just saying... I can't wait for the first MP vids with tanks, jets and so on.
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just saying... I can't wait for the first MP vids with tanks, jets and so on.
I too am lookin forward for this. Been playing more Bad Company 2 lately getting back into Battlefield shape. =)
Will BF3 have jets? BC2 doesn't seem to have jets, which I miss from the previous BF MP games.
the new trailers show very short jet scenes and the developers say that there will be jets again this time
I have to bone up on my flying skills with the helos in BC2. They're a little too powerful, but that's real life. The jets back in BF2 were a lot of fun, when you could actually get one. We'd wait around at spawn points and fight over who got them. It would usually end up with us team-killing and shooting teammates to get the plane, which was as much fun as playing the game.
Tank Gameplay ...
(of course its awesome too)
games like CoD are nothing more than shit compared to this
I'm having a blast with BFBC2. Can't wait for BF3, though it means starting from scratch. I'll definitely have to wait until winter vacation to get it. I'm currently spending waaaay too much time playing BFBC2.
Got the game today. I hate how you have to use your browser to do shit.
I'm getting the midnight release at Gamestop! For Ps3 of course ;)
Game looks real good, not sure if I should get it for my PC or PS3.
Playing on PC, despite the activation issues tonight. Looks great, plays smooth. Obviously better controls (for non-flying vehicles and infantry).
While I clearly suck at...basically everything other than spotting, I had an absolute blast playing with a pickup squad. Good communication, and in general had one hell of a time. I've got to figure out how to get a decent chat running so things work more smoothly. Playing bait is actually...kind of fun.
It does sort of suck that Support is basically useless in Large Conquest other than giving ammo to snipers that ran empty. Definitely my favorite class.
I also cannot fly. At all. But I am good at being a gunner.
Yeah, I ran into an issue tonight with installing. Basically after installing from Disc 2, it keeps asking me to "Please Insert Disk 2", but won't recognise any of my discs. I ended up cancelling the installation, but it still showed the game as being installed. I then had fun navigating the web interface, which asked me to install the browser plug-in, as well as install the game (uh huh..). A repair install fixed it though, and ended up downloading 500MB from the internet.
For some reason, I can rarely see the ping of the servers I'm trying to join (in the server list), and not at all once I'm in the game.
Also sucked that I had to change graphics settings once I've spawned into the world, not while I'm dead, nor when I'm not playing a game. Thankyou, web-interface.
I got to work out how spotting works. I thought it would have been using a pair of binoculars or something, but from playing it seems more like setting up your radio and then looking at people. (I can't hear myself making the calls though, so does that mean it's not working?) (edit: nvm, the button's "Q". Sometimes it's awesome since if I'm not sure if someone's there, I press Q to check without shooting to give my position away)
Any idea of campaign mode is a good training ground? Or just learn the maps and leave the campaign alone (like in BC2)?
Alright. It's official. It's time for a gotwoot death squad.
Post your Username's and Skype if you use er. Lets get something going. I loved BFBC2 but jets are backkkkk!!!!~
Origin: DigitalKilla_FL
Ps, PC all the way baby.
Origin: Ryllharu
Skype (but I never really use it): ryllharu
What can I say, it's a good screen name.
<---- for both origin and skype. One of the perks of having such a unique nick is that it's rarely taken. And when it is, most of the time it's because I forgot I signed up already. :P
I doubt I can play many people here though. I'm pretty much limited to Oceania servers due to ping.
Rule #1 of Gotwoot Battlefield 3: Don't let Ryllharu fly.
Rule #2 of GW BF3: NEVER, ever, under any circumstances, let Ryllharu fly.
Played with Lucifus for a number of rounds. It was so much fun. Let Lucifus fly. Don't let me. Unless you want to see a helicopter flip over in less than 5 seconds and explode less than 3 meters from where it took off.
I drive Jeeps. I run over peeps.
They don't let you re-invert your mouse axis for flying jets, but you can work around it by tweaking the keyboward. :P
I haven't figured out if I want to apply this tweak yet.
Username: Oyabun22
Skype: I'll update it later :D
Type: PC
I'm not really sure about my connection, are you all from the western hemisphere? I usually play on Asian servers :)
I will play this.
