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Mizukage lovers unite! Also it would have been nice to see a little more of her body guard with the sword.
And with all those "sensor" types in one room, you think they would have spotted Zetsu's ability. Maybe not everyone, but Ao should have known with his stolen Byakugan.
im guessing his plan is to crush Konoha. Anyone else got guesses?
Friken point blank cube to the face FTW! =D
I actually agree in that I wanted to see more of that one bodyguard with the sword. He's young and hesitant, but packs a wallop.
I'm very curious about what the plan is after all. Side note: ... SO CLOSE ... he HAD to get rescued -_-
It's interesting to see how the other Kages sort of tell Sasuke that's its nothing personal then bust out a killer jutsu attack. And is the Rock kage floating in midair?
Also, seeing Madara saved Sasuke's ass means that now he has more ammunition to order Sasuke around.
See? THIS was a freaking great series of chapters. Sasuke's powerful, but so powerful that he's gonna own 5 kages? Nope, not even close. Almost defeated one though, maybe, great. But 5? Except for the one at the beginning, none of them even broke a goddamned sweat, and sasuke's laid the fuck out and in need of rescue. Good. Very good xD.
Turns out this was Akatsuki vs. the Kages all along.
Beautiful Chapter Kishi...well done! : P In the end Sasuke wasn't made out to be a one man army like the Rock on Walking Tall...but anway everyone should be satisfied that Sasuke was almost killed had Madara not saved him. And I agree with Rikudo about Madara using his last minute save to his advantage on Sasuke although I think Sasuke will still be pissed that Zetsu sold them out in the beginning.
I'm happy that we were able to see some more Kages use their justus and know your a badass when you reveal to the whole ninja world your plans confident that none of them will have the power to stop you.
I am thinking Madara brought Sasuke along so that Sasuke's presence would scare off Danzou. I think Danzou's Sharingan can potentially see through "Operation: Tsukuyomi", like Sasuke's Sharingan could see through Itachi's Tsukuyomi.Quote:
Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles
If Madara is as bad ass as I hope, he's going to start a free for all war between the Villages. As much as I dislike Danzou, I don't think even he would approve of that.
Sooooo... when did Danzou have time to get into his Madara outfit? SEE WHAT I DID THERE
Oh my God, Jimmy get those damn Superman pictures NOW!!!
I like how every sword of mist that kishimoto reveals ends up being significantly more magical than the one before.
Zabuza got shafted.
Am I the only one who thinks Mizukage is awesome for having TWO KEKKI GENKAIS?!
Mizukage is powerful for having two kekki genikai techniques but other than that her character isn't exciting at Raikage on the other hand is freaking awesome!!
I agree, Raikage to be nominated as Kage of Kage's, even if Tsunade returns or Naruto/Kakashi becomes Hokage
So wuts the point of sensor types if they cant even confirm the guy in front of them is really dead? Pretty cheap move on kishi's part.
Wow, amazing... And I like how he gives himself an out. I'm not even perfect yet with this sasano thing, maybe next time I will be better and be more ownage...
And I thought we all agreed that Danzo is Madara...
Refresh my memory - did Sasuke actually kill Zabuza like it says on page 1?
No, Kakashi mortally wounded him, and Zabuza basically committed suicide charging into a group of gangsters...or something like that.
Well, I find it very convenient that Byakugan guy is not in the room where Madara is. Or is he. With so many new characters, I easily lose track. What could prevent him from using the "hidden" sharingan on everyone in the room there. Madara loves to chit chat with everyone and I often find it VERY fishy.
I'm going to get flamed and banned for this but I'm going to do it anyway.Quote:
Originally Posted by Pastor Cookies
How can you say the Mizukage is boring? They just introduced her to us. Frankly I like how they set it up as her not being able to keep a man. It shot right up to the back story within the first few panels of meeting her. It was great. And why does everyone love the raikage soo much? Did you guys all vote for Obama back in the election? I'm guessing you did.
