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SleepyFans - MediaFire - SendSpace - One Manga
Binktopia - Download - Online Viewing
yesssss brb
ahhh pretty lame compared to the last few but I'll take it. I kinda wanna see sasuke fuck these people up right quick just so he can kill danzou and get it over with.
Hasn't Sasuke run out of chakra yet? He seems to be abusing really high-level techniques yet showing no signs of fatigue aside from the parts where the Raikage roughed him up.
The "A cave-in born of hatred!" line made me LOL.
yeah i bet thats gonna change in the blink version. gotta be a better translation out there
YES!!! Mizukage action!!!
I want to know if anyone else was thinking Shoryuken when the Raikage did that uppercut?
What about her technique. That looked like acid to me.
idk why... i imagined it as some kinda blue water gew. Shes alright but I'll be surprised if she does much of anything besides waste more of sasuke's chakra...
watch him make it to danzou then haveta get rescued by madara cause he thought he could fight 3 consecutive kages. i think sasuke might be on crack
It is the hate! The hate is super powerful.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
I'm not surprised he still has chakra left him to do what hes doing. Kakashi acknowledged him for having a lot of chakra capable of pulling of a couple of chidori's in one day and walking up the side of a tree and that was a long ass time ago.
This chapter did its job as a transitional chapter and setting up the mizukage vs sasuke fight which I hope is intense but I think the fights gonna end with a quick Tsukuyomi. Maybe Susanoo's standing guard outside so no one can interfere.
wasn't sussano an evil-purifying spirit? I remember Itachi using to Sussano sword to seal Orochimaru's evil something...
seeing Sasuke calling out his giant pokemon reminded me of Payne's evangelical robot, maybe we'll see a giant megazords fight later on.
I can't see why Karin is so surprised by Sasuke being an evil jerk. he rarely displays any shows of kindness, so him being a cold hearted target obsessed jerk seems the regular thing, hardly something worth our attention.
Mizukage is next up, unless one of those guys who said "he might have stormed our summit of kages and made us all run like little pussies, but I'll take care of that uchiha alone" will interfere.
It'd be great if Mizukage threw on a strap-on and reamed Sasuke.
Anyone happen to know what Yoton no Jutsu translates to?
I was going to ask the same. WTF is Yoton?
Well, 溶 (to/you) can mean dissolving or something to that effect, but I would prefer the 溶溶 (you you) reading that means overflowing or vast. Then 遁 (ton) can mean escape or seclusion, so judging from the appearance of the technique, I would say Overflowing Seclusion Jutsu would be the translation. Well, Dissolved Seclusion might work (especially if the liquid melts things that touch it) but it sounds stupid in English.
水遁 (sui ton) refers to a ninjutsu art of water-escape.
隠遁術 (in ton jutsu) refers to ninja art of escape.
Binktopia - Download - Online Viewing
Yes, I was totally thinking the same thing when I saw that panel, hahaha.Quote:
Originally Posted by Prof. Chaos
I'm also pretty excited to see what Mizukage can do. I hope she will be able to, at the very least, give Sasuke a run for his money.
I agree.Quote:
Originally Posted by fahoumh
The speed at which Danzou and his two subordinates escaped, the moment everyone looked to the ceiling at Sasuke, made me laugh.
Sasuke is an idiot, though. Three Kages, their subordinates and the samurai leader. Get wrecked.
Two kages, two subordinates, and the samurai leader.Quote:
Originally Posted by Strider
Better odds than he had in the earlier fight.
I don't wanna see Sasuke die.
I wanna see him SUFFER. :p
Raikage now also has a lightning shin shoryuken, there is no end to his awesomeness.
Also it seems Mizukage spits lava? That's pretty sick.
It's probably why she doesn't have a man. If any of her juices get on them, they melt.Quote:
Originally Posted by darkshadow
Well he is one of the only people that can stop his little brother. I'm guessing that she won't be going down so easily even against sasuke this time. Electing a kage who has a family birth move, is no laughing matter. It means that she's mastered it. Her attitude now seems to be playful but powerful. Typical high level woman in an anime. It looks like things are going to get serious now for sasuke. Round two with the kages. I agree with Psyke though I want to see him suffer.Quote:
Originally Posted by darkshadow
@ Assert N:
No he isn't. The head of the samurai's is this guy:
With the horns on his helmet. Unless you consider him the general or commander under Mifune's command, but then you're just splitting hairs. Otherwise Mifune would be a decent match for sasuke. Also if you're saying that sasuke is going to have an easier time with his current set up, then I don't agree. He has two kages and their subordinates to fight now. That isn't easy when you consider what else is happening side tracking him.
Sasuke's fight with Raikage and Gaara rocked. I hope Mizukage is just as cool. I wonder what she'll do with her lava techniques. I bet the Tsucikage turns out to be the most powerful though. He's always bitching about his back, but he'll turn out to be stronger than anyone.
I do hope that this fight will either be just as good or better than the last; just to show the different styles between the kages
About Karen's being suprised: I have long thought & speculated that the only reason she agreed to be part of sasuke's group was that she could "sense" oro's presense somehow. And ever since oro was sealed/ removed, she has noticed and commented on sasuke being different.
The only thing i'm wondering now is will she (or anyone, btw) will try to see if he is being "possessed", and after all of this will they still follow his leadership.