Oh I also play on Oceana's server. My time is GMT +8. I usually play around 8pm onwards :) What is your Id buff? I will add you tomorrow.
tag: Buffalobiian. My play time isn't so strict from work. I'm generally on my computer from 10pm till 2-4am though. Juggling anime and games is a pain.
I think my tactics and method of play needs some work. Perhaps I'll visit the campaign some time to see if it'll hold my hand through some of this. Kinda miss cod where enemies are pretty easy to identify and are <300m away usually.
What's your longest headshot? Mine's 205m. Dunno if that's considered far or not. Will also have to play with my brother 1vs1 so we can work out some stuff together. Like how to use the mill-dots compared to how tall the person is on the scope.
My longest headshot: 45 yeah. Not that I'm anywhere close to the average. My "Skill" is -256 after all.
I did kill like 5 guys in a row with the shotgun. Idiots were all clustered trying to take out our tanks and APCs. I flanked 'em and killed them to the last man. I think the last one was the only one with enough time to go out of prone.
game keeps crashing every 2 minutes (multiplayer only)
I'm mad
I get serious graphic erros I don't know why, every other game runs smoothly and fine on ultra settings, this one won't even run on low-setting without serious bugs...white models, serious tearing... its like my graphic-card is overheating and broken, but the card works just fine and is below 50°C
and I had a DirectX-error the other day.
de- and re-installed my NVidia drivers but it didn't help
are there any DX11 patches out there or something? I don't know what to do, I've read through a lot of threads with the same problem, but so far most of them were left unanswered (people are to busy playing :D)
My brother's geforce 580 (or was it the 570?) experienced intermittent crashes. I told him to use this fan-made driver for his sound card instead (xonar D2X I think), but we haven't followed up on it.
At first I did get the "kicked by admin" error, but updating PB manually fixed that.
As for graphics glitches, I get the occasional green on my screen. Might be leaves, but it's a pretty bright green - as if it's a vRAM overheating problem. I do run my card rather hot through aftermarket quiet cooling though, but I'm pretty sure I did it properly this time.
Yeah, and my skill is -40 last time I checked. I wonder if vehicle suicides is what's causing it.
What GMT is that?
My longest kill shot is 127 m. 207m wtf? What weapon did you used when you achieved that?
Ryllharu and KrayZ33, I have added you both.
I never had any tech problems while playing BF3. Aside from when I'm using Origin in-game then my mouse gets stuck on the upper left corner of screen and then it forces me to minimize the BF3.
Let us play later 7pm GMT+8 onwards!
reinstalled the game and it works just fine now without any serious errors
I don't know what went wrong during the first installation but I bet origin is at fault :P
dat origin spyware :/
Played a game with Lucifus the other day. I'm surprised to see that I could play on non-Oceania servers without much noticable lag at all. (or any worse than what I'd experience with more local servers).
Finally unlocked an LMG for Support. Kind of tossing up between Extended Mag or Flash Suppressor. I guess I'll figure out what my survival rate is through trialling them, since the flash suppressor kicks up recoil like anything, but seems to hide your presence better.
Extended mag plus (relatively) increased accuracy, bipod and 3.4x scope... man, that's some supporting fire, haha. Great for choke points, but sucks if you get flanked as well as if you don't have a good position to set up your bipod.
Play with me later on asian servers. It should not cause any lag for you. I'll pm you later.
and its faked anyway :P
the same goes for the 11k killstreak etc.
lousy pieces of shit, thats what they are.
they pretty much destroy the whole fun you could have with these leaderboards.
There are a lot of hackers in BF3. There are accounts with 4 hrs play time with 2k kills or something. In game hacks are common too, there was a player in one of my game that always kills with a headshot and he does not die lol.
Are you done installing it again Buff?
I'm EpyonNext on Origin/Battlelog. Add me for excellent fun good happy kill times.
What time and GMT do you usually play?
GMT -5(EST), however, in Jan that'll change to CET(+1 GMT) when I move to Germany. Right now I usually play between 7-10EST on weekdays.
My longest Headshot so far is 516m. with MK11 MOD 0.
Yes, but that didn't fix the issue.
Going into Avast's Webshield - expert settings - enabling the "scan from.... well known processors only" fixed it though.
