As been said, Hinata will be a very strong ninja if she get's some confidence, im sure she has a lot more now due to Naruto.....and Tenten isnt bad either, Temari was just the worst match up she could have got. Btw how old is Temari, she's strongggggg =)
i think people are underestimating the female ninjas' abilities, such as:
cheer no jutsu
clean no jutsu
stop talking no jutsu
get beer no jutsu
get naked no jutsu
they are very powerful jutsus.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hyuga Koji @ Feb 11 2004, 12:41 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Ten Ten and Hinata would be pretty good ninjas they just got really bad matchups
Hinata vs. Neji (no match)
Ten Ten vs. Temari (weapons were useless)
Hinata needs to work on her self confidence and i'd like to see Temari again Sakura has nothing and Ino's attack is only useful for scouting or taking one character out of a team battle.
Naruto and Sasuke training together wouldn't work as good because they needed to be taught different things Kakashi couldn't have given either of them the intense one on one they both needed to win their fights or at least have a chance at victory. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Hinata is the only female character that looked like she can be good if someone trains her and gives her confidence. I hope she gets confidence when she sees hows good Naruto is now cause he sucked in the begining.
i wasnt talking about strenght i was talking about skill;)
What I am trying to say is that if you remember before the finals all other teams were training togethar with their team sensie, thus improving the over all strength. Kurenai's team was working to improve Shino's strength before his final match. Asuma's Team was working to improve Shika's strength. well it all seems very logical thing to do. I believe Kakashi favours Sasuke too much to train him alone and let Naruto train with that pervert Ebisu. Well i understand Naruto lacks in basic but Kakashi should know better just like Jiyaiya that Naruto has too big a chakra to perform basic jutsus. and if he does it turns out bad. Thats why he can make actual bodies so easily. So i think Kakashi should have matched up Sasuke and Naruto togethar for their final matches. Because we all know Naruto works alot better when there is competition with Sasuke , just like the Forest of Chakra Training.
What do you guys think?
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (_Sasuke_ @ Feb 11 2004, 07:33 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> As been said, Hinata will be a very strong ninja if she get's some confidence, im sure she has a lot more now due to Naruto.....and Tenten isnt bad either, Temari was just the worst match up she could have got. Btw how old is Temari, she's strongggggg =) </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
temari probably is 1 - 2 years older than tenten, which means she is 15 or 16 years old.
Splitting them up was just a way so that the storyline could progress into Sasuke learning the Chidori and Naruto learning Summoning no Jutsu. It also allowed for the suspense if whether or not Sasuke would show up or not.
I agree that it would have been smart for Kakashi to have Team 7 train together, but you have to remember that Team 7 was the only team from Konoha that had 2 people make it into the 3rd Round. The other 3 just had 1, so it made sense for them to train together to help the one person out.
Kakashi is just uber smart and realized that for Sasuke to beat Gaara he had to learn some uber taijutsu and ninjutsu assassination moves, so he had Sasuke go to a secluded place and he trained him personally.
He knew Naruto would be alright no matter what, but he had to work on chakra control, so he let Ebisu train him.
In one flashback Kakashi and Jiraiya are talking (kakashi has it during the fight with Itachi), I think it takes place after the death of Sandaime, but if it is before hand, then Kakashi knew Jiraiya was in the area and he might have just given Naruto to Ebisu to kill time for him to arrive.
All what I really know is that I just wrote way too much.
I have been thinking about that conversation too but i think it did happen after 3rd's death because soon after that Jiyaiya took Naruto with him....and what is the Shinobi Training Center?? well we have yet learn that. But coming back to the topic if Team 7 had worked togethar they should really have had Sakura go along with them too....because when we evaluate team 7 there is a huge gap between Sakura and Naruto,Sasuke. Its true that Jiyaiya had to be introduced and teach Naruto Summoning no Jutsu. But that could have done in some other way. Because as we know if we needed Jiyaiya to unseal Oro' Seal on Naruto, Even Kakashi could have done that since he is good in sealing techninques. all and all...i think Naruto should have been taught by Kakashi along side with Sasuke. Because since naruto has huge amount of Chakra for him to learn taijutsu the level of Sasuke and Lee would be very easy. since he wouldn't get tired so easily like Sasuke and Lee.
