Demon's Souls is probably my favorite game this gen, easily.
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Demon's Souls is probably my favorite game this gen, easily.
Question for the demon's souls players in here. Do I need the special souls for something later in the game? Like the Lead/Iron/Flame demon soul.
Or should I just cash them in? >_>
They're used so you can learn some spells/miracles, etc.
Ok, I was holding on to them cause I saw that enemies you get them from don't respawn. But on the other hand I was also thinking they might've been worth a lot of souls, Though I guess I could just farm the red eyed knight in 1-1 for that.
Great fucking game though, lvl 29 so far.
I'm not strong enough yet to venture into 4-2 yet, I killed the silver skeleton's and black skeleton in 4-1 to get the crescent falchion +1, but I did so in a very cheap ( and looong) way.
I'll keep 4-2 in mind though when I can finally clear it normally.
Also doesn't a suicide, or just dying in general mean your world/character tendencies get fucked? >_>
Dying in soul form doesn't affect your World/Character Tendency, just in corporeal form.
World Tendencies are affected if you die only in corporeal form, as Animus pointed out. This shifts it to Black Tendency. Another way to shift towards Black is to kill an NPC character during gameplay (that means... it doesn't shift Tendency if you kill them on the Nexus). A suicide, on corporeal form, while on the Nexus, doesn't affect your World Tendency.
Shifting towards White is archived through killing Bosses, Important Black Phantoms and some special enemies that only appear on Pure Black.
While Pure White makes the enemies easier and Pure Black makes them harder... the highlight of both Pure Tendencies are the special events that can only happen during them, whereas its a mission, a black phantom or a weapon. You need to do both in order to get several unique things.
Now, Character Tendency is a complete different matter. The only way to change Character Tendency is through invading or aiding another player. I don't really remember any use for White Character Tendency, but Black Character Tendency triggers a sidequest (which I screwed and need to do it again on New Game Plus).
I tried to not spoil anything here, I tried only to point out how the Tendencies work. Though... Demon Soul's is a game that practically forces you to use a guide sometimes. Its just that awesome, scary and hard.
BTW... Red Eye Knight is weak against fire, so I suggest getting a fire spell as soon as you can. It can make it easier to farm him. If I remember correctly he gives you 2,000 souls per kill. Those were good times... now I need over 200,000 souls per level... I think...
I lost 1million and a half souls the other day.... <_<
200k, wow that's pretty impressive ;P.
Thanks for the explanation on tendencies, was kinda confused on how they worked.
And yeah, even though I've got a pretty hard hitting knight, I've played enough rpg's to know that it's good to have at least some magic.
So I used cloak+fire method kill him the first time, but I actually think I might be able to take him on 1 on 1 ( though his spear scares me somewhat).
I'm able to kill any blue eyed in 2 hits and they actually stagger when they hit my steel shield ( which results in the 2 hits kill), so how would I fare against the red eyed without magic?
Cause I remember meeting him for the first time and he just destroyed me in one hit >_>.
To be honest... even at my level I try to defeat those things from a distance. Whenever I try to fight those things 1 on 1, they break my defense in just two hits, which has me running away to replenish stamina.
I started as a thief, so my defense wasn't that great, but I had good speed. Currently all my stats (except miracle or whatever it was called) are about equally at 30, since I wanted magic and speed... but didn't want to remain low on strenght for the lowly enemies.
Lately I tend to use lots of arrows and death cloud... So I guess you could say my chara is a Magic Archer or something... the New Game Plus are just plain scary. A fucking Dreadling killed me on New Game Plus <___<
Anyway... best way to confront the Red Eye Knight 1 on 1 would be to approach it, in order to lure it to strike, walk backwards (while keeping the Lock Sight on) so its strike misses you, then press forward and attack. I don't recommed trying to stop its attacks with the shield... he probably is strong enough to break your defense and stagger you to doom. He's the strongest enemy on normal 1-1 for something.
Darkshadow - after you finish off boss in 4-1(you can do 4-1, with difficulties, after you kill tower knight) you can get one of best melee weapons ever - Meat Cleaver(Str S, Dex S Faith A - if you are playing melee fighter with some faith(15 minimum, if i remember correctly) it is the best weapon). I really suggest you do it asap.
Good trick onto those skeletons is either counter with shield, or when they are stunned from block, smack them with claymore or other heavy hitting weapon.
To get the Meat Cleaver you need to kill Flamelurker in 2-2, and give its soul to dwarf in 2-1(get a strong bow and a lot of arrows if you wanna do it cheaply - trying to melee that bastard is hard) - magic is not necessary.
Do not say anything good about ac2 before you see the ending Animeniax - you will see why...
