I'll add to the thread later but everyone should seriously watch this, the first episode was a breath of fresh air
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I'll add to the thread later but everyone should seriously watch this, the first episode was a breath of fresh air
I've read the first novel, but why do you think it is a breath of fresh air?
It's clearly a rehash of Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo. Fresh air it is not.
The light novel was even published barely over one year after Mondaijitachi's (April 1, 2011 versus April 25, 2012). Premise is the same, setup is the same, No Game No Life is a just pale shadow (with Day-Glo art).
That's not to say it is bad, but it's nothing revolutionary, merely derivative.
I read a couple chapters of the manga of this (hardly any are translated/released) and it was interesting. Looking forward to just watching the anime.
Well, the characters are certainly different from Mondaiji. No omnipotent bad ass in this one.
I know neither stories, but the hero in this anime certainly gives the impression of being an "omnipotent badass". Of course, the hero in that other manga might be even more omnipotent, lol.
@episode 1: I liked it. What sucked is how they rushed the development. The hero acclimated himself awefully quickly to being transferred into another world. He got way too confident way too soon. And, and, and.
I hope they spend an elaborate amount of time on explaining this guy´s past as well as building this new world. Don´t want another skip-induced anime like Sword Art Online.
But it is a keeper for now. Very easy to follow. If only it weren´t for the staple moe imouto. sigh
I thought to myself that guy is surprisingly adept at talking to people and understand all of their reactions etc... which doesn't seem to match with his NEET syndrom.
Regarding the 10 rules, I wonder how they are enforced. Because like the one about cheating, it only works if you get caught.
So I guess you could do the same with the no-kill one.
Well, the no-kill rule doesn't have a clause about not getting caught, right?
I also thought it was interesting that the last rule isn't covered by rule #9.
This pair might be even more omnipotent than Mondaiji's Izayoi. After all, the world is practically created for them, whereas Izayoi did have his super strength and wits, but we already saw he was, after all, getting near his limits surprisingly fast considering the beginning. However, in this show's world when violence and robbing is forbidden by the god, the games are everything, so it limits the scope perfectly for the siblings who seemingly excel at all sorts of games. In Mondaiji the games included violence and robbing. In this show with its peaceful games, a brute with lots of strenght is never any good. The world must be full of losers who don't have the intelligence for playing or simply don't enjoy it and thus can't get anywhere in life.
At least it was explained why the world is like that. Although it shouldn't stay like that. It would be somewhat improbable all the other gods who enjoyed their war would simply accept this gaming world for all eternity. Surely this Tet was a god of games, whereas the other gods were gods of whatever. Why would they all change? They should merely be bidding their time. But like Ryll said, this is merely an altered copy of another story, so I don't think it will have too much depth.
I wouldn't say they're more powerful. On par.
Sora couldn't figure out how the other girl was cheating, just that she was cheating the princess. He's no slouch at cheating, but she has something else going on. Both Sora and Shiro recognized that hooded girl had something to do with it, but they weren't able to determine it yet.
In contrast, Izayoi was usually able to figure out someone's Gift fairly quickly. He was the equivalent of Sora (strength) and Shiro (brains) combined. This pair is still obliterating bandits and the occasional shady woman. Izayoi fought gods right from the start. Give these two time.
What Ryll said, and the fact that Izayoi did not require a world designed for him to be omnipotent. He was just Izayoi anywhere.
ok, you guys made me check out this mondaijii-anime and i watched episode 1. um, that was super generic. i hated how super confident all three characters were when they just got transferred to some fantasy world. i hated how they had dragonball-like abilities even before transferring there.
seriously, no game no life is like 10 times better just comparing each series´ first episode.
do those authors not understand how important a sense of inner belief is? When the very first scene is some middle schooler throwing stones like theyre meteorites, somethings gone wrong.
Sure, I will. I just hope that there will be some reasoning behind their gaming prowess. It's a bit more complicated than having been born a fighting monster. How did he even manage to win the poker game when it was the lady's deck and table? I can actually acccept the problem David pointed out: It works if you think the dude considers this world a game and is basically behaving like his player character would in a normal game.
