has a direct link in channel
EDIT: http://www3.telus.net/hansol03/Naruto_v23_...%5bInane%5d.rar
They took the link in topic down, this is another one that was cycling around
Printable View
has a direct link in channel
EDIT: http://www3.telus.net/hansol03/Naruto_v23_...%5bInane%5d.rar
They took the link in topic down, this is another one that was cycling around
they have a direct link to download from
damn, fast is a three letter word on this forum...
no raw ?
i'll have to wait till narutofan has it since i hate mirc
edit: never mind http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif thanks sagai
Just join #mangareaders, then click on the link in the topic no big deal
Tell them thanks while you are there because this is FAST work
Alright time to talk about it!
Good job on whoever called the Split up between Sakon and Ukon. Not much went on in this chapter, pretty much all action, but it was ok.
Some people called the summoning technique too http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif
I hope Kiba doesn't have to commit suicide here, but something tells me Ukon will get out of him before he finishes himself off.
I am hoping Akamaru isn't dead either http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/sad.gif
OT: why does it say "please do not support or donate to narutochuushin"?
btw, WOW, amazing chapter.
that was sweet i just read it damn no spoliers yet but you have to get this one
This chapter is a typical example of what've talked about in the channel #gotwoot, he explains everything he does, "I told you, we're not using our eyes, we hunt for scent" then the opponent in this situation it was sakon or ukon, they can acknowledge that fact and counter it, make up a strategy or something, it's so stupid..
Back to the chapter, it was brave but stupid to damage himself to make ukon get damaged also.. but there are two, sakon washed away the poison he got in his eyes...
Link is dead...
dunno youll have to ask them yourself
from the way things are going if all of the geenins get killed now that would suck i mean all this for one person but i guess its better than letting oro obtain sasuke body
also seeingas how they made this chapter cover only kiba then they will make 205 finish the battle leaving us unkown to what happens to kiba and then go on to the shika fight and that will go one to 206 and then finally well see narutos fight
i was shocked to see what kiba did i really didnt think he had it in him
wow that link sure died fast narutofan should have it up soon or maybe naruto chuushin will
Ukon is probobly gonna leave Kiba´s body b4 he commits suicide...he doesn´t want to die fighting a genin afterall... and thats probobly exactly what Kiba have planned...
I didn´t really like this chapter... crazy action and a f'cked up tecnique(sp?)...
what the hell kinda summoning was that it had no beastial form it was jsut like a wall or gate of some kind what was ukon inside it
wow ! amazing chapter , he really knows how to keep me hooked.
anyone got a time machine i can borrow ?
yeah i noticed the chuschin thing too, really weird, bad blood between them ?
Rashomon is a fortress or something. So yeah I am guessing they used it as a defense.
Kurosawa did a movie that took place at it.
Google it for more info.
*frown* I'm gonna have to wait till it comes out on Narutofan because I can't use IRC (it don't work on this computer). Sounds like a great chapter though... I really want to read it! XD
still no link?
I didn't use that, but it was just one of the ads on #mangareaders
From #mangareaders:</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>01:20 < Tidus> What did NarutoChuushin do
01:20 <@BugxEarl> they stole our stuff, took out our credits and distro-ed it as their own</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>If there is one thing to get a anime-fansub/manga-fanscan group really pissed... THIS IS IT!
Summoning a door was a bit unexpected, otherwise a good chapter.
LINK i downloaded it there. Is it dead?
i have a feeling things will turn out ok, i mean who kills a puppy? akamaru aint done yet.
yeah the peta would be pretty pissed http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Feb 13 2004, 07:23 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> LINK i downloaded it there. Is it dead? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
No, Xplo took that down once the XDCC bots got up.
I haven't tried my alternative link, so I don't know what is up with it.
That person stopped advertising it though too once the bots got up, but still give it a try
Also, I also think that Akamaru is still alive. I don't think Kiba will die now just by cutting his stomach. Maybe he is just bluffing so that Akon gets out of him.
Thanks, why totally didn't see that coming? Does 'Moto hate all his characters genins now?
didn't i tell you they are gonna split?
the peeing scum smells too much like a Kakashi rip-off from the bridge fight...
and Kiba's explantion of his move sounded like Kenshin Ougie thing, where the air slashes of the dragon get you even if you dodge the claws...
I really hate the fact that the sound four can't kill a loser like Kiba without going into a super special mode.. Asuma beat the crap out of 9 sound shinobi with only Taijutsu and they can't kill a fucking dog boy without pulling some super trick from thier sleeves?
next chapter i hope kiba will keep on suciding, even after Sakon\Ukon get out of him and take over Akamaru to create a bad ass wolf ninja!
oh, and i think that something will come out of that giant door, maybe a giant snake demon or something like that, it isn't orochimaru's abasloute defence for nothing...
i think that door served it purpose.
