mangastream / binktopia
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mangastream / binktopia
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Cool chapter, though this means kisame is dead next week, no way he can even remotely survive these odds.
Wow... is it me or is this the first time Kishimoto didn't redeem a villain through flashbacks?
I'll miss Kisame,
he was one bad-ass mofo.
'twas a great chapter
Wow! That was badass. Guy is badass! Its sad if Kisame goes, from the outset he was just too freaking amazing. And now just like so many he is about to bite it. If I was the axis of evil I would be worried with so many badies droping left and right. But I guess with our losses too it almost evens out.
If I am keeping score right, we should lose someone on our side shortly too. Someone relevant but random too...
Yeah but did they guy probing Kisame's brain get to see Madara's face, or did he bite his tongue in time?
Quite symbolic that, too.
Regardless, now Naruto is going to have to pummel him.
He sort of did though. Kisame was a ruthless bad guy who would kill anyone anytime, but the flashbacks showed that he killed to protect information, and that he was really just a poor lost soul searching for belonging. Basically, he turned Kisame into Kimmimaro via these flashbacks.
Bulshit, he was smiling even as he killed them
Sure he had a reason for it, but that doesn't take from the fact that he enjoyed killing his team mates and even his own teacher
No redemption, Kisame was a badass motherfucking shark to the end
That was ruthless, and one of my favorite panels in all of the manga. If I say don't move, don't fucking move! To think Guy's the one with this personality trait...pure win xD. Also, it's about time guy showed some badassery on the level you'd expect from some who supposedly rivals Kakashi.
edit: Oh, and Kisame's tongue bitten off emotes remind me of Gau from FF6 xD.
Based on this performance I would say Gai is currently more badass than Kakashi. Have we seen Gai exhausted/lose/knocked out yet from a fight?
I really cannot remember any moments other than this one where guy happened to be a super badass. Badass, sure, kind of like Asuma badass, disposable badass. Thing is, this match up just happens to be very gimmicky. Kisame's trump technique involves absorbing the opponent's chakra, while Guy's techniques have no molded chakra to be absorbed (and yet still able to achieve ninjutsu like utility...). Kakashi, was never in such a gimmicky fight where he had the gimmicky upper hand.
I can see this ending one way or another. Guy going 7, maybe 8, gates to defeat him without using chakra so he can't absorb it. Or 2), Naruto in Sage mode lets him suck his chakra so that he turns into a frog statue.
Also Ibiki is always bad-ass. Needs more of him.
True, the sharingan's natural abilities seem to have been forgotten now that everyone has a MS these days
That multiple sclerosis is pretty crazy.....effecting manga everywhere.
Anyways I hope we get to see the rookies after this battle. Its time to see how konoha is preparing for this war.
I meant in the sense of "Haha, look at my super powered ability!!" "Oh yeah, well look at my super powered ability, which is a DIRECT counter to everything your superpowered ability is about!"
"My superpowered ability absorbs chakra!" "Well great! None of my attacks USE chakra making your super powered ability USELESS!"
The sharingan was more of a power that came in handy in every fight, and never did the sharingan (not kakashi's anyway) seem like a power MADE to directly counter another fighter's ability. The Guy vs. Kisame thing, despite their history, just seems...contrived.
Well lets see....
Pain by himself could defeat the entirety of Konoha minus Naruto.
Deidara and Sasori could each defeat the entirety of the sand village by themselves.
Itachi with some help from Madara could defeat the entire Uchiha clan, which used to be the strongest bloodline or something.
Kakuzu was kicking ass for the past 100 years.
Kabutoro is apparently stronger than Orochimaru used to be.
Madara is for all intents and purposes a god, and close descendant of the creator of all jutsu, meanwhile the other akatsuki listed are immortal zombies, and so far the only known way of permanently killing them is to seal their souls.
Nobody except for Naruto, Bee, and Sasuke would be able to do shit against these guys.
I think you forget
one special little rookie
Kisame is pissed, I think that his going go on a killing spree now, he still has a chance to nick some chakra, unless Naruto uses sage mode and turns him into a frog statue, but who knows , sage chakra is nature and kisame is a shark, mabye he' will be able to control it and make him even more fucking badass lol.
I hope he kills the random ninja's with Gai and Bee before he goes down.
Everyone thinks Kisame is done for. I think he's gunna escape, now that he knows much about Guy's abilit[y/ies]. The fact that Kisame is free again, means he can counter. Just you watch :)
Once its flashback time, it is pretty much over. That is kind of a shonen convention.
Besides he just bit his tongue off. Can't exactly exude charm with that in bits now can you.
i dont think its gunna be as simple as kisame absorbing naruto chakra then turning into a frog i think something big is gunna happen we'll probably see zetsu true power and one of are guys will die but kisame will probably die aswell
Ino will bust in and save the day.