Inb4 white knight mods changing my thread's title :(
What are your type/s? I'd go #1 > #6 > #4 > meh
Disregard faces, we're talking about body aesthetics
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Inb4 white knight mods changing my thread's title :(
What are your type/s? I'd go #1 > #6 > #4 > meh
Disregard faces, we're talking about body aesthetics
11, 2, 3, 1, ...
In that order, generally speaking. (well, it depends, some days I feel like juggling that around a bit)
Quoted for truth.Quote:
<@Ryllharu> #4 means implants
<@Arkangel> Shut up
<@Arkangel> It can happen
<@Ryllharu> almost never.
<@Arkangel> Theoretically
<@Ryllharu> Once you get into the "thick" range they can be real.
#1-3, #5, and #8-9 are all realistic and very much acceptable. Though around here, #15 is most common, and is fine as well. If you're preference is for "assets," that fat has to come from somewhere, else you're looking a mostly synthetic (e.g. #4, #6, and #13).
1 > 2 > 15
I've seen thin girls with assets, but no bigger than C cups, and they were real. That monstrosity that is number 4's chest is weird. As far as picking which body type I prefer, I'm finding that I'm rating the women in the pictures, not so much the body types. When I think about it, I've found women with all body types in the top two rows to be very attractive. The best I can do is this:
Dislike: 16-21
Don't Dislike: 1, 10, 13
Like: Everything Else
Most of my own experience lies within the last row.
However, in order of preference, I'd say #1 > #2 > #4 (only on the basis I can opt for real tits, else it's a no go.) > #5 > #8 > #11 > #15.
Not that I'd turn any of them away. Big girls need love too.
2 > 4 > 5 > 11. Curves kills me.
It's unfair that #14 average has such an unattractive face. It takes away from the average body, which is what we're judging them by.
I'll take #'s 2-6, 8-11, and 14-15.
QFT. Can't believe anyone picking nr 1...Quote:
[ 01:55:51 ] <L> I digress
[ 01:56:05 ] <Yukimura> ewwww 1?
[ 01:56:06 ] <L> I know a lot of small girls that are perfectly sexy, but not so damn skinny
[ 01:56:14 ] <L> 1 is just crazy
[ 01:56:16 ] <L> eat a bit
[ 01:56:21 ] <Yukimura> she looks like a malnourished kid
4 > 5 > 11, in that order.
This is awesome. 11, whatever Christina Hendricks is, and 2 (but only in model poses)!
3 = disturbing/fake?
6 = video game girl, beat the shit out of you with her thighs. badass.
14 = fit, not average
15 = this body type pisses me off
17 = average
Wife when I met her:
5'3" 126 pounds but E cup! Now she's C cup.
Her boobs weight was too much for her build. She had 2 pounds removed from each one of them...
So yes, nature also has petite women with big boobs!
But then, it more a matter of chemical reaction to me.
Let's see...I suppose, for me I like: 2-6, then 11, 8, 14 (although I agree, 3 does look odd). I have hooked up with more than a couple of 1's though...and was taken advantage of by a larger woman (which I did not enjoy). I would probably have to throw in a height modifier as well, as I can't deal with trying to date small women anymore. I am pretty tall, and it looks and feels weird when I am with tiny women. There is also the whole people on message boards that will go unnamed that would accuse you of being a lolicon.
Describe more about the time you were... "taken advantage of". :o:confused::o
Basically, I was convinced to try this drinking game called "Power Hour". You take a shot of beer every minute, and there are penalties in which you may have to take more than one. The people I was with gave me a 4Loko (when it was still the dangerous recipe) and I used that. In short, I had 2 4Lokos and 3 tall boys in an hour. I soon blacked out and my roommate was nowhere to be found. I apparently asked someone to help me get home...turns out it was not my home, and I don't remember much, but I felt dirty the next day.
2 -> 8-> 15 -> 1
i'm a, rare, face guy so in real life situation this rating might get useless.
above 15(15 excluded obviously). 7.
w/assets look kinda fake, so i add them to dislike too.
