[HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden 127 - 480p.mkv
[HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden 127 - 720p.mkv
[HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden 128 - 480p.mkv
[HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden 128 - 720p.mkv
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Next episode doesn't air until 10/8, so don't fall for trolls.
hmm I thought these 2 episodes would be all filler, but they actually covered about 2 chapters of content. Nice surprise.
Wow. I acutally like these episodes. I thought they would filler up Jiraiya's history, but it actually filled in a lot of blanks from the manga. It was actually a little more the 2 chapters of material when you consider that a lot was taken from pieces of chapters, and expanded. Not only that but doing the Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato flashback earlier with actually speed up the pace later where the manga slowed it down. I applaud the studio for this decision. Good episodes. 8/10
Pretty good episodes. I thought they would be useless history elements of no relevance but they certainly seem significant after watching them.
Oro was as cheerful as ever.
WUT! Pain has Rinnegan? imba
Also, he looks just like the orange-haired kid from the 3 that 'supposedly' died.
Double wut, the chick hanging around with Pain looks exactly like the little girl of the 3 'dead' kids aswell.
Way too similar to be a coincidence. -.-
Was this the first time they've mentioned Rinnegan in the series? weird if it wasnt, i usually dont forget stuff like that.
It was the first time they mentioned the Rinnegan :D
I'm pretty sure Pain and the woman are 2 of the kids from this ep. The hair color is wrong, but maybe some technique merged those 2.
At least we got some more Jiraya story.. and this will improve the impact when he is gonna die.. (still believe this is gonna happen....)
My thought is, Yahiko and Nagato together are Pain. Something like, Nagato took the Rinnegan from Yahiko (sounds familiar :p ). The looks from Pain are clearly from Yahiko, but with the eyes from Nagato.
And the woman who's partnered up with Pain is Konan. It's quite clear and no doubt about it (the flower in the hair)
Great episodes, never occured to me that Jiraiya would have trained two several teams.
Oh man, this episode was jam packed with cool characters.
I wonder which ones are filler though? The puppet guy? The flash stepping Waterfall ninja? The giant shuriken ninja? The totally badass looking Rain ninja riding the lizard?
And was that last guy's village symbol a question mark? What is he from the village hidden in the Riddler?
I wonder what the rinningan does. Jirayia said it was the most powerful of the 3 eye techniques, so it's more powerful than the Sharingan. I wonder if that means Pain is stronger than Madara.
The lizard guy was Hanzo, and if you watch the preview for next episode, they mention that the missing leader of the Hidden Rain is Hanzo.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
I like how they are tying all the characters back together finally. Naruto and the 4th, Akatsuki's leaders and Jiraiya, Sasuke/Itachi/Madara... I am now officially interested again in Naruto.
You mean dattebayo was lying ?!!!!!
/kills self
Anyway, this is when shit gets serious. Can't wait for future episodes
These episodes rocked! I like how Jiraiya took the lead of team with his input and wise decisions...beautiful!
I think they were Sasori and Dan.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
Well, that may have been Sasori, but Dan was a Leaf ninja, the white haired dude was a Waterfall ninja.
I dunno. Maybe that was Kakuzu before all the heart transplants. :p
I love that even though Naruto really isn't all that enjoyable himself this series really makes the side characters very interesting (at least the ones that are old enough to have a back story). Very good episode. Can't wait for the next one!
Was watching this again to see the fight scene they removed and remembered about Konan making that flower. It isn't really a big deal but I'm going to bet her fighting style has something to do with Origami.
Even though the episode was about 60% filler, I don't think it's a spoiler to point out that not a single person(or frog) that Jiraiya interacted with was a filler character.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
whoa, these episodes were really good.
Btw, that baby scared the living crap out of me...
Who is the revolutionary one that the toad was talking about? Is it Yondaime or Pain/Yahiko/Nagato?
In the beginning I thought, ow, they mean yondaime. Should be nice how Jraiya encounters him for the first time. But he meets up with the 3 kids first... Is it also an hour special over 2 weeks? Can't wait
Originally Posted by ASSpirine
Good ep I enjoyed, we finally know a lil more about pain, I was wondering what his story was.. Nice to see Naruto's mom for the first time too
Totally forgot about the main character of the anime that's named after him... Says something about him I think :p
Just so you guys know, the horriblesubs rip cut some parts of the two episodes, the Hanzou Vs Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Tsunade that happened at the beginning of episode 128 was taken off, all we saw was the result, that’s why sometimes it’s better to wait for taka.