I think Gai should teach Naruto his Taijutsu.
well i don't disagree that Jiraiya is much better than Kakashi...Since Jiraiya is the master of Kakashi's Master (4th Hokage). So he has to be like super better than Kakashi. And i think Jiraiya doesn't like Kakashi that much since he called him a brat once. i am not sure though. well when it comes to the girls hmmm since the stories revolves around Naruto alot so girle are getting neglacted. But they have shown some pretty strong female characters in the story like Anko, Temari, ANBU chic too we know ANBU are pretty damn strong and lets not forget Tsunade. I think Ino is pretty good for a ninja coz she has special jutsu like mind body transfer. but yea Sakura is a waste of a character.
Even if we compare team 7 with the Legendry Nins.....Tsunade was stronger than sakura when she was only a genin.....we know Oro was a genius like Sasuke and Jiraiya was tied to the post like Naruto. oh well who knows Tsunade might help Sakura out and teach her summoning of the Slug.
Well Gai gives him his "cool" practice suit. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
I think its fine that Jiraiya teaches naruto. He has the same style as naruto. I think if Kakashi trained naruto, he would teach him the things least important to his fighting style i.e. chakra control. The thing that bugs me is that Sakura is getting left in the dust. Someone has to come along and train her.
If Naruto learned Gai's Taijutsu then it would be too much for now. I could see it happening though.
Narut walk out to get some Ramen
Gai: Hey, come with me, I need a new project till Lee heals, and you are a hardworker type like us!
Naruto: http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/blink.gif
you can't say that jiraiya is super better than kakashi cuz he taught the 4th...isn't that a little illogical? the master isn't always stronger than the student.
she gotta teach sakura a hell of alot more than summoning no jutsu for sakura to be a good ninja...
Dazzz: no but in this case he is right jiraiya is probably alot stornger than kakashi. i find kakashi overrated...
Besides Sakura doesn't have enough chakra to summon anything a salt shaker couldn't kill.
Medical jutsu and genjutsu are what she needs to focus on doesn't take a lot of power and relies on smarts.
Perfect match for Sakura she'll never get that strength though.
hahhaah yeah i think that is very much possible or....Lee when he heals up teaches Naruto on how to improve his speed. because he kicked major ass of both Gaara and Neiji ...and those were the two people Lee wanted to defeat badly.
And Sakura....i think Kakashi should pay more attention to her....or she should just quit being a ninja. i think Kishimoto neglects alot of other characters when focusing on a certaing thing. It feels more like when he is showing Naruto and Jiraiya rest of the cast is frozen.
just one thing i noticed, kakashi gave naruto to ebisu because he thought naruto just sucked, he didn't know that naruto had the seal over his kyuubi seal. If he had known that i think kakashi would have at least passed him on to a better teacher.
Yeah he hasn't done diddly with Sakura. I will laugh if her and Lee are secretly trailing the pursuit team. Lee can't fight, so it will be up to Sakura to kick the crap out of the remaining Sound Nin's. If Jiroubou, Kidoumaru, and Sakon survive their fights and are just at the brink of death, she could just walk by, and beat all of them easily with kuna's to their vitals. Then she would have bragging rights as the Sound Killer.
Dazzz : If Kakashi was stronger than Jiraiya that certainly means he has passed the legendry status....which he certainly hasn't....and i really believe Kakashi would get his ass kicked by Jiraiya.
Jiraiya is able to summon Gamabunta with his own chakra unlike Naruto who needs Kyubi's chakra to summon Gamabunta. and plus Jiraiya is the master of Gamabunta unlike Naruto who Gamabunta doesn't even consider a master only his underling(something). And Kakashi could only summon Pakkun with his blood contract Summoning. not the Scroll Summoning. Little Strange eh.
Sakura would be a better at medical jutsu and Genjutsu...i totaly agree.
yea and that alone shows that kakashi is a bad teacher that cant observe and see anything without his stolen eye... bottom line is he is overrated copied over a 1000 jutsus what did he learn then? how to copy?
the only way for Sakura to become like Tsunde is to lose her loved ones (like Tsunde lost Dan and Nawiki). but i guess you can say sasuke is her important person and she's gonna end up like tsunde - a drinking gambeling old bitch.
