does anyone know if Dark Horse will be releasing Trigun Maximum in english. i have the first 2 regular Trigun mangas, and i want to read Trigun Maximum.
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does anyone know if Dark Horse will be releasing Trigun Maximum in english. i have the first 2 regular Trigun mangas, and i want to read Trigun Maximum.
wuts trigun maximum??? does it takes place after vash kiks knives ass or wut or is it a diferent story?
Hopefully. being the fan i was i bought the manga in orignal japanes so i could at lest get the general idea of the diffince between the manga and anime even thought i dont know japanes. I dont see any reason short of the manga sales bombing. but the odds of that are super low
it starts about when wolfwood enters the story
o ic ic so theres nothing diiferent boaut it right ?
Trigun Maximum Begins around the 5th Moon incodent. the anime Passed by so maximum gose in a diffent way. For one thing. Kain the Long shot is an anime Exclusive chariter. in the manga. there is Cant remember the first part of the name butit is crimson Nail. You also get back story on the Gung ho Guns. this is all i know that i will say. wee. i like being in the Know about some things
its bimonthly so i think maybe march or they might wait awhile but i'm almost certain they are releasing it this year
so no one here knows where we can get scans of this?...
Scans of the first two volumes (out of nine) are out there, you just have to look for them.
No clue. would love to get em. but i guess i just have to wait for them to sell it.
need....................trigun.................... ....maximum.........................
It's out so don't bitch. I was a bit dissappointed that it wasn't as long as the first two Trigun volumes.
until i see any such urls to the aforementioned series, then i reserve my right to bitch
also i dont think you have any clue about what you're talking about, since maximum is its own series
yes i saw the first volume of trigun maxium out today at waldens book store by dark horse
yes.....ive seen trigun manga at the stores too.....but if i can get away without having to buy the things....i'd rather do that
at least until i have a somewhat decent job
besides, anime manga is always horribly overpriced
I do know what I am talking about because I have read it. Trigun Maximum is a continuation of Trigun (unlike Cowboy Bebop: Shooting Star for instance). Also, it was not too expensive. $9.95 is not too much for a 190 pg book.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
until i see any such urls to the aforementioned series, then i reserve my right to bitch
also i dont think you have any clue about what you're talking about, since maximum is its own series
well if you knew what you're talking about, then why not phrase it so that it makes sense? for one thing, you were comparing series to volumes.....which is weird......and second, the original trigun was THREE volumes, not two
edit: and i couldve sworn maximum was more than 3 volumes...are you sure its shorter than the original?
I'm talking about Dark Horse's printing. The Trigun Volumes they published were long -about the length of one and a half normal volumes- unlike Trigun Maximum whose physical volumes are shorter. I'm not saying that the Maximum part of the series is shorter.
well you keep talking about the english releases as if im not asking about "downloading" the chapters [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
The first two Maximum volumes are there. They stopped scanning maximum due to lack of intrest. There are currently 9 volumes of it out in Japan, and it's still going on, but will end soon. But i really like Nightow's work, so go buy the manga anyways!
Is anyone reading this currently, i jsut started to dl it and up to volume nine chapter 2 has been translated. You can get it here....
Trigun Maximumn can ne found here.
Holy shit..........
I've been meaning to read the trigun manga for years now, and finally decided to break down and buy the books. I've read up to vol 7 so far, and it's getting pretty insane!
Anyone else following the series? There's so much stuff crammed in that I think it'd be neat to have a discussion about it.
I bought the english translations of Trigun volumes 1 and 2, and then volumes 1 and 2 of Trigun Maximum.
I must say I much prefer the anime. I'm not a fan of Nightow's art style. Half of the time I need to look at the pictures several times over just to see what's going on (though I admit it has gotten better recently). I will finish the series though, just so I can get a more complete version of the story. And because I love Vash so much.
Getting farther into the manga, I realize alot of the characters feel "cheapened" in the anime version. The details behind vash and knives's motivations are more profound in the manga, and the abilities, personalities, and histories of the gung-ho-guns are alot more elaborate as well.
^^^^ That's all I needed to hear. I'll be buying the next few volumes of Maximum the next chance I get.
I agree with all of that; "profound" is a great choice of words as well. I've read through all of volume 11, it just keeps getting more intense, and I especially loved the Wolfwood sidestory.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
I'm definately looking forward to reading more. Anyone who is a fan of Trigun and hasn't read up on Maximum is certainly missing out.
I go to college with the scanner from Maximum 7 scanlations. He says that Nightow says he is getting close to finally ending this series. Then I made the point that with the rate Nightow is going, "getting close" probably means another two years.
Where could i download the Maximum 7 scanlations? There's no telling how long it'll take dark horse to release the newer ones.Quote:
Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
They have through all of volume 14 scanlated.
You can go to the page Sidnne mentioned here, or if you're in an IRC kind of mood, go here: They usually have their newest stuff on IRC before putting it on the website.
Maximum7 has Vol 15, chapter 1 (ch 94) scanlated now.
DD Here
just bought and read the first 2 volume of trigun maximum, and i must say i like it. I haven't read the previous manga so i don't know how much different it is from the anime. But i must say the plot differences are i welcome them, certainly explains alot of things.
The main differences that I recall are:Quote:
Originally Posted by dragonrage
The bounty on Vash's head has been lifted (too much of a liability to enforce it)
Knives is reborn in that plant that he had been hiding in ever since his previous confrontation with Vash.
Knives cripples Legato when Legato tries to kill Vash.
Each gung-ho-gun carries a half of a coin that Vash ends up collecting when he defeats them.
There's a bunch of other minor plot details that vary as well, such as some of the fight sequences and the order that mysterious elements pertaining to Vash is revealed.
New volume dub coming this month, anybody know when though?
Coincidentally, I picked up Vol 1 & 2 of Trigun Maximum recently too. It kinda annoyed me that is started off halfway in the series (after the 5th moon incident). And as someone mentioned here, the art needs some getting used to, especially the way the characters are distorted during the fight scenes. =|
But now after seeing how assertn is wowed by this manga, guess ima continue reading it after all. ^^
M7 has not put a scan up on their site since chapter 94; that was back in April. Does anybody know of a site that has scans of chapter 95 and higher?
I know this is a repeat topic for Trigun, simply answer my questions and I'll merge them with the main thread, I just don't want to risk getting spoiled for this simple question.
Anyways, I'm just wondering if the anime was loyal to the manga. If it was, in what chapter/volume did the anime left-off in the manga so I can continue the story? If it's completely different, then let me know and I'll just start from the beginning. If the anime branched off from the manga at some point, then let me know where it happened. Kinda like GANTZ, once should start reading in the Buddha arc.
It's not quite so simple as a direct branching. I'd say most of Trigun: Deep Space Gun Action and most of the first three volumes of Trigun Maximum were covered in the series.
Some things are left out to simplify the series though. For instance, the Gung-Ho Guns are each given half of a coin for use later. A few of the Gung-Ho Guns' stories aren't told completely (especially Zazi the Beast and Gray the Ninelives).
If you didn't want to do the extra reading you could pick up at about the end of Trigun Maximum Volume 3, but you'll miss some important parts of the story. I suggest reading from the begining of Trigun: Deep Space Gun Action all the way through.
Edit: By the way, the Trigun manga is published in the US by Dark Horse. They do a fairly good job of translation, much better than some companies. It's worth the money to pay for the official version I think. For newer stuff, the scanlations from Maximum7 are great.
You might as well just start from the beginning.....the two stories branch from each other very early on....and, while they may intersect paths frequently, there's still alot of differences in between.
OK, thanks... I think I'll start reading from the beginning.