@Keno: Ao is the byakugan users name. And he bailed on his woman and the turtle swordsman to go after Danzo and his crew (< this by the way is the most interesting thing happening right now. If only for each eye tech fighting each other. Plus, c'mon we all know this would be a simply epic fight considering we have yet to see what Ao is capable of and we already saw that Danzo is no push over. Even with out his guards helping, it would still be epic.
On a side note. This is getting lame. Kishi needs to stop sucking sasukes dick and make his power realistic. He has way too much stakra (stamina and chakra put together) to be this strong from what happened over the training with Orochimaru. He isn't even weak yet from using two full susanoos almost three now. He's had his sharingan on and off ms most for like what three chapters now? He's controlling the black flames effortlessly besides a bleeding eye. And the only weakness he's shown has been from the mizukage injuring him with her second bloodline limit. Which ended up being crap anyway because Kishi got on his knees again and had Zetsu jump in to save him. At least we got to see that the earth kage was no laughing matter at all whatsoever.
So wait... Poison Mist is a Kekkai Genkai? So Shizune has one?Quote:
Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin
Am I missing something here? :confused:
Two questions:Quote:
Originally Posted by The Chancellor
A) Did you saw this episode?
B) Are you expecting sasuke to die?
Another question would be, if she has 3 elements, shouldn`t she have THREE bloodline limits?Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Water + Fire
Water + Earth
Fire + Earth
Just having the elements doesn't mean she can use them at the same time. It seems she has two pairs of elements that she can use at the same time.
Originally Posted by poopdeville
These types of bloodline limits are the ones you use one element in one hand and one element in the other hand
if she can use water, earth and fire in wichever hand she wants, why no mokuton for her?
Here`s a clearer example
Acid style : Fire (left hand) + Water (right hand)
Lava style: Fire (right hand) + Earth (left hand)
Then for Wood style: Water (right hand from acid) + Earth (left hand from Lava)
Notice than you need to be BORN with more than one affinities to use one of these limits, she clearly has all three affinities.
Oh, wait, I guess I get what you mean. I always thought the genetic ability is what lead to the talent in combining the two elements though.
No, that's a nimpo. Probably something to do with yin and yang manipulationQuote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
What you saw here was an acid gas, basically one hell of a fucking attack to have indoors
It's still the coolest looking out of all we've seen. Or at least it was till aquaboy broke it >_>Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
@ The Chancellor
Theres no reason you should get flammed and banned for this...Were talking history here...and I don't see anyone getting offended with your beliefs...moving on..
The Chancellor------
How can you say the Mizukage is boring? They just introduced her to us. Frankly I like how they set it up as her not being able to keep a man. It shot right up to the back story within the first few panels of meeting her. It was great. And why does everyone love the raikage soo much? Did you guys all vote for Obama back in the election? I'm guessing you did.
Pastor Cookies-------
Yeah shes just been introduced and while I like the fact that she is very wise and noble from the way she treated Gaara with the upmost respect, the whole I get sensitive whenever someone brings up "a man" attitude does not make her exciting to me.
You know why we like the Raikage. He reminded us of why Kages are the strongest ninjas in there village. He tossed Sasuke around like a rag dog with little dialogue and nothing fancy. Just a good ol fashion passionate ass whipping.
The Chancellor------
And why does everyone love the raikage soo much?Did you guys all vote for Obama back in the election? I'm guessing you did.
Pastor Cookies-------
WHAT THE HELL DOES Obama have to do with the Raikage...they look nothing alike :)
The Chancellor------
On a side note. This is getting lame. Kishi needs to stop sucking sasukes dick and make his power realistic. He has way too much stakra (stamina and chakra put together) to be this strong from what happened over the training with Orochimaru. He isn't even weak yet from using two full susanoos almost three now. He's had his sharingan on and off ms most for like what three chapters now? He's controlling the black flames effortlessly besides a bleeding eye. And the only weakness he's shown has been from the mizukage injuring him with her second bloodline limit. Which ended up being crap anyway because Kishi got on his knees again and had Zetsu jump in to save him. At least we got to see that the earth kage was no laughing matter at all whatsoever.[/QUOTE]
Pastor Cookies-------
I'm gonna stick up for Sasuke on this one. The kid impressed Kakashi with how many times he could use chidori when he was what like 12! He practically absorbs everything you show him, gets stronger after every ass whipping he gets and we all know the rest of the story which brings us to chapter 366. Sasukes not immortal. He hit rock bottom and would've been smores had not Akatsuki jumped in. Would you have been satifised had hed killed Mizukage or have gotten killed and then the series end premature?