Well, I'm not saying Izayoi's character wouldn't have been OP and granted plenty of blessings, but I maintain the claim this pair is better off: They are gamers, the world is all about games and nothing else, whereas Izayoi was an intelligent thug and had to suddenly face all manner of games and not merely solve everything with brawn.
Episode 2 - HS
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Quite an amusing episode. I think I'll have an easy time keeping watching this one, though it will take a while to shed the feeling of plagiarism. The odds are nicely piling against them with the opponents using magic. Maybe they will be able to use their technology to compensate every now and then, for a while. It might be pretty hard to fight against magic, though, if they can't even sense it being used.
I don't get why their totally break when separated, however. They don't seem to absolutely need each other when playing or crafting plans, for example, so why such a sudden crash when there's merely a door between them? At least the little sister is very understanding...
them breaking down when being separated for like 10 meters was super creepy and weird. If i didnt like the rest, it´d actually make me stop watching this anime. was just super dumb.
I really like this hero 100000 times more than the heroes from that other anime, which youre referring to when calling this one a "plagiate". Unlike the random magic powers in mondaijii, the hero here has no unbelievable powers. hes just really good at games, and in a world where games control everything, that makes him strong.
if it werent for the unrealistic confidence (youve just been transferred from real world to some fantasy world, please act a little more surprised and scared and shocked), id have no complaints about this show.
although i didnt get the janken game. "im only using paper". um, how is it even possible to lose against him then?!
Haha that was a nice parody.
I'm liking this far better than the LN version. That was simply not delivered as well, due to writing or maybe translation issues.
I keep getting surprised how anime "fans" are still "turned off" by incest themes.
It's about how common it is in the medium. Even if you do not enjoy it, I would think that you would have built up a resistance to it if you have watched enough anime.
Then again, I watch any genre or theme, so others may be more selective watchers and avoid certain things at all costs.
It amuses me how "fucking" is used to emphasize a point, when plainly stating it would have sounded much more convincing.
Episode 3 - HS
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Quite a nice episode otherwise, but it's a bit troublesome Sora was panicking so early in the story. I'd have preferred more subdued worrying as this clearly is nothing but the first step for them, of a really long and high flight of stairs. It's not bad they had to improvise and make rash decisions, or that Shiro was momentarily defeated by an incompatible opponent, but showing such panic is showing the limit of their skills. Unless they display remarkable breaching of their limits due to this complete environment change from games to fantasy reality, it wouldn't be good writing. Of course the other alternative is that Sora is actually panicking all the time when playing and then winning like a drunken boxer acting on instincts alone, but I'm not sure I'd prefer that over the kind of melodramatic twisted genius impression he has been giving so far.
The elf seems so friendly and sympathetic that I have to wonder what's the truth behind this all.
Fantastic episode. Sora´s motivational speech to the soldiers, promising free banging of girls, was the best I´ve seen in anime for quite a while. Super lol. Really great stuff.
Im not too worried about him losing his cool in this fight. It´s him getting accustomed to this world and its magic components.
It's kinda pathetic (for her) that the two of them are still having Steph wear the bedsheet dress. She's such a loser. It's fortunate that Crammy came along. Steph would have been the worst ruler ever. She's honest, naïve, and worst of all...trusting. They make her a very good person, but that doesn't get one far in this world obviously.
Regarding their skills and panicking, I'd say it is fair at this point. Sora made the impassioned argument that Steph and Crammy are both underestimating human power...but it doesn't change that Sora and Shiro are humans too, and can't sense magic at all. They know she's cheating, and they also know they can't prove it. They're pretty good at detecting and defeating cheaters on even ground (in the arena combat game they were being cheated against, in the card game, probably by the bandits, etc.) but it is hard for them to protect themselves from cheating or counter-cheat when they have no idea exactly how it is happening or what the opponent is capable of.
With card games, they can safely assume people will be swapping cards. Sora is good enough that he can palm cards like the greatest of close-up magicians. It didn't matter how she was cheating before, he could probably beat her at card swapping.
