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mangastream / binktopia
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Taking a page out of Oda's book and going for a war of mayhem, only Kishimoto seems to have planned ahead a bit more about who should be fighting whom
I'm pleased with this, shit's about to hit the fan
Lol, so just as I thought... Dan and Sai's brother have also returned.
Then there's the foreshadowing that Kabuto might have trouble controlling so many bodies at once. This is looking more and more like my prediction might come true in the end after all.
it didnt get any less stupid, lol.
Have Sasori blow a cloud of his poison over the shinobis and they´re all dead, since it´s a special kind of poison that only Sakura might have a little bit of cure against.
Lol at Asuma's "I have a bad feeling about this..."
I was worried that it would turn into a pretty straight forward battle with a little extra stuff going on with the resurected peeps, but it actually seemed in this chapter that Kishimoto has at least a little bit planned for some extra turns.
I'll say I'm a little more interested in how things will turn out now, and it'll be fun to see who all ends up matching against eachother, though some aren't hard to figure out. Will be fun none the less.
I just wanna see Kimimaru fight. Hell the only reason he died was because he was sick. Gaara only slowed him down.
Are we now going to see a 'full strength' Itachi go nuts on some enemies or will he manage to find a way out of fighting for Kabutoro? Perhaps Naruto's crow will negate his powers as as Sasuke's.
I think you will be sorely disappointed. The First Hokage used Tree no Jutsu on Sarutobi, despite being the reanimated corpse of a Sound ninja.
I wouldn't think so, since a puppet body is just made out of wood and is in no way related to Sasori's original flesh. Then again Hizashi still has the curse seal on his forehead and other ninjas seem to have their scars and original clothing so w/e. Shippudden as a whole has been a monumental suspension of disbelief.
I just think that it is funny that they brought back the jinchuuriki without their bijuu's. They are a lot less scary when they do not have access to all of their previous power.
Are you sure about that? In the world of Edo Tensei, anything could be possible. I mean if he brought back the First with his blood line and probably Nagato and Itachi with their eyes, then I don't see why he couldn't bring the jinchuurikis with their full powers as well. Maybe not the actual beasts but some kind of undead pseudo forms.
Kishimonto... he does not like characters dying.
Kabutoro saying that he has problems controlling all the zombies, the zombies are still aware of the situation (and have their own opinions)
so, if something was to happen to Kabutoro, would the zombies be free? or would they insta-die?
same thing, Kabutoro can just be in a orochimaru-cycle of coma-resurrection, and then everyone will be alive!
Keep in mind Sasuke now has Itachi's eyes now so only way he should have any kind of sharingan is if Madara used some of the spares from his collection.
I really don`t understand the problem here, Edo tensei clearly allows the resurrected to keep his abilities, if any is not really a resurrection, i think the apropiate word is recreation, after all, that wasn`t really the 1st and/or 2nds body there fighting, but they clearly had the same abilities and blood line limit.
If edo tensei can recreate Itachi`s arm, i bet it can create his eyes as well.
I cant understand anyhting lately. Some things that used to be like unbreakeable laws nowadays just dissapear.
I mean even if we would assume that the Edo Tensei (Impure world resurrection) is more something like a "recreation", wich would be a lot to assume already, what the hell happens with the kekkei gankai (Blood Inheritance Limit)? That "ability" goes with the body. its in its freaking cells ADN!!
And sadly if we asume that Edo Tensei can recreate the cells, the adn, the memories, the chakra, the body parts, the missing limbs etc, etc, etc.... the question is: What can't Edo Tensei do?
This is even more hax than the sharinga, and read it well, I'm talking about the sharingan wich is one of the biggest plot holes-rabbits in the hat-ace up the sleeve, that I ever have encountered in my life.
I think that once reached this point Kishimoto should leave the script writing to Stephenie Meyer.
Nuff said.
Actually with so many under Kabuto, I think it could be possible for those of extremely strong will be able to break the control. Or at the very least, when he "unleashes" them, they might fall back to their own accords and that they will attack their old enemies and leave their allies alone.
maybe that is part of Kabutoro's plan?
I think it's pretty reckless of him to throw into a battle such a giant force if he suspects there's a chance that it'll backfire on him.
You'd think that for the first time, he'll only release a small force, so if they rebel, they'd still be no threat. but if he's willing to allow an army worth of ninjas on the battlefield, he's probably damn sure of his ability to control them.
now, I'm willing to believe that Orochimaru is arrogant enough to do this, but after combining with Kabuto, and after dying (twice) from messing with the wrong experiment, I don't think Kabutoro is that self confident.
I wouldn't put it past Kabutoro that he's planning on his zombie army to rebel and destroy the Zetsu army. then he'd be able to take the super sharingan from madare, or something.