<span style='color:#D6DBE0'>I bet Sakon eyes have a chemical burn and he dies from that. Sometimes using H20 for some chemicals can actually make things worse.
Ukons probably gonna be able to leave, but not without damage (did he have blood spurting out from his mouth near the end?</span>
That was fast and whats up with the first page about not supporting n. chussin manga?
I think it is good that at least one of the genins is gonna die. I mean if they came back without one casualty it would seem like they're invincible.
I wonder if kiba dies would akamaru die. Since they are connected. (i think)
EDIT: I think its just pee in his eyes. Its not like its gonna kill him or anything.
Naruto Chuusin took credit for INANE's translation or something, or they stole it. I don't know what is truly up, but that is the word in the Inane Channel.
omg this chapter fukin rocks dam first chouji then neiji and now kiba what will be the outcome of all of this i hope all them of them are alright
ok, i think if anyone is gonna die, it's probably gonna be neji (unfortunately). i mean, he took the most damage...
is there a site i can download off since i dont use bittorrents on my moms comp
edit: nevermind i found it on narutofan
Sakon isnt going to die from piss in the eyes, geez lol
as for Ukon - any bet hes gonna leave Kiba to die, the thing is even if Kiba kills Ukon then Sakon is still alive.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Death BOO Z @ Feb 13 2004, 07:53 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> didn't i tell you they are gonna split?
the peeing scum smells too much like a Kakashi rip-off from the bridge fight...
and Kiba's explantion of his move sounded like Kenshin Ougie thing, where the air slashes of the dragon get you even if you dodge the claws...
I really hate the fact that the sound four can't kill a loser like Kiba without going into a super special mode.. Asuma beat the crap out of 9 sound shinobi with only Taijutsu and they can't kill a fucking dog boy without pulling some super trick from thier sleeves?
next chapter i hope kiba will keep on suciding, even after Sakon\Ukon get out of him and take over Akamaru to create a bad ass wolf ninja!
oh, and i think that something will come out of that giant door, maybe a giant snake demon or something like that, it isn't orochimaru's abasloute defence for nothing... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
lol, we had Sasukehaters, Narutohaters and Nejihaters, and now a Kibahater, oh well, "para gustos, colores"
maybe ukon and sakon are linked if one dies they both dies i doubt oro gave both of them a seal and they both survived
Narutofan has it already
Aaaaah, Kiba!! What's up with Kishimoto, killing off every single genning like that?? Sure, we still don't know if they are dead, but it sure looks like it at the moment.
I mean, Kiba was twisting the kunai inside his own stomach. Jesus friggin Christ, that's half the Japanese traditional suicide... if he slices just a little more, he's gonna be a goner.
Also, I think that since Ukon and Sakon are connected, if Ukon dies Sakon will die too.
And Akamaru!! He can't be dead, of course... as someone else said, no one can kill a puppy unless he's very very sick.
And I want to believe Kishimoto is not that sick.
Aaaaagh, Kiba'd better not die....!! I really like him... and Akamaru, too...
Man, now I'l wondering what the hell's gonna happen to Shikamaru. Seeing the pattern, he'll get beaten up pretty well. That leaves no Leaf Gennins, no Sound Nins, and only Naruto and Kimimaro...
And Sasuke-in-a-barrel.
If _any_ gennin dies, I'm so going to hate Sasuke... I mean, I dislike him even now, but I don't hate him. I think he's too arrogant, but he's needed...
But if Neji or Kiba or Shikamaru die because of this.... agh!!!!
Ok, somethings strange with running javascript in my ie so...
Quote: "ok, i think if anyone is gonna die, it's probably gonna be neji (unfortunately). i mean, he took the most damage... "
Yeah, and also cuz that would make Hinata a "stronger" character (everybody can figure out why by themselves) and the Naruto - Hinata (or the Hinata - Naruto to be more precise(sp?) ) story has gotto go somewhere so if Neji dies Hinata gets her chanse to shine and maybe Naruto would notice her...
...or is that diggin´ to deep?
we dont know if they're literally connected, Ukon and Sakon - because it was Ukons ability that allowed him to live in Sakon
we dont really know Sakons ability or if Ukon dies he does, maybe if Ukon was IN his body at the time yes they would both die.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kiba-kun @ Feb 13 2004, 08:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
lol, we had Sasukehaters, Narutohaters and Nejihaters, and now a Kibahater, oh well, "para gustos, colores" </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Yes, "en gustos se rompen generos", mmh?
