03:02 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i think we all know how you feel about this arc, you seem to mention it constantly in every post you make.
cant wait for the translation http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
It is just pretty bad when myself, an amateur writer, have most likely written a more exciting arc than the manga creator himself.
I am liking my Sound Infiltration arc better and better......at least I didn't drag out these damn fights for so long, and explain every damn thing to the audience and the opponent.
Kishimoto, if you are reading this step down and let me write, you can draw http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
Just kidding, but you have to admit that after 4 months of this every week, this type of storyline is just boring.
Oh and if Akamaru dies, then Kiba would have to get a new puppy. So if Akamaru dies, then Kiba dies.
Spoilers for the raw. I can read japanese, so I'm basically explaining what I understood... if you don't want to spoil anything before the Inane translation, don't read.
(I didn't translate all, though...)
OK, first, Akamaru is not dead. Kiba is holding him and thinking of the way Akamaru protected him, saying something like "...I'm so glad... he's still breathing... I'm so glad..." and then something about how thanks to Akamaru Kiba was able to move/live, and "...now, I'll be the one protecting you."
Ah yes, Ukon believed that Kiba had abandoned Akamaru and got away - and then the exploding puppy no jutsu (eeep) did its thing and bam. Ukon is angry too, you can see him screaming "I'LL RIP YOU APART!!" at the top of his lungs.
Then Sakon comes by and tells Ukon that its "time to sleep", that he'll be fighting now. They merge, but it seems Ukon doesn't want to sleep... they'll fight together again, and from what I understood, they are quickly loosing power - Sakon's seal was already receeding, and with the two of them, I doubt they can keep the 2nd level much longer if at all.
I'm stil hoping Kiba wont die. He may not have unfinished business like Neji, but I like him.
As for Naruto... I was hoping that he'd get to punch Kimimaro at least once. Ah, he'll do that later, after receiving a good beating. I have to agree that Naruto's fights are repetitive, but that's kind of what I like about the character - he's not a genius with 1568 tricks under his sleeve, nor does he have any bloodline ability nor even a family jutsu. He's a begginer with three good moves and he does what he can.
By the way, it seems Kimimaro's "knifes" are actually bones. When he grabs a hold of them, Naruto says just that: "...bones?", and I believe Kimimaro, in the last panel, says that that is his bloodline ability.
So most probably he can produce knifes from every part of his body, as we'll see later... the move he uses to escape Naruto's rush is called, I think, "Shadow Dance" or something along those lines.
Finally, what can we expect next week?
"Naruto vs. Kimimaro, and then Shikamaru, Kiba's destiny is...!? Coming, "Waking up..."!!"
(It's either "Waking up" or "Opening your eyes" or something like that. Kanji's too blurry.)
So, next week we'll have a little bit of the three ^^
what makes this arcs storyline any worse then the others?
so far most of naruto has taken place in chuunin exam, which has basically no story other then to complete an exam - its DURING the arc that twists occur.
Kimimaro is going to supply the majority of them.
And if your stories are so exciting why dont you sell them or start up a manga with an artist http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
if you're expecting every chapter of an ACTION series to be dramatic then you're looking in the wrong genre
I wish I could find an artist http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif Anyone that wants to do a short manga strip with me, pm me and we can talk.
As for your action comment.......
Go read Hajime no Ippo, Flame of Recca, and Rurouni Kenshin. They will show you how damn good this genre of manga can be when it is done right.
Kishimoto was on the right track at the start, but now he has completely diverted from the path. He is kind of choking now.
Did Kiba run away with Akamaru? That was what I was getting from massive interpretation of the images. No Shikamaru this week. Makes me sad.
Flame of Recca was good but the ending seemed sort of rushed. Kishimoto isn't doing bad right now. This seems more like character development time. After these series of fights, things should move along (at least that's what I think). We hadn't really seen much of anyone except Naruto and Sasuke, and it makes a boring story to only have two characters people care about.
Kishimoto isnt choking, the manga is gaining more and more readers - not less.
i wouldnt start to find flaws with this arc before you carefully disect the themes present, and themes yet to come.
as for your favourite arc of the Wave country, out of all of the arcs so far in naruto this arc is the closest in the theme.
if you cant see this then you probably wont get past an amatuer writer http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
not to seem like i'm attacking you or anything but i'm giving constructive critizism but as for sound infiltration it didnt really keep my interest, didnt really have any flares in storyline that made me want to keep reading past the first page
Don't worry about it, I take criticism daily with my coffee.
I agree that he is trying to replicate some factors of the wave country arc into this pursuit thing, but for some reason I am just not buying it. If Neji, Kiba, and Chouji all die, then I MIGHT go back and say, yeah this was a good arc. But if all of them show up fine, I will most likely talk shit on it for the rest of my days.
I just really think he is dragging the fights on for too long without a break in the action for character development. Its like, "I know this might kill me, but I have to help my friends anyway I can....Sasuke isn't important to me, but I am a ninja....i have to protect and help my comrades"....enough is enough.
I don't think it's so much that the plot is getting worse but the story is getting slower. Waiting week after week for an inch of story to develop is getting tiresome. IMO it's attributed to the way Kishimoto decides to expand his story too much. It's one thing to make a short movie with great expanding possibilities such as Star Wars. But it's totally another thing thing your trying to make a manga series that's over 205 chapters long.
The minute Oro survives and had the 5 sound-nins start their one-on-one fight should be a dead give-away as to how long Kishimoto wants Naruto to drag. I really enjoy how Naruto's character focus is, but god damn he's still expanding the story when it's already chapter 205! Sure it's what gives Naruto that unique depth.
But by inputting character after character along with other strange world rules he's setting himself up the story to be way too grand.
He needs to seriously realize that his manga has reached maturity and needs to stop the expansion to immdeiately go with a centralized plot. And he's already got Anko's relation with Oro, Akutsa (sp?), other countries, Itachi, Lee's recovery, Neji's freedom (if he's not dead), Kakashi with Obito, and a whole assortment of subplots that he needs to develop.