Yondaime can’t be the one because he’s dead, I’m predicting that Naruto and Pain will fight to decide who is the revolutionary, one will bring revolution through destruction (Pain), the other through peace (Naruto). I think that old frog mentioned Jiraiya’s pupil will bring one or another.
These episodes really fleshed out Jiraiya's character, to my delight. He's always been fun to watch, but his life until now always looked a bit pointless. While Naruto's a dit like he was, at least he trained for a purpose. For a good part of "Naruto the show" up till now, Jiraiya was some old elite who'd play away from home and rock up every now and then. With this special, we're let in on how he's actually on a quest of his own. It adds much more depth to his otherwise "soley pervy" character.
Tsunade's little glances also brought out that she didn't suddenly have a drunken crush out of nowhere. Even though it's "Jiraiya's Special", Oro's still the coolest ninja of the three. Too bad he got so twisted by the end. I actually liked him young.
Regarding Pain, I see you guys have referred to him harboring Yahiko's appearance, but having Nagato's Rinnegan. I say he looks more like Nagato with Yahiko's hair. He's just as pale as Nagato and Oro. If fusion wasn't what happened, then I'm betting he's Nagato, since Yahiko pretty much lost to that ninja this episode (hence he's one who knows no defeat.)
I don't think so. Abilities are mighty useful, but they don't make the ninja.Quote:
Originally Posted by Darth Ender
These specials are bringing back one of the original series things that was kind of lost in Shippuuden.
One of the great parts of the original series is how it would introduce all these character, and you don't have much of a grasp on them except for a vague idea of their powers. And then usually in the middle of one of their fights, they'd cut away to flashbacks of childhood tragedies that formed them into the people they are. The Chuunin exam arc was FULL of these scenes.
Shippudden on the other hand introduces very few characters that it doesn't intend to simply kill off. I think that's one of the main things missing from the Kakuzu/Hidan arc was backstories for those characters. I mean, we still don't know who the hell Jashin is.
I guess Sasori had a pretty good backstory, although they showed us almost none of his time in Akatsuki. And Diedara has a little bit of one, but not much.
Yeah, I love those stories too. How did they became so powerful? How did their own village treat them as a child? How did they bevome involved with Akatsuki.
Really would have liked more information about Kakuzu, the man lived a few hundred? years? He fought the shodaime...
Very nice episodes. I was expecting them to drag this out, but instead they went for a pretty fast pace. Nice, although I probably wouldn't have minded if they dragged it out a bit. A lot of good stuff!
I thought Yahiko was the orange-haired dude who's hanging out with Sasuke, but now I'm unsure about that. However, it's obvious who Konan and Nagato are, as pointed out. So Jiraiya will be killed by his own pupil, like the Third? Poor guy. Can't wait for when they meet.
Is it me or was this part of the story about Jiraiya told later in the manga?
OMG so Naruto is the son of the 4th?
Like I didnt know :P
And he's named after a piece of fish in Jirayia's ramen!
we need some filler about kakuzo and sasori for sure.Quote:
Originally Posted by ASSpirine
So it can completely ruin their image?Quote:
Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu
No thx
+1 stick to canon, this is the best shipuuden has ever been, i think i even like it better then the chuunin exam arcQuote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
I don't like it better than the Chuunin exams............. yet ;)
yeaaah, the only way it'd be good is if kishi writes it... which he wont. So I wont pray for any kind of ...the "F" word, but I meant if it came to that point again I'd prefer it over naruto and the gang Fil.. ehhh.. F'er.Quote:
Originally Posted by Mugen
The build up is looking great so far, if these keep going like this it'll deff be up there in top naruto arcs. Maybe even...the best?
Which is exactly why I was so surprised when I was watching this, I really didn't see the need for the change. This flashback was supposed to happen smack dab in the middle of the upcoming battle and I don't think setting it up beforehand really adds anything, in fact I can think of a number of ways in which it detracted from it.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
I don't know whose bright idea it was to do this before the fight even began and I really don't know why the anime insists on trying to be so different but they really aren't doing anything good for the series. I'd hate to see what Rock Lee v. Gaara or Naruto v. Neji or Naruto v. Sasuke would have been if they had shown the flashbacks beforehand. The funny thing is that since those guys haven't been officially introduced yet you don't even know the significance of most of the characters you see in the flashback and they really didn't give you much background on some of the characters they should have, the guy who gave the Sannin their name for example, which means they're likely just going to repeat this when we get to that point.
Ehm, that's as far as I know, someone completely different. That's Juugo.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xyrox
Well, I also expect Jiraiya to die, but really hope it won't happen...
There will be some cool new jutsu's though .
Indirect spoiler??[url]http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php?p=365068&postcount=25
It's like picking up detail when rereading novels.
Stuff it.....
Edit that post Bill, the spoiler won't be so indirect in a couple of episodes
Edit: Bill is a good boy
So it was the first 1:30 minutes at the beginning of 128? I'll go back to watch it (and redownload) since the entire episode wasn't a piece of shit, but I'm not quite bored enough to sit through the entire thing again.
It starts right after Jiraiya gives out the second keyword. The 23:07 mark to be exact.
Omg, why would Horrible subs do that? I didn't even know there were any keywords in it, did they cut them all out? Not that I mind, but cutting some action is a big nono...
They felt like living up to their name.Quote:
Originally Posted by ASSpirine
That, or watching Taka/DB trolling was so fun, they wanted to give it a go.
hmmm btw, why does Minato have a red eye during his imaginary fight when he was reading that book Oo?
did I miss/forget something?
It's probably the sharingan, Kishi is handing those out like candy these daysQuote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
Originally Posted by Archangel
That was just the character of the book, don't think you should see anything into it
A hearty chuckle was had.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
I just thought about it, isn't Uchiha Madara a total badass? If his subordinate is someone who has the rinnegan... Someone who could bring peace to the world or destroy it.
What has the sharingan in place for us...
The master doesn't always need to be more powerful than the underling. It's largely dependent on the personalities, ambitions, aims, experience, and various other factors. If Pain's own interests are far simpler or don't really exist beyond some general concepts, he might as well follow somebody else with clear plans. No matter the power difference or its direction. So, Pain doesn't absolutely need to be weaker. Though he might as well be due to a simple difference in experience and age.
Not only did HS cut off the fight against Hanzo, also the beginning of episode 127 was deleted. Also around 1:30 minutes. Not that important, it shows the team meetng up for the first time (at least, Jiraiya meets Tsunade for the first time)
And the fight with Hanzo showed a few jutsu's, also quite nice to see Oro fighting together with Jiraiya for once :p
That's true, but usually the boss is the stronger one. As a boss you wouldn't feel too comfortable knowing your subordinate could overpower you in "an instant".Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Well in Konoha, no Hokage to date has possessed a Sharingan nor a Byakugan, and those have been pretty hax until now.Quote:
Originally Posted by ASSpirine
You know what they say about the boss using his/her head and underlings using their muscles right?Quote:
Originally Posted by Asspirine
funny how Jiraiya failed when he left the kids behind even tho he knew about the Rinnengan, pervy sage as he was he let his revolutioners lead the world into destruction.
and the really sad thing is that while sasuke has grown so much, naruto still is boring and useless like the rest of konoha.
I was wondering if someone can clarify something for me. The episode kept talking about the Third ninja war. But wasn't the time frame for when the name legendary sannin was given to them during the 2nd war instead?
Did they merge the 2nd and 3rd wars into one long, long war? Because jiraiya trained yahiko and them as kids for a few years and we also know that jiraiya trained the 4th hokage as a kid as well. Which one was first? Anyone see where I'm going with this? Any help would be appreciated thanks.
After watching the parts that got cut, I'm really starting to think that all the older generation ninja were terrible.
I mean, their fight against Hanzo basically consisted of Jirayia shooting some spikes and Orochimaru using snake hands. And for that, they got their "Legendary Sannin" titles.
I can only assume that back in those days the bar for legendaryness was very low...
Yeah, either that or the whole fight was fillerQuote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
In the manga they only showed the result, not the actual fight
I really like to believe the fight consisted out of more than that. If it weren't, well, then they plainly sucked big time.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
Btw, why are all the shinobi's from the hidden rain so cool :p
Mouth pieces, "devil" like and "demon" like
I don't know, but look where that got them.Quote:
Originally Posted by ASSpirine
Just the fact that each one of them had a boss summon makes them legendary, few can defeat the sannin in a one on one fight much less when they summon their pets. For example, when konoha was invaded no one other than Jiraiya was able to stop that huge snake that the sand nins had summoned, and that was only because he had his own giant summons. Being realistic, once Oro summons Manda, Jiraiya Gamabunta and Tsunade the slug, you’re doomed. In part-one Gamabunta fought Gaara’s bijuu for christ sake, all Jiraiya needs to be almost bijuu level is summon him.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
I don't think he named them "Legendary" just for the bit they fought against each other. The battle was supposedly enormous, and it came down Hanzo, the Sannin, and a few others. The Sannin seemed to have turned the battle around for Konoha. Hanzo conceded his loss and split, despite the fact he thought he could beat the Sannin.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
Or we could just interpret it the way the manga spelled it out. Konoha attacks Amegakure, epic battle ensues, Hanzo owns all and the sannin are the last ones standing, Hanzo realizing that even though he won this battle Konoha will ultimately win the war decides to spare their lives, Jiraiya mouths off about not wanting pity and Hanzo responds by sayingQuote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville
Only pertinent page I could find that doesn't contain any spoilers.
That's rather simple-minded, after having watched this series for years you should know better that to accept whatever garbage the studio puts out.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
Yeah this episode takes place during the Second Great Ninja War because that is indeed when the Sannin earned their title. Seemingly merging the two wars must have been an oversight on the studio's part. Jiraiya likely trained Yahiko's group first because as we saw in the Kakashi Gaiden not too long ago, Minato (the 4th) didn't emerge until the Third Great Ninja war.Quote:
Originally Posted by Teki
Because I'm psychic and can somehow tell whats filler and what's not when I'm not a manga reader?Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Not to generalize but the shitty parts are usually fillerQuote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
And that part wasn't really shitty neither.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
The fight part? It kinda was >_>Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
It wasn't that horrible, but if you didn't tell I could have thought it was canon material.
What was stupid is that Jiraiya shouted the names of Tsunade and Orochimaru while the kunais with explosive were flying to their feet. What was the reason for that, like they didn't know it was coming.
Also the shunsin no jutsu from Hanzo was executed quite, ehm, stupid. Yondaime did it much better, that's why this one is shitty.
See your point but I believe I mentioned on numerous occasions any number of reasons why you shouldn't take everything you see for granted, especially if you yourself have trouble accepting it.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
been a year since I watched Naruto, is it time to start back up? how about bleach?
Pardon the rest of the world for not revolving around you and your every word...Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Yes, if it's really been a year, this is a good time to start. There's a lot of good material ahead of you, and good arcs are starting off well in the newest episodes.Quote:
Originally Posted by lilphatboi88
And if you're the sort of person who likes to talk about what they just saw, you'll want to get caught up in the next couple of weeks.
do you know when it will end?
Please just hit the pause button. Darth has a tendency to prematurely jump to conclusions and this isn't the first time he's commented negatively on the ninjas in this series based on some lackluster filler material. Not even the second time and I reminded him then as I'm reminding him now, not to take everything for granted. Nothing more, nothing less.Quote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville
You're growing up Abdula, that was a very good non flamey response to a somewhat rude comment by poop :oQuote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
The anime?Quote:
Originally Posted by lilphatboi88
yes, the anime.
well the manga's got about 100 chapters of story on it, so they could probably get at least a year out of just that. then when you figure that the manga will continue during that year, you've got even more time.
but who know's. maybe it'll pull an Inuyasha and end abruptly without any conclusion, only to get a second series 5 years later <.<
God, that would have been SOOO preferable to the fillers.
I can already picture the narutarded suicides and riots
wow, I just realized. In the past year, only 30 episodes came out?
That doesn't sound so far off. This is the 40th week of the year.
Past year implies Oct 2008 - Oct 2009, as opposed to this year.Quote:
Originally Posted by lilphatboi88
I don't see how that's possible. They only skipped a handful of week, and almost all of those were followed up by double episodes.
According to the all knowing Wikipedia, as of September 24, 2009, there have been 128 episodes. There had been 91 as of January 8, 2009. That comes to 37 episodes, in 40 weeks.
Darth wins.