Where they falter is when their opponent is using magic in unusual ways. They don't know what the elf girl can do, so they can't really prepare for it. Sora only figured out one possibility during the chess/RTS game, but had no way to prepare himself for the piece brainwashing method. It is basically like their opponent is reprogramming the game in the middle of a match. That's not something Sora or anyone really could handle without losing it a little bit. Also recall that they're not really used to playing others face to face. We saw Sora freaking out about how close the arena video game was, especially after Shiro abandoned him to nap. I suspect he's always like this when the game is close.
Shiro can win any game that requires strategy, but only when the rules aren't constantly shifting. When her pieces stopped taking her orders, she replotted her best moves instantly, but over time she simply became discouraged. Her wavering confidence created a feedback loop to the point where she couldn't get them to even respond, resulting in adorable tears.
the show could have ended with episode 4 and I'd still say it was a good one, let's hope they won't ruin it!
really exciting setup for a story. although i thought he was mentioning "we´re weak" a tadbit too often, lol.
Loving this anime, though my 2 complaints remain: The rushed story-telling (it´s rather obvious that the author didnt mean for this story to be rich and full of world building) and the annoying, otaku-pandering little sister-relationship. See, I am an otaku, but shit like this makes this anime un-recommendable to friends of mine who are not hardcore-anime followers :/
Are you ashamed of being an otaku?
This reminds me of the siblings in this show. They are badass in their game world, but completely useless in RL due to shame and fear.
Badass? Sora said like 100 times during the speech they are weak. That was the strange part of that speech. It's like he had some single, limited description of weakness in his mind, and funnily enough it was the wrong definition, the outdated definition, made obsolete by the world obeying only games anymore. So, anybody who can win games is strong, even if it was a brain in a jar with no muscles. If you are weak, you lose games. So, what's the point of declaring you are weak? But it seems like he managed to majorly arouse the folks even with the faulty speech, so all is well when the end is well.
That the weak can only survive by playing smart. He told them to make sure their enemies always underestimate them, to confuse them, to mislead them, to start a game with a rules advantage, etc.
The weaker survive by being smarter, adapting. The strong survive by playing to their strengths. While he said the commandments made the other races weak, he meant that they couldn't take advantage of their particular abilities and got smart too, like the humans once had been when they dominated.
The other races have learned to play to their strengths. Elves cheat with magic that humans can't detect, beastmen probably play games of strength, and so on. The other races have gotten used to this, and the old patterns have returned, humans just didn't realize it. Now humans are weakest again, it is time for them to play smart again.
I moved a bunch of offtopic posts to a new thread, thus the sudden reduction of posts in this one.
Steph clearly is an exhibitionist. Not even close to an appropriate reaction to be basically being stripped naked in public. However, she´s gotten pretty hot, gotta admit that.
Episode 6 - HS
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Looks like even the Japanese knees weren't spared...
This was actually quite an interesting and intelligent plot. Realistically speaking since Shiro & Sora knew to expect an empty-headed academic would go for a game like this, they had quite good chances from the beginning. Jibril went into the game so sure of her victory that she failed to form any strategy of her own and allowed Shiro & Sora to set the pace freely, and so they did putting their superior scientific knowledge to good use. Jibril could have beaten them with her knowledge of magic, but since she allowed the opponent to set the pace, she had no chances.
In the end Jibril wasn't so big of a gamer, only a very strong if stiff academic. I also can't help but wonder if she really, deep down, possesses any will to win no matter what, like Shiro & Sora do. After all, she was ecstatic after getting beaten and actually happy to become a servant of a strong player.
Jibril is also so sexy that I'm sure she will enjoy having a master of touch-type H-games as her new lord. That proving they aren't from the same world scene was pretty funny. Naturally the huge letdown included.
It was her pride that really did her in, she thought she was smarter than Sora and Shiro, and played at a non-magic user's level. That said, I took them calling her magic circuits as putting an end to her ability to call/cast external magic.
I would even say it was only by luck that Sora and Shiro managed to win, because they really had no idea physics worked the same way it does in their world that it does on Earth. That is until you recognize that when he called the H-bomb and it went off, it proved many things, not just what they said in the episode. It proved they could use words their opponent didn't know, could call things from their world and not in this one, and that molecules and atoms make up this world instead of something else like sprites or aether. The physics of both worlds matched. They still kind of gambled that the planet had a mantle and core. It could have been made of cake or cheese!
