2 AM Friday Morning. I just figured I would put this topic up, so we don't have 2 topics like we do every week. Its useless to have two, when one will do.
I plan on waking up again early this morning to check, I will give you guys an update if I can find it. Most likely it won't be up until around 10 or 11 AM my time. (USA East Coast)
Why not wait until it is actually up to start a topic? Seems kind of pointless...
No it's not pointless.
Thanks Hatake Kakashi.
sorry, i just have to add one thing:
*from the summary*
<span style='color:#D6DBE0'>Naruto prepares to do his Kage Bunshin and...</span>
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Jan 30 2004, 08:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> sorry, i just have to add one thing:
*from the summary*
lame. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
shouldnt really call that lame.... its like neji always using gentle fist styleand sasuke throwing the chidori 30 secs into a fight. since he havent seen him fight for a while. narutos main attack is the kage bunshin the reason why you dont think neji or rock lee fights are lame is because they fight with taijutsu which have diffrent punches but are the same tecnique.
EDIT: deleted the spolier, didnt realize it was grey until i posted http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
Last Page = HOLY SHIT!
As I heard a lot of dialogue. Can't wait for the scanslation.
Raw Spoilers Below Highlight to Read
<span style='color:#D6DBE0'>Shikamaru looks like he is in deep shit. Let's hope his old man taught him some new moves.
Kiba and Sakon appear to be at a stale mate so far, but he hasn't used his curse seal yet.
Naruto has surrounded Kimimaro with a shitload of Shadow Clones, but they are only as strong as 1 Naruto in all, so its not that big of a deal. He did the same thing with Sasuke, and Sasuke beat them off like they were nothing.
Good chapter it seems like though, bet it will be even better with dialogue.</span>
-------------------------------END SPOILERS---------------------------------------
hm read the first few scans, looks like theres not a lot of actions so i'll wait for the translated version. But finally my sword/left hand question is answered. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/laugh.gif
ive heard its in korean.
my main comment is that shikamaru is in so much deep shit.
hmm okay chapter but dont pre judge those kage bunshins and they are nothing like the ones against sasuke against sasuke naruto didnt even use kyubi chakra, you dont know how much of the kyubi chakra is used here since he went crazy but on the other hand kimimaro looks alot more stronger than sasuke..... gonna be some good fights now.
hm what does Naruto think he's accomplishing by making 1000 kage bunshins. We all know they're gonna get beat. Maybe he's trying to psyche Kimimaro out. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/ph34r.gif
I wonder what oro and kabuto are talking about. Maybe it has to do with Kimimaro's powers?
actually---this one is different from sasuke---last time he did this was with either Gaara, or against Mizuki---the last time they were this strong though was vs. Mizuki, cuz with the Kyuubi chakra its like an army of regular Naruto before doing Kage Bunshin. so difference, but im sure Kimimaro can handle himself
Yeah, we are supposed to be impressed that Naruto did this and think he might have a chance. Kimimaro is just going to own them all with either a high level ninjutsu or taijutsu.
1000+ kage bunshin is out now, Kimimaro should be able to handle this no problem. What I'm really interested in is that what would Sasuke do if he's in Kimimaro's shoes? I remember some earlier comment about how Sasuke would somehow beat the crap out of 1000+ kage bunshin ...
it's definitely not in modern korean and i highly doubt that it's written in the older language since almost all of the newer generations totally have forgotten about it.
damnit where is the translated.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Destroyor @ Jan 30 2004, 08:06 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> 1000+ kage bunshin is out now, Kimimaro should be able to handle this no problem. What I'm really interested in is that what would Sasuke do if he's in Kimimaro's shoes? I remember some earlier comment about how Sasuke would somehow beat the crap out of 1000+ kage bunshin ... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Yeah but the strength of each Bunshin is only 1/1000th of how strong Naruto is.
One hit and they are done.
Kishimoto most likely set this up, so we can see just how bad ass Kimimaro is.