[fangirl]Aah, I have never understood why people dislike Kiba, though. I mean, he's got a PUPPY!! How can you dislike someone who has a dog? And such a kickass dog, too?? And he's not an arrogant moron, nor a complete clown, nor completely useless... I like Kiba ^^
Anyway, whatever... I think the only thing I've yet to see is a Shikamaru-hater. But who can dislike him, anyway...
And yeah, we don't know if Ukon and Sakon are connected now that they are... separated. That sounds stupid.
But its all speculation... think of it this way,
Kiba _has_ to kill Sakon (and Ukon, in this case). Chouji killed Jiroubu, Neji killed Kidoumaru, and they both ended up almost dead (if not dead).
Therefore, Kiba _will_ kill Ukon, and will almost die in the process.
But then he still has to deal with Sakon, right?
So unless Akamaru gets up and somehow kills Sakon giving his own life blah blah blah, Kiba's "suicide" will kill both.
Anyway, that's my theory...
the only reason we have Kiba haters now is because hes doing more then he should be able to, if he draws with Sakon and Ukon thats just out of whack seeing as they're the strongest of the 4 and Kiba isnt exactly the strongest genin.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Its just weird that someone who lost to Naruto can defeat Sakon and Ukon... but still, "Hate" may be a little bit strong here, though...? Do y'all dislike Kiba _that_ much? Do you feel like smashing your computer monitors? hehehehe...
Anyway, so maybe we'll have Shikamaru haters next, since all gennins so far have gotten their hate-fanclub?
That's so messed up of chuushin to steal from inane.
They still bitch about Inane's slow releases (which is still up on their "news" btw) and then they go and jack the release and pretend it is their own. That's just messed up.
Also, all of the donations have gone to non-existent "server upgrades" that aren't happening. I think that's just sketchy.
what's next? chuushin's responsible for narutofan hijacking?
good job inane on the releases. kudos.
as for chuushin, no one needs you, you can take your whiny asses home.
chuushin hasnt stolin anything
id like to show you that you dont know what your talking about chuushin says that inane has released there chapter and never once have said WE released OUR chapter
heres the proof (look in the white box and even in there news section they always give mention that its inanes version the only thing they have done was change the file name so that its just Example: 203 they never say chapter 203 by chuushin
Stop trying to defend them for hells sake.
If Xplo, who is one of the higherups at mangareaders/INANE says that they ripped them off, I have to believe him.
That screencap could have been taken after the fact and they could have changed it to cover their asses.
Sorry, but I just believe the Inane guys over anyone.
look at the date on the image in the news part it says febuary fourth it hasn't been changed
but if you guys dont like chuushin thats fine
but i feel the need to defend them for some reason especially since Xplo was and is over there harassing people
Hooray for Kiba!
All the Genin are doing a good job of making me appreciate them more. Chouji got backstory, Neji get smart and now Kiba got noble. Will Shikamaru become brave? Woot!
That said, I hope none of them die, now. Each of them have become cool.
well shikamaru is brave he just isn't motivated maybe this will motivate him to become a better ninja
since Ukon and Sakon are separeted i doubt killing Ukon will stop Sakon.. would be kinda stupid
so if Kiba does kill himself to kill Ukon then Sakon is free to go do whatever (its abit weird but none of the sound 4 seem to have really died so far, they all look like they can return)
I'd like to clarify a few things.
First of all, Chuushin has NEVER stolen ANYTHING from Inane. EVERY single news post I make regarding Inane's latest release says INANE right on it. Not to mention I leave every logo intact, and have always mentioned Inane in release information. How that can be classified as stealing is beyond me.
XpLo is a moron, sorry to say. He's a french 'tard that doesn't know his right from his left. If you must believe him over me, fine, but you can have a look at Chuushin for yourself and see that I'm not lying.
We've never stolen anything, and we do not intend to.
@Hatake: What that screencap shows is STILL visible on Chuushin, I haven't even updated it yet. You can go look for yourself.
@BakaShinji: Waiting until Sunday WAS a painfully long wait, whether you want to admit it or not. Inane has just proved it doesn't take that long. Furthermore, I have NEVER said that donations are going to 'server upgrades'. Any and all donations we get that are in excess of our monthly bill simply pools in paypal. I could take a screencap of the account if you wish. Lastly, your comment regarding NarutoFan is senseless and uncalled for.
Hope that clarifies things.
Let me be the 1st to become a shikamaru hater http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
U KNO Y?! CAUSE im the 1st!!!!!!!! FIRST HATER! UNO, WUN, IL, YEA 1st!
1st shikamaru hater here!
and exactly why do you hate shikamaru all oyu said is that you wanteed to be the first is there any reason behind this other than being the first
i dont hate any of the characters, they're all there for a reason.
yeah most of them are there for a reason, and are not that bad...