But other than that I liked this chapter...ahem <u>Kyubi</u> Naruto getting owned... http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/mf_gap.gif
Neji still has unfinished business, as for Chouji and Kiba they're most likely to die.
if Neji was going to die his seal would have disappeared - so we know he isnt.
as for the arc, its catering to the anime generation, this arc will definately be the best in terms of fight scenes since each genin was matched up well.
i know reading fight scenes each week isnt too exciting but just imagine what they're going to be like in the anime, also the anime covers at least 2 manga chapters usually so it'll be alot faster then.
ty winged one
What's wrong with huge, expansive, multilayered epic plots? The longer a person has to tell a story, the more it can be fleshed out and the better it will ultimately be. 1 on 1 fights may seem repetitive, but let's face it; in each fight, the characters fighting get a bit more development. Having multiple fights ging on at once in the same area reduces the ability to develop the characters. And let's face it; despite all it's action, Naruto is character-driven. Any character development opportunities are taken.
That said, I enjoyed this chapter, although I need a translation to really determine what has happened.
i think some people have to die. new characters need to be introduced (ones which m,ake sense thoguh) or sasuke needs to come out to make this arc much better.
its slow but the action is good, i think kishimoto will make something out of this. i mean if this manga wasnt that amazing do u think people would still be around 205 chapters later?!
kishimoto will do what is right. he can do some amazing things wih this arc. he proabbly has it all planned out way past this arc it just takes time to draw it.
just wait and see.
I have to agree with Hatake Kakashi. Kishimoto is bogging down. I think what's happened is that he had a great idea, and right in the middle of it, he's over-reaching because the idea that was great turned out... a little plodding when implemented. This is extremely common of anime and manga. A great story gets a little tiresome and then BAM, the end. They need to rush the end because they realized that the couple episodes leading up to the end drew things out way too far. And jeez, this is definitely drawing out too far.
It's tough to put together these huge stories and keep a cohesion that interests people. I'm definitely starting to flag in my love for the story. There was definitely a time when I looked forward to the story without reservation. Now, I figure I might as well not read the story for several months, and come back at a bi-monthly interval to monitor Kishimoto's glacial progress through what's turning out to be a predictable morass. (Hmmm, I wonder what's going to happen next week. Perhaps another fight with the genin who somehow match up with the equivalent of the Sound Village's ANBU?)
Don't get me wrong. I'm addicted to the story, and hate that fact.
put yourself in Kishimotos shoes for a second here, after seeing the major sucess of the anime hes starting to develop the manga so it will complement the anime moreso and please his target audience.
for him he wouldnt really care if a few english readers were getting bored with the current storyline if the majority of the japanese audience liked it (which they do)
i think the major problem for most people here is that its not involving anyone but genins, (every other saga has involved jounins and higher) and people are starting to get bored with the limits of genins.
if you were a fan of any of the characters fighting you'd love these manga chapters, if you were a fan of the higher level nins then you'd hate these chapters.
also one last thing, with repitative comments of 'how dull' the story is getting what are you trying to achieve? we know thats how you feel about it but complaining about it here isnt going to change anything, are you trying to get more people to dislike it also?
Meh, y'people shouldn't complain about the manga's length. If it was any shorter, you'd complain it was rushed, don't deny it. Whether you want it or not, or whether you think its too slow or not, the manga will be looong. One Piece is at chapter 291 or so (not sure) and the end is not in sight... Just list what we need to see in Naruto before it ends.
- Kakashi's past
- Kabuto's past
- Naruto's past (his lineage and all)
- Whats the real deal with the 4th?
- Orochimaru's death/end/whatever
- Everything related to Akatsuki. (and I insist we need Oro out of the picture before Akatsuki can fully and completely develop into the new bad-guy/group)
- Itachi.
- Itachi and Sasuke's fight.
- Rock Lee's surgery and recovery.
Anything else?
All in all, thinking that story-arcs take around 40 chapters to finish, I say we have enough for at the very least 150 more chapters, if not more.
I, for one, would rather have a slow-paced, well-explained, clear manga than one that goes faster but leaves things unexplained or full of plot holes. Because there's nothing I hate more than a series which, at the end, explains/achieves nothing... like the Wolf's Rain anime.
I like it just the way it is.
Some of you guys want change but like WD said if it were to change then you guys would just find something else to complain about.
good point. i think this manga will be 400 or more chapters if u ask em. maybe 500. aslong as everything is explained im happy.
good point winged dancer. i think ppl complain just for the sake of complaining. its no use complaining, the reason why you guys feel that the manga is going no where is because its 1 chapter a week. its about 20 - 25 chapters since the chase started and that is roughly 2 volumes which you read in about 1 ½ - 2 hours if you read in a nomral pace. thats not as much as you guys seem to think it is. just read the part again and you wont feel the same.
thanks am now dling at 2.7 megs, o never mind im finished only tookl 5 secs
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Winged Dancer @ Feb 20 2004, 03:27 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> As for Naruto... I was hoping that he'd get to punch Kimimaro at least once. Ah, he'll do that later, after receiving a good beating. I have to agree that Naruto's fights are repetitive, but that's kind of what I like about the character - he's not a genius with 1568 tricks under his sleeve, nor does he have any bloodline ability nor even a family jutsu. He's a begginer with three good moves and he does what he can. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
yeah, he has something more powerful than a crazy bloodline or a family jutsu. KYUBI CHAKRA.
<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>LAME</span>
I agree insom. It won't change a thing; the criticism is just that.
I'd say that the reason I'm bitching is exactly the reason you defended him: he's doing what he's doing to compliment the anime. That means, he's doing it to the exclusion of the story, which for massive chunks of time becomes non-existent. It'd be nice for him to say, "man, I had a great thing going. And it was all because of the story. Why don't I get back to that?"
As far as Naruto being in the action category, that's been only recent. Think of the first 5 episodes. There was comedy, fighting, story, and character development.
In the past 10 manga issues, try to pick out the comedy, story, and character development. Let me help you... *places a microscope on the table*
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Feb 20 2004, 05:58 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Winged Dancer @ Feb 20 2004, 03:27 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> As for Naruto... I was hoping that he'd get to punch Kimimaro at least once. Ah, he'll do that later, after receiving a good beating. I have to agree that Naruto's fights are repetitive, but that's kind of what I like about the character - he's not a genius with 1568 tricks under his sleeve, nor does he have any bloodline ability nor even a family jutsu. He's a begginer with three good moves and he does what he can. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
yeah, he has something more powerful than a crazy bloodline or a family jutsu. KYUBI CHAKRA.