I just managed to kill the flamelurker, and I did it with MELEE :O.
I had help though, summoned a phantom who assisted me with soul arrows.
But yeah I just ran up to it's face and started hacking away ;P. I had a ring of flame resistance on and the purple flame shield, so it's flame attacks did NOTHING haha :D. But yeah I had to rescue my phantom a couple of times, cause he probably didn't have the fortunate equipment I have.
I'll try to get the meat cleaver now then >_>, btw that dude, "patches", the one that tries to set you up by grabbing the loot, can I savely kill him :3?
Try to solo flamelurker next time.. and i hope that you knew the shortcut to him and did not walk through the tunnels.
After you get the meat cleaver it will make your live easier.
and Dragon God is pretty easy, get fast weapon or pure white in 2(to get dragon bone smasher if i remember its name correctly) - it will be a breeze with fast weapon(but get some heavy-hitter for later part of the fight)
And I think I would fare pretty well solo against the flamelurker, since his fireattacks hardly damaged, my summon just allowed me to be a bit more reckless.
The dragon god, is that the giant ass dragon behind the next fog door after the flamelurker?
Cause I saw that shit and was like HELL NO lol ;P.
Killed the dragon god, he was indeed really easy, though how do I get the sword that is stuck up top? Didn't see a way to get to it yet.
Also managed to get the meat cleaver, have to say that it's really awesome :D, I can take on the red eyed knight with sword pretty easily now.
Though I almost got to the boss after the tower knight, but when I got to the steps I saw like 1 official and 3 spear red eyed knights :O, are these as strong as the one in 1-1? Cause that could pose a serious problem then >_>.
The sword on the Dragon God level (forgot its name) can only be acquired when you achieve Pure White Tendency on that world.
Yes. The red eye knights are as strong... or even more. I actually didn't try to pass world 1-3 until I finished all the other complete worlds. And even then they were though.
Did you kill the Red Dragon on 1-2 yet? I guess you must have, since you have the Flame Shield (or whatever its name was).
Ugh, guess I'll stay away from the red eyes for a while longer then.
Yeah I killed the red dragon a little while back, just cheaped him with arrows when he flies over the bridge/towers and breathes fire.....took me like 100 arrows though >_>.
I couldn't get to the final item in the dragon's roost yet though, the blue dragon keeps knocking me down if I get too close...when do I get to kill it?
You didn't cheap out the red dragon. That is the only way to kill him.
The Blue Dragon is a boss battle on 1-5.
There is another way for you to get the items though... but it requieres Pure White on the 1st World.
in 1-4 or 1-5... when you are going for it get: a lot of most damaging arrows you can get, and every item that lets you carry more stuff. If you are playing heavily armored character its better to let npc die(get his items asap otherwise they will dissapear).
Oh, and don't go into 3.. just don't. Do it only after you get strong weapon(Meat Cleaver or better) and character because if those guys there hit you with spell once you are as good as dead(and sometimes your souls will end in weird place) even with dark silver(100% magic ress) shield.
After clearing 2-3 go to 4-1 and finish it - boss is easy but you have to get down to him ASAP. Hit him where it will hurt him the most. Watch out for red eyed black skeletons and golden skeletons. Golden ones are problem - because they hit heavily, knock you back, and you have to fight them on tight ledge. Avoid black ones or kite them - don't even try, or better don't even thing about, blocking - they will just slice you apart. Your best bet is to: avoid them, or kite them - they will follow you for a while but when they turn back you can just stab them(use heavy-hitting weapon or something with multiplier to critical dmg) - do it only on soul form and with ring that helps you sneak.
I've finished 4-1 already, and I can make it to the Old Hero somewhat, though he killed me in one swing.
And don't go into 3..... I'm in 3 now >_>, they don't seem that bad though, I just cloak, RUN and bash their face in <_<..
Though there is this big ball of.. I dunno what down on the 1st floor of the prison, which nearly killed me just now.
Should I just go to 5 instead?
The Octopus Mages on World 3 are quite easy with an Archer or a Magic-Cancelling spell.
Old Hero is blind, so get a Thief ring to bash his ass easier.
The ball enemy on World 3 is best killed from a distance. Magic or arrows. I don't recommed hand on hand battle against it.
World 5 is best left alone for now, until you manage to stock on lots of healing and anti-poison items. That world is literally a poisonous trap.
Thanks, that ball of meat went down pretty easily with my compound long bow :D, now to try and finish this world >_>.
Demon's souls? You guys play this? Haha, I didn't even know. I've beat this game a few times (I lost all my characters when my PS3 died -____- ), but on my new one I've got a STR character on NewGame+. Its fun, I just a 1k R2 attack a few nights ago.
Side note, world 5-1 is doable, just try to be careful of ledges as some of the enemies will try to push you off. You can get a Blessed Mace +1 from 5-1.
5-2 is a horrible, horrible place.
I really hate world 3, the Tower of Latria. Its just plain creepy. Screaming voices in the distance and floating females that will destroy you.
Yeah, the atmosphere is really something in world 3..
Btw I fucking died after the black phantom -_________________-, I killed everything in the level, then wanted to grab the item that's on the ledge, but I missed the ledge and just dropped down on the stairs where the phantom was and died :[.
Then I got impatient and the first octopus raped me, making me lose 20k souls ===_____===.
But yeah that wasn't even so bad, just the fact that I died right before the boss, and in such a stupid fashion, kinda pissed me off lol ;P.
Also, I seem to randomly disconnect from the online mode? Even though it saves right where you were, it's still kinda annoying <_<.
I never tried to retrieve the treasure before that boss. I just wasn't worth the risk. If it had been a Pure Stone maybe... but I think its only some souls or a non-rare weapon.
The Mage Octopus give me about 6,500 Souls in my current game. I have a female character, so I can equipo the gloves that give more souls (forgot its name). And Im not even using the Avarice Ring.
I can get about 100,000 Souls per Black Phantom Dual Katana Skeleton if I Soulsuck the sucker with every soul farming item equipped.
I get much less souls but i have melee fighter(meat cleaver + dark silver shield, 40 str, 35 dex and 40 endurance if i remember correctly) with strongest armor in game... lvl ups cost me so much that i can't make him a spellcaster.
4-2 is easy, really easy. That is if you get rid of reapers asap when you see them. When you are fighting Storm King(last boss in 4) get Stormruler asap and finish him with it - it will be a total breeze.
Ok what just happened....I ran back to the boss of 3-1, put down a soul sign, was summoned, but moved to the world as a Black Phantom >_>.
Cinematic ensues, I get some weird shit on my head and.....the other player dies somehow and I get revived.....<_<.
Is 3-1 not safe for summoning?
And oh, is the red dragon soul safe for cashing in? I haven't had anyone ask for it yet.
And is Soul Ray better then flame toss?
Congratulations. You just became a Boss Battle for another player. The probability of it happening on 3-1 is quite low, but not impossible. Its easier to get chosen to be the Boss on 3-3 directly.
The Red Dragon Soul is useless. Its not used for anything and its only worth 10,000 souls.
FROM SOFTWARE announced at TGS their new game codenme PROJECT DARK
The leaked trailer shows an atmosphere very similar to Demon Souls, so the especulation of this game being the spiritual succesor (or even a real sequel) to Demon Souls is high
That's definitly Demon's souls 2, Project Dark should just be a codename/working title whatever.
But yeah awesome news, and 2011 means I'll have ample time to finish the first game.
I think I'll need to start a new character to beat the game (mine totally sucks) and I'm not looking forward to it...
After digging around, I don't think it will be named Demon Souls 2 at the end because of two factors:
1) Sony owns the IP Demon Souls
2) Namco Bandai is producing this game, instead of From Software, and they listed the game to be released on the Xbox360 as well.
And I also fear we will never get to see this game in english, because Namco Bandai are assholes that only publish Naruto and Dragon Ball in english.
I don't think they own the IP, since it's published by 3 different publishers around the world, if they owned it, they would've published it worldwide.
And no NB is just the publisher, From is developing this.
Also, UNS/UNS2 and all of the tenkaichi dragonball games have japanese voice option >.>.
Perhaps Sony owns the name "Demon's Souls" though, kinda like how MS owns publishing rights to "Ninja Gaiden 2". But I doubt it since then there wouldn't be other publishers as mentioned earlier.
Sony owns the Demon Souls name, thats a fact. They didn't publish it worldwide because they were asses and thought the game wouldn't see. They have declared, in repeated chances, how they regret not localizing the game.
FROM SOFTWARE developed Demon Soul's alongside SCE Japan. Whereas PROJECT DARK is being developed alongside NAMCO BANDAI.
And when I said that they only publish Naruto and Dragon Ball I didn't meant a japanese language option, I meant they won't localize games that don't sell millions like those. Hence Tales of Vesperia PS3 and Tales of Graces F not being localized for the american market.
55 minute speedrun...
Very impressive....very impressive indeed D:.
I need to check this. Too bad gaming sites are banned here so I'll have to wait to be at home.
Im curious. What level was this guy?
He made a new character.
Holy fuck... I just finished watching it.
That dude is crazy. Shit...