I am not sure how hot this thread will be this week...we really only saw one fight again, looks like Kishimoto is back to his lazy ways.
So we really won't have a lot to talk about other than what hapened in one fight.
Oh well, at least we know their are more to summons than living things. Unless that Rashomon fortress was a monster thing or whatever.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (UltimateDBZ @ Feb 13 2004, 09:36 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I'd like to clarify a few things.
First of all, Chuushin has NEVER stolen ANYTHING from Inane. EVERY single news post I make regarding Inane's latest release says INANE right on it. Not to mention I leave every logo intact, and have always mentioned Inane in release information. How that can be classified as stealing is beyond me.
XpLo is a moron, sorry to say. He's a french 'tard that doesn't know his right from his left. If you must believe him over me, fine, but you can have a look at Chuushin for yourself and see that I'm not lying.
We've never stolen anything, and we do not intend to.
@Hatake: What that screencap shows is STILL visible on Chuushin, I haven't even updated it yet. You can go look for yourself.
@BakaShinji: Waiting until Sunday WAS a painfully long wait, whether you want to admit it or not. Inane has just proved it doesn't take that long. Furthermore, I have NEVER said that donations are going to 'server upgrades'. Any and all donations we get that are in excess of our monthly bill simply pools in paypal. I could take a screencap of the account if you wish. Lastly, your comment regarding NarutoFan is senseless and uncalled for.
Hope that clarifies things. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
mmm kay - well, it's all just supposition.
explain yourself then. - narutochuushin?
it doesn't take from the fact that inane is asking people to stop supporting you guys.... ehh?
That's merely because XpLo has a personal vendetta against me, and for some reason has the dillusion that we're stealing Inane's work, when that has never been our intention, nor our action. I can't help the fact that they're lying about Chuushin and slamming us in their releases. All I can do is spread the truth.
It's not like it takes a genius to waltz over to Chuushin and see for yourself that we're not stealing their work, claiming it as our own, removing their logos, or anything of the sort. Just see for yourself.
Exciting chapter. I hope Kiba finishes the job next chapter. I wanna see Shika fight (run away, but win through pure skillz).
you guys ultimatedbz is telling the truth go look at the site and see for you self baka shinji im assuming your the same one sitting in the chuushin forms
chuushin hasn't done anything that XpLo said they did
also as for kiba i really hope he doesnt die for that matter i hope no one dies but neji got a big ass hole in his side so he might be one of the people to die but i hope not and kiba might die if he keeps stabing himself
If anyone's gonna buy the farm it's Choji he said he would die if he popped the red pill.
It would look kind of weird if he was still alive.
i dont think so in chouji's case he has a chance to recover his chakra some how but neji who has a softball size hole in his side would bleed to do death unless he knew of some way to make a chakra force feild around his wound but the way they ended his fight i would think that neji is already dead
it would really suck if every one died it would kinda end the series for me the reason for that is that naruto character wouldn't have any friends to build his character off of and it would hurt the series naruto would almost be back where he started no friends
they arent really his friends though, not many people in the series actually like naruto they just deal with him being around lol
as for people dying - as they left it i doubt any of the sound 4 will die if the genins dont, they took less damage then every single genin.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (sangai sakusei @ Feb 13 2004, 11:42 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i dont think so in chouji's case he has a chance to recover his chakra some how but neji who has a softball size hole in his side would bleed to do death unless he knew of some way to make a chakra force feild around his wound but the way they ended his fight i would think that neji is already dead
it would really suck if every one died it would kinda end the series for me the reason for that is that naruto character wouldn't have any friends to build his character off of and it would hurt the series naruto would almost be back where he started no friends </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Nah man. If Dosu can survive having his head crushed against the ground (or lifted up dirt) at the velocity Rock Lee drove him into the ground, bleeding to death probably won't kill Neji by far.
People keep complaning "Kiba lost to naruto"... Let's take a walk down memory lane.. Remember how? That fluke of a fart? hah, people are underestimating Kiba.
As of yet i still stand on my original theory. Chouji is dead, Neji is injured and kiba will survive after killing one of the twins (which results in the others death). Other than that it's all up for grabs.
yeah but the ground had been softened into a sponge like ground im mean thats gotta hurt but its didn't split his wig
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hotsuma @ Feb 13 2004, 10:18 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Exciting chapter. I hope Kiba finishes the job next chapter. I wanna see Shika fight (run away, but win through pure skillz). </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
same here. Hey does anyone think this is kiba's last stand?
I personally don't think he'll die. Maybe just pass out due to blood loss but this fight really needs a conclusion so Shika and Tayuya could duke it out.
I'm also waiting for Naruto v Kimmimaro to continue.
So suspenseful. Anime watchers don't know what they're missing.