It really was the perfect opening move.
Steph whining about being killed was funny. They're pretty mean to her and she's cursed to be in love with Sora.
It wasn't only a lucky guess. Didn't Jibril test Sora and declared he has no magic (spirits) in him? So, he knew he was still in a human body, not some magical avatar body. That told him physics and matter had to have a considerable similarity to Earth, otherwise his human body would have failed long ago. Although the fact the electronics they brought with them still working proves it just as fine, considering they rely on physics quite heavily as well and might be harder for a local god to replace with a magic based replicate, considering this world has nothing comparable, unlike Imanity bodies.
You might call it luck, but for these two luck really is nothing but a skill among other skills, just like in any rpg with a full skill set. So, among their other plans and strategy they counted it in naturally. I recall him saying in the previous episode that pure luck doesn't even exist, which reflects nicely their attitude of luck being a factor to be manipulated and used against their opponents.
Even if it was luck, it wasn't dumb luck. They knew the risks and gambled. It wasn't like they did not consider the possibilities at all.
I´m sorry, I cant talk about the actual plot of this episode.
Did we just witness a non-h-anime where the hero made a girl cum? Wow. Also, I have no idea what it was with those non-nipples, when he wished away all girls clothes. But I liked it.
Ive gotta say, this is great. I hate forced pervertness in most anime, but it makes so much sense in this one. After all, the hero IS a hentai-loving, shut-in otaku freak. Although he seems to suffer at least a bit from typical "hero gayness", as I like to introduce for a term. I mean, if I were him, I´d have banged Steph a long time ago, and wouldn´t have hated it so much when this hot angel-like girl rubbed her body against mine. Come on, guy, take an opportunity when it occurs!
He removed the vagina and nipples of all the girls in the game then stripped them, making the nude scene completely presentable on TV.
Yeah, but when did he remove vaginas and nipples? I cant seem to find that scene. Also, wtf, I´d freak out if someone removed my genitals :/
The scenes were pretty obvious. The dog was shouting like crazy, and Shiro even gave a look of confirmation to her brother when it happened.
In CR, it was right after the horse (uma), 11:27 for manko (vagina), and right after they got to the beach (bi-chi), 11:56 for chikubi (nipples).
ah, okay, didnt understand the "nether regions", and i never heard the term "hooter-nub", what the hell. But it´s also weird that Jibril didn´t show any reaction at all to both of those removals. Come on, even if youre some powerful angel-being, when your genitals and nippels suddenly disappear, you become at least somewhat startled.
I wonder if she even had them in the first place? Her erogenous zones were on her wings after all.
why didn't he start with "Flügel" instead of Hydrogen Bomb
instant win G_G no re
the idea of the game was rather nice, but the fact that you could use any language would make it impossible to play.
Ya I got that after rewatching it too..I wanted to fix it, but the forums were unavailable yesterday.
She mentioned it right *after* shiro accepted the game rules which was rather weird. You'd think that such an important rule would be mentioned earlier.
However you could still argue about whether the hydrogen bomb should've killed her or not, because its a reaction after all.. he didn't summon the explosion directly.
I guess it counts as if you are pulling the trigger yourself if you summon a weapon.
Throughout the game it was often item and counter-item. Both of them understood that was the point of the game. It would be pretty boring if it was just a regular game of shiritori. The whole idea was to "kill" your opponent ('because everything will revert once the game is over'), not wait until they ran out of vocabulary or accidentally used a word that ends in 'n' (probably not considered since they were using multiple languages). The intellectual part didn't matter. The aim was to prevent the other player from being able to play the next word within the time limit.
From Steph's terrified explanation of her race, they had a reasonable expectation that she would be able to save herself.
Had Shiro and Sora gone for the kill the whole time, they probably would have lost. It was because they kept distracting her with stupid shit while slowly, slowly escalating in behind her back with their more advanced scientific knowledge, that she never got particularly serious until the two were ready to make their final moves. That's also why they cut off her magic right away, because she would have the advantage over them (using words and spells they don't know). She expected them to of course, but not being aware of science is what did her in. They were fortunate to leverage her race's arrogance about their own intellectualism against her when she chose that sort of game.
