hey sorry had to start a new topic last one was locked the link is here
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hey sorry had to start a new topic last one was locked the link is here
Thanks, did you host it causr it has a comcast address.
thanks dude no need to apoligize lets just keep this as the only 203 discussion.
Lol 2 minutes ago I checked and this post wasn't here yet.
Arigato http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/happy.gif
noo they did exaclty what i dint want them to do they split the fight sceens all up
No naruto kimimaro. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/sad.gif
Sakon=Fucking weird http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/blink.gif
well it took me 30 seconds to look through that chapter. not that much to read once it's scanlated. but thats sort of a good thing since we dont need to wait long for the scanlation. woohooo ppl was wrong with that twin theory its just a siamese twin http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif but he looked badass with the horn and long chin and all. kibas and akamarus reverse beast human jutsu was cool to. to giant drills this time instead of to kiba sized drills. cant see how the bigger ones are that much stronger.....
Naruto versus Kimimaro will be exciting, Shikamaru looks to be in trouble, Kiba is kicking ass with his reverse beast human jutsu, sakon looks cool with level 2 seal!! can't wait for next week
i peed my pants when i sakon in level 2. too scary for me. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/sad.gif
did kimimaro already seal 1?
if not, naruto is really screwed. following kishimoto's law of mundane dbz battle formulas, naruto would have no counters for seal lvls 1 and 2; seeing how naruto already tapped into kyuubi (his trump).
oh well, maybe henge'd butterfly chouji will save him - he hasn't done anything in a while.
lol yea i hope chouji comes and kicks kimimaros ass http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
naruto need to learn how to control himself.. and his trump card is sort of gamabunta which only can be attainable with kyuubi chakra at his current strength.
what's that stuff coming out of Kimimaros hands?
BTW exelent chapter as always...
thats some new technique kiba got there. he must of trained his ass off after his defeat by naruto. this is one dog fight to remember
i dun normally read the manga but i dl this one and looked through it and omg it looks so good lol kiba jutsu looks sweet!
That new technique of Kiba's kicks ASS. My jaw hit the floor when I saw that.
i wonder who was the one that taught him that jutsu his dad or sister. but its funny how his dog is the one that is usually worried and taking orders to now kiba being worried and his dog giving the orders. now that i think about it this fight reminds me of inuyasha and his fight with his brother. the more i see how much they all improved makes me more and more disappointed in sasuke. everyone is like 2 to 3 grades stronger then they were since the chuunin selection exam and sasuke is still around the same strength as he was then. granted he was in the hospital for a good period of time but seeing how he from a genius clan he could easily make that time up yet he need power to be given to him so sad.
i wonder since kimi says he is becoming a being made up of only a concience would he tire out. because with that many clones rushing in on you its bond to take a toll on his body.
Yay! Kiba's new jutsu looks awesome
Akamaru's Dynamic Air Marking made Sakon slip xD
lol did he slip? LOL http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...aughbounce.gif it was a nice chapter i just hope the y will finish the kiba fight before staring the shikamaru fight and then the naruto fight... naruto will be last since everybody wants to see that fight.
sweet stuff, liked the way tayuyas seal slowly activated as she played the flute. so im guessing the flute controls the summons too. Plus it seemed maybe kimimaro was gonna power up before the horde hit him, his chakra was all gathered up and stuff.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (khaodessy @ Feb 6 2004, 06:44 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> the more i see how much they all improved makes me more and more disappointed in sasuke. everyone is like 2 to 3 grades stronger then they were since the chuunin selection exam and sasuke is still around the same strength as he was then. granted he was in the hospital for a good period of time but seeing how he from a genius clan he could easily make that time up yet he need power to be given to him so sad. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
In my opinion it's pretty obvious that when Sasuke comes out of that box he'll have a rediculously high power-up as well.