This is seriously fucked up. Chouji I couldn't care less. But with Neji I did. Now even Kiba dies...? Jeez the next on the list is our big man Shikimaru. And I say, he must and I mean must not die. I mean jesus, he's my one of my favorite characters! With him finally becoming Chuunin what next? Die on the first mission as leader?
Also does anybody else feel that these genin fights look as higher leveled than some of Juunin fights?
i dont know if the fights are at the juunin level i just dont think that we have seen a hardcore jounin fight the fight between kakashi and zabuza was i thought mediocure in that kakashi said he wasn't trying
sure the fights are better than most chuunin and geenin fights other that that i dunno
dazzz you're right if anyone should die it should be neji or even chouji. The reason i think kiba is gonna die is
1. He is deep down in a canyon where no one can probably find him.
2. He stabbed himself. He most likely punctured his vitals.(since he was trying to commit suicide)
3. His opponent is not dead. Actually far from it and even if he kills Ukon, Sakon may still be alive.
Oh and to the DBZ dude: Just because this guy is french it automatically makes him an asshole. I'm tempted to say very mean things to you but i know if i do i will get banned. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
ok if anyone payed attetion the next chapters name was "while im still alive"
personaly i would like to see a genin die and one of the four winning the fight even if they are knocked out when it ends. tho i would like to see either sakon or ukon die but not both.
Personaly i would really like kiba if he died but hate him if he dosent unless somthing someone comes and saves him, which i dont think willl hapen.
Fights are not nessaraly Won By the stronger apponet. i know i skipped a few pages of this thead but with the kiba doing more then he should be able to. Look at it this way. The sound 4 made a bad choose of picking who gose agest who. thats how i see it.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (VagabondLBD @ Feb 13 2004, 11:21 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Oh and to the DBZ dude: Just because this guy is french it automatically makes him an asshole. I'm tempted to say very mean things to you but i know if i do i will get banned. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I'm not racist. His country is completely irrelevant.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Oh and to the DBZ dude: Just because this guy is french it automatically makes him an asshole. I'm tempted to say very mean things to you but i know if i do i will get banned. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
ok that was a while ago let it go and Xplo doesn't know what he's talking about just go to www.narutochuushin.com and see that they give props to inane every time they make a news post the only change to the document they makes is the rename it
can we get back to the 204 discussion now
i really think chouji has a good chance of recovering because he came out of the fight fine just completely drainded of chakra maybe if he sleeps for a few days he will be alrigh
and come on neji has a hole through his side and kiba i thik he could survive i mean look at what happened to raido he got 4 kunais in his belly and hes still alive so kiba might survive if he gets help
Seems like Akamaru's out of it for sure. He won't be able to do a damn thing on his own now. Would be kinda funny if kiba dies and yet akamaru somehow manages to find an escape route.
i dont think akamaru would leave his master behind
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Nah man. If Dosu can survive having his head crushed against the ground (or lifted up dirt) at the velocity Rock Lee drove him into the ground, bleeding to death probably won't kill Neji by far. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
the dirt lift up was from Zaku, not Lee's lotus - Dosu only got hit on the head by air.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (sangai sakusei @ Feb 13 2004, 11:45 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i dont think akamaru would leave his master behind </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
i guess he won't but i wonder whats gonna happen with Sakon and the piss in his eyes. Ok so he runs off to go to some stream to wash his eyes meanwhile akamaru lies helpless somewhere. one thing's for sure, akamaru can't take on Sakon on his own so that could mean death.
Neji has a giant hole on his body. The only way he'll survive is if someone comes and heals him. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/dry.gif
maybe it actually burned out sakons eyes and he has a gaping hole into his head rendering him blind and i dunno maybe the blow knocked out akamaru and if kiba is dead which he isnt yet ukon and sakon might leave and allow akamaru to help kiba even get kiba some help
dammit when the hell are they going to get to the battle with naruto and kimimaro thats the fight i want to c and i hope kiba doesnt die, and i wonder how shikamaru is doing i mean the only thing that he has is his mind and his shadow bind no justsu, lets wait and c if he can com up wit a good plan just like the fight with temari that was a good strategy
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Iznogoud @ Feb 14 2004, 04:46 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AlbinoFury @ Feb 13 2004, 07:24 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i have a feeling things will turn out ok, i mean who kills a puppy? akamaru aint done yet. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
That's gotta be pervert sennin jiraiya, he hates(ate?) puppies... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/laugh.gif http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...s/mf_w00t1.gif http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...aughbounce.gif yea that is me but i only hate them i dont eat them http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif akamaru shall go down!!!! http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/laugh.gif this thread turned out really weird...