Ep7 was great too
the old king did try really hard after all..
Yeah, quite an interesting episode. And quite a storm for Steph instead of smooth sailing. But that's how it's always for her. Jibril is quite a nice addition to Sora+Shiro's board of advisors. She doesn't seem too imaginative in games but she does know a lot and her powers outside of games are also convenient.
I'm having a hard time deciding what to think of the old king. He sacrificed most of the country in order to possibly learn something useful. If the animal ears folks are a huge country, though, I don't see why they would stick to the game they were playing with the old human king. The previous king is dead, so they might suggest the same game to the new king, but not necessarily. What is Sora+Shiro going to do if they encounter a totally different game after finishing their strategy? Though at the same time considering how intelligent those two are, I can't see them going in so ill prepared. But how the old king's legacy is going to help, then?
I suspect the beastfolk are only good at one game. They have a trick way of winning it every time, so they always make sure to put in a trade secret clause on their victory condition. The kind that if you knew what it was or were good at lying, cheating, or otherwise blocking your thoughts, you could do well in.
Even though her grandfather was more than just a Steph, he lacked the ability that lets the magical races counter it once they know it. I doubt this will be the easiest challenge for Shiro+Sora.
Every time we see more of her, it's clear that Cramy is just a Steph too. Fi doesn't seem to underestimate humans as much as her naïve and pessimistic ally does.
the anime is getting a bit too focused on ecchi-stuff atm for my liking.
Expect more to come. This was adapted from a light novel, and such is the medium.
Too much Jibril? Steph not to your liking?
/Buffalobiian points to the door.
The "final battles" in this show have been pretty damn awesome.
That's why he yelled out Mantle and Core first, to ensure that the earth had those two things that he could take away. Presumably, when the mantle and core get summoned they'd replace whatever was there if it was something different.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
As for the fact that he has no spirit, it also suggests that he's not really alive in this world. His consciousness might be here, but his soul isn't. That's assuming that spirit is the same as soul and not something else entirely.
Good new episode.
I love the super dramatic exposition by Sora everytime he executes on of his plans. Totally badass.
And the ending was kinda mindfucking. I thought Sora was challenged by the imanity-girl with the elf girl, but then why did Shiro lose her memory? That should be related to the warbeasts´ ability. Hm.
Though I liked this episode quite well, I feel like the video game as a solution to the animal ears kingdom's winning game was somewhat out of left field. At least I had got an impression the world was rustic compared to Earth. The impression was further strenghtened by how Sora+Shiro beat Jibril using science and technology. That sort of lessened Sora's deduction of the animal ears winning strategy. Besides, I don't really see how they could have kept the technology so unknown among other peoples. If they have millions of citizens, there would be thousands at the very least who would sell info or devices to those offering a bit of gold.
Still, I liked a lot the scene where Shiro+Sora were petting the girl like she was a pet, and she enjoyed it like a pet would. That was a nice touch to make the warbeasts more animalistic.
My only guess is Sora did something to make Shiro be forced to retrieve him for added determination. She'll go into super saiyan gamer mode to get him back. Sora's always acknowledged her as the better gamer, plus she plays rather coldly or emotionlessly, which will help her beat the warbeasts who can watch her heartbeat.
We saw from the chess game that she can sort of lose it when she's frustrated, but if she is psychotically focused on getting Sora back, she won't succumb to anything that gets in her way like despair.
Sora's the cheater and schemer, Shiro's the skill and intellect.
HS - Episode 08
The warbeasts don't have the ability to wipe people's memories. They use the power of the pledges to do that (such as making Steph fall in love). I don't see how Sora would have initiated that by himself either. He's powerless to do that.Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
My hypothesis is that this is a condition of the game he's about to play (or Shiro's playing).