<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>LAME</span> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Yeah, whatever, he's so friggin powerful that mostly everybody can kick his ass until the last second, in which he ends up winning.... this is a shounen manga, the main character is suppossed to have some ultra-great power which he only uses in the last second. Get over it. All other shounen manga are the same. Dragon Ball. Yu Yu Hakusho. Hunter X Hunter. 666 Satan. Even Yu-Gi-Oh seems to have that. It's what shounen manga is about - ultimate powers, lengthy fights, and (most of the time) a half-moronic hero who is overly-strong but too clumsy.
If you don't like the idea, go read a shoujo, or a seinen. Go read Saigo Heiki Kanojo (SaiKano), that is a good, ultra-power-less manga full of the drama and/or plot you all seem to desire....
Kiba's father had a big wolf,could be a hint as to what Kiba would have later.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> He needs to curl up and die. He's had his spotlight, now it's time for him to move on. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
if Orochimaru dies then so do alot of the unrevealed secrets in Naruto, out of anyone in the entire series Oro has the capicity of knowledge about different characters such as Itachi, Kakashi & Kabuto's past.
if you think that Orochimaru's going to die then geez what series have you been reading - OBVIOUSLY hes going to live on for a long time due to the fact that hes got himself a new body.
lol @ winged dancer
I also think Orochimaru needs to live. The story will probably change focus after this arc but you just can't kill off Orochimaru. I assume sasuke will go to Oro and naruto and co will leave or something. And then somehow the akatsuki comes into the picture.
So basically my point is that Oro doesn't necessarily need to die for the story to progress, the story just need to focus on some other villin.
what the hell.
ummm, naruto's fighting style is absolutely boring as hell. i can probably predict what's gonna happen next and i think a lot of others can too.
non-boring fighting styles:
to me naruto (the character) is boring to watch cuz it's ALWAYS kage bunshin no jutsu > rush in > all clones get whooped and then: rasengan or summon gamabunta and if everything fails, kyubi chakra. and process repeats until victory.
wake me up when someone exciting fights. where is the sleepy smiley?
the main reason why people are getting bored with this arc is the lack of higher level nin's basically, in every other arc there were jounins fighting as well - even hokage level battles.
once the genins fights have been concluded the story will improve, you'll just have to wait http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
i'm not hating this arc although i do think they could have finished some of the fights earlier by making them more then just one genin vs one sound nin.
you cant expect such a long running series to stay constantly good all the time, even kenshin had its bad moments. every long running series has a 'slow' moving time but then it recovers - once the fights are done with the story will recover.
im tending to agree with winged, i mean most of the people here bitch profusely yet somehow they enjoy naruto enough to read close to 4 thousand pages of it, thats right 4 thousand pages if you average 19 pages for 205 chapters. With that being said i enjoy naruto profusely and i only bitch about bitchers(cyclic maybe?) newho naruto 2 thumbs up! http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif unless neji dies then i will join the legion of constant moaners and bitchers, hehehe.
btw is it just me or does this emoticon look like someone whacked it in the head with a shovel? http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...aughbounce.gif
from the looks of it i can bitch about the character naruto as much as i want and still have no problem with the series naruto. but i'm sure you guys can see that.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Feb 20 2004, 08:03 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> from the looks of it i can bitch about the character naruto as much as i want and still have no problem with the series naruto. but i'm sure you guys can see that. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
i think we all just gave up on listening to you anyway, we can make the logical jump. youll say x, then itachi is better than x, x is upholdable for all cases x except for itachi. i kid i kid http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
btw what do you think itachi vs itachi? who would win? lol
Heheheheh, I'm with Albino Fury here sure, y'all go ahead and bitch about Naruto and Kiba and whatever, I know that you still like the manga - I'll just keep bitching about bitchers and whining about whiners.
Hey, I think we are all part of the fandom... there's the haters, there's the lovers, there's the hater's haters, and then there's the yaoi fangirls, which is one kind of fan I'm sure everybody here dislikes/is afraid of...
...hey, at least I hate the idea of Sasuke and Kakashi making out. Eeeew, just sends shivers down my spine...
Also, I'm not saying Orochimaru should die now. I agree with Insomnias... Orochimaru still has a share of secrets to reveal, from Kabuto to the Akatsuki, and he got a new body, so he's not dying of old age any soon.
I, however, stilll think that he needs to die before we can fully move onto the Akatsuki. But he wont die for, say, around 80 or 100 more chapters.
Then again, he might not die at all.
....but given he's a bad guy, he's bound to die sometime before the manga ends.
And since Itachi's definitely stronger than Oro, then Oro has to die before Itachi does.
dont forget kishimoto is a DBZ fan, so im guessin this is HIS freeza saga, i just hope that naruto doesnt try to use a henkidama.....errrr, i mean rasengan that lasts half a year
in the end orochimaru has to die or never apear ever again. cuz if he doesn't, it'll be a never ending battle of destroying konoha and then good guys saving it.
where the fuck is 205 inane.
Let me chuck my 2 cents in here again.
- I expect this series to last into the 6 or 700s, at least. I'm not bitching about length of story, or breadth of scope. I am reading / have read 10 volume 700 page / book series before, so I don't mind the length. And those series have more characters and character development than Naruto possibly could, given page count per issue.
- I don't mind fights. They're fun, they advance the story, and we see a lot of character development with them, because they're always talking about how they're fighting. (Which is a little weird. "Watch as I do my super move that you can't beat! Here's how it works, and this is an illustration of it so that you can figure it out and beat it. Thanks!")
- My expectation isn't that the series always be "amazing" or fast paced. There's always slowdowns in any story this size.
My criticism comes in the form of "what the heck are you doing?!" I'm just tired of repetition, and hope Kishimoto swings back around to the point where he was keeping me interested and intrigued.
thats the end of the story though, Orochimaru will die when then series finishes, hes the 'big bad guy'
Itachi will die sometime near the end
Insomnia's right. I kinda miss the day to day interactiveness between the ninja's.