Yeah, I have a suspicion that Kabuto will try to betray Madara soon. I think we will find out next chapter: either he'll fight Anko seriously, or he'll try to negotiate with her. It seems kind of dumb for Kabuto to leave a trail just to turn around and kill off a small group, when Madara controls an army of 100,000. Also, he barely tried to capture Naruto, and captured Yamato instead. Madara is supposedly weak to Tree no Jutsu.
On a different note, I think Naruto's new move is pretty sweet. It is basically a Sage Mode version of Susanoo. Naruto is getting stronger by growing, unlike Sasuke, who just abuses himself for power.
Also, how flipping strong is Naruto now? He was already godly strong with "just" Sage Mode, which makes chakra more potent and regenerate faster. Now he has a tank of Kyuubi chakra too. I guess Kishi has always made a point of Naruto's weakness being his chakra control, and mastering Sage Mode has made him a chakra control master apparently. Especially since he can move it around like a set of limbs.
People keep saying that, but clearly Edo Tensai doesn't require the physical body of the deceased, but rather clones the state of what it used to be prior to the person's death. Orochimaru was able to resurrect the 1st hokage, despite him being in Madara's possession all this time. Nagato would be missing a rinnegan. Hizashi would be blind right now since his curse seal destroyed his byakugan eyes. Deidara would still be a million pieces strewn across the land. Sasori would just be a flesh cylinder, etc.
So Madara could kill Sasuke, take his eyes, bring him back to life and then they'd both have MSs?
as i understand it Edo tensei involves binding the soul of the one you want to resurrect to a sacrificial body.
this is why Third and Fourth Hokage cannot be resurrected via Edo Tensei - their souls were given as payment in the Death God Sealing technique used to bind part of the kyubi's chakra and Orochimarus arms respectively (something about being slowly digested in the bowls of the Shinigami for 1k years, if i recall correctly).
arguably, it is the soul that gives the unique abilities as demonstrated by Orochimaru's resurrections of the 1st and 2nd hokage.
And even the if the Jinchuriki do not have access to their Bijuu - it is quit possible that they will have large Chakra reserves and stamina much like Naruto, as well as their own unique abilities tied to their home villages. The Jinchuriki were born to be weapons. they would have received training for that, I am quite looking forward to seeing the jinchuriki in action.
Who cares.... Edo tensai was gay as hell when Orochimaru used it, and it's still gay as hell now.
well were are not sure if the 3rd casket would be the 4th it wasn't clear nor mentioned by orochimaru and 3rd hokage and besides 3rd soul was gone when he seals the fox to naruto.. By the way do you think Jiraiya was dead he is, well why thus Kabuto didn't resurrect him well he know Jiraiya more than those other people that he resurrected..
This is gonna be hard for kabuto to control those people with lots of uniques skills. Because even sasori who is expert in controlling people having a hard time by controlling so many puppet when fought sakura and chiyo.
Just a thought, as Edo Tensei isn't a bloodline limit, shouldn't Madara be able to just copy it when he see's Kabutoro pulling out all these zombies?
Copying ability has always been gibberish to begin with. Seeing an Rasenshuriken with a Sharingan doesn't mean one processes the right element or chakra control to make one let alone a high level summon like Edo Tensai.
I'm fine with the war as long as the talking ostrich and boxing kangaroo aren't joining in... Second thought, throw them in, I could use the lulz.
I was under the impression you don`t actually need to have the right elemen afinity, thus why we`ve seen kakashi use at least 4 elements.
I remember kakashi doing a rasengan effortlessly but he said that doing the rasengan along with adding "an" elemental affinity was extremely difficult. So there COULD in theory be 4 other forms of the completed rasengan. Flame, water, lightening, and earth rasengans would probably be really cool.
Anyways I think the zombie battles will be pretty great. I can't wait to see salamander fight. I could care less about the previous hokage and the fallen akatsuki.
Well the whole copy thingy has also been explained as not being able to copy Bloodline Limits, such as Haku's, because they use 2 combined elements. If the copy ability could just bypass elemental affinity then Bloodlines such as Ice and Tree/Life would not be a problem to copy.
BTW what elements have we seen Kakashi use? Lightning and Water, but i can't really remember anything else. The hiding in the earth could easily be explained as a regular jutsu not requiring a element. I can't really remember anything else except that. But then again i have the memory of a goldfish so please enlighten me.
The technique where he rooted Kakashi and the one where he attacks pain from underground, if i recall correctly he called them Douton something, i *think* he used Fire ball against Naruto and Sakura, also, he uses all 5 elements in the Ultimate Ninja series, apparentelly, the abilities used there are Canon.
Quick quote from Narutowiki.
Individually, he is able to perform earth-based techniques with great detail in their shape, and is able to perform water-based techniques without an existing water source nearby. He has also been shown (in the anime) using fire-based techniques, and he is otherwise at least knowledgeable enough with Wind Release to help train Naruto in its use.
Kakashi said that most of Jounin can use more than one element. But basically, they can't use more than one at the same time without a blood line limit.