(Background info: My battlelog didn't allow pop-ups such as adding people to parties, or accepting invites, due to the way Avast antivirus' webshield is implemented. You had to manually refresh to see some things, but others were simply blocked).
Hah, you're crazy. :P
Had a few hours with Ryll the other night, and just finished playing with Oyabun. We had a squad of 4 consisting of us, my brother and Oyabun's friend. And out of personal preference, we each happened to specialise in a different class, which gave our squad nice, all-round capabilities.
Ace squad ftw! (It took us like.. 2-3* hours of play-time before we successfully organised ourselves into the same squad though)
* - could have been 4 actually..
I unlocked the Pechang (or something) for the Support class. A more powerful, but slower firing version of the first LMG. I didn't like it at first, but once you get remember that it's a stronger gun (and hence don't need as long a burst to kill), as well as unlock a 3.4x scope so half your vision isn't blocked by iron sights, this gun rocks.
Due to the high damage and bullet velocity, it makes a good sniper at mid-mid-long ranges. The bullet doesn't even drop that much thanks to it. I was surprised to be able to outsnipe these two guys with iron sights.
Up close, it's a good close-combat weapon thanks to the heavier rounds delivering overall higher damage-per-second. It's finally allowed me to outgun the SMGs of the Engineer class in close quarters. It's still a relatively slow firing gun at 650rpm though, so you've got to make sure you're hitting your targets - something that's easier said than done at 10m distance strafing firefights with a 3.4x zoom scope.
YEAP! Pretty productive session don't you think? ACE SQUAD FTW! The in game communication really helped us a lot! I think we went around 4 hrs of playing lol...
I am currently mastering AN-94 machine gun. It also has a slow rate of fire but it has a devistating power. The night vision scope helped me a lot too.
I want that weapon too :(
but whenever I start playing Assault I'm getting mad because I can't do shit against tanks and vehicles.
however I don't want to play support or engineer either!!.. which is why I'm currently playing recon most of the time.
I grab my SV98 and go straight to the frontline.
spreading havoc among enemies is so easy with that thing, because it feels like the bullets from that weapon are as huge as tank-shells and soldiers heads are 1 square meter huge
That's the main reason I like Support so much.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
I pretty much play it like an Assault class, I snipe with it every now and again, and whenever a tank rolls up my C4 gives me confidence knowing it's not 100% hopeless.
I may consider Recon later though, since the SV98 seems so badass.
I had an excellent run in Metro (conquest) with the Support class, US side. I put holographic sights on the M27 IAR (starting gun), Ammo perk, dashed up to the top of the escalators and dropped the bipod. Mowed 'em down again and again. Probably my best kill streak so far. It doesn't work as well from the Russian side, because you can't really set up down the escalators, you just get sniped.
Buff uses the C4 really well. I just get shot or run over.
Which is why I play Engineer the rest of the time. I had a great Kharg Island run playing it. Took out at least three tanks solo, got two more with a teammate. They're a really versatile class overall (which is why so many play it...). On the tight maps, give them a shotgun. On the open maps, use the rifles. They'll wreck things. I'm kind of torn between the AT mines, which never seem to do me any good, and the torch, which is always awesome.
The only loadout problems I always have are on open maps. I seem to always have the wrong launcher. On a map with a lot of aircraft, I'm lugging around the Stingers when I run into a tank. When we start getting chewed up by a heli, I've got the RPG. I switch...and then I somehow still have the wrong one.
I also still possess my ability to crash any aircraft. Got into a jet today, went right into the water.
So what's the general consensus of you guy's opinions on the game? I know the small details from reviews like how weak the single player is and etc.
Will get this for the PC eventually when I get a good enough rig although I could get it on the console but that would be doing myself and the game itself an injustice.
Things essential to making this game fun:
-Friends. GW can help out here if you have none
-Mics/Speakers. Ebay + $5 = solved.
-Time to spend 1-2+hr sessions. It takes trial and error to get everyone onto the same team, then squad, because BF3 doesn't like self-managements of squads. Once you DO organise yourselves into the same squad though, BF3 will make sure you spawn into the same team/squad every round afterwards. That's why you'll need to be prepared to invest some time into getting everything to work right - then enjoy the game for even longer to get your investment back.