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>And i m not even talking about that naruto is licensed in usa wich make http site like narutochuushin totaly unlegit... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
http: a hyper text transfer protical ...how does that make them unlegit
hell i love inane as much as the next guy
and the front of page 204 hell how could you not expect retaliation
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (XpLo @ Feb 13 2004, 09:59 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> ok ^^
fact1: narutochuushin modify all inane chapter into jpg wich modify inane original work just by recompressing the chapter
fact2: narutochuushin remove inane tag,
take a look at inane chapter203 http://ojisama.free.fr/Naruto_v23_ch203%5bInane%5d.zip
they remove page too : inane chapter on narutochuushin http://ojisama.free.fr/chapter203.zip
u can see that the page1 with inane credit just was removed, it s not the first time it happens.
fact3: they change filename from "Naruto_vxx_chxxx[Inane]" to "chapterxxx"
fact4:they disrespect inane
Just see their news for naruto chapter203
"After what I thought to be a rather annoyingly long wait, Inane has finally decided to put out chapter 203. They've been sitting on a completed version for at least a full day, god knows why they didn't put this thing out when it was finished like any logic would say to do. Regardless, they've finally gotten around to releasing it, and as always, we've got it up here on Chuushin for you"
So for them inane is annoying because we released chapter203 sunday althought the raw was out only since friday, and we released when it was ready. They just assume thing about inane althought they dont know anything.
And if your read inane website at the same time we were talking about droping naruto because of ppl like that who think that inane is obliged to release the chapter is less than a day ...
<@Gogeta619> I don't care about Inane because you're pointless
<@Gogeta619> the world would not mourn your loss
<@Gogeta619> all would still receive the same weekly scanslated manga
<Lvl9> god, my head hurts from trying to read u re lame typ in
<@Gogeta619> I modify your crap because it sucks cock the way it is
<@Gogeta619> and sorry if I don't host homosexually challenged multimedia
gogeta is an admin of narutochuushin btw...
fact5: now they modify our current page at their own will
inane page1 version http://ojisama.free.fr/naruto_ch204_p01.png
inane said "plz do not support or donate to narutochuushin"
inane altered page on narutochuushin http://ojisama.free.fr/chapter204_01.jpg
they changed it to "plz do not support or donate to inane thx"
u can also read their new : "Well, after what I find to be a rather humorous turn of events, Inane has decided to tag this week's Naruto release with a little bit of extra information. You'll see what I mean when you download it. To think they'd knowingly tell all you Naruto fans not to support or donate to Inane, well, it's simply astounding. But I suppose we should all take their words to heart, as, after all, they are the untouchable gods of scanslation, are they not?"
fact6: they just know to say for their defense that i m a stupid french. Ok o_O;;
so you see narutochuushin just dont like/respect inane at all but on other other hand they use inane chapter to get more popular.
And i m not even talking about that naruto is licensed in usa wich make http site like narutochuushin totaly unlegit... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
1) Oooh, changing the file format is stealing!? Since when?
3) Who cares what the FILE NAME is, if Inane is mentioned in the image itself? Maybe it'd make you happy if we put "Inane scanslated this for all of us Naruto fans!" on every single page?
4) I've seen at least one time where Inane has had the chapter done, yet someone decides to hold it off for some reason. Obviously since I don't work for Inane, I don't know the whole story, but i'm sure UltimateDBZ isn't making this shit up just because he doesn't like you.
5) So, its okay for Inane to say "don't support Chuushin" but if we turn that around and say "don't support Inane," we're the ones that are wrong?
So basically, your argument about "Chuushin doesn't like Inane" is simply not stating the whole story. While we do respect the work Inane does, I just believe that no one sees the logic in holding off a finished release. All he was trying to say from what I understand, is that Inane is not the be all and end all of scanslation groups. Sure, they do the best work overall, but there are at least 2 other groups plenty happy to do the work and release it when its done.
thank you jakob
Regardless, I've just settled a compromise with the higher-ups of Inane. War over.
This might sound evil, but I hope that either Choji, Kiba or Neji do die. I don't have a problem with any of them, I just don't think that everyone should survive this mission. Especially not with the damage that they are taking in these battles.
As long as Shikamaru and Naruto survive, everything will be fine http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
Edit: problem solved http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif
The thing is this, guys.
It's about respect. Inane deserves respect because they work hard to translate the chapters. Period. Whether it's released Friday or Saturday, they still work very hard. And people who don't do anything to help along the release, by scandslating, translating, editing, don't really have any right to complain.
Inane deserves the respect that they wish. If they think that having their name in the folder title is a big deal, than I think they should warrant the respect of having that
I do not agree on Inane's way of portraying this. Unless they first asked Naruto Chuushin to stop the act, before doing something like this. But I do think they deserve the support, guys.
