In Hajime no Ippo, after what episode should I watch Champion Road and Kimura vs. Machiba? Or do they come after the whole series?
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In Hajime no Ippo, after what episode should I watch Champion Road and Kimura vs. Machiba? Or do they come after the whole series?
They come after the whole series.
In reality, both fights take place the same night at the same Carnivale. At least that is what people who read the manga tell me.
Ippo is a great series so you should watch the whole thing. Infusion did them all, but then it got licensed right after that.
I plan on picking up the DVD's once they come out here. Its one of my favorite anime's.
Dont worry.. I plan on watching the whole series... I'm at episode 44 right now
Champion Road comes first. The only thing that changes between the two is the status of Ippo's relationship with Kumi.
They definetly aren't the same night in the anime.
I got them from mIRC in the infusion channel... but I dont think there are torrents anywhere
Thats a link to a torrent of all 76 episodes the Movie and the OAV all in one.
I've seen it all. It's awesome. I like it a lot, and can't wait to start reading the manga.
We've got the game, and although the graphics aren't high quality for a PS2, it's enjoyable. I wanna get the DVDs too when they come out.
you got the whole series!!! i accidently deleted it... is there some way i can get it have you a torrent uploaded on some site or something? when did you get it and how did you get it? i cant find it.....
Japan has a boxing history of its own. They drop a few of those names in Ippo. One guy who used a machine gun punch, he was mentioned while they were training with Nekota. If you get the Infusion ones, they give a url at that scene so you can learn about him.
the boxing in Ippo is a little exagerated too spice it up because regular boxing sucks ass but this anime totally ROCKS
I was wondering one thing... are you guys familiar with Japanese boxing? If you are can you tell me how accurate is the boxing system in the anime to real life system
With how it was described in Ippo, I thought it was just a regional division of a world boxing league. If Japan has its own version of boxing, I don't think it was represented in Ippo.
I can tell you this much most of the moves short of the shot gun are real boxing moves. For example Mashiba's Flicker Jab is a boxing move, though i've never seen it used to do much aside from put pressure on your opponent. The names they drop at least the ones i can remember are real. Jack Dempsey is a legend on old american boxing, no one could dish out or take a beating like he could. He was also a thug for the mafia and a vicious one from what i've read. Though the depsey roll has to be a tad bit over exaggerated. Rocky Marciano is a real boxer as well though i can't say i know much about him. Man i wish there was gonna be a second season. Mostly because i wanna see Ippo fight the old champ again and i can't get enough of the lord of perverts Takamura. Every anime need charcters like him.
Of Course Rocky Marciano is real.. go see the movie Rock Marciano with Jon Favreau it's awesome, but it's no Raging Bull
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Mondongo @ Feb 10 2004, 09:46 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Any of you guys are reminded of punch-out with the sound when Ippo does the Dempsey Roll? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Apparently others are reminded of Punch-out as well. Probably the only decent Ippo AMV I've ever seen. Let me know if there are other good ones out there.
Any of you guys are reminded of punch-out with the sound when Ippo does the Dempsey Roll?
BTW, I just watched Champion Road... awesome movie and fight, now I'm just waiting for Kimura vs. Mashiba to finish downloading... after that one the series is done right? or are there more movies on the work?
I still need to see this series really bad, it is on teh top of my list.
That Little Ippo AMV was awesome... sadly I havent found any others
If you like the anime so much read the manga. They are pretty much the same, but the manga drops more real life boxer names.
Also a bit more bloody and the manga has gone for over 60 volumes and still going strong.
The anime most likely only got to Volume 30 or so, including the movie and oav.
Episode 76 of the anime is something that was only in the anime I believe, it was cool to see the Pervert Lord's backstory though.
Hopefully Snoopy will keep going post Lalapalooza and we can check out the rest of the story.
This really has become one of my favorites.