And I think Sasuke's progress was more realistic than the others, I mean look at Kiba and Chouji with their cheap, totally out of the blue power-ups.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>I mean look at Kiba and Chouji with their cheap, totally out of the blue power-ups. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
o_O what's cheap about Kiba's new move, he has been training hard since the chuunin exam and here we have the results. Hard work! that's it :|
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (a_nevels666 @ Feb 7 2004, 12:47 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (khaodessy @ Feb 6 2004, 06:44 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> the more i see how much they all improved makes me more and more disappointed in sasuke. everyone is like 2 to 3 grades stronger then they were since the chuunin selection exam and sasuke is still around the same strength as he was then. granted he was in the hospital for a good period of time but seeing how he from a genius clan he could easily make that time up yet he need power to be given to him so sad. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
In my opinion it's pretty obvious that when Sasuke comes out of that box he'll have a rediculously high power-up as well.
And I think Sasuke's progress was more realistic than the others, I mean look at Kiba and Chouji with their cheap, totally out of the blue power-ups. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
choujis "cheap" power up were akimichi clan super pills....no cheap power up for kiba he got 1 new jutsu.... what his truly cheap is sasukes so called power up the only new power he will get is cursed seal lvl 2 which is cheap since he just stayed in a barrel to get that strength. choose your word man.
sauske is the king of cheap http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/laugh.gif
yea i totally agree to that one... no other character have gotten that many cheap power ups...
I swear that these genin fights are getting more and more insane. The one that I felt was getting left behind wasn't Sasuke but Neji. Everybody has all these flashy powerups while Neji didn't learn any tricks. Sure his moves are good by themselves but it seems as though he's lost that edge in the group.
And another thing, I wonder how Kakashi will do against Kimmimaro. By the laws of anime, it's pretty obvious that all those Kyubi Narutos are going to get owned.
Sakon's not going to be so easily beat by Kiba, i bet he barely takes any damage from that attack at all
and omfg how cool did he look when his seal was activating?
i wish it would focus on one fight at a time http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/sad.gif
naruto = teen wolf http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/mf_gap.gif
nice chapter , but i would hope they wrap it up quickly, and save the fights for anime.
Was that Kyubi chakra surrounding all of Naruto's clones (like when he went all Supersaiyan against Neji)? OMFG http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/blink.gif
I still think he's going to lose the fight but there is no way he's going to get owned.
Chouji's powerup, cheap? Yeah i guess so, i mean it only cost him his life. </sarcasm>
i swear, if kiba wins the fight against sakon and people still bitch about sasuke becoming faster than lee in one month...i'ma rip shit up.
Was a pretty good chapter. Having them break up the fights is good, because it is less dull, but we might not see them conclude as fast. Fine by me, this one on one issues were getting boring.
I was hoping for another head to pop out of Kiba's Henge, that way he could be like Cerebus.
I liked how we actually got to see what Tayuya's seal is, its not Heaven or Gaia seal....
I am thinking that Kimimaro put up a barrier.....
Nah I don't think he did. If you look carefully you can see that his arms are crossed and in the position to swing. I think he is just gonna chop up all the kage bunshins or something.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Feb 6 2004, 09:20 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I liked how we actually got to see what Tayuya's seal is, its not Heaven or Gaia seal.... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
what. we've seen tayuya's seal before. it's the same curse seal that rest of the sound 4 has...
Lets hope he doesn't have an offensive version of the Heavenly Spin. With those swords, he could tear those clones up no problem.
I am betting that in 204 Kiba's fight will end. Then they will do another issue that shows Shikamaru mostly fighting, but with some cuts to Naruto. Then in 205, Shikamaru's fight will end, and Naruto and Kimimaro will get more page time. I am betting their fight will go on for a good 2 issues after that. Hopefully some other people will show up too. Like a certain Uchiha who is in a barrel.
I would prefer all of chapter 204 to be one fight like kiba vs Sakon rather than spliting up the fight like in 203. I think having to many jumps really ruins the action.
I am just looking forward to see what Kiba calls this new transformation. I am betting that is like an Ultimate Piercing Fang attack. I hope they drill Sakon into the canyon wall and he goes down.
It would be nice to have a Gennin win, without dying or being near death.