Ebisu training Naruto would do absaloutly nothing good, Ebisu could only teach Naruto about Chackra control, but that wouldn't win him any match against Neji or Gaara, Naruto needed a big striking jutsu, cuz against Kiba he had enouh chances to hit Kiba but he couldn't do anything usefull since he taijutsu sucks and he doesn't have enough raw power to beat anyone.
he needed 3 clones to kick a dazzeld (dizzy, not Dazz the user) kiba to the air, while Sasuke could kick a fulley competent chackra pumped bigger enemy to the air with one kick while being half drained.
hmmmm yeah i never thought of that before i really think she wouldn't come because she knows that she is not strong and infront of the Konoha 5 she can't do anything except that stupid "Cancel" Genjutsu. and plus Lee wouldn't let her go. and Plus Lee is gonna go through that treatment....and Tsunade said it will take long time. So i don't think he'll be able to fight right after the treatment.
i think Kakashi is stingy to not teach his team some of his copied jutsus....well he knows well over 1000 jutsus.....the least he can do it teach his three students one jutsus each from Nin, Gen and Tai.
Sad Sad.
oh, i thought we were talking about who's a better teacher. and yeah, it's obvious that jiraiya is stronger than kakashi... :/
hmmm better teacher obviously Jiraiya...coz he understands Naruto better than Kakashi....
Kakashi doesn't really understand the powers of Kyubi as compared to Jiraiya.....and i have a feeling Kakashi is more afraid of telling Naruto about the demon inside of him....coz he never mentioned Kyubi to Naruto...or maybe it was because of the rule created by 3rd.
And i think thats the reason Jiraiya can talk about it...since he has left Konoha and the rule doesn't apply to him....well still confused about that.....because if Kakashi had helped Naruto use Kyubi's powers ...there wouldn't be a misunderstanding between Sasuke and Naruto ....because Sasuke now is confused on how did Naruto get so strong....coz i think he doesn't know there is Kyubi inside of Naruto......if he knew it....he would understand Naruto better. STRANGE STRANGE STRANGE
Kakashi never talked to Naruto about the kyubi chackra, when Naruto met with Jiraya, he had no idea that he got chackra from the kyubi in the haku fight, and kakashi should have had enough time to talk to him about it.
Sure, it might be because he didn't think that Naruto knew about the nine-talis, but it's still something that should be checked for, and he did talk to the 3rd before he got them into thier team, and the 3rd knows Naruto knows about the 9tails (he saw it in his crystal ball in chap 1).
i agree naruto should have been told more about the Kyubi after he came to know that a demon is inside of him. it should have been the logical thing to do. like naruto should have gone to 3rd to find out why wasn't he told about the Kyubi stuff....well he should have been pissed....even after Iruka acknowledged him....i mean doesn't have questions on why was he the only who got the kyubi ...and like who were his parents and where did he come from.
i believe Kishimoto's pilot chapter where Naruto knows that he is a demon fox was a much better idea because thats when he can really work on himself and harness the powers of Kyubi....atleast he should have cleared out all these things.
its seem like everyone is forgetting that well kakashi was training sasuke he was also protecting him aswell. oro already tried to get him twice already and if he was to take naruto with them that would just be putting him in unneeded danger. also kakashi didnt know about the 5 element seal messing up naruto's charka control so having him focus on that seem like the right thing to do. if he did train them there would of been a high chance of both of them losing their matches and everyone dying.
I'll cant wait till Lee comes back in action, For one moment i thought Lee wouldnt be recovered by that wound.
actually i think its very good that naruto met jiraiya. he wouldnt have this early if he was training with sasuke and kakashi, that would just drag naruto down(yes i said it http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/ph34r.gif ) kakashi would probably just iwprove narutos chakra control since he sucks at it, i think jiraiya's method of training naruto is 100 times better than ebisu's and kakashi's
True he was protecting Sasuke, but if Naruto was there as well then he would be even under better protection. I am sure Kakashi would find out about that seal sooner or later.