Athletic girls are ok, unless they are really muscular.
I would say that my preferences go like this. 11-5-4-14 anyway this a generalization and seeing how I seem to affect my pairs in long relations I should choose 1 or 2 types.
Mine are 2>14>11>5. But I'm more about the personality/face than I am the body type. You can always change your body type with a little sweat and dedication.
If you'll notice, #2 is getting a lot of votes, but I think it's because she's good-looking overall, not particularly her body type. If all of the others had the face/hair/pose of #2, it'd be a lot harder to decide.
Dedication won't get you from 1 to 4, but otherwise I agree (inless you're including the dedication for implants - in which case the same can be said about faces).
And I would so love to see the scenario you proposed, though even with photoshop the best we'd be able to do is min/max her various parts in the same pose. (I'm sure we'd get similar results if we had giant question marks in place of faces though)
I strongly agree with Uchiha Barles and Animeniax in that we're judging the women more by their faces and overall presentation than just their body sizes.
14 would be high in my books; I'm not that picky as long as chests aren't over-the-top and BMI shouldn't be over 25 (includes muscular women).
#3 isn't really representative of the hourglass body shape. It looks more like a lean pear.
Wiki link.
I like apples as a fruit, but I'll take my bananas and hourglasses here thanks.
I prefer finger bananas.
Try saying "finger bananas" out loud. It just sounds strange (or maybe I have a dirty mind).
It makes me imagine sticking my finger inside a halfway unpeeled banana. Is that dirty?
You're not deviant. It sounds like "finger a banana". Oh, and trust me, don't try doing it with a banana. It doesn't work. Maybe a watermelon, but not a banana.
I would like to see the original pic with anime characters. That would put things in an interesting (if perhaps more familiar) light. Japan seems pretty lacking in 80kg+ women who are under 30, fortunately (and in all age groups pretty much), which makes it kinda impossible.
That's impossible, the 2nd one maybe, but the 1st one cannot be completed.
5-9, and maybe 13. With a strong preference for #9. How has nobody said her yet??
Fuck that, 9's body is hot as hell. Can't say she's my favorite, but that's because I don't have a favorite.
Seriously, 8 and 9 have like 0 flab at all and still have fat girl boobs and a round ass. Best of both worlds.
Even if you have little body fat, if you have to wear fat girl pants then you're too big. If you have to pay for 2 seats on the plane, your trunk is too junky.
I knew this girl, gorgeous face, but she ran a lot so she had a massive butt and thighs. Real turn-off because it made her look out-of-shape and she had to wear big-girl jeans.
It's called Cushion for the Pushin'. It's a beautiful thing, get with the program.
None of those girls up to #15 even approach "big". What are you talking about you crazy, confused man?
9, 10, and 12 are whales. They may not be big in comparison to dinosaurs, but it's all relative.
Even so, big girls need love too, no discriminatin' in this world.
To each his own I guess. Lets just hope you don't develop a taste for that body type. It'd just be one more kind of girl you can't get.
From the day Arch posted the thread:
[19:46] <@Ryllharu> I think if I had a choice, #9 all the way.
[19:47] <@Ryllharu> I like the petite girls too, but curves are nice.
[19:47] <@Buffalobiian> r u sure you picked the right number ryll?
[19:47] <@Ryllharu> Totally.
[19:47] <@Buffalobiian> fair enough
[19:50] <@Arkangel> Really?=
[19:50] <@Ryllharu> Arch: Yes, really.
I lol'd at #14 (average). She looks angry that guys on the internet are judging her. haha.
And I am quite sure they don't have to deal with crap like this: http://youoffendmeyouoffendmyfamily....le-fever-time/
I see both sides of your comments, but I don't think Ani speaks for all Asian men. I know quite a few guys that like 'em with some curves.
I don't think it has anything to do with race. If anything, people tend to sway a little bit towards what is generally preferred in a certain society, so it is more of a social issue than an ethnic one.
I know a lot of Asian guys who love big breasts, while I am Asian as well but like them as flat as a savanna.