You're banned.
C must be albino huh?Quote:
Originally Posted by The Chancellor
Who? I have no idea who you're talking about.Quote:
Originally Posted by FireEmblem
A comment like that warrants a ban.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Chancellor
How would you know how cool a nation it was before it was even introduced, since there really wasn't anything on them.
This is starting to go in circles now.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
A) I already said that I might get banned. Knowing going into this that I could be.
B) What? It was safe to assume that they use mostly lightning jutsus. Even though it's not my favorite element and we've been seeing way too many people and too much of it being used, it's pretty damn cool.
C) How the hell did you get prediction out of that? I wasn't predicting anything ahead of time.
There was no mention of the country or it's village in anything besides name only.
You said addition meaning, there was something beforehand, and you ADD something upon that. Therefore, you believed that the country was cool already (where there was no information of) but deemed the introduction of the Raikage and all it's inhabitants "not a nice change". Which is silly, considering the introduction of the Raikage was when we even remotely learned anything about that country and it's Hidden Village besides the fact that Killer Bee was from there and that the two tails was from the hidden village.
Wait...Obama won the election?!?...
I really liked the chapter and even the way Sasuke lost and had to be saved. No one person is that ownage in a world. You throw off the entire balance of what Atasuki was doing if you make one person that powerful. And it seemed any time someone hunted someone, the hunter is always the winner in this series, with some exceptions of course.
I really want to see how losing will affect Sasuke's phsyke more then anything...
And I was kidding, I didn't even know there was an election...
kishi should have two sets of naruto manga... one for the normal people, and one for you racists. all he has to do is not color in the black people and then copy it and boom, you'd be able to look past A FUCKING MANGA CHARACTER'S SKIN and enjoy the refreshing scent of a real badass Kage.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Chancellor
Originally Posted by Patriot
I think he'll be able to except losing to a powerful enemy any more bothered at the fact that Zetsu sold him out. Madara is gonna pull something outta his ass and cover up his tracks while at the same time use his Sasuke save to his advantage. After everything is over I'm hoping Kishimoto gives us the Kisame 8 tails match up first thing!
I was also impressed with Zetsu's justu even though he pulled a SAW and got up in the end with no one noticing him.
Can we all pause for a moment to reflect how much Tsuchikage rules? Sasuke stood up to three other Kages, but as soon as Tsuchikage decided to get involved, he beat Sasuke senseless in one hit. He made it look effortless to beat Sasuke. I think I like Tsuchikage even more than Raikage.
Some of your sentences are just plain badly structured and I don't know what you're saying. But really, did you really not see the country of clouds and the lightning kage not having lightning jutsus? That's all I meant about them being cool and having it ruined by making them black.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
I bet you used to think Egypt was cool what with the pyramids and all. Then you found out Egypt is in Africa. I bet that just ruined it for you.
I'm just fuckin' around with ya.
Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
Tsuchikage is the oldest kage so I'll give him credit for his experienced and learned jutsus. But I won't give him much credit for dominating an already burned out Sasuke. I'm mored impressed with the Mizukage trapping Sasuke and fighting him 1on1 alone in a room.
Couldn't Sasuke have just use a genjutsu with sharingan and own everyone? I can see Itachi doing it, why can't Sasuke? Does he just not have genjutsu skills or something?