Honestly. ^^* It's a lot of work to translate Japanese. It's a lot more work when you're doing it, knowing that people aren't happy enough that you're doing it. They want it even faster.
Rather than saying "Inane is dumb for doing this", let's say "Thanks Inane, for having the translation done so fast!", and try to encourage Naruto Chuushin to respect Inane the way they believe (and, honestly, it's not a big deal) that they should be. ^^
Also: Editing the image files in any way along those lines could alter the quality of the image. Just so you know. Inane would most likely not want their images to be tampered with, because people may see bad quality. Inane is simply trying to perserve its title as a quality scanslation group. They can't do that if there are bad copies around.
Edit: Congrats on solving the problem! ^^
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Legato 2057 @ Feb 14 2004, 01:17 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> This might sound evil, but I hope that either Choji, Kiba or Neji do die. I don't have a problem with any of them, I just don't think that everyone should survive this mission. Especially not with the damage that they are taking in these battles.
</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
dammit their is no way neji is dead! as far as them killing off kiba, if they kill off one(akamaru or kiba) they have to kill off the other, and theirs no way in fuck they are gonna kill a puppy in the series. btw neji isnt dead so just accept it and move on.
"1) Oooh, changing the file format is stealing!? Since when?"
where did i mention stealing ? oO
"3) Who cares what the FILE NAME is, if Inane is mentioned in the image itself? Maybe it'd make you happy if we put "Inane scanslated this for all of us Naruto fans!" on every single page?"
Inane cares. And exactly like in chapter 203 narutochuushin REMOVED THE INANE TAG IN the chapter(page1). Read again my post....
"4) I've seen at least one time where Inane has had the chapter done, yet someone decides to hold it off for some reason. Obviously since I don't work for Inane, I don't know the whole story, but i'm sure UltimateDBZ isn't making this shit up just because he doesn't like you. "
ohhh really what chapter ?? u cant know when a chapter is done unless you re in inane wich i doubt .....
"5) So, its okay for Inane to say "don't support Chuushin" but if we turn that around and say "don't support Inane," we're the ones that are wrong?"
Yes it s wrong it s our edited chapter, not yours, u just modified inane chapter,if u dont like what we put in our chapter then DONT distro it .... This page can be considered like stealing
You mention stealing in every other breath you take http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/dry.gif
And like I already said a compromise has been enacted and the feud is over.
Go walk a dog xplo.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (XpLo @ Feb 13 2004, 10:48 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Jakob
"1) Oooh, changing the file format is stealing!? Since when?"
where did i mention stealing ? oO
"3) Who cares what the FILE NAME is, if Inane is mentioned in the image itself? Maybe it'd make you happy if we put "Inane scanslated this for all of us Naruto fans!" on every single page?"
Inane cares. And exactly like in chapter 203 narutochuushin REMOVED THE INANE TAG IN the chapter(page1). Read again my post....
"4) I've seen at least one time where Inane has had the chapter done, yet someone decides to hold it off for some reason. Obviously since I don't work for Inane, I don't know the whole story, but i'm sure UltimateDBZ isn't making this shit up just because he doesn't like you. "
ohhh really what chapter ?? u cant know when a chapter is done unless you re in inane wich i doubt .....
"5) So, its okay for Inane to say "don't support Chuushin" but if we turn that around and say "don't support Inane," we're the ones that are wrong?"
Yes it s wrong it s our edited chapter, not yours, u just modified inane chapter,if u dont like what we put in our chapter then DONT distro it .... This page can be considered like stealing </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
1) You've mentioned it multiple times. "Claiming Inane's work as Chuushin's own," to paraphrase what you've said.
3) Oh, so we did it in 1 chapter, so we've done it in every single one?
4) I don't need to be in Inane's IRC room, UltimateDBZ is, and he posts whats said in there from time to time.
5) What i'm saying is, you can bash us, but when we try to retaliate, all of a sudden we're the bad guys? I don't get it...
I find this arc is getting repetitive and lame.
It was cool when Choji used the pills to fight and it was cool when Neji went off to fight but by the Kiba fight I just lost interest. I mean Neji's and Chohi's fight had emotion to them but Kiba's has nothing. It just seems so artificial and forced.
I can buy Choji winning his fight because of his pills (they are supposed to be the pinnicle of his clans ninja weapons.) and I can buy Neji winning his fight because he is supposed to be the most talented Hyuuga in existence but Kiba winning is just lame.
If Kishimoto were an interesting writer at all he would have had Kiba and Shikamaru team up to take on Sakon and Tayuya while Naruto went off to fight Kimmimaru.
Ironically I thought everyone had really lame level 2 curse seal forms except for Sakon so at least we got one thing that was cool out of that fight.