(uhh spoilers, but shouldnt that be obvious?)
i officially declare akamarus kunai jutsu, as(drum roll please) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . exploding puppy no jutsu. poor guy, seriously i need a translation just so i can alleviate the wtf factor. btw kimi looks pretty cool all knives out and whatnot.
Bah, Orochimaru isn't the bad guy, he's a bad guy. Isn't the (shhh, undercover) real focus akatsuki? Naruto has Kyuubi; Kyuubi is one of the youma; Akatsuki is after the youma for their own (twisted, diabolical!) scemes (and it would have worked if it weren't for you meddling kids!).
Damn. I need to remove the parenthesis keys on my keyboard.
I forsee Orochimaru being killed by Sasuke before team 7 gets into the fray with Akatsuki. Itachi will not be killed by Sasuke, but by Naruto. At that point, Sasuke will have ended the little spat with Naruto. (And realized that killing is bad, mmkay?) Erm, a nice fight between Kabuto and Itachi would rock too. We'll see.
I don't think I'm going to download the next month's issues. And see how a montly dip into the well is.
Yeah, xtort has a big point there. Orochimaru is not the bad guy - he might be it at the moment, but the big, ominous shadow is Akatsuki, and think of it.... Itachi is way more powerful than Orochimaru, and yet he's not Akatsuki's leader.
So, in maybe two hundred more chapters (wohoo. I'm so happy, goddamnit all, its just another fuggin' year or more), we'll get a glimpse of the true bad guy, the one who can actually own Itachi... either that or Itachi ends up being the bad guy.
As for who kills who... I don't care at the moment. Sasuke will, at some point, learn that vengance is not the way or something like that, so I don't care if he gets to kill Itachi or not.
...but it'd be cool if Naruto did kill Itachi and Sasuke got angry... it'd make for a dramatic story-arc.
Here's a noob ass question.
What's an "arc"?
An arc is... how to explain it...
Well, an "arc", or "story-arc" is a story that builds another story. Um, it's sort of a small story within the main story.
So, here you have the Naruto main story - a boy whom everybody hates and ignores, trying to be acknowledged and fighting to earn the highest title in (basically) the world. Along the way he meets people, gains friends, and starts earning the respect of everybody.
That's Naruto in a nut-shell, right?
But that story is composed of many others, smaller stories. The "Wave Country story-arc" is the first important one, as it forces the characters to face death for the first time and realize that they are, ultimately, "tools".
The next big story-arc is the Chuunin exam, which serves for three purposes...:
1) Introduce Orochimaru, give Sasuke the Curse seal and "convince" him of killing Itachi
2) Introduce Jiraiya and Naruto's learning of the Summoning Jutu
3) The set up for the Sound Infiltration
Next, there's the Sound Infiltration Arc, which, accordding to Kishimoto, was made to show the contrast between Gaara and Naruto: They both have demons sealed within them, but one has a family while the other has nothing; and yet Gaara can't trust anyone while Naruto has gained precious people.
It also kills the 3rd, which serves for the next arc...
The Legendary Sannin story arc, which basically serves to introduce Itachi, hospitalize Sasuke, and find Tsunade, who had lost faith in humanity but regains it thanks to Naruto.
And now the current story-arc, which I only call "Sasuke in a barrel", which is... basically getting Sasuke back. We'll see where it takes us.
Of course, in between these arcs we have other, smaller stories... basically, characters developments, such as Hinata and Neji's past, Rock Lee's, Sakura and Ino's, and so forth...
...where's Inane's translation, anyway?? As if you couldn't tell by the post lenght, I'm bored, so I'll just wander off to read Tresure Island again...
I'm just annoyed that Kishimoto decided to split the team up. Everyone's got to go mano a mano against these monsters of Orochimaru, and each of them is dropping one by one. It would be nice if say, they decided to have a big ass fight as a team. We haven't really seen much teamwork since the begining of the series. I think Kishimoto has a problem with coordinating large team fights, so he's reverted to Dragonball Z style fighting.
I just hope Naruto's hair doesn't turn yellow...
.. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
.. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/dry.gif
.. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/blink.gif
...damn too late.
It's not so much the length of the story I was refering to but rather it's general direction. So far we have been distracted by so much expansion that any concrete focus for whatever the main plot is, is well...gone. I don't think anybody even hates Naruto (we all like it obviously since we're here talking about it) but I think I can speak for many of us...our patience is running thin.
It's like c'mon we need to get to the goods NOW! No more teasing.
Having the story go from Oro, the sound invasion, Itachi showing up, Higher akutsuki members, and then back to Oro (even worse his underlings) is well...pretty much the equivalent of a cramped orgasm as far as I'm concerned.
Long stories are good, but 10 years just for it to get anywhere isn't...cough Berserk.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Itachi will not be killed by Sasuke, but by Naruto. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Then Naruto will never become hokage.
Sasukes reason for living is to kill Itachi, Narutos reason for living is become Hokage. If Naruto kills Itachi then Sasuke wont stop till he kills Naruto.
not only that but Itachi cannot be brought down by a non sharigan user when he uses Mange Sharigan, theres only two possible people who can use the sharigan to beat Itachi - Sasuke and Orochimaru in Sasukes body.
Naruto might never become Hokage, perhaps he will change goals after this mission...bringing peace to the ninja world.
That way their wouldn't need to be military generals/leaders like Kages. Everyone could live in peace, hey it would make a nice little ending for the manga series.
Kages are there to bring peace, they're just like presidents and such.
without leaders there will only be chaos
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Feb 21 2004, 12:15 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Itachi will not be killed by Sasuke, but by Naruto. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
not only that but Itachi cannot be brought down by a non sharigan user when he uses Mange Sharigan, theres only two possible people who can use the sharigan to beat Itachi - Sasuke and Orochimaru in Sasukes body. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
In the past I use to support that idea alot. But lately I'm beginning to wonder if it's still going to be true, depending on whether Kishimoto decides to throw in another "exception to the rule." Case in point? Neji's moves that got countered so easily. Guess these ultimate moves aren't as absolute as we thought. Pray that Kishimoto keeps it together and not throw anything new to the table.
