Well. for those of you that don't know, the RAW is finally out. Much more talking than I wished for.
If you want the the raw, you can get it at my site... the link is under my sig.
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Well. for those of you that don't know, the RAW is finally out. Much more talking than I wished for.
If you want the the raw, you can get it at my site... the link is under my sig.
thank you so much for the raw rajin im readin it right now
someone plz send me the raw, my aim sn: mkvli357
EDIT: nm, i'm an idiot.
another disappointing chapter. neji should really finish him already.
Well i hope Neji does kick kido's ass, and then run back to Konoha to get some serious medical attention for his serious of wounds and his depletion of chakra. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/sad.gif
didnt the arrow go through Neji's hand though http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/huh.gif
i think Neji just seriously needs to learn some Ninjutsu. he's getting run down right now coz he relies on the Jyuuken far too much.
some random fire jutsu would do him a great deal of good right now.
this should be moved to the open discussion untill the translated version comes out
i mean with the speed that the eps get translated its not so bad but its cool to have no idea of whats happening. not to hear about what people kinda see from the raw
i agree with Hayate, Neji needs to learn and develop a better ninjutsu. He has the da best defense, he has the best taijutsu, he has the byakugan, he has the best blood flowing within him, he has good grasp of tactics, BUT he lacks ninjutsu. If neji learns ninjutsu or genjutsu he will be even deadlier. IMO Neji is the best close range genin ninja (2nd Lee, 3rd Naruto), if Neji learns how to fight far range too...den he'll surely be a true genius. BUT i bet he did learn something new...and hes gonna use it to win.
this almost-dead-then-finishing-off-the-enemy-with-some-spectacular-move trend is getting to me
has noone that has any influence with the manga noticed the repetative battle... "structure"?
why the hell is he standing there like target practice ?
he better have something planned and not die or else i'll be pissed.
Uhm, since its not even TRANSLATED yet, and this could possibly ruin it for those of us who want to read it translated, not raw, this is getting moved to the open discussion forum. When it's translated, and people have had a chance to read it, -then- ask an op to move it back in here... Or create a new thread or something.
Look at the last page.
Neji didn't get hit by the arrow like a moron, he CAUGHT the arrow with his body.
Notice how this arrow is connected directly to Kidoumaru's mouth.
Neji is going to force him into close range combat.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JessiA @ Dec 6 2003, 09:12 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Uhm, since its not even TRANSLATED yet, and this could possibly ruin it for those of us who want to read it translated, not raw, this is getting moved to the open discussion forum. When it's translated, and people have had a chance to read it, -then- ask an op to move it back in here... Or create a new thread or something. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Well, the translated version has been released, I guess some mod can move it back now...
Thanks Raijin.. Lifesaver!! Oh yeah.. for those who don't know.. the Orange Tangerine is sub is also out.. Check out Raijin's website... kewl.
I'll wait till it's translated, damn :sigh: wish neji would finish killed it for me though. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/mad.gif . The last chap said it was the final blow so I think it'll end...
thnx for the raw, i been wanting to see something even if i cant understand it.
oh and ur site is really cool, love the jiraiya cover.
Wish it would finish, but it seems to be going as I called it.
Neji's getting owned, guy says how it's fate and how Neji has no chance to win. Neji remembers Naruto, and then forms a plan to win.
I'd like to see it translated but yeah, way way too much of a dragged out fight now.Especially as it seems (I don't read japanese) as like 4 pages were dedicated to the same explanation
The battle should really end next chapter. Neji should own and if he can't do it Chouji should give Kidoumaru a sneak attack http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/ph34r.gif, wheheheheheh...
Neji is going to die, just like Chouji.
Humm next will be Shika or Akamaru & Kiba ? http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/blink.gif
yup but its still better then dragon ball Why dont you just shut up and fight already syndrome
I'm hoping the next battle is Shika, Naruto, and Kiba team up on the rest of the sound nins...
Shikamaru will last out to the end probably with Naruto
and by the way its not that simple to learn ninjutsu, so far only the Uchiha clan has been shown using fire jutsu havent they? learning the exact chakra molding techniques as well as the correct hand seals would be pretty hard, i'm guessing we'll see why he hasnt learnt any long range attacks yet in the next chapter (i'm guessing he'll use the arrow and pull spidey towards him)
If you had an excellent hand to hand fighting style wouldnt you work on perfecting that so if a situation came up in which it wasnt hand to hand you would just try to get close (Kaiten is used against projectiles)
He never thought that someone would be smart enough to work out his blind spot why should he have prepared long range techniques for something he didnt think possible?
Naruto cant fight long range either. Its not that simple, either you work on close range or long range seeing as if you work on both you wont excell in one.
Its abit like Tenten, she excelled in long range and target hitting but in close combat she was slaughtered, Neji on the other hand has the strongest hand to hand style and can deflect any projects with kaiten as long as he can see them, theres no reason for him to go out and learn a new jutsu if its going to take so much time and effect
IMO he probably sent some of his soft punch chakra to fallow the web strait to Kidoumaru. This would mean that he did not have time to move from the arrow but he still got Kidoumaru with a direct hit. I think this would work and it is something that Naruto would do except he would have had a shadow clone do it.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (raijin @ Dec 6 2003, 10:51 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JessiA @ Dec 6 2003, 09:12 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Uhm, since its not even TRANSLATED yet, and this could possibly ruin it for those of us who want to read it translated, not raw, this is getting moved to the open discussion forum. When it's translated, and people have had a chance to read it, -then- ask an op to move it back in here... Or create a new thread or something. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Well, the translated version has been released, I guess some mod can move it back now... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
no changes, it's still been translated a while ago....and its still under open disscussion...
i think Neji did something near the end. cuz he raised his hand. (And the way it was raised it wasnt like he wanted to catch it)
then u see another 'clip' (before the one where it shows neji gettting pierced) a cloud of smoke rising in the forest. i thought at first taht it was the arrow but maybe it could have been Neji's attack on the spider dude. (cuz he doesn know technically were the attack is going due to the web behind the arrow)
what i said could make sense or just some regulaer blabbering by me.
*walks away
I hope neji just DIES!!!! He such an ass. But thats isnt gonna happen i think http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em.../mf_jumpon.gif http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/mad.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Dec 7 2003, 02:45 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Shikamaru will last out to the end probably with Naruto
and by the way its not that simple to learn ninjutsu, so far only the Uchiha clan has been shown using fire jutsu havent they? learning the exact chakra molding techniques as well as the correct hand seals would be pretty hard, i'm guessing we'll see why he hasnt learnt any long range attacks yet in the next chapter (i'm guessing he'll use the arrow and pull spidey towards him)
If you had an excellent hand to hand fighting style wouldnt you work on perfecting that so if a situation came up in which it wasnt hand to hand you would just try to get close (Kaiten is used against projectiles)
He never thought that someone would be smart enough to work out his blind spot why should he have prepared long range techniques for something he didnt think possible?
Naruto cant fight long range either. Its not that simple, either you work on close range or long range seeing as if you work on both you wont excell in one.
Its abit like Tenten, she excelled in long range and target hitting but in close combat she was slaughtered, Neji on the other hand has the strongest hand to hand style and can deflect any projects with kaiten as long as he can see them, theres no reason for him to go out and learn a new jutsu if its going to take so much time and effect </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
i dont think its that hard to be able to fight well in both ranges, look at Sasuke for example. he has great Taijutsu and great long range skills.
there is a reason he needed to learn good long range jutsu, because he knew about the Byakugan's weak point and its limitations but still didnt do anything about it.
its kinda inevitible that he'll fight someone smart enough to see its weakness, he just didnt think far enough.
dude...................neji got rapeds0rz
sasuke does have skills in both, but if you place him against neji in taijutsu neji would win, same with ten ten and long range. he obviously wouldnt fight on their terms like that, but i thik it's an exageration to place him on par with them by useing him as an example. they are obviously superior, so in fact it would be ''that hard'' to become good in both.
Just read the Inane translation (which as usual makes things clearer). I think Neji does have something up his sleeve (no pun intended).
Noooo i dont want neji to die , http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em.../mf_jumpon.gif
i think that neji and chouji will catch up at the end , i mean after they get sasuke , hope that happens , http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/dry.gif
The fact that the arrow didnt hit Neiji's blind spot meant that he avoided the intended point of target.
I hope that meant something to all those Neiji fan.
ill think he is gonna do something to the rope of web that was atttached to the arrow, since that is what he noticed. maybe he'll send all the chakra he has left trough it in a last attempt to do a double knock out. though i dont know if he can do that.
i was thinking the thread is connected to neji and kido, so neji can do kaiten or something, start spinning and maybe swing kido into a tree. I know it sounds dumb, but it would be funny.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>i dont think its that hard to be able to fight well in both ranges, look at Sasuke for example. he has great Taijutsu and great long range skills.
there is a reason he needed to learn good long range jutsu, because he knew about the Byakugan's weak point and its limitations but still didnt do anything about it.
its kinda inevitible that he'll fight someone smart enough to see its weakness, he just didnt think far enough.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Actually in the chapter it was stated that the whole purpose of Neji/Hyuuga's kaiten WAS to make-up for this weakness/blindspot. So, I don't know what you are talking about. He was just outsmarted, that is all. And how exactly would a long range jutsu help him, he has no idea where he is. Even if he had one he wouldn't be able to hit him with it without knowing where he is. It would be much smarter for him to concoct some strategy to track down opponents to get them to close combat to take advantage of his jyuuken instead of some long range jutsu.
Also in one of the posts about only Uchiha using fire jutsus the Hokage used some too, although I guess that is an exemption because he apparently knew all the leaf's jutsus.
I also agree with everyone with Neji most likely finding Kidoumaru via the thread attached to the arrow and bringing him to close combat and finishing him off. I'm also thinking/hoping Neji/Chouji will die because I think it will impact the storyline better, but I don't care all that much either way.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (skyro @ Dec 8 2003, 06:22 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Also in one of the posts about only Uchiha using fire jutsus the Hokage used some too, although I guess that is an exemption because he apparently knew all the leaf's jutsus.
</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Didn't 1000 years of pain by kakashi involve a fire hand seal? http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...s/rolleyes.gif
let's all just pray lee will bust out and help fight someone.
I think anyone can use fire jutsu, they are just hard to use... but sasuke and kagashi both have the sharingan and a hokage is a hokage, and then pervert sennin used it against Orochimaru, but he is also quite powerful so...
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (ÜberBaka @ Dec 8 2003, 05:30 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (skyro @ Dec 8 2003, 06:22 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Also in one of the posts about only Uchiha using fire jutsus the Hokage used some too, although I guess that is an exemption because he apparently knew all the leaf's jutsus.
</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Didn't 1000 years of pain by kakashi involve a fire hand seal? http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...s/rolleyes.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
That was just a coincedence.
personally i dont think neji even got hit by the arrow he caught it in his jacket/shirt in order to hang on to it and make it look like he got hit, he'll collapse and then kidomarou will walk up to him and make sure hes dead and then neji will use some juuyken on him. or some unexpected move
Neji's definitely gonna pull off some big move to take him and spidey out of the manga. It seems obvious that he is gonna send his chakra up the web line to harm the sound guy. Other wise he's gonna use kaiten to spin and pull the guy towards him and then hope for a critical hit on his heart or something.