I'll definately read the manga... if you remember the exact volume the anime stopped please let me know
Anime stopped around Volume 29 or 30 someone said. That is only episode 75 (76 wasn't in the manga I don't think)
I hear the movie and OAV leave out a lot of stuff, so I am just going to start finding raws from Volume 29 and going from there.
if anyone is interested in reading the manga from where the anime left off let me know now and post it in this thread so i can upload it to;enterthread=y
the manga is great too bad they had to end the anime, but there is a possibility of a second season
from what ive heard the companies involved want to make a sequel or at least animate some more, so hopefully there will be... the next portion of the series has some of the greatest fight, so i really want to see it animated
reviving an old thread here...
i spent the last two days watching this series (plus the 2 movies) and it was awesome! i didn't think i'd be THAT into it, since i'm not so passionate about beating up other people as most guys are. but then again, as a girl who's into watching shounen anime, i guess watching a series about boxing wasn't that much of a stretch [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Then go to irc or boxtorrents and download the manga cause the scans are 30+ vols beyond where the anime ends
oohh, i can't find the hajime no ippo manga on boxtorrents =( and i'm irc illiterate...... any suggestions on where i can find it websurfing? budweineken, help me out? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
dont have high-speed internet, so sorry...
for irc...
all you have to do is connect to the server /server
then go to the channel... /join #lurk
then /msg Neverwhere xdcc send #x
where "x" is the pack number that corresponds to the Ippo manga as depicted in this site (the numers to the far left of the file you want):
Other than that, I can't help you... google for an irc guide
There is a torrent link it is quite big thogh almost 16gigs. i got this a year or two ago and man ippo is one of the best animes ever. The gba game kicks so much ass also. I is alot like superpunch out on snes. multiplayer is the stuff i always use date eji and one of my brothers uses shigeta and the other uses ippo. The charcters are made very well in the game and are like there selfs on the anime.
i was looking for hte manga.... but thanks guys for ur input-- i'm gonna keep on looking before succumbing to irc =P
Hajime is an interesting phenomenon, it keeps getting praise from all sorts of people most of which don't even like sports.
My question is: is this show actually good if you aren't into boxing and etc? I need a new "complete" series to watch, and I'm curious about giving this one a shot.
Just let me clarify once more that I really detest sports anime in general. So what do you guys think?
It has great characters... it has a lot of awesome comedic scenes... and the fights are awesome... especially towards the end of the series...
One thing you'll need to get used to is that at times sports anime tend to have slow portions... but if you can handle the slow portions of Naruto and such, then you'll have no problems with HnI...
I love sports but i'm not a fan of boxning. What i like most in this anime and manga is the characthers i have never fealed so much for characthers in a manga or a anime as i do for Takamura,Ippo,Aoki,Kimura. The best cast of charachters i have seen. The comdey is worldclass,so is the drama,the fights everything.
takamura's hilarious.... i crack up every time he starts making fun of everyone else b/c they can't get back at him whatsoever [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
yes Terra go download it now! it not only has some of the funniest characters it has some of the best fight scenes any anime would wish to have, like Bud said some pieces might feel slow but stick trough them, this is one anime i would recommend anybody who watches any anime at all unless you really really really hate boxing, but if you just dislike sports anime because your used to stuff like Prince of Tennis well your in for a treat HnI is everything a sports anime is supposed to be and more, i can say with almost 100% certainty i've seen HnI over 10 times all the way trough and I still enjoy rewatching it, HnI has a special place up in my top anime list rivaling anime's like Bleach, One Piece and your favorite gundam seed/destiny characters voice actor does the voice for one of the characters in HnI
Which one i wanna know!!
okay okay Miyata's voice actor is the same as Yzak's voice actor they're both non-main characters but they are both cool and full of attitude
Oh okay then the voice actor must be very good since they dont sound similar at all. Yzak isnt my kind of character Miyata isnt iether but he is a good character.
Jesus Christ you people were right, this is so damn addictive. I've seen 17 eps in no time, man, what an awesome show.
good we have created another HnI fan! now go watch the rest it keeps getting better and better and when you're done download the manga from snoopycool it goes way further then the anime, the anime is like 30 volumes and there are already 73 volumes in japanese 52 have been translated
You even made me want to re-download this. Oh well that's not really a bad thing as the show is great.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Jesus Christ you people were right, this is so damn addictive. I've seen 17 eps in no time, man, what an awesome show.
Show is great re-downloading it now. But damn that boxtorrents file is big 15gb. This will take me a while.
EDIT: sorry bout the doulbe post, internet fucking up, thought i didn't post the above one.
yeah lol should've never deleted it, store it because sooner or later you'll want to watch it again
it's been a while since i first saw this show... but the re-watching value of it hasn't gone down. i keep opening up HnI files rather than watch new anime =P
Can't get tired of Takamura's muscular attractiveness huh?Quote:
Originally posted by: Honoko
it's been a while since i first saw this show... but the re-watching value of it hasn't gone down. i keep opening up HnI files rather than watch new anime =P
I had it on dvd+r but when i wanted to view them they were fucked up now i only got ep 69-76 which i had to burn on cd-rs.Quote:
Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
yeah lol should've never deleted it, store it because sooner or later you'll want to watch it again
oh yeah, he's SO hotttt =PQuote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Can't get tired of Takamura's muscular attractiveness huh?Quote:
Originally posted by: Honoko
it's been a while since i first saw this show... but the re-watching value of it hasn't gone down. i keep opening up HnI files rather than watch new anime =P
but seriously, i'm to the point where i've memorized what's happened at certain episode numbers so that to cut down the search for favorite parts >_<;;; gaahh...
same stuff happened to me now i'm copying my buddies ippo dvds thoughQuote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
I had it on dvd+r but when i wanted to view them they were fucked up now i only got ep 69-76 which i had to burn on cd-rs.Quote:
Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
yeah lol should've never deleted it, store it because sooner or later you'll want to watch it again
I'm not that lucky, the majority of my friends(meaning all of them) detest anime. I'm the only one. I rewatched the last fight in the show yesterday so now i'm waiting for the DL to finish, i'm thinking of trying to dig up some Ippo manga while i'm waiting.
ah yeah get all of the manga snoopy cool has done like 50 volumes and like 20 of that is all new material from what happens after the anime
Yea i started reading those but snoopy has taken them down as far as i know, if you got a place where i can get them i would be grateful. Also there's an IRC channel that got something called Neverwhere i think it's the name of the channel or a bot but i can't find it anywhere, i'm fucking retarded when it comes to searching google for shit, yep it's sad but true.
here's a torrent for vol 1-51 translated by snoopycool
Ah, no irc or seperate volumes download?
you could try snoopycool's channel or, ckmoney has gigantic bot lists so they might have ippo i haven't checked though
I just saw ep 29, man, Sendo is so cool.
yeah sendo is awesome probably one of ippo's coolest opponents
This is a great show. I think I'm on episode 45. Its getting to be pretty cool. Can't wait for the manga to finish downloading. What version are you guys seeing? I'm using the boxtorrent one from Infusion.
yep infusion is the way to go
I don't know about any other than Infusion doing the show. Sendo is kickass. Easily the best Ippo character. His past is fucking sad.
No way. Vorg is way worse. Just wait till you get to episode 60. That was my favorite/most hated episode.
yeah vorg is cool as well i said sendo was ONE of the coolest chars almost all chars are cool in ippo, only a few of them suck
I've seen all of it. Vorgs is not that sad in my opinion.
yeah vorg isn't as sad but i was talking about coolness now Vorg is definately on Sendo's level of coolness well that's my opinion anyway i should stop posting in here because i get this urge to spoil everything and that wouldn't be nice
As it stands HnI is the only series other than HxH that i've watched twice... simply too good...
As for the people still searching for the manga just go to #lurk @ for bot listing
Thanks Bud. I just finished downloading Snoppy cool volumes 1-51. I wonder if Kumi-chan and Ippo ever become bf and gf....That bastards just way too shy lol.
Edit: What's better as far as manga goes? The lurker ones or snoopycool.
#lurk is just a place to download manga (they have just about everything that gets released like ckmoney, they do not translate manga)... you can download the snoopy-cool version there..
The Manga is great! Volume 50! LOL
I just saw eps 39-40 of Ippo, damn that was some good shit. (It was when Miyata fought that Thai guy).
I felt so sorry for him, everything's been going downhill, and he kept getting hit and even had his eardrums damaged.
But when he after all of that connected with the Jolt I almost screamed with joy. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Man, that was some great stuff.
Just wanted to say that [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
haha, keep those updates coming [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] the facial expression of miyata's thai friend at the end of that whole "mini arc" (not the little guy, other one) was hilarious
Haha yeah when he was washing the car. That was really cute.
I just saw ep 42, man, I like how Umezawa has developed. From a bully which you wanted to kill, to a regretful person and now as a worker at the Makunouchi fishing company.