I think Orochimaru IS the ultimate badguy.
Not Itachi.
orochimaru is the snake that sought immortality - and he's found it.
The best twist of all would be to have orochimaru get sasuke's body and kill itachi.
And naruto finishing orochimaru off after a few years into the future.
I predict 1000 chapter manga. (would that be a first ever?)
After all the setting up Kishimoto's done, I'm sure that would be very possible. Kinda like Hikaru No Go where we get to watch the characters actually do some growing up.
Afterall - how is Naruto going to become hokage at the age of 14... 13? ... whatever he is? His voice hasn't even cracked yet. Oh my, that will be an annoying arc... "Naruto's Puberty: Hotheaded annoying teen becomes more annoying".
Well 1000 episodes!
And Itachi killed by Oro in Sasuke's body.
Orochimaru has to last to the end. Itachi's just a side-story for Sasuke's character - even if he is after Kyubi. You'll never get rid of the undergound Akatsuki, it's like the Illuminati.
Orochimaru is immortal, he experiments on people and disfigures human bodies, creates demons - shall i go on?
Orochimaru is the EVIL in Naruto
Itachi is the diet evil - just bad not exactly insane, his existance is basically just for Sasuke, he may be stronger but hes no way near as evil.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>The best twist of all would be to have orochimaru get sasuke's body and kill itachi.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
i would have to say the best twist in Naruto would be if Orochimaru got Itachi's body and kohona had to go up against him with the help of their allies, ending the series with a period of peace after the storm.
Did someone just badmouth Berserk?...It's a MASTER piece...a truly awesome story. Some things take time...and a well written manga (like berserk)happens to be one of them. And I for one thought Berserk was good from the get go...and it STILL is. It didn't take 10 years for it to get good...i wonder if the people who complain about mangas appreciate how difficult it is to write an ongoing story...without major plot holes...and keep it interesting for several years. Ugh...I don't think the taka no dan arc...or any other berserk arc would have been as good if it was rushed.
Naruto Kagebunshin no jutsu Rushdown = Fucking BORING SHIT. I can't wait to see what kind of trick Kimi will do. He seems to be more than a match for the Kyuubi-chakra bunshins. I think he'll beat Naruto, but will have to deal with Sasuke immediately afterwards.
And as for Akamaru/Kiba. I hope they make it out alive. I'm a dog-lover, and it's sad to watch dogs die.
We need to watch Shikamaru's fight now!
Kishimoto bogging down : IMO, he is. I've seen too many "Team VS Team" fights, and while it seemed exciting at first, it gets old fast, especially when we're so close to *probably* ending the entire Orochimaru arc. Seriously. He needs to curl up and die. He's had his spotlight, now it's time for him to move on.
i swear. this is making me so mad. itachi can only be beaten by sasuke. if sasuke doesn't kill itachi but naruto does it, WHY THE HELL WAS SASUKE INTRODUCED IN THE FIRST PLACE??? no, itachi will only be killed by sasuke. that's it. there is no arguing this. it's going to happen cuz i said so. and if this does not happen, then it'll be a waste of a 2nd main character. and naruto will never become hokage, kakashi will fail to always protect his teammates, lee will not become a great shinobi like gai, and your mother will die. god damnit. NO! http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/mad.gif
Wow, I leave for a night and this transforms into (yet another) Itachi lovefest and discussion about who will own who and whatnot...
...and Inane 205 is out. That said, I'll just add that I'm with xtort on basically everything he said. Go rational thinking, go.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Feb 21 2004, 02:30 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i swear. this is making me so mad. itachi can only be beaten by sasuke. if sasuke doesn't kill itachi but naruto does it, WHY THE HELL WAS SASUKE INTRODUCED IN THE FIRST PLACE??? no, itachi will only be killed by sasuke. that's it. there is no arguing this. it's going to happen cuz i said so. and if this does not happen, then it'll be a waste of a 2nd main character. and naruto will never become hokage, kakashi will fail to always protect his teammates, lee will not become a great shinobi like gai, and your mother will die. god damnit. NO! http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...aughbounce.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Dazzz, there are many prescription medicines out on the market that can help with that. This is a manga; you'll live.
All in all, think of all the story elements. One of the big ones is Naruto's ability to change people. Think of Kakashi's talk with him. I'm not saying it's a definite thing, just what I think's gonna happen.
He'll either be beaten by Naruto, and Sasuke will be a changed person already, or be beaten by Sasuke, and Sasuke will become a demon.
You guys (and gals) read what you want to read into everything. Keep an open mind and read what people are saying. Foreshadowing is not that hard to miss in this series. (Edit: should be not to hard to find. Dork.) Naruto being Itachi wouldn't at all negate the possibility for Naruto becoming Hokage. (See the Hokage's conversation with the genin students when he was looking up at the monument.) Like I said, it's not a definite thing, just my supposition.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Feb 20 2004, 11:15 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Then Naruto will never become hokage.
Sasukes reason for living is to kill Itachi, Narutos reason for living is become Hokage. If Naruto kills Itachi then Sasuke wont stop till he kills Naruto.
not only that but Itachi cannot be brought down by a non sharigan user when he uses Mange Sharigan, theres only two possible people who can use the sharigan to beat Itachi - Sasuke and Orochimaru in Sasukes body. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
just read that.
i don't think sasuke will kill itachi for revenge, but i think he will kill him cuz he has to. for example, itachi is after naruto, itachi buries naruto's face into the dirt and itachi is about to "kill" naruto cuz he is fed up with his stupidity. then sasuke goes "noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo", chidori to itachi's face. boom. over.
We all know well and good that Udon kills itachi. He killed gaara after his little apology and secretly heads up the akatsuki. Itachi fails to lure and kill Sakura due to inept nature and is thusly killed because it took and bumbeling goofus like Gai 5 seconds to see through Itachi's scary "Mange" sharingan. You can do nothing but cower under the sheer awesomeness that is Udon's "Divide by Zero no Jutsu".
Does being the main character make him hog everybody elses dream? Heck. No. Itachi freakin KEEPS SASUKE ALIVE, FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF HIM DYING/DEFEATED AT <u>SASUKE'S</u> HAND.