-The patience/mindset to get your first few unlocks so you're no longer cannon-fodder. Modern Warfare's been better at this. The starting guns in MW2 are powerful enough for you go dive into the action without sucking too much. The latter weapons add to the fun without necessarily increasing your lethality. In BF3, levelling up is required to get some better guns and gadgets. You must weather the storm before getting to those. To make the process slower, the US and RU start with different guns, so you must get xp for those separately to unlock their scopes etc.
You will find that a fair chunk of time will be spent travelling on the map or trying to spot enemies to shoot. If you can't handle that and need to shoot people quickly (think Quake), then this game may not be for you. General online game-play isn't that tactically demanding, but for the most part, run-and-gun won't work. (A bit hypocritical for me to say this, but anyway.. :rolleyes:)
I would suggest to start off playing a bit of Team Death Matches in the beginning. It helps you get used to the new guns, makes it easier to learn some of the maps and enemy density helps you get more kills.
I haven't touched SP or co-op so I can't tell you anything about that.
co-op is weak most of the time, SP has some pretty awesome and intense shit
I don't know why they say the SP is weak
it's short yes, but its not bad.
jet-missions and tank mission ftw.
it looks so freaking beautiful
however the MP is where the true fun starts, you'll rage a lot, but you will also have alot of fun.
when tanks, infantry and aircraft come together, thats battlefield at its finest
I'm considerably less skilled at this game than Buff is, so I'm going to respond to his own post as someone who frankly, isn't very good at this game.
[1]: Absolutely. You'll find a squad's worth of us around, and considering I've been playing with Buff with zero problems and he's an ocean and a half away, their netcode is pretty damn good.
[2]: Speakers yes, mics...not really necessary. They make things more efficient, but the in game chat 'K' for team 'L' for squad, works surprisingly well for making large strategies. The best games are the ones where the teams communicate, no matter the method. There are also in game commands/warnings that work surprisingly well for the most common things (namely, ammo and getting pinned down). The biggest advantage when you're not playing on a Hardcore server is the spotting mechanic, [pressing 'Q']. Do it whenever you can, and do it often. Makes it seamless for your team to fill in the gaps with a quick rocket launch, cover fire, sniper fire, or airstrike. Plus you get exp for it!
[3]: Pretty much agree here. You need to put in some time when you play. In addition, it helps you get a feel for your squad, team as a whole, what guns work for you, which don't, and learning hiding spots on the maps.
[4]: Unlocks suck. You'll always feel outclassed by the people who can play 12+ hours a day, but if you can get kills, you'll catch up quickly. If you're not that good, and fill in the fodder role more often than not (i.e. Ryllharu), it can get a little frustrating. But I disagree with Buff that it puts you at a huge disadvantage. It makes things harder, sure, but there's a simple way around it:
[5]: The maps are big, and take some time to figure out. So what you should do above all back up your squad. If you find yourself in a squad composed of lone wolves (or 100% recons), switch ASAP. Experiment from the safety of a squad. Try out the different classes, follow one or a pair of them around and stick to them. You'll learn the maps quicker this way, and backing them up will keep the both of you alive better. Even if you're the cannon fodder. Your squadmate will see them while the enemy is busy pumping you full of lead, and get a bonus for either saving you, or avenging you. BF is a team game. It is meant to be played that way, and it will reward you for it.
[6]: Disagree a bit here. Play whatever mode you like the best. I can't stand deathmatch modes unless it is a UT/Quake style game (I like the twitch shooters, so sue me...), and Rush rubs me the wrong way, because a lot of the maps are honestly pretty unbalanced given where DICE placed the MCOMs. So I always play Conquest. But if Rush (Assault/Search and Destroy/etc.) or Death Matches are your thing, by all means play it. While ranking up is important, play for fun.
[7]: Same, I haven't even touched it either.
EDIT: To actually answer animus' question: It is a ton of fun so far, whether you play in random pick-up teams, or with friends. Even if you're kind of bad at the game. It's a team game, play it like one, and you'll have fun. I get frustrated sometimes, but I don't think I've ever actually raged at the game, even once.
Just to be sure, you guys are MP'ing on PC, right? I skimmed through and didn't figure it out. It would be cool to play with some of you guys online, but Skyrim is coming out soon too...
Pirate Skyrim; buy Battlefield 3.
Yea, we're playing on PC.
Totally agree. I'll add you later Lucifus!