Because it's a mind game. He only says that he's going to use paper (otherwise he'd lose). He also said that if he lost but had a winning hand, then Steph would also lose. Instead of being a completely random game, his sentence shafts you into thinking certain ways. By extension, this limits the options you'll choose. If he can beat you in your thinking, then he can get a favourable outcome. In this case, he tied.Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
Personally i'm thinking it's the Human and Elf from before who are trying to keep Sora from getting them all killed.
I like how they changed the ED to match the current situation
HS - Episode 09
Another good episode, complete with diabetes-inducing :3 faces.
Quite a silly episode in some ways. The game also was a bit of a stretch in how Shiro was able to finish it without seeing a damn thing, but otherwise the plan was... shounen heroish. Sora sounded like a villain during the game and after it, all the way until right before the truth surfaced. That's quite an amusing personality, so it's cool. The harem of useful girls (though I'm not sure what Stephanie is good for, other than entertainment) keeps growing. Kurami is crafty enough to win some lesser games, the elf obviously is highly convenient.
Shiro made some good faces, that's for sure.
I really love OP characters. I don't give a damn how impossible it is for Shiro to predict the game moves (and odd how she took 3 straight turns), or how improbable all of Sora's gambles are. Blank does not know defeat.
I like how Sora takes everything one step further. It isn't enough to win. He managed to get allies with trust and not force. I'm also glad they resolved how Sora and Shiro managed to move around without each other. They were simply holding it in, which makes sense because people can rein in fear for a period of time when the situation calls for it, but that does not permanently cure them of it.
Didn't they find out a few episodes ago when they accidentally ruined her plan in the throne room? Stephanie is actually an amazing administrator and an expert in Imanity politics. She had been slowly manipulating all the nobles for years so only those allied with her lineage had any power at all. She still runs the country because Shiro and Sora can't be bothered to do it. It's only in games that she's mediocre.
Given that Shiro is presented as a strategic genius far beyond the level of Sora, I can see that she would predict he'd play Reversi/Othello as an "optimal" match. They're both smart enough to play a un-losable match, but it's probably only Shiro who could run through all those iterations of how Kurami would play. I'm not so sure that she played three straight turns either. Sora presumably set up the board for her so that Kurami could only finish the game in certain spots, and that Shiro playing from outside would win the game by a landslide.
Reversi/Othello is one of those games that was long ago "solved" by computers (it actually hasn't).
I'm quite interested in how they are going to use the ability to manipulate Fi's memory at will.
I never liked this "I'm so clever i can predict your every thought" trope, it was bad in Code Geass and it's still bad now.
It was actually cool in Code Geass the first time because it was executed so well, with even recorded dialog overlapping the other party. The 2nd time was just stupid and unbelievable.
I think the hard sell here is that Shiro cannot see the board, so she does not know if the other party even took a turn. I still don't care. I loved it.
I don't really see the "I'm so clever I can predict your every thought" from Code Geass as a valid comparison here. Shiro has been cast as someone really amazing at games where the rules are clearly defined, but her weakpoint is that she's not very good at handling cheating or things that require leadership, charisma and bluffing. Sora is a master liar, but lacks her raw intelligence and hand-eye(& foot) coordination. That's why they are unbeatable as a pair.
A game as simple as Othello can be optimized by math. There have been computerized versions able to beat very good human players since the 1980s. The two are certainly good enough to recognize how the other would play, and now that I actually think about his strength, Sora would be an expert at forcing Kurami to play the way they'd want through bluffs and misdirection (as he has been shown to use often). Shiro would know what moves he intended to force Kurami to make.
He set himself up for apparent failure so that Shiro could finish it for him. Othello is a game where the tide can completely turn in just a few moves. You sort of have to lose a little to gain back a lot.
I think it is better to check in realism at the door to enjoy this show. It is obviously not meant to be realistic. They are an unbeatable pair, and that is part of the premise.
Yeah. But she couldn't see the board. Mere 2 cm off and she would have placed her piece wherever. I didn't find it nonplausible she could continue from where Sora left or even guess what he was going for (since there was even some evidence, when she thought about it long enough), far from it, but she didn't see what she was doing! No amount of wits or mathematics would help there.
According to wiki:
It's possible for Sora to have set up the game in a way that would allow Shiro 3 straight turns.Quote:
Players take alternate turns. If one player can not make a valid move, play passes back to the other player. When neither player can move, the game ends.
