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Well, it looks like they might forgive Sasuke, but only *if* they buy the whole "he was being used" thing. So the question right now might be "who is attacking Danzo right now?" I would guess it's not Sasuke's team, I don't think they're there yet, but it's not out the question, is it? But who else could it be?
What about Konoha ninjas who are loyal to Tsunade and the Thirds teachings. I don't think they'd be very happy that Danzo was made Hokage after he done nothing to help stop Pain. Although the only reason I can think up as to why they would attack him would be if he is guarenteed to win the vote, or if the Konoha ninjas don't want him representing them at the summit.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sam98034
Last page.
man, i wanna see whats up with killabee.. and i wanna see him and kisame fight.
well, at the very least they didn't push this danzo crap for such a long time. he's got sharingan, and that's it.
maybe's he Madare's son?
That caught me totally off guard.
The coolness as of late just went to the drain with that shit. Fucking Kishimoto loves his damn sharingan.
Seeing Naruto's face mauled to a pulp for the entire chapter almost makes up for this Sharingan crap.
Didn't he say 'no masks', then the forgettable ANBU guy takes off his mask to reveal...ANOTHER MASK?? Seriously, WTF? And yea, yet another Sharingan. Hahaha, I know Danzou is really Obito come back from the future!! -_-
hahaha I didn't even notice that. Amazing. Kishimoto gets a standing ovation from me.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
I also kind of liked how that whole reveal was set up. 3 or 4 panels of slowly removing disguises, only to dramatically reveal....two guys we've never seen before!!
I was half expecting one of his bodyguards to be Madara. Everyone is Madara these days...
So which one is Sai's sensei?
mmmmm so what if Orochimaru got his hands on Obito's right sharingan eye, and planted it inside Danzou? since danzou has connections and all.
or maybe Orochimaru just looted a lot of uchiha bodies after Itachi killed everyone? so he's just had a surplus of sharingans he can plant in anyone to experiment when. lol.
No idea but from this I'm guessing it's Torune.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
I would actually like to see Danzo fight in the next chapter, just to show off his fighting abilities.
I hope they don't cut to a random scene then show the attackers all defeated and Danzo looking like he just strolled through a park.
Haha, yeah I thought the same thing. They were removing it and I was like, "oh sweet I wonder who it will turn out to be..." Big disappointment there, haha.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
I was also hoping Sai was going to talk some sense into Naruto regarding Sasuke, but he got interrupted by Karui.
Originally Posted by Sidnne
Yea, I was hoping the "Sasuke is a dick" speech was coming soon;alas, it is not to be.
I'm interested to see Danzou fight. I hope he can't do MS.
He doesn't seem like a guy who would hesitate when given an opportunity to get more power even if that meant killing someone close to him.Quote:
Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
On the other hand he would have to care about someone in the first place :D
If Kakashi got MS then Danzou having it is not out of question. Sadly.
asking for a non-EMS sharingan at this point is like asking for an Uchiha who doesn't have sharingan at all.
it's the majority, so you'd think you'd see at least one, but it's just not gonna happen.
it's the power up scale. Naruto might have made Payne eat the dust (although who exactly was stronger is not certain. you can say they were on par) but still, the next guy he's gonna fight will turn out stronger (and seeing how it might be a Root's member, it'll make Danzou an even larger asshole).
I don't think any Konoha ninjas loyal to the thirds teachings would go on an assassination mission--they would use diplomatic means. I assume it could any one of the other villages. Heck, maybe a few of them! Danzou probably made quite a few enemies protecting Konoha. Who knows how many outside Konoha want him dead.Quote:
Originally Posted by Tyreal
Sai is pretty much saying what is on everybody's mind at this point. I have been saying for a while that sasuke isnt worth it.
did madara's brother die? I dont remember. If danzou isnt tobi which he isnt he might be madara's brother. man that left a bad taste in my mouth even after i typed it but oh well if we all throw out a bunch of crazy theories one of them might hit.
Crap, I just posted this theory in the other thread then read yours. But I think if this theory were true, Tobi would have to be Madara's brother, wouldn't he? Madara is using his brother's eyes. If they both have it, maybe he gave one back. Danzo has two working eyes, though, so he would have to be Madara and Tobi may have just one eye, so he would have to be the brother.Quote:
Originally Posted by toonice714
This is all speculation, though. You can probably bunshin a fake eye or a no eye.
Everything could be total crap since anyone could be a Danzo bunshin. With a bunshin, you can do almost anything and tye any loose ends in this manga.
Or it could be Itachi's eye (s) since he just died and Madara has his body. Maybe Madara just got the eye..
That's my two cents...
Madara's brother is dead.
I'm not sure if it matters if he got Itachi's eyes unless they were activated at the time. I think Kakashi's eye only works because it was activated at the time when they took it out of Obito's face. Otherwise, a non-Uchia would need to activate it without the bloodline.
how did he die again?
Madara killed him for his eyes...
Man, if I were an Uchiha parent, I'd never have more than one child knowing full well that one day they might try to kill each other for retarded windmill eyes.
I'm sure that Danzou's sharingan eye has more to do with Orochimaru than Madara. Didn't Oro perform all sorts of experiments to try to gain the sharingan?
samsonlonghair, it would seem a bit ridiculous of Orochimaru to give Danzou the Sharingan without a justifiable reason (unless in a long term run, it benefited more to Orochimaru than Danzou). If this Sharingan is only one of Orochimaru's horribly designed copy of the unfathomable Sharingan like those Chinese manufactured name-brand knockoffs, it seems questionable why Orochimaru would give Danzou those eyes instead of giving it to himself.