I understand that sometimes when you are feeling outclassed because of the weapons and the class does not suit you, it really feels frustrating. I was trying out recon because I've been playing assault since forever and it turns out that it was not a good decision. I failed so much. Felt like a total newb. I just need around 3-5k exp to get the badass 3rd sniper single bolt action and I can't reach it because I keep dying. :(
I have all the weapons of assault except for the last two guns you get from co-op. I also haven't played campaign or co-op.
My experience with recon hasn't been that bad. Unlocked the 3rd sniper last night, and it kicks ass. I found it hard to get enough points to reach there with the default snipers though, so I reconned with with the multi-class SMG instead. Capturing flags also gains points for whatever class you're using at the time, so be speedy if your current weapons aren't ideal.
Recon plays better once you have played a bit and know the maps - more so than other classes. I hated it at the beginning because I could never find anyone, but they always found me.
I'm tossing up between the Pecheneg and the M240B. The first is plenty powerful as I metioned before, but the latter has better recoil. It's funny that I actually prefer the M240 in close combat. Walk around with it scopeless and on full-auto on Bazaar Markets' alleyways.
Oyabun nicknamed it my Rambo gun. xD.
Do it anywhere else though, and prepare to get sniped.
Is that legit or a hack? I'd heard about some problems with hacks on BF3 MP.
I'm probably going to get into either BF3 or MW3 soon. Single-player games have grown stale for me recently.
Legit as far as I know. 3&feature=plcp
go BF3 then :)
you can always play CoD like infantry only maps, so you pretty much get both with 1 game, and better graphics and cool knife animations (gotta love them <3)
I prefer the standing-takedown (from behind) better than the prone-takedown. The M98B is a bit annoying to use atm.. I don't know if I'm just waay too used to the SV98 after such a long time that adapting is difficult. The L96 was easier to adapt to.
The QBU-88 rocks. I generally play that like a more accurate, less rambo-ish Pecheneg, though that gun takes out average snipers in its own right.
I have been playing Recon lately. I posted before that I was playing badly as a recon but now after trying to learn the ways of recon(lol), I have gotten better on it. I usually search a squad with a sniper member on it and then I follow the player to check the places good for sniping.
Using L96 atm with Buff's advice in the accessory department. Getting revenge on those damn snipers feels so much win.
The next massive update to Battlefield 3 is set to go live on June 4 for PC and Xbox users, following on June 5 for PS3 owners. Chief among the fixes include a patch for the M26 Lightweight Shotgun System, and a slightly-reduced suppression effect, as well as improved VTOL fighter jet (F35) performance. Here's the full changelog.
Amongst everything...
".... Tweaked some tracers on sniper rounds to have better visibility at range (the tracers are smaller)...."
Hopefully this will make BF3 fun again.
This is long overdue! Atleast we can finally play again Buff.
Yep, something to look forward to after next week's finals. I can't remember general lag being something that they were going to fix tho.. oh well. Good to see ARs (with suppression?) being a bit more accurate too.
enjoy guys, they did a really good job there
You better take up the Rambo mantle then Buff. haha
gunner yes, pilot no
its possible though, as shown in the FULL METAL montage by Threaty
Interesting. Does it have to be a certain calibur bullet, or will any sniper do?
hmm, doesn't seem like it matters too much.. 3s
(skip to 4:42)
Maybe I'll try playing with mouse-accel off once more. I tried for a little while, but it just felt really unnatural. I wonder if W7 is able to finally turn mouse-accel off properly once you deselect it in the options.
I sniped a chopper pilot once in the map with the desert and a long beach front(memory fail). I waited on a small hill just beside the allowed border and waited for a solider to board the chopper lol. It rose a few meters then I killed the pilot. The chopper exploded when it hit the groud thus killing the gunner too. Fun times.
Some Close Quarter action :D
Nice. I played some TDM last night, and the last time I played that was when I was still learning BF3. Was very surprised at how small the maps were.
Controlling recoil's much harder for me in this game than in previous games. LMGs are alright, but I can't seem to burst assault rifles every effectively.
Mute the audio. It's funnier that way.
Hear YE hear ye! September is coming, suit up and roll out your TANKS.
I still have to unlock reactive armour.. :(
Also need the UnderRadar perk for heli as well as the ECM jammer..
