Maria the Virgin Witch: Junketsu no Maria
"During the Hundred Year's War between England and France in the Middle Ages, a powerful witch named Maria lives in a secret forest with her familiars. She hates the war around her, and will sometimes stir up trouble against the church that does nothing to stop it. Her interventions into the world, however, run against the plans of heaven, earning her the attention of the Archangel Michael." -ANN
DL: Episode 1 720p | 1080p - HS
Genres: Comedy, ecchi, fantasy, historical, romance, seinen
Links: AniDB | ANN | Official
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I instantly liked this show. Maria herself captivated me because she's an odd mix of theatrics and bold acting stemming from her image of what a witch should be like (naturally she's not quite like that) and real power. It doesn't hurt she's cute, of course. Another thing that caught my attention is the relative historical accuracy (aside from witches with real magic). I have oft said when watching other shows, like Vanadis, that I'd like to see realistic fights every now and then. However, when this show offered quite a realistic view of the kind of fighting that distant past offered, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But that's how it was, from a modern military tactics point of view. Aside from such things, I liked how the succubus made fun of Maria's inexperience as a woman.
There was nothing here I didn't like. I really hope this will stay good till the end.