Oh and I went back and looked at the Naruto's rushing Kimimaro. He has a pretty good chance of grabbing the barrel...if he wasn't in total rage.
Since these clones all went nuts too, I am betting they are more towards the strength of Naruto's normal base form. If they are all as strong as him in Kyubi mode it would be way too cheap.
It is just hard for me to believe that Kimimaro will go down this easily. This is like Goku showing up to the Frieza fight and beating him easily once he goes SSJ.
Im wondering whats the diffrence beteween Raw chapter 203 and the normal chapter 203 cause raw is out and the other isnt so im wondering if the Raw chapter 203 is okey.
Raw means that it's not translated, so unless you speak Japanese you won't understand anything. That's the difference, wait for the scanlation, it should be out pretty soon.
nah, this chapter has all action, so you can just pick it up and look at the pictures.
Also, INANE has said that they are not doing Naruto anymore.
Too many people are bugging them about the release and stuff.
We will have to see if they are serious or not though this weekend, but they seem pretty pissed.
Is Inane the only one translating Naruto? Is there a site you dont have to download the Raw 203?
Calm down.
They are most likely just making a point, to tell the leechers and newbies to stop bugging them about releases.
Inane as far as I know is the only good group that translates Naruto.
www.narutofan.com has the Japanese Raw up.
Their was one group that did a translation, but their site went down upon announcment. They are not as good as INANE anyway.
Just wait a while and see what happens.
Remember these guys have lives too.
I know they have lives http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...s/rolleyes.gif
But realeasing the translated manga in time shouldn't be so hard!
Well, I hope Inane doesn't stop.... I'm one of those guys who wants to keep his subber groups consitent in a series.
for Naruto to go all out so quickly, hes not going to win.
as for Kiba, we know that Sakon is known for getting out of attacks completely uninjured - i really doubt the strongest of the sound 4 will lose to Kiba that easily
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Feb 7 2004, 12:39 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Calm down.
They are most likely just making a point, to tell the leechers and newbies to stop bugging them about releases.
Inane as far as I know is the only good group that translates Naruto.
www.narutofan.com has the Japanese Raw up.
Their was one group that did a translation, but their site went down upon announcment. They are not as good as INANE anyway.
Just wait a while and see what happens.
Remember these guys have lives too. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
hope you are right.
I really feel for them. Its hard to imagine people going in and actually bitching at them for not releasing fast enough. I mean everyone gets pissed off when their fave manga/anime is delayed but to actually go bitch at the subber/translaters...wow..people can be so retarded.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Feb 7 2004, 03:11 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i swear, if kiba wins the fight against sakon and people still bitch about sasuke becoming faster than lee in one month...i'ma rip shit up. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
ok then i will bitch about that when he wins..... the only way he can lose is if someone comes and saves him i dont think any of the genins dies at all.
hahahaha! bad day for Sakon for stepping onto akamaru's piss! hahaha! got stuck somemore! hahaha! http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...s/mf_w00t1.gif
if you guys think that Sakon will go down from that one hit then pfft what series have you been reading.
Thats the first hit Kiba has actually landed on Sakon, Sasuke hit him several times and he was unwounded a few seconds later, hes no where near beaten
this chapter was kewl now all i have to do is wait for the english version to come out so i can under stand wtf they are saying
Aww seal 1. seal 2, too much like super sayan and above
they could have been more creative and said something like seal evolution or something but eh what can you do
sakon is definately not beaten yet but still wounded though i guess the next attack will probably end the fight or not, shikamaru is definately in some deep shit I really wanna know how he's gonna beat those giants
i'm guessing Sakon will win then have to leave or something to go check up on Kimimaro, or the cave will cave in when hes about to kill Kiba
Naruto fan has a translation.
Yes, it's not Inane but it will do for now. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif
oh yeah, and *slight spoiler*
<span style='color:#D6DBE0'>seems like Kiba is in trouble for using that jutsu, takes all of his chakra. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/blink.gif </span>
*end slight spoiler*