[HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden 132 - 720p | 480p
[Taka] Naruto Shippuuden 132 - 720p | 480p
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Konan's going to have it hard with three of Pains bodies killed yet still walking around. They will soon start to stink, like zombies are wont to do. The next ninja looking for Pain only needs to follow his nose...
An interesting episode but it looks like Jiraiya never had a chance. A good question why he seemingly intends to fight till the bitter end and not withdraw.
Damn, the preview for next week looks so amazing I don't even feel like commenting on this mediocre episode. It's been a long time since a preview has genuinely gotten me excited for an upcoming episode. This will be a long week :(
In Attendance, the Six Paths of Pain!
I like that sentence ^^
Anyone is going to have serious trouble fighting Pain, 6 guys all with Rinnegan, and the ability to revive eachother...
Jiraiya should have just burned those three so that there wouldn't have been anything but ash to reanimate. But the ninja never learn, I reckon, no matter how powerful and experienced they get.
i never find these analytical battles as awesome as the like, straight fighting battles. like when he was running from and fighting the summons, that was awesome. but this one, yeah it was cool, but it was like fragmented cool because after every attack they have to stop and say "okay, what did that do, and what else can i do".
but don't get me wrong, still an awesome episode.
Think the one without the orange hair could be hanzo, has the same characteristic mouth.
It was an ok episode, not that great. Can't really seem to be sucked into the story as much as Shika against Hidan. I think it still has to come.
Hanzo has long hair, and on top of that, his mouth is never shown. :p http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/na...Hanzō.PNGQuote:
Originally Posted by ASSpirine
Hanzo also has a hugeass scar.
I also think those aren't their original hair colors, because they all have the same color. I don't think its coincidence that all of his bodies happen to have orange hair.
Who needs Rasen-Shuriken when you can just make a Rasen-Spirit Bomb?
They're using Shadow clones really liberally too, with them being able to use ninjutsu like that despite having split chakra from the main body.
Makes you think why Naruto never rushed with 50+ rasengans since he's got such a huge capacity.
The fact that he brought back the 3 Jiraiya killed is the part that sucks balls the most.
Lol, then I have mistaken it with Sasuke's dad =')Quote:
Originally Posted by unandpw
He has those weird corners at his mouth
I find it cruel that Jiraiya is close to his defeat and we hardly saw anything from Pain even after knowing he has the greatest eye jutsus (Pa said it), the only jutsus we saw him use in this battle is the ability to summon any animal and absorbing any jutsu. Well, the main Pain has shown a bunch of things like summoning the statue but I guess that doesn’t count as a jutsu to be used in battle. I wonder what type of abilities the longhaired guy has.
Ok, I get that folks are expecting Jiraya to die, but what's with all the early defeatism? He's taken one real blow (a very serious one, mind, arm and all). In return he's beaten how many dozen summoned beasties, the original pain, and the threesome... and we know he has something big up his sleeve that he setup when he was telling the toad elders not to stay on his shoulders. Jiraya isn't Naruto, but how many times have we seen Naruto pounded into a blood, barely standing pulp and had him come back and win? For that matter, we've seen Sauske and Lee (off the top of my head, I'm sure I could think of others with a moments effort) get the hell beat out of them and win. But folks are counting the great toad sage out after a minor flesh wound like the loss of an arm? Shame on you all. ;)
Or he's telling them to save their own ass if he's going to die.Quote:
Originally Posted by Azonalanthious
"Didn't you teach me to never let down your guard... Jiraiya Sensei?"
Who didn't see that one coming? :P
I was glad that it was another "Pain", but seeing the three resurrected again made me unhappy again. Bleh.
I honestly didn't. I expected Jiraiya to turn around after hearing a noise to see the three getting up, or that Jiraiya escapes further followed by a cut to the body chamber where some other Pain wakes up to pursue.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xyrox
I was quite surprised to see someone turn up behind Jiraiya, and even more so to see him connect an attack.
You are too green, Bill. I knew this would happen the moment Jiraiya was shown to simply stab the bodies thinking that's it. I didn't actually expect those three to be reanimated (that's always such a cheap plot element) but I certainly knew one of the remaining ones would show up behind his back.
If that was all it was, his next line wouldn't have been "I have a plan, though its a gamble as well." After all, they had already covered trapping the trio in genjutsu and I don't think 'I'll stab them while they are in your genjutsu' counts as a plan or is a gamble. He's got something up his sleeve, even if it isn't an arm any more.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
His gamble was regarding that each dude was a one-trick pony.Quote:
Originally Posted by Azonalanthious
That's why he said it worked when the fat one started absorbing his technique.
I hope it's not going to be a DBZ thing. Give too much power so that the opponent will "blow" up...
Probably he's turning into a complete toad or something
good episode, but im counting jiraiya out because I don't want to get my hopes up. No one in Naruto has died in a while...
