Top anime/manga yelled out attacks
1: Dragon Ball - Kamehameha
Can there be any other choice for number one? Video represents the most awesome version of it
2: One Piece - Gomu gomu no jet gattling
One of my favorite moments in the anime, followed closely by gomu gomu no storm ( movie version since i can't find the original, though i enjoyed both )
3: Katanagatari - Cheerio
Cried manly tears
Top 3 jobs you want do if demand, livelihood and personal ability weren't issues
1. Archaeologist: Indiana Jones and treasure hunting ftw! Ancient culture exploration was my childhood dream if I had such a thing. I wonder when it was that I lost it..
2. Sports Star: The rivalry, the tension and to some extent the attention sounds pretty good.
Secret Agent: This one's a bit shaky. It's dangerous and unpredictable with plenty of bureaucracy to deal with. It must feel good to know that you're good enough to do almost anything and everything though.