Definitely speaking in generalities, 51% type of thinking.
And it's not that we don't like big breasts, we're just used to our women not having them, so we accept it. But we welcome the well-breasted. Surgically enhanced women are becoming more prevalent in Asia.
Why the sad face? Who cares if it's fake, as long as it looks good? In the case of breasts, it's not like you will be touching the stuff you see on the net anytime soon.
You know what? You're right. I'm pedantic about the shape of a breast. The predominance of surgery will make my dream much more readily accessible.
My real problem isn't with being fake at all (speaking generally), but with the idea that surgery will definite enhace you - and that everybody can do with a bit of enhancing. Too many cases of good looking girls turned bad.
Kind of deviating off-topic, but gets to be a problem.
Twilight Zone: Number 12 Looks Just Like You
I've heard not getting plastic surgery can affect your chances of getting a better job in S. Korea, and that's disturbingly not just in the entertainment industry. TIME article from 2001. I think it is fairly common in Japan too.
"Looks good," is another problem altogether. Sure, they look okay, but they don't feel nice. But that wasn't your point. Fair enough, but a lot of the time they look fake too. The real ones are always better.
If they looked and felt real and good I wouldn't have a problem with them. Sadly this is almost never the case.
As for my choices, 2-6 and 8-11 and maybe 14 and 15. Though I'm usually not fond of the average/pudgy. 1 is too skinny for my tastes and 7 too muscular while 12-13 and 16-21 are all too much to handle. But if offered a hug from either 13 or 19 (or both [at the same time]) I wouldn't reject. ;)
The ideal choice for me would be 4 because of her height. Unlike rockmanj I'm 1.72m (5.6ft) and girls taller than I is a big no. Gotta love those ASSets. :o
Cosmetic surgery is really huge in Korea. In fact, I even had some work done! Also, I wish I were a normal-sized boy :(
Just be like Bolo Yeung (best known as Chong Li in Bloodsport). He is 5'6" and had to be close to that in weight.
The weight isn't the important part. I just wouldn't want to be tall and rail thin, hence the weight requirement. But the height is the most important thing. With exercise and diet, a 6'2" beanpole could put on weight and fill out. But a short guy will always just be a short guy, no matter how much he weighs.
Eh, being tall is overrated. In fact, yesterday my brother reminded me how both he and my other brother dwarf me pretty much (one is 2 meters tall, and the other is about 1.95 meters).
Ani, Korea may have copied it, but they mass-produced it. The CRAZE started there. No one thinks of Japan when you say plastic surgery. You only think of Korea.
I'm about 5'9", and could only wish that I was 5'10". Otherwise, I'm lov'n it.
My mistake. I quoted Animeniax because that's who I'm replying to, but in "I agree with that statement", "that" refers to rockman's "Being tall is overrated.".
If you are short, not average or kinda short but short (like 5'1" or less for a guy), you would never say that.
I think a good five or six inches taller than themselves is what most women would tolerate; otherwise, if you have a 6' guy with a 4'10" girl, it will look really mismatched.
By Asian standards, if you're a man taller than 5'7", you're considered "tall" and "desirable".
Also, being a "taller" Asian man is a blessing because you'll usually have a better build and thus increase one's access to a larger variety of women like Caucasian ethnicities of similar heights.
Jesus Christ this is a thread about women's bodies.
Stop talking about short Asian men.
Archangel, is there a male version of the picture in the OP?Quote:
You mean if they had a male version of this meat market picture?
Not really, more height is generally an indicator of better health. There is no consensus on this, but check this out:
A lot of it is height in relation to weight, diet and SES. I am pretty sure that my heart is healthier than a short North Korean person's (due to better diet).
lol @ the hygeine assumptions.
Otherwise, I think Cat:9-#6 exceeds her class.
Because she fills your niche for tasty blonde ass
This one is way boring. Plus the pictures lack the objectivity that made the first one awesome.
Boring, and makes a lot of assumptions. Quite a few of those 7's 8's and 9's did nothing for me.