[MangaStream & Binktopia] Naruto c.539: SendSpace | MediaFire | Online Viewing
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[MangaStream & Binktopia] Naruto c.539: SendSpace | MediaFire | Online Viewing
My guess: Neji is weak to the MS.
why bother showing us the 'three' sign so many times?
actually, I don't care.
This manga has become so random and cheezy. This particular chapter reminds me of penny dreadfuls.
With so much possibility between Itachi and Pain, Kishi goes with "make the army doubt each other" tactic? Weak.
This chapter was a true carnival of stupid.
For fuck´s sake, the Kyuubi was explained to be a being of hatred. This chapter, however, gave me the impression that the demon fox actually ponders about Naruto´s silly words. WTF?! See, Im not opposed to enemies having a change of heart. See Vegeta in Dragon Ball or Gaara in Naruto. But the Kyuubi always was the definition of darkness, hatred, whatever bad thing. It was the absolute institution of evil. And now this presence has been shattered. Some things should be firm, unable to shake up. The Kyuubi was such a thing.
Oh, and "lol Byakugan", I guess,...again. Seriously, not only did Kishimoto show the Byakugan the middle finger when he decided to make the Sharingan the only thing worth a penny, but now, he furthers his hate against Hyuuga. Potentially making it even worse, if we can interpret Itachi´s showing up as "Sharingan-user put Byakugan-user under his control". Siiiiigh. I want Neji to be a main character, not a rape-victim...
random love letter is random...
With eyes that could spout inextinguishable black flames it does seem dumb to control a individual and play trivial mind games. But, can the sharingan/rinnegan control living people like that? It's not like it's Genjutsu or anything......
What if Kakashi managed to pluck out one of Itachi's eyes and use them... would he get EMS only whilst Itachi was 'undead' or would he get it permanently?
What if Pain using his sage technique to bring Itachi back to life> Itachi Burns the crap out of Kabotori (whatshisname)> appears in front of Saske (I'm Itachi bitch, stop your EMO)> Saske crying like a whiny like, self centered, self involved pussy> Saske and Naruto hold hands down the yellow brick road to defeat Madari.
Then Itachi burn the crap out of them both and conquers the world.
p.s. Only half of the nine tails chakra is sealed in Naruto. The yang part, this was stated by both the 4th and the preverted hermit. The other part was seal with the 4th.
If eye genjutsu is involved in Neji's turn to the dark side then the Byakugan will officially be the bitch of the relationship
Question: Illusions affect the chakra of the person it affects right, why didn't Sakura find anything when she was healing him? She is trained by Tsunade, someone that is considered and excellent Media ninja and recognizes Sakura's potential.
What if Neji just switched sides? That would be the least complicated explanation. Believable?
One random question now but does it seems as these Edo-tensei freaks have unlimited charka and "immortality"(so to speak)?
Neji is sort of a wild card, because of the history of his clan. MAYBE he thinks he can kill a bunch of people and get away with it, under the fog of war. Or MAYBE he joined Akatsuki, just to exercise free will. But that seems kind of dumb, since he is so weak to his clan (because of the cursed seal).
I guess it's possible the entire Hyuuga clan joined Madara (as a third, but more complicated, explanation).
He's obviously being controlled somehow, if it is indeed him. Otherwise it could be one of the zombies who might have the ability not only to look like someone else but also immitate their chakra flow.
Edit: Bingo, found it. Bottom right panel.
so... maybe the big loss of the zetsu clones was simply a ploy to get zetsu to touch everybody?
although, it would be simpler for zetsu to go as a war-prostitute.
Korean Zetsu go sucky sucky on yu, 5 dollah
Brock, is that really a picture of broccoli with Lee's hair posted on top of it? Wow!
However, as far as the Zetsu explanation and that not being the real Neji...it's doubtful. They would have to have at least shown a situation where he would be switched. This isn't Kubo writing.
Actually it seems believable, the situation can be shown in a flashback anyway...
Besides, is it just me or does Neji's face just seem somehow wrong all the chapter? Couldn't help but think that something's not right and then wham, it turns out Neji's on rampage.
Either way it'll either be Zetsu substitute or just Itachi's genjutsu, but I'd go simply with Neji's byakugan meeting "eye to eye" with Itachi's sharingan by mistake.
Although that'd mean that all Hyuuga members who use their byakugan close enough to find itachi are now screwed, so it might be a substitute after all.