Sasuke did used genjutsu to C or Shi but he had to do it quickly and when the enemies are not expecting it. Genjutsu is effective but against multiple skilled ninjas in wide open space it's not very easy to pull.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sam98034
For his old age he sure did pull of an incredibly fast justu. Simple yet devastatingly destrutive. It was so fast that Madara had to step in...Quote:
Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
Originally Posted by The Chancellor
You learned he was black before the Raikage even fought, so your points don't make a damn lick of sense. Stop posting, you're a terrible troll.
Anyways, it's the Country of Lightning and the Hidden Village of the Clouds.
So who's going to escape? Will Madara pull everyone out or just Sasuke?
madara being the douche that he is will just leave em Im sure. Kinda wondering how sasuke will react to his team getting left behind cause of him, if he'll care or not.
I'm pretty sure the Raikage is Mexican anyway, I mean look at his facial hair, it also goes better with his Wrestler fighting style, not that it matters one way or the other. I don't really care for him because no matter what situation he is in, or what anyone says, his answer is always, "Shut yer face, RAWR, me smash." He is written proof that Naruto is MORE than qualified to be Hokage right now.
Anyway, I was kind of hoping Naruto would get to make an appearance at the Kage meeting, who knows, maybe it could still happen. Though I have no idea to what end.
Although the last few chapters have been good, I'm feeling a little annoyed. Maybe its having Naruto doing nothing, or Konoha still having a douche Hokage.
Madara doesn't want any bad blood between him and Sasuke so I think he will at least grab Karin before he leaves. This will be another advantage for Madara for saving Sasuke's teamates as well.
On the other hand if the other members are left behind they might be captured and questioned on the location of the Akatsuki's hideout...which could open up the gates for an attack against the akatsuki...
I don't think Sasuke cares too much about his team; I think he's basically said that more than once. However, it wouldn't be convenient for him or Madara if they're caught. Unless Madara reveals his big plan now; then it wouldn't matter. And the DEATH BOX was indeed cool.
And yea, i was actually happy to see a diverse village in Naruto, no matter who the leader is. And yea, Raikage is seemingly dense, but he is damn strong, and probably ther is more to him than meets the eye. I mean, they had 2 tailed beats containers, so they must be doing something right.
I can Imagine Juugo and Suigetsu having to fight their way out (if they can), but I think Madara will grab Karin when he escapes with Sasuke.
He seemed to care when they fought Killabee. He had that flashback of Team 7, and was inspired to save Karin. That was like "a few days/weeks ago" in the manga timeline. Basically nothing has happened that "should" change his mind.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
Things started going downhill when he started "building" the "chakra beast" thing for Susanoo.
I think Sasuke cares about his comrades more than he shows it, but at the same time the more his hatred grows the less he seems to care about anyone who is a hinderance towards his goals which at that moment in time Juugo and Suigetsu were a hinderance.
If Madara did save all of Taka couldn't he use them to become of host of that FF10 Gedo statue monster. Thats less work for him right?
How so?Quote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville
That's when Karin started talking about how cold Sasuke's chakra is becoming, and how different he is. The "chakra monster" (Susanoo) is the only thing that has really changed for Sasuke since they all fought Killabee. For example (and the first time "the monster" shows up):Quote:
Originally Posted by Pastor Cookies
I think if anyone is willing to become the host of all the tailed beast, it would be Madara himself. The gedo statue probably doesn't need a host but tons of chakra to feed on.Quote:
Originally Posted by Pastor Cookies
What I meant to say was that if Madara did save Karin, Juugo, and Suigetsu that he could use them to feed the Gedo statue their chakra since a lot of members who have contributed are now dead.Quote:
Originally Posted by Rikudo
Hmm...For Madara to become the host of all the tailed beasted huh...Thats not a bad idea Rikudo but I see Madara more like casting the tailed beast upon the ninja world causing mad destrutction...naw...I guess I'll have to wait and see!
I think the statue is just used to harness the raw chakra of the tailed beasts. Maybe Madara wants to use it to unleash the ultimate and until then unknown Sharingan jutsu. Everything he does seems to have something to do with eyes.