Episode 10 - HS
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Their reaction was the opposite to what I'd have expected. Shouldn't they feel like they had a home court advantage instead? It seems a bit implausible Japanese HC gamers would have never played games located in Tokyo (or a fictional Tokyo) or visited Akiba. But I guess those unexpected, illogical reactions are a part of their charm. They also lead to the funny bets in their (at least less imporant) games.
I think's mostly because it looks like their outside world. A place where they don't really go to. You remember how they reacted when Jibrill made a beach in their game? They almost lost their shit because of that. They don't go out.
Hmm... Right. I suppose that makes sense, even if pretty delicately. But I suppose playing a game traditionally in 2D (or even with our rudimentary 3D) would be different from the total immersion VR they are in now, thus triggering their mental breakdown. Nevertheless, it's pretty pitiful since they do know they are in a game. I guess they'll get back on their feet when the action really begins.
As neets they feel comfortable outside in the other world because they view it as a videogame of sorts, reality doesn't do well with them.
I enjoyed the way Kurami and Fi's relationship works out. Fi may describe Kurami as her only actual friend, but it's pretty clear that Kurami doesn't dare defy her on even the most minor of things. Kurami ends up being more and more like Fi's pet, rather than the way it seemed earlier in the series where Kurami was the brains and Fi was the artillery. I didn't think calling it "motherly" fit.
Fi lets her play around and show off, but Kurami isn't allowed to get out of line or too boisterous.
I'm on the second episode, where the blank brother is playing rock-paper-scissors. Are the rules for all the games they play laid out as specifically and definitely as the rock-paper-scissors? It might be fun to figure out the Nash equilibrium for the games.
More or less. They lay the groundworks for the games they play, but the games aren't all "probability" games like rock-paper-scissors.
Rather than them being in a VR right now, I think it's more like they teleported to real-life Tokyo. Having sole access to Akihabara/Tokyo would also explain how Warbeasts alone managed to advance their technology so quickly and so similarly to humans.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Hard to say yet. It would depend on what sort of a game they are going to play. After all, if it's the real Tokyo and they were teleported there, it would somewhat limit the warbeasts' own options. There's still a limit to what they could do in a real human city, and even if it's Tokyo, too magical looking beings would attract some attention sooner or later, not to mention magic.
What sort of things? If they got too much out of line in Tokyo, they would get accosted by the police.
Still, I imagine the whole point of this, following the teloportation idea, is that they found a way to Tokyo, found arcades (and other gaming venues), got hooked, and later realised they could use it in the serious games against other peoples in their own world. In other words, the games would be exceedingly ordinary and Shiro & Sora would beat the warbeasts 100-0 if they got over their ridiculous antisocial disease.
Perhaps the game reads the fear of the challengers and edits itself accordingly to give the War Beasts a advantage?
That would mean the warbeasts also wouldn't have a clue of what sort of a game they would be playing. It could be even worse for them, for all they knew beforehand. Since Sora needed to ask the girl when she last time enjoyed playing, I don't think the warbeasts are any gamblers.
So according to the pledges, is blank loses, they lose a big chunk of what their own world is.
But they don't really know what their own world is like. I'm actually suprised that they knew this was tokyo and not some other town (since they never get outside).. are they right in front of Shibuya station or something like that?Quote:
So according to the pledges, is blank loses, they lose a big chunk of what their own world is.
If Blank loses, it doesn't much matter anymore since the show will be over. After all, this is all about Blank not losing.
I think what he was confused with is that the bet has to be of equal worth. So the War Beasts bet all their land on the Lucia continent. So I am guessing David thought Blank would bet their land. As in real land from Tokyo. But first of all they didn't bet that. They bet their Imanity Piece. And second, I don't think you can bet something that isn't yours
At least that's what I think he was trying to say.
Right, that makes sense.
And even if you have to bet something of equal value, the stakes are "equal" as long as both parties agree that they are, since value is subjective.
alright, the scene where Sora openly shows his frustration when the game censored the no panties-girl was one of the best scenes in anime ever. And to top it off, the imanity audience watching SHARED his frustration. Just mega lol :D
This is such an otaku-anime, but in the best possible way.