Asuma wasn't that long ago. Oro also "died" at first.Quote:
Originally Posted by lilphatboi88
Really? Seriously? A "Leave me if you are going to die." "Why?" "I've got a plan." "What is it?" followed by a fade to black without us seeing the explanation? And you think that all this was to foreshadow something that happens 30 seconds later, where they didn't leave and weren't going to die, rather then something yet to come? The only thing I'll give you is he does say 'good the gamble worked' when the jutsu gets absorbed... but when describing the plan, the line was "its a gamble AS WELL", implying more then one. The frogs will leave his shoulders, probably next ep, and whatever happens THEN is what he was talking about.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
HorribleSubs, starting @ 11:17
[Jiraiya]: Auditory sense? I see. That's why we retreated.
[Pa]: Correct...This genjutsu is powerful, but as soon as we make a sound, our whereabouts will be revealed, which is its weakness.
Also, there's the harmony of the sounds... In other words, the genjutsu is placed with a melody. It requires a little time before it takes effect. If they discover our whereabouts before they are caught in the genjutsu and attack, we will surely lose. However, once they are caught in the genjutsu, our victory will be assured. So the genjutsu is not guaranteed to work because we could get killed during casting. But if and when it does, we win. It's risky, but it may be our way out.
Jiraiya stops running Hmm, let me think about how to make the plan work
What's wrong?
[Jiraiya]: If both your lives are ever in danger, I want you to free yourselves from my shoulders immediately.
[Pa]: Huh? Absolutely not! The fate of the ninja world depends on this battle!
[Jiraiya]: I have a plan. Although it is a gamble as well.... I have a plan that might make your strategy work, Pa. But I'm not certain it will work since it's just a theory of mine. If it doesn't work, we won't be able to hold them off. Your lives will be in danger then, so run.
[Pa]: Do tell.
fade out to black
[Jiraiya]: Please begin.
[Pa/Ma]: Right!
~kero kero kero kero kero kero kero
(skip to 13:15)
[Fat clone]: turns around A shadow clone!
[Jiraiya]: Fire Style: Giant Flame Bombs. (fire effect) So that's your move.
Good! My gamble's a success!hmm, so my theory was right. Which gamble was this again? Oh, that's right, I only made one.
I've got a plan you old geezers, but since I'm going to execute it in 30 seconds anyway, I won't bother telling you. Just improvise with me why don't ya?Quote:
And you think that all this was to foreshadow something that happens 30 seconds later,
They have to sing somethere don't they? And if they can be found from the sound (because they're meant to be heard), it does it matter if they sing here or elsewhere?Quote:
where they didn't leave
Yeah, because they were so sure that they were all one trick ponies, so sure that a technique that gives away their location and is not immediately effective will work against the three guys they just had to run away from.Quote:
and weren't going to die
PS: at least write something in your rep. It's supposed to be about constructive criticism you know.
I'm currently working under the assumption that all of Pain's bodies are already dead. And the 3 Jiraiya "killed" weren't ressurected, they just were able to move again once the swords were pulled out of them.
I say this because this is actually the second time they showed us this Jutsu of Pain's.
The first time was in the very beginning of Shippuuden. When Akatsuki was taking Gaara. Remember the jutsu where Pain was able to take two bodies, and give them all of the abilities and part of the chakra of Itachi and Kisame.
I think what he's doing now is similar. These are dead bodies that he's infused with the powers of other ninja.
I think this is what the Rinnegan's real power is. Allowing the user to control all these bodies at once and to use the powers of others through them.
But the fake Itachi and Kisame didn't have the rinnegan in their eyes, while these fake bodies do. It is possible that he just "removed" it from the fake Itachi and Kisame. But why not for these...Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
Hmmm the naruto anime really is getting better these days
And just in case someone is curious
You'll keep finding more of these interesting tidbits as the series progresses, Pain doesn't call himself a God for nothingQuote:
Based upon the six Buddhist paths of Reincarnation, each body was named after one of the different "paths": Deva, Asura, Human, Animal, Preta, and Naraka. Each of these paths, or "plains," represent one of the realms a being is reborn into after death, determined by the accumulated karma of their past lives. While the two lower paths, Preta and Naraka, are hellish, and the two higher paths, Deva and Asura, are heavenly, all six are considered to be paths of suffering because they perpetuate the cycle of Reincarnation; the only way to break it and ascend to a higher state of existence is to attain enlightenment.
I think it's because Pain is himself controlling these bodies.Quote:
Originally Posted by ASSpirine
Whereas the first time, he made bodies for Itachi and Kisame, THEY were the ones controlling the bodies, but Pain clearly said it was HIS jutsu.
Which is why the Itachi body had the Sharingan, even though Itachi wasn't himself there
So then you have to wonder if maybe Nagato is actually somewhere entirely different, so even if Jiraya, by some miracle, kills all of these bodies it would still not be over. It would be very cool if Jiraya pulls this off and kills all 6 only to be struck down by Nagato himself. I just get the feeling these fights won't last long enough for that, which is sad.
That wouldn't surprise me considering none of the 6 Pains looks anything like Nagato.
But he's the descendant of the Sage of the 6 paths, so wouldn't a 7th body kinda ruin that?
Originally Posted by Archangel
Shouldn't it make more sense for him to have walked all six paths of pain, and through pain, achieved enlightenment?Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Eh, if he doesn't really fight with his main body, maybe it doesn't count. Maybe he can control 6 bodies at a time, so his own body is just laying comatose somewhere during this fight.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel