[HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden - 174 - 720p | 480p
Naruto Shipuuden Ending - Utakata Hanabu by Supercell [2010.08.25][320kbps].rar
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[HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden - 174 - 720p | 480p
Naruto Shipuuden Ending - Utakata Hanabu by Supercell [2010.08.25][320kbps].rar
Lemme warn the people who have yet to see the ep, SPOILER!!!
You're not gonna tell me that everyone's being brought back alive that is killed by the pains...
Pffft, how many bring back to life jutsu's are there going to be?
However, this means Jiraiya will be back, together wit Kakashi? :D
Somehow I don't even feel like this is going to cheapen the whole arc. I just think Nagato's power level is well beyond 9000.
However, Naruto bought himself a huge burden. Rain is still a somewhat shitty place and logically he should save it very soon. I don't think we are really too well acquainted with the current political situation in the Naruto world but assuming Nagato still has a point, there must be lots of pressure between the countries and very few ways of solving things due to the heavy traditions of hatred and violence. But who knows, maybe lots of people are, in the end, tired of that violence.
I wonder if Nagato himself ends up dying like Konan suggested. Seems somewhat likely. If he decided to leave things in Naruto's hands, there's little for him to do anymore. The book only had one hero.
There are only two, ol'Sand Lady's and this one (or am I wrong again?) The others only make zombies.
But it's okay, because this one kinda makes sense.
Altough I would've liked it much better if Kakashi would not have been dead at all. It should have been an close-to-dead-experience.
I thought Nagato would just bring, those who were killed by the pains, back alive.
So that would mean Jiraiya coming back, but Kakashi not... Kakashi died of exhaustion, emptied his chakra reserve
Well, we'll have a better explanation next week
I think that Jiraiya has been dead for a long time. Not to mention his body is no longer in the village. It looked like Nagato's jutsu was only over the village.
I liked the episode all in all. I am pretty sure if my memory serves me correctly that Naruto's words weren't so kind in the manga about his feelings towards Nagato. But still good none the less.
Awwwww shit son! They just summoned Shenron up in this bitch!
Naruto believes in the you who believes in me!
I think it's kinda cool this didn't end in another battle.
I personally don't have a big problem with Ressurection techniques as long as they kill off the user. That way, death isn't "free" it's just shifting the cost around. As long as doing this kills Nagato, it's fine. Although from the way Konan spoke, he actually could do this and be fine if he hadn't used up most of his chakra already.
Also, if each of those lights is a person being brought back, a lot more people died than they made it seem. I was under the impression that Tsunade had managed to save just about everyone in the village so far.
It does seem weird though if Kishimoto knew he was gonna res people who he didn't just kill off Hinata when he made it seem like he was killing her off...maybe he didn't want to tip his hand. People could believe the older characters dying off, but perhaps if one of the kids dies, people start thinking it isn't going to stick.
Eh, the massive resurrection cheapened it for me. When he first called it, I thought it might be he was transferring some Rinnegan power to Naruto, or resurrecting the six Pains under Naruto's command, something to that effect.
What I do wonder is what Konan will do now, and how pissed off Madara is going to be. Even more would be how would Naruto compete with Sasuke now with Sage mode?
He already did. He got Sage mode.
If Naruto can defeat Pain, he's probably at least on the same tier as Sasuke at this point.
That would have been epic. Even without the powers of the Pains, just having the eyes would be awesome for Naruto.
If all his clones shared his sight, they'd be able to release themselves when he needed more Sage chakra without having to be summoned first.
It would all fit though, Naruto in sage mode with the sage powers (rinnegan). Never thought of it.
i came here to comment on the ep
but did this asshole just spoil something major? fucking scrubs should be wiped clean for doing shit like this
ban this fool fucking christ
If you actually posted on them here forums instead of lurking you'd know Arch is just a consistently cocky cock. Simply cause he says something like its fact doesn't mean it is.
Its almost time for the greatest moment in cop out history..... this is so exciting!
In fact Archie has reported quite a few spoilers posted by careless members over time. I wouldn't necessarily recognize them myself, not reading the manga sources of the popular shounen series, and generally remembering poorly whether some obscure detail has been revealed yet in the anime or not.