Does anyone know what the difference is between the audio settings: Hi Fi, and Home Cinema?
It makes sense that HC would be multi-channel, but there's no telling what the dynamic range etc of that is compared to Hi Fi.
Some internet discussions seem to think hifi outputs 2.0, but the remark was more of a guess than an informed statement. DICE also never specified whether hifi uses any DSP techniques (such as dolby virtual speakers / dolby headphones) to mix multi-channel sounds into a virtual surround sound.
On the other hand.. downloading Armoured Kill at the moment... geez these updates a huge..
I am so jealous of buff right now.. He is currently playing BF3 :( Here I am Stuck at work while my tank rust in the garage.. :(
How are you guys finding AK? I find it disappointing and boring. There's not enough vehicles to go around for such large maps..
Like.. at minimum everyone should be able to hop into a vehicle. Ideally there should be more vehicle seats than team members so you can choose.
CQ is pretty cool, chaos and all.. I haven't played Gun-Master yet, so I don't know how much I'd enjoy it. I found it alright when I played a similar mode in COD4.
Seems they nerfed the Attack chopper so that the pilot can't use flares. Just when I was getting into flying and all. :S
Does anybody lag as well? I do sometimes, and I can't find the cause. My frames aren't dipping, network ping is consistently fine and the computer hardware shouldn't be struggling (though it's certainly stressed since it's drawing out frames as fast as it can).
It's even more annoying than having a mortar next to you while you snipe. :(
AK is not as good as I hoped it to be.
the new vehicles don't have much of an impact if you ask me, I couldn't care less whether I fight a tank destroyer or an abrams as infantry.
rush is alot of fun though, but most of the time its 2 easy to attack thanks to paradrops behind enemy lines due to the gunship... and the vehicle balance in rush is kinda weird
the new desert map with the beach for example:
attacker = tank destroyer, gunship, amtrac, little bird
defender = tank destroyer.
I'm looking at the pre-orders that are available for BF4, and there seems to be the following:
BF4 normal edition
BF4 Deluxe Edition
BF4 Premium Membership.
The Deluxe one seems to give you 2 expansion packs, while the Premium one gives you access to all the ones that are to come.
If I've got that correct.. then there's no point in getting Deluxe+Premium, is there? It's either Premium+base_game, or Deluxe.
BF4 open beta is up. Anyone playing it? I like it, but it's hard to judge from the one map that's available.
Gamestop has this annoying commercial where a guy with a howitzer and a guy with a humvee make fun of a guy with a rocket launcher. Shows how much these fake gamers know about the game. AT soldiers fuck up tanks and pretty much anything else they encounter.
One AT doesn't do much, unless there's so much noise that the tank can't find him. I've tried taking on a tank by myself with a rocket launcher, and it takes what... 5-6 rockets to take it down? Maybe 8 if the guy repairs while you ran to hide?
When you have multiple AT soldiers who have some cover going after a tank, then it's screwed.
Trying to kill an aircraft by yourself used to be just as difficult as well until they nerfed the flares.
I've killed tanks solo with a rocket launcher. It takes 3 to 4 rockets to destroy one. I look for an engineer to jump out to repair the tank so I can kill him too, two birds with one rocket. You do have to have cover but it's easy otherwise. And like you said, two AT soldiers means a tank is fucked.
About the commercial, a humvee is toast against an AT soldier. And that howitzer doesn't have a coaxial gun to kill up close, and its cannon is only good for long range.
they even added the amount of damage you dealt to the tank on your screen as points,
you need 5 rockets from the front, 4 from the side and 2 fom behind to destroy a tank
you might need 3 from behind, I can't remember whether its 45 dmg or 55
however 2 rockets will result in critical damage for sure
and shooting down attack choppers in bf4 is as easy as it can get, just get a recon to mark it and lock on with your normal RPG. 1 rocket is enough and the chopper pilot didn't even know that a rocket was fired on him, because there will be no beeping sound (except from the mark itself)
so far infantry is "overpowered", but I like it! might be the map though, so much room to hide and sneak up on tanks
I think it's a little too easy to shoot down helos in BF4, though I'm not an avid helo pilot so I don't mind. RPGs don't have guidance systems, they are point and shoot. They shouldn't be able to home in or lock on to targets. I'd be surprised if they didn't remove that from the final game. And the tank damage points are useful too, but I'd think most servers would turn that off, or at least the hardcore ones.
its okay on the beta map, since you need a line of sight to the target and there are plenty of buildings to hide and to dodge.
but on open maps, yeh it would be far to easy
Not much time to play for BF4 :(. But I will still buy it!