I am not sure he has the skill to do what Jiraiya did though, that just seems like a Sannin type of technique.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya @ Feb 11 2004, 09:35 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> actually i think its very good that naruto met jiraiya. he wouldnt have this early if he was training with sasuke and kakashi, that would just drag naruto down(yes i said it http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/ph34r.gif ) kakashi would probably just iwprove narutos chakra control since he sucks at it, i think jiraiya's method of training naruto is 100 times better than ebisu's and kakashi's </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Totally agree. Lets face it, in comparison to Jiraiya Kakashi is nothing. With Jiraiya as his sensei there is no limit to Naruto's greatness. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/mf_gap.gif
Its off topic but it bugs me that all the female ninjas in Narutos age suck compared to the guys. I hope we will see a good female ninja or Hinata,Sakura will be great ninjas. I want to see a girl that is a good as the guys cause even Chuji is better than them.
It's obvious that males usually are stronger then females in most things, ninjas are fighting characters, females dosen't have a chance... or more correcly said, they shouldn't have a chance either..
Ten Ten and Hinata would be pretty good ninjas they just got really bad matchups
Hinata vs. Neji (no match)
Ten Ten vs. Temari (weapons were useless)
Hinata needs to work on her self confidence and i'd like to see Temari again Sakura has nothing and Ino's attack is only useful for scouting or taking one character out of a team battle.
Naruto and Sasuke training together wouldn't work as good because they needed to be taught different things Kakashi couldn't have given either of them the intense one on one they both needed to win their fights or at least have a chance at victory.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hakeem_21 @ Feb 11 2004, 04:07 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Its off topic but it bugs me that all the female ninjas in Narutos age suck compared to the guys. I hope we will see a good female ninja or Hinata,Sakura will be great ninjas. I want to see a girl that is a good as the guys cause even Chuji is better than them. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
no females!!! guys rule!!! lol jk...
well compare their strength to their personality...
hinata- no confidence
sakura- sasuke-lover
Ino- sasuke lover
tenten- ambitous
lets face it ino and sakura are too hung up on sasuke to be able to become great ninjas. hinata have no confidence at all someone gota help her with that before she can become strong. tenten can be strong if she trains hard. maybe she is the female hardworker?
Kakashi can summon more than just Pakkun, he jsut summoned Pakkun because he was a tracker that could track sasuke. Remember in the fight with Zabuza, he summoned at least 4-5 dogs. I wonder if he can summon any larger dogs?
But ya, having Jiraiya teachin Naruto is better in the long run because of their similar personalities. Also, had team7 trained together the focus of the training would be split in two, therefore giving both genins less than what they deserved. Kakashi could see the raw power that Naruto has, but he needed to be able to control it, thus becoming more effective. And Ebisu was supposed to be a good nin, isn't he a jounin, or a chuunin? he is a good teacher according to everyone, but he doesnt' understand Naruto's strength.
Kakashi also had to teach Sasuke to control his emotions because of the cursed seal, and since they both have the sharingan, it would be easier for them to train on a one on one state.
And blah...
well i am not mistaken Kakashi used a Scroll to summon those huge dogs against Zabuza. unlike the summoning he used for Pakkun.
He summoned them ALL against Zabuza. That was an Earth Fang technique. They all come out of the earth and grab the target so Kakashi can Chidori them.
Pakkun is one of them, his speciality is tracking, like he says, "I am not a fighter type"
Everything happens for a reason, good thing they didn't train together or Naruto wouldn't be as strong.
Everyone keeps putting Ebisu down, saying "Kakashi was so cruel for just dumping Naruto with him". Ebisu is good! He's an elite Jounin teacher, specializing in teaching future Hokage candidates. Just because he's a little eccentric doesn't mean he isn't worthy of teaching Naruto. If anything being taught by him is a privelage.
It seems like most people in the Konoha community probably weren't aware that Naruto could even access the kyubi chakra, that's probably why Kakashi or anyone else never tried to teach him. Remember in the Haku battle, Kakashi was shocked that the kyubi chakra was leaking out. Then in the Neji battle, everyone including the Hokage were shocked that he was able to even access it.