That chapter was awsome. Instead of slow 1 on 1 fights we now get a three in one. Made it a bit short but it's really starting to shape up. I'm looking forward to Kyubi Naruto getting owned. If Kimimaro can beat Kyubi Naruto without the seal then he'll definately live up to his rep.
there is a summary post of 202 over at toriyamaworld.com; so Ill post the link if yall wanna spoil, and are inpatient. I do warn though this is just somebodies post and while it seems legit and they tend to be on the Jump board over there, i cant guarantee its accuracy, and also once again this is just a summary from some guy in japan or something. summary
good initiative ! less spam http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
i want to use all my will power to resist reading this chapter and read 202 and 203 in one shot but i'm too weak http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/sad.gif
i gotta have my naruto fix !
Is Kimimaro overrated? I think he is...cuz Kabuto said to Kimimaro "I don't know who's stronger between you and Sasuke." So that means Sasuke is apparently on the same level or stronger than Kimimaro, meaning that Naruto indeed has a chance against Kimimaro or stronger than him (cuz I believe Naruto is stronger than Sasuke at the moment). Im hoping to see some strategies by Naruto, he's rasengan failed multiple times already, I'm really anxious to see what method he'll perform to use it. I don't think I even need to see Kimimaro fight and simply judge who'll win, if Naruto summons GamaBunta...then its OVER.
Kabuto was saying i wonder whos stronger between you two because now Sasuke has a level 2 cursed seal.
we have no idea how strong Sasuke is at level 2
i think kabuto was talking about sasuke's potential, not his current skill.
got my hopes up
but usually the raw topic is for people who want to try to understand whats going on or have someone translate it - the translated topic is where most people post as they've just read it
we wont be able to discuss the RAW like this because it'll give spoilers away to the people who wait for inane or OT
did Kabuto right out say "level 2 Sasuke" ?he was kinda vague when he stated that
For the people who are discussing the RAW Mark your posts as
RAW Discussion SPOILERS Below
<span style='color:#D6DBE0'>Then put a Spoiler Tag Like this so no one gets mad</span>
I have a feeling that until the scanslation comes out, this topic won't get hot anyway. Most people might not even come in until its out.
Didn't even come out yet, now you'll have post on next friday for chapter 203 from 8 people trying to be first.
Lets just keep out of this topic until the scanlation is realesed, we dont want to spam do we?
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Jan 30 2004, 09:44 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Yeah but the strength of each Bunshin is only 1/1000th of how strong Naruto is.
One hit and they are done.
Kishimoto most likely set this up, so we can see just how bad ass Kimimaro is. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
You are thinking of water clone. Shadow clone have the exact same strength (fighting power) as its creator only that it can only take 1 clean hit(health).
Destoyor, the Chakra for Kage Bunshins is divided up equally. They don't have the same strength. Go read the manga, you obviously haven't done so already.
Enough of this, who is stronger stuff already..
Besides Inane's Version is out on an XDCC bot in #mangareaders
you got a site you can download it from?
You are going to have to go on mIRC like everyone else until someone uploads it to a site.
I am going to read the chapter now...
Narutofan has Inane's translated version out.
Well not a whole lot of stuff was revealed. We got some insight into Shikamaru's mind, how he feels about leading the team. Its also pretty cool how he doesn't think his friends are dead. I am starting to think that they aren't either.
I hope Kishimoto keeps going back and forth between the fights like this. It is a lot better than boring 1 on 1 every issue.
I guess Sakon is the strongest of the Sound 4..no wonder Sasuke had a tough time with him. I hope Kiba and Akamaru brought there A game with them. These giants that Tayuya called, might prove to be tough for Shikamaru, but I think somehow he will find a way to win. Probably has to do something with disecting Tayuya's personality.