A blood line limit lets you combine chakras. The ability to combine chakras can't be copied, even though Kakashi can see what kinds of chakra are being used and how. It's kind of like Sasuke and Rock Lee way back when. Sasuke could see Lee, but his body couldn't react.
On the other hand, I guess that Pein could copy pretty much any jutsu, since he already had the ability to combine any pair of chakras.
Most Jounin can use more than one element, but rarely more than two, what made Sarutobi so special was full mastery over all five elements.
Yep, in fact all the elements he used so far were pretty high level stuff, like not just fire ball, but grand fireball.
Earth and Lightning
And just let us top all that of with This ;P
And I don't know if Naruto filler goes into canon, but wasn't there this girl named Fuuka that used all elements too?
I always though Kakashi was a lighting-earth user.
I think he uses water mostly when he copies enemies, when he tries to combo-attack enemies, it's usually an earth based attack.
Sarutobi could do more than use all the elements he knew EVERY technique in the village thus the nickname the professor
He couldn't have known Amaterasu, or the Bug Clan's bug techniques, or how to use the Byakugan, etc.
Knowing them and being able to do them are 2 different things, obviously.
Uhhhhhh if you say so. The distinction between "knowing" and "knowing how" is pretty thin. Especially since these are techiques, where "knowledge" is "know how". Did Naruto know how to do the Rasengan just because Jiraiya told him to rotate the chakra, compress it, and put power into it? I don't think so. He didn't know how to do that stuff.
Actually there is no point bringing Orochimaru back is there, since if he did he would still be without his arms.
Are you seriously trying to debate this?
Gai obviously can't do sharingan related stuff, but he knows how it works, hence him developing a way of fighting without looking them in the eyes. Same with Deidara, training his left eye to counter genjutsu.
Even if you know how to bake a cake, you would still need the ingredients and tools to actually make it.
maybe "the professor" was more of an academic title?
each ninjas jutsus are supposedly secret, and family jutsu even more so. the 3rd might have gotten the title by merely knowing about the existence of each jutsu in the village, plus general knowledge about it's function?
sort of like we (the readers) "know" every jutsu that appeared so far, in the sense that we know who uses it and what it does (as well as it's element).
having such knowledge in the world of naruto would make him a credible ninja, as he knows exactly what to expect from anyone he fights. not to mention that it shows his worth as a leader, knowing each of the village ninja's strengths and abilities.
on the other side, maybe we need to stop paying attention to stuff like that, since it was said only once, and like the source of the Sharingan in the byakougan, didn't ever get referred to again.
Kishimonto, in a sense, is between Oda and....the guy from bleach (thou shall not say their names in the same sentence, praise be GODA), Oda remembers everything, the other guy remembers the final page of the last chapter. and kishimonto remembers only stuff that happened up to 100 chapters back, or starting from Naruto Z, at most.
This is the main problem that i see with arguing over laws in an anime. Often times, the creator forget what he/she established as laws and that leads to some rather ridiculous situations. Kinda like how grunts chuunin often dies to a very obvious shuriken or kunai throw. This is a problem because Kishimoto already established that even the weakest genin can perform a substitution jutsu. Ever notice that in high level ninja fights, that technique is only use to create tensions and then forgotten 2 chapters later in a situation where it would save that person life?
I think you're confused about the different senses of "knowing". I'm not sure how/why, since you switched from talking about the elements Kakashi knows how to use to plain old "knowing about". toonice was clearly, in my opinion, talking about "knowing how to use a technique".
I agree about Gai. And he does know how the Sharingan works, to some extent. But that's not the kind of knowing I thought we were talking about. We were talking about "know how", as in "knowing how to perform a technique".
Going with your cake analogy: a recipe might say, "Mix egg, sugar, flour". Would somebody know how to bake a cake if they don't even know how to use a mixing bowl and spoon? I don't think so.
Does Naruto know how to do the Rasengan just because Jiraiya told him to rotate, compress, and use lots of power? I don't think so. He had to learn to do each of those.
Sarutobi did not know how to use two kinds of chakra at the same time. And he can't even learn how, because he doesn't have a bloodline limit (as far as we know).
I thought Sarutobi (notice the Tobi /troll) could perform more techniques than anyone in the village and was stronger than the first and second, in his prime.
Poop is right that he couldn't perform bloodline limit techniques. But I would just have to assume that Sarutobi had some sort of bloodline limit of his own, even though it wasn't mentioned.
Another thing. I would assume that Sarutobi knew how to perform most of the forbidden techniques as well. In fact, the elders and he were probably the ones who decided what would be forbidden.
Bad post number
Kage Bunshin is supposed to be a forbidden technique. What a happened to that scroll anyway?
yo i'm fiending for that chapter 517. the lakers game can't start soon enough to take my mind off of the upcoming naruto and gaara bromance