I don't think that would leave anyone to believe anything other than it's cold outside and the guy in the middle decided on a coat. If anything, he seems to be the leader of a small group. I don't know how you can infer General out of that.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Chancellor
I was pretty surprised that Karin found Danzo. Most of Kishimoto's female characters are pretty lame. Karin can make it through one fight without getting in the way or taken hostage, and she does her job too. Maybe we'll see Sakura be a worthwhile character someday.
Edit: 750 posts. Woot! It only took me six years to become a jounin. At this rate, even Naruto will beat me.
Don't you guys realize that Sasuke has a different motive than the obvious? It will be revealed to us in the future, and make him turn out to be not such a bad guy.
His motive is what it's always been. He is an avenger. He will do anything to avenge his clan. Clearly Danzo has more to do with the Uchihas' downfall than previously shown.
Lava jutsu?
Wasn't that an exclusive jutsu only the four tailed Jinchūriki could use?
He has the HYPER BOMB and the SHIN SHORYUKEN!! finally an awesome black character in an anime. its been a loooong time comin. aside from him being rash he is as close as u can get to a non-stereotypical black guy in an anime.
sasuke blah blah blah..... i hate him blah blah blah... good chapter. next chapter more raikage or INTERESTING characters plz
What? Yeah because I'm sure the others not wearing a coat all have fur lined armor right? In almost every cartoon game etc, the leader has something different or unique setting them apart to be the more powerful one aka leader among the group. And if not the coat, then the horns lol. DuhQuote:
Originally Posted by Sam98034
You realize that's true outside of anime too right?Quote:
Originally Posted by The Chancellor
Anyway stop being stubborn, Mifune is obviously the leader of the samurais and that guy is probably something of a captain to that small group in the background
I wonder if Danzo's subordinates carried him out "piggyback" style while they escape or if Danzo can actually move fast on his own. It'll be really comical to see Danzo hurried with a cane on his hand and a limp right arm.
Danzo seemed pretty quick in that ambush when he whipped out the sharingan.
That Aoi guy must be pretty strong to run after a group of konoha ninjas. I want someone to die already. Thats all were missing is a good ninja battle to the death. Sasuke is about to do battle with the Mizukage, while Mifune and the old dude are on standby, with both the sand and the cloud nins are pursuing him...This is about to be bananas. We haven't seen the last of Suigetsu and juugo. overrall this chapter was pretty good being a transitional chapter and all. Sasuke left his previous fight and showed up at his new fight in about 4 panels...good pace.
Come on kishi....give us some blood and gore William Wallace style!
Seems like Sasuke might need to take a breather here shortly. He has been doing a lot of powerful attacks. I am surprised he is not more drained than he is.
Why would Aoi care if Danzou ran away, anyway?
This is just random pointless chaos.
I find it really dumb that Suigetsu isn't dead. Isn't his whole water thing a jutsu? Or is he just not human and made of water. Either a sword and thunder should = him dead.
I guess he can''t die until he fights Chojiro.
He might defeat him and then use his sword to take on KisameQuote:
Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
He cares because Danzou just tried to pull a fast one on the summit?Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
He's one of Orochimaru's experiments. So he's probably equivalent to a mutant from the marvel universe.Quote:
Originally Posted by joker-kun
If that doesn't account for his powers, then maybe he's water kind of like shark guy from Akatsuki is a shark. Probably some experimentation from the water village.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?Quote:
Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles
Either it's the result of orochimaru's experiments or orochimaru was interested in him for that exact ability in the first place
Yeah and it failed. So what's the advantage in forcing him to stay in that room?Quote:
Originally Posted by FireEmblem
Because Danzo's got some 'splaining to do.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
Hopefully we get to see those roots guys in action with some serious justu skills. Maybe they will kill Aoi putting Danzo yet again in the hot seat. I don't think Danzo is stupid enough to kill someone at the summit though. It would definetly give him a bad rep if he did.
So what's he gonna do? Run and hide under his desk back in Konoha? As a kage, he has obligations to maintain good stature between the allied villages. If the other kages are going to expect information from him, then it shouldn't matter whether they hold him up in that room or send war threats to the village.Quote:
Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
True, though I'd like to think whether Orochimaru gave him those abilities or took him on account of those abilities, that those abilities aren't naturally occurring. If he wasn't born with them, then the powers had to be granted through some experimentation. If he was born with them, then he comes from a line descended from people who were experimented on. I mean, none of the other villages have people who are THAT different.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
With that kind of power, it's probably mostly that they want to keep Danzou from using that power to pull something else. "I've got me little eye on you laddie!" It's highly unlikely that Danzou's going to just run away like a coward, and also highly unlikely that left unchecked, that he's going to "play fair". Since that guy has the byakugan and can see when Danzou's using the power, he feels it's his job to make sure that Danzou doesn't.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
Well if Sasuke catches up to them they could easily kill him and then pin it on Sasuke.Quote:
Originally Posted by Pastor Cookies
I'm not saying this because he has an implanted eye but Aoi seems to be the kakashi of the hidden mist village. This guy carries himself like a badass. I mean come on he has explosive tags as earrings...thats insane! It would make the plot more interesting if root did kill him but pinning it on Sasuke would be...crazy.Quote:
Originally Posted by Tyreal
Yes! See and that is why I think he'll be someone to keep an eye on coming up here soon (yes pun intended)Quote:
Originally Posted by Pastor Cookies
Plus he's been (bravely I might add) uncovering things that other ninjas either keep missing and/or are scared to prove. Shouldn't that say something about him other than the fact that he's a chosen guard for hotty miss acid globs?