I've got a bad feeling that Naruto is relying on the same strategy he used against Sasgay on the hospital roof. He creates a bunch of clones to distract his enemy while he forms his rasengan. I don't think Kimimaru is stupid enough to fall for that but if and when Naruto busts out the rasengan its going to be massive since he's using so much Kyubi chakra( as indicated by the change in appearance that wasn't there in his fight with Neji).
This is Kyubi Naruto right now, no telling how strong he is right now. A thousand Narutos, you know why it is like this though. What other attacks besides kage bushin, summoning frogs, and Rasengan does he know. Oh and 1,000 years of pain.`
i think kiba will lose...if he doesn't, then wtf i guess sakon sucks considering he's the strongest one out of the four. anyway, i also think shika is fucked. even though he is super smart, he doesn't have any strong attacks to defeat 4 of them. and as for naruto versus kimimaro, i think kimimaro will clean house.
There is something you have not thought of. What about sasuke?
I remember Kabuto wondering of who is the stronger between Sasuke and that Kimimaro guy, so I think Naruto will start off by fighting Kimimaro but it will result in Sasuke breaking free.
And what better chance do we get to see Sasuke fight Kimimaro??
And Kiba will definetly loose to Sakon, Kiba will have some tricks up his sleeve, but I don't think it will be enough to defeat Sakon.
I hope and pray for 203. This (finally!) has the makings of another Haku/Zabuza fight, where there's something on the line, the fights are amazing, thought provoking. The series has been really trying my patience, and hopefully, I'll reap the rewards for it. Anyone else feeling this?
well how about taking out the legs? they wont be able to stand
He will probably make his shadow go along the ground in between Tayuya's feet. Then continue on to the Giant in the middle. He will have him do like a whirl wind spin which will hit all 3 of them and send them flying. Then he will back up and fall backwards so that giant can knock his head off the tree.
Shika is the winner!
well it would be easier said than done
just lope off both heads with a bigass shuriken but that would be hard
I know how you feel xtort, but not for the Naruto Series. I felt that way for the Inuyasha series which I stopped reading. Honestly I thought the Zabusa/Haku arc was my least favorite of the series. Idk why I just couldnt get into it.
Anywayz this chapter rox. I still think Naruto will woop Kimimaro and then Sasuke is gonna bust out of the barrel and bitch slap a weakend Naruto. Lol you guys are doubting Kiba he will beat Sakon. Plus I think the summons are gonna be Tayuyas mistake. I have a feeling the Shika is gonna shadow copy one of the summons and hit her with it.
hmm. i say shikamaru will shadow bind the 3 giant gnomes thingy, and have them attack tayuya. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
sasuke ain't coming back with naruto. that's for sure. DON'T ARGUE THIS http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/mad.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Gabriel Angelfire @ Jan 31 2004, 02:31 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I know how you feel xtort, but not for the Naruto Series. I felt that way for the Inuyasha series which I stopped reading. Honestly I thought the Zabusa/Haku arc was my least favorite of the series. Idk why I just couldnt get into it.
Anywayz this chapter rox. I still think Naruto will woop Kimimaro and then Sasuke is gonna bust out of the barrel and bitch slap a weakend Naruto. Lol you guys are doubting Kiba he will beat Sakon. Plus I think the summons are gonna be Tayuyas mistake. I have a feeling the Shika is gonna shadow copy one of the summons and hit her with it. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Exactly. I think Shikamaru will use the summoned craetures shadow to extend his jutsu, and somehow lead her on into an eventual (but slow) capture with the jutsu. He'll be drained, after though.
As for Kiba, I think he'll win, too. He's the perfect match for Sakon, since he can also duplicate himself, just like Sakon did. Akamaru and him will probably think of something.
The only person that isn't going to win, is Naruto. I'm not doubting the little bastard, but I don't see Kimimaro losing, anytime soon. He didn't seem the slight bit caught off guard by the bunshins, so obviously, this kind of thing is nothing to me. And, I also don't think a simple rasengan will do the trick, either.
I don't think Kimimaro will lose at this point simply due to the fact that he's only recently been introduced and anticipated. If he were to lose now it would destroy all the momentum that has been built up behind him as a villian.
I'm not sure how it will all go down, but I think it's pretty obvious Sasuke's gonna make an appearance sooner rather than later. He'll most likely interupt the current fight between Naruto and Kimimaro, but it's hard to say who he'll go against, if not both of them.
Shika and Kiba both seem to be in a lot of trouble atm..... I think Shika will be ok, after his speech about teammates and trust it really sets him up to win, he wouldn't lose after saying all that. And Kiba seems to be outclassed right now, making the reader believe it's all over, so that tells me he'll end up winning, as a turnaround 'twist'.
Like someone mentioned before, I'd really like to see Shika control one of the summons and attack the other summons with it or even Tayuya herself, that would be pretty ironic, hehe http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/laugh.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Jan 31 2004, 07:46 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> sasuke ain't coming back with naruto. that's for sure. DON'T ARGUE THIS http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/mad.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
hehe i love your posts man. just strait forward.
i dont think sasuke will come back either. he is to stubborn and stupid to come back.
correction! you're the wrong Dazz!!! aww anyway you behave a little like the real one http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
Darn Naruto!! why make multiple shadow clones (1000+) and divide the chakra in so many clones, they're weak now, SUMMON GAMABUNTA, gamabunta obeyed naruto when they fought gaara so probably he will obey this time also, stop that kage-bushin no jutsu... or do a mighty rasengan with combo with fast taijutsu...
Kiba can't lose. If he loses he dies...atleast based on what Kabuto said about sakkon.
The last panel was sweeet. I can't wait for the next one.
i dont see them drawing out the kiba and shika fights long, the emphasis is clearly the naruto fight, maybe they will show some good moves next chapter then the leaf backup arrives, and when they come to help the naruto fight they all just sit back and watch it unfold as it would be too dangerous to intervene. Im hoping this is where the leaf prove to the sound they are not worthless bitches like they keep calling them.
seeing as how they have been drawing i think that they will continue what there doing by showing lil clips of each persons battle they cover a bunch of events at once
doing 1000+ Kage bunshins is part of naruto's angry show off we will probably see some rasengans and/or gamabunta summoning to. just be patient and wait until he fights with all of these clones. remember that naruto is not really good in taijutsu and that he mainly have to fight one opponent with several bodies to make up for his lack in taijutsu skill. and we dont even know how strong each bunshin is. besides its hard to fight 1000 opponents even if they're weak.
I mean like having sasukes/itachi/lee speed, and making rasengan, it's godlike speed... it's a good combo
i know this is long past, but incase they didn't get their answeR: the "raw" is in chinese
it's not a raw either though
it was probably in japanese when it was scanned and from there it got translated to chinese... unless they're releasing a chinese version of it paralell with the japanese one (they are probably releasing chinese one too but i thought they would be releasing that one a bit later)
it's just that there's a "speech" bubble (11.jpg) where it was probably written with kanji in japanese, and the hiragana and katakana (forgot the name which represents both of htem http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif ) which say how the kanji are pronounced are still there
i thought they might have removed them if they translated it to chinese in the book format.. but someone translating it online would probably not bother to even touch the speceh bubble (for those who dont know it kanji is written the same way as traditional chinese)
besides i just realized that the chinese in most of the comic is alot darker than it should've been if it was scanned =p i think i'll safely conclude it was added later
as if anyone cares http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
i hope noone bothered to read all that rambling
the chapter was awesome though ^^ i hope it doesn't end in any way disappointing
and i hope naruto doesn't just use all those damn clones to attack.. but i'm afraid he seems to have entered a bit of a berserker mode so he might not care too much about thinking strategically =p
he's got alot of strategic potential with that many clones though; would be sad to see him waste it
and kiba and shik seem screwed.. i hope the other guys who are still alive hurry up and come to their rescue http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...s/mf_w00t1.gif
first i dont think itachis speed is at the level of either sasukes or lee's and lee is most likely still faster than sasuke at least the normal sasuke without curse seal shit. kimimaro will most likely be faster than both sasuke and lee.
EDIT: of course i mean that itach is faster than sasuke and lee....
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Jan 31 2004, 07:40 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i foresee a 'win' next chapter followed by an overall loss by all the genins, Sasuke will make it to sound you've gotta recognise that. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Sasuke has to go to the sound for the story's sake.
It would be to much hollywood if you know what i mean,if Naruto gets Sasuke back to leaf village. Something bad has to happen. If you call that Sasuke going to Oro bad http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
Haven't you read 140-146 ??
Did you see when kurenai ambushed him and then, *poof* he was ambushed, and the same goes for kakashi, he went super god-like speed at him, and *poof* he was behind him with a kunai, though it was just a clone, but it was fast.
Somehow, Kishimoto has made heroes out of Chouji and all the underdogs so far. I think he's going to do the same with Akamaru and his dog. (Hee hee). So Kiba's going to win. But also by a very small margin. We've yet to see Sakon go to level 2 as well.
As for Shika. He's too smart to lose. It's somewhat to improbable. he'll probably feign death and as Tayuya thinks he's dead and gloats over Shika, thats when Shika would strike. Probably doing his Shadow Neck Bind Jutsu... Another thing. Is it me, or is it like getting darker in the series (I mean, approaching evening or nightfall?). Shika's more or less unstoppable at night.
For Naruto however, I think Naruto's definitely going to lose. Either pushing Kimmi To level 2 or something. And as the death of Naruto beckons, Sasuke is going to pop out of his barrel and be the hero for once.
And about Naruto's strength getting divided, Does it? I don't remember that though..... Definitely if he created so many he's chakra would be drained a thousand times faster, but I don't know about his strength. Enlighten me. Anyway, but Naruto is going Kyuubi mode.
I just thought of a new idea for shikas new technique
Shadow Stealing no jutsu or whatever
basically he can steal someones shadow and temporarly make it come alive. This way he'll beable to fight off the summons with his own shadow summons. Just a thought... cant wait for more
since naruto now knows why oro wants sasuke his chances of loosing just went down. kimi just told him oro just going to kill his best friend and rivial and take over his body. this fight can go either way since for the 1st time naruto used kyubi charka to make clones. i always said fighting naruto was like fighting an army and since each clone is kyubi powered kimi will end up tiring himself out way b4 naruto does. like someone said their numbers play a key, and the last time naruto made an army of clones he was handing gaara his ass. i wonder what kind of rendan he will create this time since since he has his naruto renden and his nindo naruto renden (the one he hit gaara with which looks painful).
one thing i just remembered is that oro now sees naruto as a threat to him. so i wonder how oro would take it if he finds out that it was naruto prolonging them.
Knowing Shika, I'm guessing he'll use mainly, the enviornment, to get maximum results. That's how he won against his other opponents. (Who were girls)
yeah but how is he going to take on all of those summonings
Did you noticed the transelation by inane in this chapter, the soundgirl-ninja said like "damn homos" i wonder if anbu/aone will do the same ^^
ya i think shikamara is going to pist her off to the point that she starts to get sloppy.
i dont think the naruto clones will be as weak as they usually are because kyuubi's chakra is so awesome
(i think) this is the first time he has used kyuubi chakra to do kage bushin and he hasnt done made many clones in a while.
im thinking naruto will have the advantage over kimimaro, until kimimaro uses his bad-ass seal and grows some horns or something and will easily rock naruto's face with his spikes. also sasuke will difiantly interrupt the battle.
i cant see kiba winning on his own, he's not that type of character that wins
http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif. i bet his new technique will be crap by the way he brags about it.
i think shika could win, he's gunna use his new technique and beat tayuya's ass
perhaps maybe kiba, shika, neji and chouji will be sent heap form the leaf?
maybe even shino and his dad, or sakura and ino (not that they could do anthing):]
because if shika and kiba lose (probably) they'll difiantly be killed.
that would be nice to see a appearance by shino and his dad but if that did happen his dad wouldn't go they'd of sent him on a different mission as soon as he got back and maybe jiraiya will show up
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Jan 31 2004, 09:08 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Haven't you read 140-146 ??