Truly, Orochimaru has longed for the Sharingan because he sought one of the greatest powers in the Naruto universe. It is unlikely that Orochimaru would be experimenting on Danzou given his [Danzou's] status. Plus, it is in Orochimaru's psychotic nature to perform experiments on himself - he even turned himself into a snake!
However, my argument is only based on speculation and extraploating analysis, so we will have to see in the next chapter of the origins and whereabouts of Danzou's Sharingan.
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well if you didn't have a second child then they'd have to try and kill you for the eyes. :pQuote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Not if Danzou was the guy sanctioning/funding Oro's experiments, which seems to be the case from the conversation he had with his agents last chapter.Quote:
Originally Posted by enkoujin
What we need to figure out is the timeline. When Danzou appears in Nagato's flashback, his eye is bandaged then. That would probably place that sometime toward the end of the war. If we know that Oro was performing his experiments around that same time, then that would make sense for Danzou to be the "beneficiary" of those experiments.
Why did he have to kill his brother? Couldn't he just take his eyes and let him live?
Looking back at the old chapters, I don't think either of Danzou's bodyguards are Sai's sempai:
However, I also renewed my suspicions of Yamato after rereading this page:
Apparently the anime made it out to look like Yamato was just going through Sai's stuff, but there's no reason why Sai should have his sempai's mask...
Which reminds me, doesn't Yamato have a different name? I remember Kakashi addressing him as 'Ten' or something similar.
Tenzou, Yamato is a codename given by Tsunade.
Originally Posted by Sam98034
You'd have to ask Kishi, he's the guy writing the story.
I can't believe I didn't notice that before. That's really interesting.Quote:
However, I also renewed my suspicions of Yamato after rereading this page:
Originally Posted by Assertn
Wow, that second link makes me think now. would be a quite potent revelation if Yamato was shown to be under deep cover, spying on Naurto for Danzou or something.
I dont think kakashi would be fooled by yamato should that be the case
Also, why would Yamato have followed Sai to Orochimaru's lair with Naruto and Sakura id his objective was to kill Sasuke?
HA, windmill eyesQuote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Why didn't the Raikage send anybody after Yugito when Hidan and Kakuzu abducted her?
She's a hoe, not a bro.
Originally Posted by enkoujin
I have it... and it's beautiful
Originally Posted by Archangel
I'm not ruling it out. He has been experimented on; who knows what kind of suggestions/subconscious commands could have been implanted? Even among ninja, Danzou and Oro are exceptionally crafty.
doesn't the first hokage look alot like Orichimaru?
A little yeah. I wouldn't say a lot though. Maybe add some makeup and see where that takes us.Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
Sorry, boss! You are about 57 chapters tardy for that discussion!Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
I really cannot tell anything about sanctioning or funding Orochimaru's experiments at all in the last chapter. All I can conclude from the discussion between Danzou and his henchmen is that Kabuto might discover the relationship between Danzou and Orochimaru.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sidnne
Well, the next chapter is going to be released soon, but what I actually think Danzou is interested in stealing data from Kabuto and Orochimaru's experiments is the passive regeneration skill (mass stem cell genesis?) that Sasuke had while Orochimaru was dormant inside of him. It would make a lot of sense considering his Sharingan eye (and region) seems displaced and abnormal from the other ones we have seen thus far, along with that mysterious seemingly unusable right arm.Quote:
What we need to figure out is the timeline. When Danzou appears in Nagato's flashback, his eye is bandaged then. That would probably place that sometime toward the end of the war. If we know that Oro was performing his experiments around that same time, then that would make sense for Danzou to be the "beneficiary" of those experiments.
Oh, I see. You are unable to presume that Danzou may have sanctioned Oro's experiments, but you have no problem concluding that a link between Danzou and Oro means that Danzou is Madara. :rolleyes:Quote:
Originally Posted by enkoujin
Basically. you've made up your mind about Danzou already and you're only going to see what supports your decision, while ignoring anything that might discredit it.
Well, now, I never really actually said that Danzou is Madara. If you are talking about my previous quote from the topic before,
I only said that Madara not being the Mizukage makes Madara look more like Danzou. After all, from deductive reasoning.Quote:
Well, that most certainly downplayed Madara as the Mizukage and making Danzou look more like Madara.
After all, if variable A had the potential to be equated to either B or C, and one of the variables, say C, were to be proven to not equate to A, that would leave B left. Would A necessarily equate to B? No, it would not, but the chances of it equating to B increases, even if it is a smidgen of chance.
...which lead you to believe:
Whether this was condescending sarcasm, it is, however, the logic I used for my opinion.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sidnne
Weak justification and ill-suited judgment for that post? Yes, but that was what immediately came to mind after I read that chapter. Ironically, to clarify my "clarification" post later in the thread, it was very wrong of me to use the word "evident" and my apologies go out to the confusion caused.
Aside from the abundance amounts of information supporting, extrapolating and/or theorizing a multiple-identities connection between Danzou or Orochimaru, my personal opinion on this matter is neutral (for anyone who cares).
So was page 17 a bonus page? At the bottom of 16 is says 'end'. Which could means that it was supposed to end there. I dont see that it would be out of order in any way. But I did find that odd that it was like that. Any ideas?
Page seventeen was on the back side of page sixteen. While the reader is holding Shonen Jump in his hands, he's reading Naruto and Kakashi talk about fatherhood. Then the reader sees "the end". Flip to the next page and what a surprise. There's a sudden revelation at the end -- something like a twist ending.
Edit: Seven hundredth post. Woot!
It only took me...six years.
Uhm no the pages are side by side, they always are, kishi just likes putting end on the right page instead of the left.