It's not about keeping our views unopen to different possibilities. It's just that, the Sasuke and Itachi fight is amongst the most hyped would-be-duels, ever. Since the beginning of the series, all he can think about, is killing his brother. That's his sole motivation in life. To avenge his clan. Just like Naruto is to become Hokage.
Saying Naruto killing Itachi, is like saying Sasuke will become Hokage. Nobody wants that to happen, because it's swapped goals.
Udon freaking owned Itachi, btw.
dear god cant we have one topic where the topic after a few pages doesnt switch to a fucking itachi love fest, just go get a room already fanboys.
what are you talking about you obsessed ass fanboy, who cares about itachi..seriously like stay on topic
what? how is this a itachi love fest? this is more focused on naruto changing sasuke's future than anything with itachi. how about thinking first?
and don't say "well, sasuke's future has something to do with itachi, so you're wrong" or something like that. think deeper about what i'm trying to say.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Feb 21 2004, 03:48 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> 2. HOW IS SASUKE GONNA RESURECT THE UCHIHA CLAN IF THERE ARE NO FEMALE UCHIHA'S LEFT? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
He learns the kagebunshin from Naruto, and has it Henshin...........
Damn, did I just say that out loud?
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Feb 21 2004, 02:48 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I GOTTA ADD COUPLE MORE THINGS:
1. The legendary three didn't get that title for nothing... they are exceptional ninjas who were under the same teacher and each one of them left the village.. they are the only legendary three so far (it's not an official title). team 7 cannot become the legendary three and still stay together, so if they stay in the village (either by being hokage, head of the new uchiha clan or just a academy teacher), they don't have anything to set them apart from other shinobies, so they can't become legedary.
2. Sasuke said it himself, he believes there's a way to ressuract the uchiha clan, so their probably is. for example: there might uchihas that didn't want to be ninjas so they left the village, it's possible that there are females still alive, and besides, do you really believe that Kishimoto will state that all the uchihas were born from inter-family marridge? (then again, it could explain why all uchihas are so fucked up...)
and hotsume, there's no way a kagebunshin could handle labor, Sasuke would have to be the one who uses henge and carries the baby...
I know it's hard, with all those raging hormones that have to be running around your body, and pubic hair (finally, at age 16) sprouting, but please, give it a rest and let people talk intelligently. We all know that you're working through your own personal psychological issues through Naruto, and that's the real reason you hate Naruto and love Itachi (OMFG HE"LL ONLY BE KILKKED BY SAUSKE!), but sheesh.
Aaaanyways. I think Kimimaro is going to spin around like a top, turning effectively into the Ginsu 6000 Slicer Dicer Chipper Shredder machine. Feed him logs? No problem! Tomatoes?! He juilennes! With this all in one machine, you can cut hours from your daily... err. Nevermind.
PS I wanted to edit this to dispel some peoples' inane belief that Naruto has *ahem* "no relevance to Itachi", or some such tripe. Try to stay with me here.
Akatsuki is after the youma.
Itachi is in Akatsuki.
~ Itachi is after the youma.
Naruto has kyuubi in him.
Kyuubi is one of the youma.
~ Naruto has one of the youma in him.
Itachi is after the youma.
Naruto has one of the youma in him.
~ Itachi is after Naruto.
Now, I know it's a little hard to link all those thoughts together, so I put them there so you could see it and put your brains around it. Have fun.
........ (Delete *several* paragraph on non-naruto related paragraphs concerting amusing behaviors on the gotwoot naruto manga 205 raw thread)
Anyway I think the Ultimate evil would either be the leader of Akatsuki or Sasuke. It *had* been *hint* many times that Sasuke wants power no matter what the cost, and currently no one in Konoha could grant/teach him that sort of power. For crying out loud Naruto *is* the main character and Sasuke *was and always will be* Naruto's rival. Naruto's main goal is to become hokage and right now he wants Sasuke's acknowledgment. Kishimoto's Naruto's main focus about friendship (yes, friendship, not ultimate power and whoop-ass), and tons of similar type of anime+manga all ended up with main character ending the series fighting vs. a friend?-rival (hmm, s-cry-ed comes to mind) and for Naruto to end like this wouldn't be too surprising. Orochimaru is just an important growth point for the characters (good and bad) but hell by no mean the endpoint. Whether Orochimaru will die or not is beside the point, it's almost certain that Orochimaru will be beaten and everyone just moves on. (Unless of course some lameass oh-I'm-back-from-the-dead crap. Please! _No_!!!!!!!!!& #33;!)
Well, about the Sasuke *must* kill Itachi thing, er ... no, it's not written in stone. There could be some plot twist or some stupid turn of event that put Itachi in a better spotlight (hmm, weird thought, Itachi die protecting Sasuke -_=!). This is manga, _anything_ could happen, however illogical or stupid it seems.
Lastly, the Udon thing is getting tiresome. God someone scribble a stupid pic on MS paint and we all have to laugh and joke about it eternally, blah!
I didn't type in _captial_, satisfied xtort?
i don't think team 7 as a whole will become somethign as legendary as the sannins but i def. think sasuke and naruto will become legendary in their own rights. the only thing that would make them legendary as a whole would naruto and sasuke being so great that it made up for sakura's suckiness. considering when you looked at the legendary three they each had some form of crazyness, sakura imo doesn't seem too serious about being a ninja furthermore draggin down the though of the 3 becoming great as a whole
there no need to discuss something intelligently when it's so obvious and logical.
only read the below if your name is xtort
<span style='color:D5DADD'>and also, do you have something against me? well, it seems like it. so if you do, instead of being a pussy, tell it to me personally through PM. don't spam by posting irrelevant crap and don't bother writing sarcastic garbage like this:
"I know it's hard, with all those raging hormones that have to be running around your body, and pubic hair (finally, at age 16) sprouting, but please, give it a rest and let people talk intelligently. We all know that you're working through your own personal psychological issues through Naruto, and that's the real reason you hate Naruto and love Itachi (OMFG HE"LL ONLY BE KILKKED BY SAUSKE!), but sheesh."</span>
anyway, 205 inane out?