Did you see when kurenai ambushed him and then, *poof* he was ambushed, and the same goes for kakashi, he went super god-like speed at him, and *poof* he was behind him with a kunai, though it was just a clone, but it was fast. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
i think you got me wrong what i meant was that itachi is way faster than both sasuke and lee my mistake for not saying that. but the ambushing of Kurenai doesnt have to do with speed she used genjutsu and he countered it with genjutsu.
itachi is just the shit right now end of story.
The question that keeps popping up in my mind is; where the heck is Jiraiya? Didn't he say he was going to have a few words with Naruto?
if Shikamaru wins this hes stronger then Naruto.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (CmDr_RavEn @ Jan 31 2004, 02:03 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I don't think Kimimaro will lose at this point simply due to the fact that he's only recently been introduced and anticipated. If he were to lose now it would destroy all the momentum that has been built up behind him as a villian. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
not really, since he was on his death bed a few chapters ago, and kabuo and oro have been talking about his illness.
What i'd like to see in the Naruto fight, is the naruto clones grouping off and doing different tactics of their own, a few doing ragasen (i.e more than one at a time), and a few summons http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
but i doubt that'll happen anytime soon http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
shika? i think we've yet to see him at his full potential in a 1on1 fight, although this fight will be tough either way.
Kiba? not a chance imo http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...ughbounce2.gif
woohoo now i get to read chapter 202 good thing i didnt read the post and went to the link http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/laugh.gif
insomniac: How? Naruto would eat Tatuya in kyubi mode;)
I dont think Naruto will lose but i hope also that kimimaro doesn't lose either cause it would be a waste of a cool villain. Honestly we need other bad guys than the annoying Oro.
If Sasuke wakes up and tries to be the hero,Naruto will get so mad that he might kill Kimimaro or something cause Naruto hates when Sasuke steals his thunder.
I hope that we see rasengan in kybubi mode even if it doesn't finish kimimaro.
Also i would like to see a new move or justu from Naruto that Jiraya learned him or he learned a jutsu on his own.
holy fukin shit thats alot of nartuo's, now im so juiced up to rad the other chapter but its so far away http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/sad.gif
Wow, anyone wanna play "Where's Naruto?"
yeah, enough about itachi.
man you guys pray to him like he's a god.
i can't imagine what this board will be like when WE ACTUALLY SEE HIM AGAIN http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
probably a lil something like this:
OMG itachi we love you be my god
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (meta.4 | likwid @ Jan 31 2004, 05:43 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Wow, anyone wanna play "Where's Naruto?" </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/laugh.gif http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
oh and i honestly hope naruto loses, at least temporarely... everoyne has been talking in the series about how strong kimimaro is and "when kimimaro shows up he's finished" and all that =p it would be disappointing if he didn't put up a fight
maybe in the end he'll just die of exhaustion or something (shishio-style http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif ), or something to do with his disease + using too much chakra + using too much strength
who knows =p i at least hope the fight wont follow the standard format (that all the past fights have followed http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/dry.gif )... that would be boring...
somehow the fight between nartuo and kimimaro seems like a typical fight to get inerrupted by someone or something (like shika and kiba calling for help so naruto has to run and save their asses and kimimaro runs away with sasuke)
More like:
OMFG, Itachi, I want a child from you!
lol, its obvious that itachi is the strongest ninja introduced so far. and ppl say like, gai can beat him, blah blah and he ran from jiraiya blah blah which he did because he had already used his mange sharingan twice and was weakend. btw i am not a fan of itachi i just realize that he is strong...