Although Shiro´s ass was WAY too hot. Come on, decide whether youre a loli or not.
You'd think gamers knew better than to expect the worst case scenario. I'm not much of a gamer at all, but even I didn't expect that (even if Bill half managed to convince me, incorrectly, otherwise). I don't know how they remained, supposedly, unbeatable if they give up even before the game began. Fortunately the enemy convinced them to continue (just how pitiful is that, anyway?).
Otherwise this was a pretty nice episode. Once they learned they were free to hit friends, it was obvious they would try it just for the fun - that's what gamers would do, after all, despite the fact they are basically betting the existence of a whole race on the game. The warbeast seems ready to enjoy the game once again as well. I foresee Sora and Shiro might have a new friend who enjoys petting once this is all over. Not really that different from Jibril who seems to enjoy every moment in their company.
So many amazing things in this episode:
Gal Gun parody
Commando wolf dude explanation shots
Shiro insta-love slaving Sora
Jibril NTR
Gunning for panties
Shiro FPS pro
I didn't really understand what happened at the very end though. Did it hit her or not? Did activating her ability somehow dodge/block it? Guess they'll explain next episode.
Episode 12 is out!
Was this the season finale? If so, I pray to Tet that this will be resumed as soon as possible.
There were a couple of slower episodes, but all in all this anime never bullshitted the audience what it was about: Playing high-risk games, lead by a true otaku.
My only gripe, other than the loli sister, is that it´s yet another gay hero. Come on, first you have Steph, then Jibril, now this hot shrine vixen. sigh.
Good anime.
This ends and Mahouka continues. There's no justice in the anime business.
In the beginning I feared this was a cheap clone of some past shows (Mondaijitachi in particular), which is why I was happy indeed I was proven wrong. This established itself in a grand fashion and I don't think this owes anything to any other shows in an adverse fashion. In fact I have no complaints whatsoever, other than the show ending right in the middle of the ascent. While we saw good games and good characters, I feel like the best was yet to come, which is always a good feeling. Even if some of the games were a bit dodgy or too convenient, the atmosphere worked wonderfully and it did have its moments of sharp intelligence. The character interactions weren't bad, even if they didn't quite reach the level of tormenting Kuro Usagi in Mondaijitachi. On the other hand, the characters were more varied in this one and they certainly had stronger agendas of their own.
A good show, all in all. I hope it'll get a second season, but unfortunately I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it.
So this wasn't a 12 eps split of a 24 eps series?
This will likely have a second season. We just ran out of material.
This was a turn your brain off and enjoy kind of show for me. Everything they did was impossible and unbelievable, but you have to take that as part of the premise of the entire show. The pair WILL NOT LOSE, not matter how random and improbable their plans are.
What I actually enjoyed are the jokes and the references to otaku culture. The way they insert comedy in the middle of life or death situations was great. Sora said it right. This is just a game, and everyone is just too serious.
Just finished watching this and really enjoyed it. Not really into the semi-harem type the series became, but whatever... it was fun.
I hope we get another season for sure, but I'm not holding my breath. Madhouse doesn't seem to have a good track record on that regard. But we'll see.
Well, for those hoping we'd get more of this series, know that a movie has been green lit:
Now, I know it's not the 2nd season we might've wanted, but it's something at least.
From what I could gather from the discussion around, the author let it known that the movie will be an adaptation of volume 6.
As I understood it, the anime tv series adapted volumes 1-3, and had an anime original ending or such (anime adapted the material that was released up to that point). Some speculate that the the anime original ending can be considered part of volume 6, though I don't know how much that actually fits.
So what happens to volume 4 and 5? Well, apparently volume 6 of the series is a story that takes place in the past. I'd prefer to go forward with the story myself, but it is what it is.
Hopefully if this succeeds we get another tv series that adapts volume 4 and 5, and whatever else is left out there.
In the meantime, glad to see more of No Game, No Life animated (I'll also cross my fingers for more Overlord and Mondaiji while I'm at it).
Supposedly, volume 6 is the best the story has to offer.