I type it in caps, because some people are just stupid, and can't seem to realize just how ridiculously pointless and out of place it would be, if Naruto is the one that ends up taking out Itachi. I get the impression, that if it sticks out a little more, people would drive it into their minds.
From a literary point of view, and the characters point of view, you're pretty damn naive to think that Naruto could ever beat Itachi. I don't say this because of any bias - I personally don't give a rats ass about either. But, I will call idiotic remarks, when I see them.
It's been said more than once, hell, it's mentioned almost everytime Sasuke has a freaking flashback, that he HAS TO KILL Itachi, no matter what. I'm not defending Itachi here - more like acknowledging Sasukes own motivation, instead of throwing it at Naruto, just because he's the prime suspect. Just because he is, doesn't mean he can take him out. Try to pull your head out of your ass and realize this, or just read the manga.
Btw, please move these last few posts to the Itachi thread.
Sakon loves Tayuya
leaving the village has nothing to do with being legendary. orochimaru, tsunade, and jiraiya were legendary cuz they were not only awesome ninjas but probably worthy of receiving the hokage title (but obviously the 4th was even more superior). members of team7 just gotta become super shinobis in their own way but still manage to stay as one team.
dazzz</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>anyway, 205 inane out? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
hey where is inanes version at
... like boxing with children.
Here's the deal. It's a story. Given the completely artificial framework that we're in, Udon really might beat Itachi, as it's been said so frequently. There is nothing inane about Naruto beating Itachi, unless you can point out in the framework of the story something to the contrary. There's really nothing you can say about anyone beating anyone, because as Kishimoto is apt to allow for, the underdog is generally the victor. No one's strength has been absoluately measured, nor will it; it's a story.
That any of this could get your backs up this much proves many things, and most of them I don't want to air here. Just have fun, speak rationally, try to back up what you say, AND DON'T TYPE IN CAPITALS. (It doesn't do anything but make you look dumb.)
why does every thread become off topic and ends up at itachi or the sannin. i cant stand it keep itachi in his thread. and dont drag teh sannin into every god damn thread. lets discuss kiba and his suiciding.
that kid has nothing to do with itachi...umm yeah
ok, here's a question about Ukon... he said that his justu is for assassinations, but when kiba dies, so soes he.
does anyone else see the contradiction in it?
Sakon and Ukon should kill Kiba and adopt akamaru, that would be the perfect ending to this useless fight. Shikamaru should escape from Tayuya. Kimimaru should realize that he doesn't have enough time to live and focus on bringing back Sasuke to orochimaru, Naruto should get his 1000 kyubified ass kicken down for fighting ugly. Sasuke should get to Oro and wrap up his part in the story for now, and then we could see some intersting parts of the manga, and not just bad kenshin ripp offs.
Wow, i really feel murderous today, i'm ptobably even less soscial than usual!
and btw: there isn't one of the sannins that stayed in the village, even jiraya (who is portrayted as the most loyal one to the village) isn't a leaf official shinobi, it's not a soild proof, but it sure hints that the point of the legendary three is to be away from the village.
Ukon can integrate his body into other people yes. But he can make it so that certain parts of Kiba's body consists of Kiba's cells alone. So he can physically attack a certain spot without hurting himself. But because Kiba stabbed himself before Ukon could isolate that area, he got hurt too.
Its strange that no victim of Ukon's ever thought of that before.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>2. HOW IS SASUKE GONNA RESURECT THE UCHIHA CLAN IF THERE ARE NO FEMALE UCHIHA'S LEFT? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
nothing says that the female has to have a sharigan or be of Uchiha blood, the dominant gene will carry over.
yeah but the thing with that is, the child of a uchiha and normal person will only be a half uchiha which results in:
1. not being able to do mange sharingan
2. not being able to fight against a mange sharingan
cuz don't you have to be a full uchiha? or am i wrong?
CONFUSING, NO? http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/ph34r.gif
I don't think you can be half uchiha. Either you are one or you aren't.
Do use the mange sharingan you need to have uchiha blood.
I dunno where people got the idea of "half uchiha" though. Maybe cause people think kakashi has uchiha blood. But if he had uchiha blood he would have the sharingan from birth.
half uchiha is perfectly logical. i don't see why you would question the idea of "half uchiha".
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Feb 21 2004, 06:20 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> yeah but the thing with that is, the child of a uchiha and normal person will only be a half uchiha which results in:
1. not being able to do mange sharingan
2. not being able to fight against a mange sharingan
cuz don't you have to be a full uchiha? or am i wrong?
CONFUSING, NO? http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/ph34r.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
then im guessing Sasuke is a half uchiha then
Half uchiha doesn't make sense to me because i can't imagine uchiha clan is inbred. The clan must have started with one person (could be wrong bout that). What are they gonna do, have sex with themselves? I kinda compare this with the whole adam and even theory. If there are only 2 people in the world the only way the can produce more people is if the daughters and the sons have sex with each other and have their own child. To me that sounds really weird and I can't imagine a sane person would do that.
This is gonna sound weird but, maybe its something like when a person has sex with an uchiha they gain their bloodline ability. It seems farfetched but it seems like the only explination. At least to me........
If you can think of something better please tell me. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif
............man i'm really taking this too far.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AAB @ Feb 21 2004, 12:53 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Did someone just badmouth Berserk?...It's a MASTER piece...a truly awesome story. Some things take time...and a well written manga (like berserk)happens to be one of them. And I for one thought Berserk was good from the get go...and it STILL is. It didn't take 10 years for it to get good...i wonder if the people who complain about mangas appreciate how difficult it is to write an ongoing story...without major plot holes...and keep it interesting for several years. Ugh...I don't think the taka no dan arc...or any other berserk arc would have been as good if it was rushed. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Ugh people always jump to conclusions. In terms of manga I prefer Beserk over Naruto due to the insane violence and sex. Shallow eh?
But seriously all I'm saying is that hate the wait.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Feb 21 2004, 05:49 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Sakon loves Tayuya </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I do too. With that red hair of hers she looks like one of those punk rock chicks. If only she'll change her wardrobe...