I just really hope that we don't continue to see the trend of "Oh I'm in a situation that is impossible to win, luckily for me I learnt a new jutsu on the way here that will pull me out of this mess."
Damn.... Who cares? Let's all just enjoy the freakin manga.
He is just lazy and not that good of a writer.
He probably figures that if he can drag this storyline out for half a year, he will have time to plan a good portion of the rest of the manga. After all, this arc doesn't require much planning in the first place.
1. Sasuke leaves with the Sound 4.
2. Shikamaru has to go after him.
3. He picks Naruto, and 3 others to go with him.
4. They have 1 on 1 fights all the way through.
Yeah that could take up a lot of time, especially since they won't catch them right away.
I agree that he should have made a 2 on 2 fight, because 204 just wasn't up to par at all with 203. Its boring being focused on one of them the whole chapter.
He needs to end Kiba's fight next chapter like in 6 pages. Then go to Shikamaru and have him beat Tayuya in the rest of the pages. Then go to the freaking main character, who is fighting the main villain of the arc.
We get our mangos from Indians anyway, not Inane. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...s/rolleyes.gif
Yep, this isn't the place for this guys, this is the discussion of the chapter. Please don't make me close the thread because I'd rather not.
A great chapter, but yeah it seems a bit odd that all the gennin so far have been at deaths door. How cool was page 14! I kept going back to it just to look at it again, hehe http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
I hope the battle gets finished quickly next chapter, but I doubt it. I just wanna see what kickass strategy Shikamaru is going to use. He's so entertaining.
Damn right!
Hurry up to the Shikamaru fight!
2 things:
1) kidoumaru has to LIVE!!! the moves done on him were the same ones done on naruto and hinata, and they lived! so plzzzzzzzz
2)i agree, sum1 has to die. i dont care either but sum1. i dont want a corny endin to the arc of how they all managed to survive. 1 took "suicide" pill. 2nd had "mortal" wounds. 3rd is going suicide. so plzzzzz die sum1
Good chapter.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (pavi @ Feb 14 2004, 03:25 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> 2 things:
1) kidoumaru has to LIVE!!! the moves done on him were the same ones done on naruto and hinata, and they lived! so plzzzzzzzz
2)i agree, sum1 has to die. i dont care either but sum1. i dont want a corny endin to the arc of how they all managed to survive. 1 took "suicide" pill. 2nd had "mortal" wounds. 3rd is going suicide. so plzzzzz die sum1 </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
1. kidi got hit in the head, it means that his brain goes by-by! but still, he had a cool battle.
2. exactly, i can defintaly see Kiba and chouji die, but i think Neji will survive, the bird reprsents breaking out of his destiney, and he previously said that everyone share the destiney of death... i know it's not much but i don't believe he'll die, and while Chouji and Kiba both said that they'll die, Neji is still clinging to the hope of life... so i don't think he's down yet.
Kiba's fight is the worst so far, even though he got to fight one of the cooler sound nins, the battle is just ugly, he copied the 'the dogs hunt by smell' from the kakashi fight and the 'godunka' (kiba new move) from kenshin's ougie, pure crap...
Chouji fight was DBZ nostalgia, and was much more fast paced than this one, Neji's fight started great, but had a draw back in the conclusion, kimi & Naruto fight hasn't really started, and so did Shika & Tayuya fight, but Kiba's fight started out purely ugly, and doesn't seem to be improving at all. Sure, sakon-ukon and Akamaru are decent, but kiba ruins everything by staying alive against such an advesery without a good reason.
yeah, neji was about to kill hinata too, before the jounins interfered. Not only that, but if Hinata didnt get treated then whe was going to die in about 10 minutes. I dont think any doctor has come to help kidoumaru yet.
this "all the genins on the verge of death" thing seems far too convenient. the moment kiba and akamaru agreed to use a jutsu that could drain all their chakra, i was promptly pissed off. Although it IS quite strange how all these genins could be doing so well, i sorta had the same thoughts though when ALL of the 9 rookies made it past the second chuunin exam, accounting for almost half of the genins that passed it.
as for Sakon and Ukon.....them being linked together makes the most sense to me. Afterall, we know that they have to somehow be defeated, and i dont think kiba or akamaru will be able to do so if sakon is still in good health.
ÜberBaka had some good thoughts a while back about the eventual path of things, and for the most part I agree. What strikes me, though, is an interesting analogue between Kiba/Akamaru and Sakon/Ukon. Will either of them be able to function without the other? I'm fairly certain that if Sakon dies, so will Ukon, but how about that reversed? Hopefully, Ukon dies, which doesn't kill but shuts down Sakon. I like Kiba and Sakon. And damn if I want Neji to die. We spent how many chapters talking about his family's legacy? Let's evolve that concept please, so that it wasn't just wasted pages.