I don't know that it's such a different game from BF4 that it's worth it buying right away, as long as BF3 servers remain up, which I'm sure they will. I don't want to miss out on the double XP weekends or the free MP maps, so I'm still thinking of pre-ordering.
Is anyone interested in buying my extra-copy of Battlefield 4 + China Rising for 35€?
its bought from
the key came very late and I already bought it somewhere else, but since its to much work to get your money back if you spent it on digital goods, I decided to resell it (with a loss)
I'm interested. Sending PM now.
I present to you all my BF4 Emblem
Attachment 1593
This one is mine
peace through power, brothers and sisters
... now i have to replay Tiberian Sun.. again.
i don't have BF4... yet.. compared to BF3 is it way better or just more of the same?
It seems to crash my brother's PC, that's for sure. He was also experiencing mouse lag, but we got that fixed. Turned out that he had vsync and triple buffering on at the graphics driver level, so we got rid of that.
there are serious server issues atm, I don't know if today's update fixed anything but literally every *server* would crash after a while
disconnecting every player on the server
and sometimes the client disconnects too.
the game itself however, is better than bf3 if you ask me
I'm crashing pretty hard and really expect no more than 2 games without a crash. There's also the sound cutting issue. I heard there was a 1GB patch, but I guess either I'm now a minority, or this didn't fix it. I'm quite tempted to upgrade to the beta catalyst driver actually. The only thing holding me back is that downgrading from it is a bitch.
Stability seems to have improved over the past 2 days, so that's good. I'm doing some data migration which uses around 50% of my CPU so I've had to play the game on Low settings while I do that (even then I will suffer from bouts of CPU-induced lag. The CPU used by the file copy is proportional to the speed. The speed in turn is limited by the file fragmentation and physical location on the HDDs).
The ACW-R TEARS things apart. I managed to kill so many guys with it even when they clearly had the jump on me. Also, in BF3 Holo sights had a longer ADS time than RDS. That.. doesn't seem to be the case in BF4, does it? Symthic hasn't got their sight guide up yet, but that's the feel I get at the moment. The zoom's also the same. Both the RDS and Holo sights enlarge your surroundings a bit when you aim. I didn't compare to ironsight ADS, so maybe happens regardless. :S.
The in-game descriptions seem true enough though. I can track targets more easily with the RDS since it only puts a dot on screen, while the ballistic reticle of the Holo steals my focus for a bit when I aim, even if it grants greater clarity for better medium engagement.
There's also much greater variation now regarding class/weapon matchups. Assault + ACW-R (Carbine) in TDM is just godly. The med packs seem lame at first, but once you realise that you can heal while moving and play accordingly they're pretty damn good. Just kill, heal+move, repeat.
The standard pistol is really good as well. It reminds me of the 1911 from BF3 in feel and damage (maybe it takes 1 more bullet to kill), but fires as fast as you can press the trigger and also has a nice magazine size. The only real problem I find is that my fingers get confused sometimes. When I want to finish a guy off by switching to my sidearm (keyboard: 2), I may accidentally throw him a med pack instead (keyboard: 3).
Reviving got nerfed for better or worse. Full revives take more work now, and I've got to balance out between quick-revive and moving on, or being more vulnerable while making the revive count more.
That's good that they made revives take longer. It's ridiculous that guys get killed and insta-revived. I earned so many medic points from mass series of revives when my teammates got shot all around me, but it was pretty ridiculous.
I've been trying to use the SCAR-H but it's not very successful so far. I'm not sure what it is that's affecting me.. low ROF leading to lack of suppression? Just the vertical kick that I'm not controlling? I tried the compensator and that seemed to help a little, so perhaps it's horizontal recoil?
The time to kill is supposed to be the fastest with this gun as far as assault rifles go, but I have the best practical results with the ACE 23. AK-12 is good too if I feel less aggressive.
The game rapes my CPU, but it's playable.