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Immortal Boner @ Feb 21 2004, 09:47 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AAB @ Feb 21 2004, 12:53 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Did someone just badmouth Berserk?...It's a MASTER piece...a truly awesome story. Some things take time...and a well written manga (like berserk)happens to be one of them. And I for one thought Berserk was good from the get go...and it STILL is. It didn't take 10 years for it to get good...i wonder if the people who complain about mangas appreciate how difficult it is to write an ongoing story...without major plot holes...and keep it interesting for several years. Ugh...I don't think the taka no dan arc...or any other berserk arc would have been as good if it was rushed. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Ugh people always jump to conclusions. In terms of manga I prefer Beserk over Naruto due to the insane violence and sex. Shallow eh?
But seriously all I'm saying is that hate the wait. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Berserk freakin rules. And, I only watched the anime.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hotsuma @ Feb 21 2004, 11:31 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Immortal Boner @ Feb 21 2004, 09:47 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AAB @ Feb 21 2004, 12:53 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Did someone just badmouth Berserk?...It's a MASTER piece...a truly awesome story.* Some things take time...and a well written manga (like berserk)happens to be one of them.* And I for one thought Berserk was good from the get go...and it STILL is.* It didn't take 10 years for it to get good...i wonder if the people who complain about mangas appreciate how difficult it is to write an ongoing story...without major plot holes...and keep it interesting for several years.* Ugh...I don't think the taka no dan arc...or any other berserk arc would have been as good if it was rushed. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Ugh people always jump to conclusions. In terms of manga I prefer Beserk over Naruto due to the insane violence and sex. Shallow eh?
But seriously all I'm saying is that hate the wait. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Berserk freakin rules. And, I only watched the anime. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
You should definately check out the manga just to see the story progress. Got it off of Mangareaders at IRC but I think suprnova might have. With blood and things getting mutilated on just about every page it's got to be one of the darkest series out there.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Feb 20 2004, 06:55 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> what the hell.
ummm, naruto's fighting style is absolutely boring as hell. i can probably predict what's gonna happen next and i think a lot of others can too.
non-boring fighting styles:
to me naruto (the character) is boring to watch cuz it's ALWAYS kage bunshin no jutsu > rush in > all clones get whooped and then: rasengan or summon gamabunta and if everything fails, kyubi chakra. and process repeats until victory.
wake me up when someone exciting fights. where is the sleepy smiley? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
eveyone except maybe the Sannins and Hokage do the same... they all have their Ace of Spades. Kakashi always uses his eye... and if that doesn't work he tries chidori... Itachi is even more predictible.... he will simply use his mange(sp?) ability and baring that he will simply use the ability you use on him back on you... so and then Gai/Lee punch and kick people really fast... Lee is going to use the Lotus... every time... so far besides the Sannins and the Hokage only Sasuke has show a great diversity of abilities(and now he's got his 2 moves... lion combo and chidori). You go with what works and if making 1000 clones and wearing down the enemy works then why wouldn't you do it? It's like playing a video game... you play the way that lets you win right? You don't go and play the way that makes you lose right? That's like going backwards in a racing game...
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Feb 20 2004, 08:59 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> thats the end of the story though, Orochimaru will die when then series finishes, hes the 'big bad guy'
Itachi will die sometime near the end </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
what would be cooler is if the Originzation caused Oro to join with the Leaf... I'd like to see the Ledgendary Three fight together ... that would be cool
Itachi isn't really that important to the story, he's there only to draw sasuke into oro's hands...
the manga doesn't have to end with oro dying, itachi dying or even naruto being hokage... the only important thing that should happen is team 7 not going the same route as the 3 sennins: Sakura won't lose her important people, Sasuke won't go over to the darkness completly (he has two goals in life, killing sasuke and rebuilding the uchiha clan, the rebuilding of his clan is the foreshadowing about the fact that he'll come back to the leaf someday) and Naruto won't end up as a lonely sexless pervert...
the main point of the story seems to be fighting against destiny; every character has a battle to win, naruto has to be accasepted, Sasuke has to follow his own path and not Oro's\Itachi's paths, Neji has to overcome his issues concerning the main house, Hinata has to really change herself, Lee has to recover from his fatal injuries, and Gaara needs to sleep around abit (sleep as in resting, not sex... but i wonder, would the sand spirit consider him having sex as trying to hurt him?), and Sakura should find some issues to get over them.
oh, and i must say that kiba should drop dead already, and Sakon should adopt akamaru into his body as well...
oh, and the berserk manga is just great, if you liked the anime then you'd go crazy for the manga...
something about this whole arc... we've seen too many people explaining to thier enemies how thier attacks work, it's a ninja anime for crying out loud! the audince should think about the explenations alone or at least hear it from someone who's analayzing the attack... think about Kiba's (kenshin's) ougie, wouldn't it to cool if Sakon figured out on his own how the attack works by looking at the scrath marks left on the ground and then he would face Kiba right on and summon the wall into kiba's face? people liked Zabuza-Kakashi first fight becuase we didn't realize completly what happened until many chapters after...
and if we compare this arc to the other battle-full arc (chunin exam, perimanry round) this arc still comes short, back then, the non important characters had short fights (less than an issue) and we pnly saw lots of emotional fights, now we have to endure the boring fights between nobodys... i hope that shika's fight will be short and sweet, like it should be (he doesn't have much to reflect on, he just needs to escape tayuya).
Oro would only do that if the Atasuki were after him (they could find out he was a reincarnation of one of the demons or something, or a child of one)
but yeah i spose that would be ok http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
yeah, thanks for biogen 101 but i got an A in it and what you said is a bit irrelevant to what i'm talking about. you're still not understanding what i'm saying. your scenario with the posibilities of SS, Sn, nS, and nn results from the parents who are Sn and Sn, while i'm talking about SS and nn. so nevermind your biogen lesson. i'm talking about the that fact that the child of a uchiha and a regular person (lez say hyuga) would result in half uchiha, half hyuga. yes, if we're talking about genetics, you'd be on the mark. but the child of the SS and nn would come out only as Sn, Sn, Sn, and Sn. therefor having ZERO SS genetics. so the child would be still be a halfy and the possibilites of being able to use mange sharingan could be thrown out. i don't know why we had to go to biogen to figure this out. i thought it was pretty logical just by thinking of it, no?