Meh i would say Jiraiya is probably on the same level as itachi.
i foresee a 'win' next chapter followed by an overall loss by all the genins, Sasuke will make it to sound you've gotta recognise that.
Naruto will beat Kimmimaro, cuz he said he won't let him take Sasuke and Naruto doesn't go back on his words and if he gets beaten Kyubi will be released so there really is nothing to worry a win hands down for Naruto, Shika will obviously win don't know about Kiba though hope his new technique rips Sakon a new asshole
Well, it should be interesting.
nah not on the same level but right below seeing as he is stronger than orochimaru.
About the Shadow clones, their chakra are divided evenly but there is nothing mentioning physical body strength being divided evenly. A clone should be able to punch just as hard, jump just as high and run just as fast as the real Naruto.
Another thing, rasengan is already hard to control as it is, is Naruto going to be able to control a rasengan using kyuubi chakra?
i think we'll get to know kimimaro in the next chapter, his background and ambtions.
the title of the next chapter is path of evolution, so he will surely explain how he got all the knowledge of his ancient tribe. its really getting interesting.
My guess:
we will see something like when Naruto fought Gaara - his strength will be introduced to the other genins.
When Tsunade said to Shikamaru that he should take Naruto with him I think she tould him about the kyuubi, the others don't know yet.
Shikamaru's and Kiba's fight will come to an end very soon - and I think both will survive too.
After that they will - beaten like crap - catch up to Naruto who is draggy fighting with noone having the upper hand. Kimmimaro then will attack his comrades and Naruto will go into "don't attack my precious comrades" mode and we will see another epic battle involving huge summonings and so on. During this Sasuke will break free, see Naruto beating the crap out of Kimmimaro.
Kimmimaro is from a clan that is on par with the Uchiha from a physical standpoint, even more perfect and has a powerful curse seal. But Gamabunta will be Naruto's trump card.
Kimmimaro near dead and Naruto beaten like against gaara. After that Sasuke will go to the sound all by himself seeking power taking Kimmimaro with him. The others too beaten to be able to do sth against it.
So the genins will have won the fight against the sound but lost Sasuke. I don't see Sasuke believing Naruto that Oro just wants to possess his body.
And to the rooftop thing: we have seen Naruto making the rasengan without his clones in 200 against sakon. And what about all this Shika will control Tayuuya's summonings? Shika is not Ino. He will probably Shadow Neck Bind and kill her, after what the summonings will disappear.
Well, everyone is talking about how kiba has no chance against Sakon, but I strongly believe that he has the best chance since he's with someone precious to him (Akamaru) and the true strengh comes when protecting a friend/comrade, someone really close to you.. blabla that's what this show is all about
Well this chapter was pretty ok, nice thoughts from shiki =)
About the fights.......sorry I would like all the gennins to win their fights, but it seems a bit too illogical for me.....
cause out of the gennins, except for Naruto that is, Neji is by far the strongest and he really had a tough time with Kidoumarou and kido wasnt even the strongest yet, how on earth should Kiba win from Sakon the strongest? mayb with a soldier pill but still......
And for Shiki.....he'll win cause Shiki is cool, hehehe nevertheless I think he'll reveal some secret personality from that girl(forgot her name) he'll just outsmart her.
About naruto, I like the little fellow very much, but I don't think he would win from Kimmimaro. About the way I saw kimmiaro talk to the sound-girl, he should be able to kill one of the sound without real efforts. So his skills should be far above of them.....and the gennins still have a tough time with the sound-4 so, kimmimaro is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay above the gennins and to flash back, Naruto just barly won from Neji, but Naruto did improve and learned rasengan. But I still think Kimmimaro would win from Naruto, that would be better for the story, Sasuke will go to the sound, as much as I hate it =(