So, I wouldn't really expect him to post any major spoiler here, no.
Yay for overreactions.
Itachi said he gave Naruto something to protect him against Sasuke. One possibility is Susanoo, Itachi's third Mangekyo ability since it seems to be the ultimate defense. Or something along those lines...
On this actual episode: Killing everyone and going through death sequences for them only to bring them back is stupid and cheapens any death here on out, yay for that. I like Kakashi but am not really excited to see everything returned to normal.
The mass slaughter (pain) was Nagato's answer to the question of peace. Jiraiya and Naruto's was the opposite to that. Naruto's words (and his own that he had forgotten already) convinced Nagato that he had erred and he decided to switch back to the path he once believe in. In that sense undoing the deaths was quite natural. Under most circumstances I'd have thought it a poor choice by the author but not in this case since Nagato's return made all the death invalid. It could be said that they would have served as a measure of Naruto's real conviction of not leaving Jiraiya's path no matter what, but requiring such a thing would have meant Nagato hadn't really believed him. If you demand proof for something, it indicates lack of belief, after all.
Well, I can't really explain why I don't mind this particular case of resurrections any better than this. Typically I view every good story needs good guys dying - due to having Les Miserables as one of the very first novels I ever read - so I deem I hold some perspective.
They haven't in the manga either, but apparently not being retarded constitutes as a spoiler around here?
I'm with Arch. They've already shown that Itachi can give people one-shot uses of his Mangekyou power(granted, the other person he used it on at least had a Sharinan already).
Though I can't imagine it's another Amaterasu, cause you can be pretty sure Itachi wouldn't want Naruto to vaporize Sasuke.
I suspect though what he gave him though is something that will either break Naruto out of Sasuke's Tsukiyomi, or negate Sasuke's ability to supress the Kyuubi. My money is on the former.
and in the end it will be something boring... maybe a message form Itachi to Sasuke or something. This message will make him come back to Konoha and they will all be happy. :rolleyes:
I found it alright because all the Six Paths theory makes sense and is really based off the Buddhist belief of reincarnation.
When Nagato used his "death" technique, he got reduced to this current state. His "life" one would surely kill him.
As for all the confusion about who's getting revived, the subs said "Pain controls life and death." The Buddhist theory of reincarnation also has a period of 49 days after death where your spirit lingers before reincarnating into a different body. This may be used to explain why Nagato did or didn't resurrect certain people, but the easiest explanation is that he performed it on the village.
My only problem is that they skipped over Nagato's "How long are you going to make us wait" question.
Wasn't an overreaction.
Spoilers have been posted before, things have been ruined, and the matter-of-fact way it was stated made me think it was fact.
It's also kinda retarded to assume that sharingan is what was given to him via the mouth-stuffing.
I always assumed it would be some sort of trigger, like the one he implanted in sasuke for when he meets madara's eye.
You know, something that triggers itself if Sasuke ever uses mangekyo against Naruto, or something.
Flicking a dude in the forehead sure but mouth stuffing is just plain silly?
I am thinking that it is going to be something more along the lines of the Fourth visiting Naruto. I think that Itachi will appear before his brother one more time to tell him that he loved him and that he must stop his quest for revenge.
Lame yes, but you can see it happening now can't you?
I really hope not, I hate them reusing major, important plot devices like that. I think it would be important enough to explain what happened to Sasuke after whatever it is that he did goes off. "Itachi wanted me to stop you if you ever threatened the village, this is his legacy" to snap Sasuke out of his anger. (PURELY HYPOTHETICAL AND NOT A SPOILER LULZ)
Couldn't be more wrong here. He needs to melt his icy heart with a hot island song.
Now thatttt that controversy is over on to the next one.
Even if it was a spoiler that somehow slipped out of the Arch's gullet..... wouldn't it be better to assume that its purely speculation so that you can just let it drift on by and not stick to the back of your brains?
Seems like youre looking to be spoiled to me.
Plus, there's not even a point freaking out about it. If it is a spoiler, the mods will erase it within a day, because some other manga reader will probably report them.
If it's still around the next day, you know it wasn't a spoiler.