Maybe when Jiraiya attempted to teach him to use it, he didn't really know if it was possible or not, and it turned out he could use it.
i don't think Kakashi didn't know about the way of the seal since all the adults in the village know that Naruto is a Kyubi kid....and ofcourse the high ranking ninjas like Kakashi have to know what seal was used on Naruto......if you remember Jiraiya even explained how the seals work. all the excess Kyubi Chakra melds with Naruto's Chakra thus giving him greater powers in times of Danger.
But I think the reason why Kakashi didn't teach Naruto about the Kyubi chakra was because they were afraid Naruto might use it and might not be able to control it thus breaking the seal and unleashing the demon again.
that was kinda of gay but then again if they didnt spit up then naruto wouldnt have learned kiyochose no jutsu i think its spelled right correct me if im wrong, but back the subject, lets c, plus to me i think that kakashi favors sasuke over naruto just becasue sasuke has a sharingan, but it was a good thing that tehy did though
well yea but i am not just talking about Naruto......we are foregetting the waste of a character "Sakura" who was put in team 7......why wasn't she trained by Kakashi.....i mean he should have taught her a combat jutsu or two....oh hell i am done with this topic....
dam forgot abuot her, maybe its bc kakashi already taught here how to nutralize the genjutsu and that she failed the prelim matches
hahaha....dude just teaching someone a "Kai"(cancel) won't win you a battle.....she needs to learn jutsu's not definations of "chakra". coz thats all she does....she has memorized each and everything.....except on how to come up with new jutsus. i might be going ahead of myself on sakura...since she has very small amount of chakra.....
if she was to learn the medical jutsu....she better train like Lee...and i am sure she won't do that....coz she'll be after Sasuke's you know what....waste of paper and ink.
you guys dont seem to realize, the kyuubi is evil.
if naruto used too much of its power he'd get its evil intentions, he'd lose control.
theres no way that anyone could harness its full power without losing it
well from waht i can tell from where story is @ kakashi's team will all become the sucessors of the 3. Naruto chakra and all is going ot get is arse whooped mostlikely by kammimaro, and Sasuke will save him but still leave. naruto will again shadow jayria, and while Kakashi is supporting Kahona facilitating missions. Sakura( who we all know is a extremely book smart ) will somehow or another get hooked up with Tsunade. granted these are predictions but from where we are in terms of summons alone its logical progression.
Although i think Hinata would be excellent choice for a medical jounin- her byakagan would make it especially easy to manipulate chakra to stimulate healing, as well as detect internal damage... but that was a bit off topic.
well i think before naruto and kim start their fight i mean just like a second before naruto hits Kim....Sasuke is gonna come out with level 2 curse and than kimimaro would want to test his powers against sasuke....as to why Oro wants Sasuke so much.....and Naruto will just watch i guess..
hrmm actaully yeah idint even consider that. Im going to actually hop on that train we know that Sasuke is close to popping as it has been mentions many times up to this point. mmmmboy i cant wait
I think its pretty obvious that tsunade will teach sakura... I think with the trail of half dead leaf genins and the lack of sakura in this saga she will come along to save them with hear freshly learned medical jutsu. Not sure how sasuke will learn his snake stuff from oro with out getting his body taken over tho, unless he can copy it with sharingan but he would still need to sign the blood pact i think...
I remember reading an interview with Kishimoto where he mentioned the importance of the snail, snake and toad triangle. He said that Naruto was toad(obviously), Sakuke was snake and Sakura was snail, there is also a picture depicting this on the cover of chapter 4 in volume one of the manga. It would make sense that Sakura would learn healing because she has such great chakra control.
hm i guess tsunade could train sakura. Just because she is the hokage doesn't mean she can't take someone under her wing.
Weird question. Did sandaime teach Jiraiya, Oro, and Tsunade while he was hokage? Cause in 72 it show him with all of them looking at the hokage mountain and it has his face up there.
If team 7 trained together then Naruto would never have met Jaraiya. Then Oro's seal would have never been un-sealed. Naruto would not have been able to control his chakra or Kyuubi's. Naruto doesn't need to be trained by the likes of Kakashi anyway. It's as Jaraiya said, Naruto's kyuubi chakra is just wasted by doing these low level jutsus. Naruto just needs to hurry up and learn the high level death jutsus (just like the fourth). There's no need to play with little ants.
Besides, the introduction of the super pervert was extremely important.