I think the author perfectly captured the insecurity of that character. Interesting that he wants to do a manga out of Ippo's career by the way, lol [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
haha, yeah, funny how that worked out =P
and i definitely agree about character development-- i think that's definitely one of the reasons why i enjoyed this series.
I have watched Ippo two times now its the only anime i have watched more than once.
Terra: About Miyatas mini arc,it was the time i changed my view on Miyata. I didnt like him much before that mini arc, but after it i felt for him. How things went for him,from the biggest talent to a nobody.
Black Ops: The manga is at vol 74 in japan,i cant wait to when we get there if snoopy ever wakes up from whatever happened to them.
ah yes miyata pwnz! yeah i wonder what snoopy is doing maybe they'll release another 10 volumes like last time
does anyone know if I can get the whole series off of irc?
I still haven't been able to find it
Update: Vorg is awesome. Give him soup!
And some apples... He really likes those apples
I just watched ep 60... jesus christ, this show is so fucking good.
1, I'm glad that Ippo lost a fight. For a while I was pondering on the believability of him always winning, and I'm glad to see that he lost a fight and developed a bit in that direction too. Also, it did feel like it was too early to beat Date for the title; especially considering the latter's backstory and determination as a champion.
2, Vorg is so fucking cool. Who wasn't teary eyed in ep 60? Seriously. He lost for such a lame reason, and was such a nice guy, and his dialogue with Ippo at the airport was touching in a way that anime seldomly are these days (IMO anyway).
Yeah, awesome show. To the core.
yeah vorg should've one oh well this sets the stage for the best battle in HnI enjoy the last 16 eps
I laughed so fucking hard in the Kimura/Aoki flashback when they fell of the motorcycle twice and then had to chase it.
And Aoki playing with his dick LOL
Okay I finished the series, that was one hell of a good show, saying a lot since I don't even like sports anime.
It had everything a good show needs, comedy, the ability to capture, intriguating story... oh yeah.
I cried a bit during ep 75, it was so beautiful to see Ippo get the belt. Man, this shit is so absorbing. Great show.
But why did they add a Takamura flashback as last episode? Cool yes, but why there of all places?
Now I have the movie & OVA ahead of me before I start reading the manga.
I guess that was some kind of bonus maybe since he didn't have much of a past up to that point, he just was the idiot strong guy. Nobody knew why he started boxing and all that crap.
yep, Champion's Road before the Mashiba one remember...
And the manga is great also, I wish they freaking hurry up with the second animated series as has been rumored
im reading the manga lol
It would kick ass with a second Ippo series, to see some of the later fights animated, i can hardly wait when i hear stuff like that.
Okay finished Champion Road & the Kimura/Mashiba OVA too. So now I've seen all anime. This stuff was the shit too, I liked Sanada (cool with a fighting doctor) but the OAV was even more awesome... I was teary-eyed 4 or 5 times, outstanding development for both Kimura & Mashiba (especially the prior) and a damn good fight which kept me wondering who'd win all the way through.
Time for the manga!
Hajime no Ippo Reportedly to Return to TV in January
This year's 42nd issue of Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine will reportedly announce that George Morikawa's Hajime no Ippo boxing manga will return to television as a new anime series in January of 2009. The story follows the path of Ippo Makunouchi as he rises from a shy high school boy to the ranks of Japan's best boxers — and eventually the world's. The first Hajime no Ippo television series ran in Japan from 2000 to 2002, and no new anime has been produced since then except for a 2003 television special and a 2003 video. The original manga has been continuously running in Shonen Magazine since 1989, and over 73 million copies of the 85 compiled volumes have been published. The magazine's 41st issue had promised last week that a "big surprise" will be announced for Hajime no Ippo in the next issue.
Geneon Entertainment released the first teleivsion series and television special under the name Fighting Spirit on DVD in North America. Three of the videogame adaptations, including a Nintendo Wii game last year, have been released in North America under the series name Victorious Boxers.
Thank you to ParaParaJMo and Matt Ponton for the news tips.
Source: Kakure Ota no Blog
Awesome news! this was one of my early favorites. I dont read the manga so I hope they continue where the original anime left off. I'll be patiently waiting....
Great news, looking forward to it.
Wee awesome news, as this is one of my favourite series of all time